mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 09:08:05 +01:00
Finished total Quest Points display, starting crafted quest items
Check if crafting items (shift-click and regular click) counts for collecting items when placed into inventory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,6 +86,36 @@ public class Quest {
q.currentStage = stages.get(stages.indexOf(q.currentStage) + 1);
for (Entry e : q.currentStage.itemsToCollect.entrySet()) {
if ((Boolean) e.getValue() == true) {
Map<Material, Integer> tempMap = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : tempMap.entrySet()) {
questItems.put((Material) e2.getKey(), (Integer) e2.getValue());
for (Entry e : q.currentStage.itemsToCraft.entrySet()) {
if ((Boolean) e.getValue() == true) {
Map<Material, Integer> tempMap = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : tempMap.entrySet()) {
questItems.put((Material) e2.getKey(), (Integer) e2.getValue());
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "---(Objectives)---");
for(String s : q.getObjectives()){
@ -101,298 +101,23 @@ public class Quester {
public LinkedList<String> getObjectives() {
if(delayStartTime == 0){
LinkedList<String> unfinishedObjectives = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> finishedObjectives = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> objectives = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> unfinishedObjectives = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> finishedObjectives = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> objectives = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToDamage.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToDamage.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksDamaged.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksDamaged.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + (Integer) e2.getValue() + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToBreak.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksBroken.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToPlace.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksPlaced.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToCollect.entrySet()) {
Map<Material, Integer> map = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : map.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e3 : itemsCollected.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e3.getKey()).equals((Material) e2.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e3.getValue()) < ((Integer) e2.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Collect " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e3.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e3.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e2.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Collect " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e3.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e3.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e2.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToUse.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksUsed.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToCut.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksCut.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
if (currentStage.fishToCatch != null) {
if (fishCaught < currentStage.fishToCatch) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch);
Map set;
Map set2;
Set<Enchantment> enchantSet;
Set<Enchantment> enchantSet2;
Collection<Material> matSet;
Enchantment enchantment = null;
Enchantment enchantment2 = null;
Material mat = null;
int num1;
int num2;
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : itemsEnchanted.entrySet()) {
set = (Map<Enchantment, Material>) e2.getKey();
set2 = (Map<Enchantment, Material>) e.getKey();
enchantSet = (Set<Enchantment>) set.keySet();
enchantSet2 = (Set<Enchantment>) set2.keySet();
for (Object o : enchantSet.toArray()) {
enchantment = (Enchantment) o;
for (Object o : enchantSet2.toArray()) {
enchantment2 = (Enchantment) o;
num1 = (Integer) e2.getValue();
num2 = (Integer) e.getValue();
matSet = (Collection<Material>) set.values();
for (Object o : matSet.toArray()) {
mat = (Material) o;
if (enchantment2 == enchantment) {
if (num1 < num2) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2);
for (EntityType e : currentStage.mobsToKill) {
for (EntityType e2 : mobsKilled) {
if (e == e2) {
if (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2)) < currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))) {
if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
if (currentStage.playersToKill != null) {
if (playersKilled < currentStage.playersToKill) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill);
for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToInteract) {
for (Entry e : citizensInteracted.entrySet()) {
if (((NPC) e.getKey()).equals(n)) {
if (((Boolean) e.getValue()) == false) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Talk to " + n.getFullName());
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Talk to " + n.getName());
for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToKill) {
for (NPC n2 : citizensKilled) {
if (citizenNumKilled.get(citizensKilled.indexOf(n2)) < currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n))) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + n.getFullName() + ChatColor.GREEN + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)));
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + (Integer) e2.getValue() + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + n.getName() + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)));
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
@ -400,125 +125,372 @@ public class Quester {
for (Entry e : currentStage.mobsToTame.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : mobsTamed.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Tame " + getCapitalized(((EntityType) e.getKey()).getName()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Tame " + getCapitalized(((EntityType) e.getKey()).getName()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.sheepToShear.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : sheepSheared.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Shear " + ((DyeColor) e.getKey()).name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Shear " + ((DyeColor) e.getKey()).name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToCraft.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : itemsCrafted.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Craft " + prettyItemString(((Material) e.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Craft " + prettyItemString(((Material) e.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Location l : currentStage.locationsToReach) {
for (Location l2 : locationsReached) {
if (l.equals(l2)) {
if (hasReached.get(locationsReached.indexOf(l2)) == false) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l)));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l)));
return objectives;
long time;
if(delayTimeLeft > -1)
time = delayTimeLeft - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime);
time = currentStage.delay - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime);
LinkedList<String> obj = new LinkedList<String>();
String s;
if(currentStage.delayMessage != null){
s = currentStage.delayMessage;
s = plugin.parseString(s, currentQuest);
s = s.replaceAll("<time>", Quests.getTime(time));
s = ChatColor.YELLOW + "Wait " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + Quests.getTime(time) + ChatColor.YELLOW + ".";
return obj;
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToBreak.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksBroken.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToPlace.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksPlaced.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToCollect.entrySet()) {
Map<Material, Integer> map = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : map.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e3 : itemsCollected.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e3.getKey()).equals((Material) e2.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e3.getValue()) < ((Integer) e2.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Collect " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e3.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e3.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e2.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Collect " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e3.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e3.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e2.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToUse.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksUsed.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToCut.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : blocksCut.entrySet()) {
if (((Material) e2.getKey()).equals((Material) e.getKey())) {
if (((Integer) e2.getValue()) < ((Integer) e.getValue())) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(((Material) e2.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
if (currentStage.fishToCatch != null) {
if (fishCaught < currentStage.fishToCatch) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch);
Map set;
Map set2;
Set<Enchantment> enchantSet;
Set<Enchantment> enchantSet2;
Collection<Material> matSet;
Enchantment enchantment = null;
Enchantment enchantment2 = null;
Material mat = null;
int num1;
int num2;
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : itemsEnchanted.entrySet()) {
set = (Map<Enchantment, Material>) e2.getKey();
set2 = (Map<Enchantment, Material>) e.getKey();
enchantSet = (Set<Enchantment>) set.keySet();
enchantSet2 = (Set<Enchantment>) set2.keySet();
for (Object o : enchantSet.toArray()) {
enchantment = (Enchantment) o;
for (Object o : enchantSet2.toArray()) {
enchantment2 = (Enchantment) o;
num1 = (Integer) e2.getValue();
num2 = (Integer) e.getValue();
matSet = (Collection<Material>) set.values();
for (Object o : matSet.toArray()) {
mat = (Material) o;
if (enchantment2 == enchantment) {
if (num1 < num2) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2);
for (EntityType e : currentStage.mobsToKill) {
for (EntityType e2 : mobsKilled) {
if (e == e2) {
if (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2)) < currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))) {
if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))));
if (currentStage.playersToKill != null) {
if (playersKilled < currentStage.playersToKill) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill);
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill);
for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToInteract) {
for (Entry e : citizensInteracted.entrySet()) {
if (((NPC) e.getKey()).equals(n)) {
if (((Boolean) e.getValue()) == false) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Talk to " + n.getFullName());
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Talk to " + n.getName());
for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToKill) {
for (NPC n2 : citizensKilled) {
if (citizenNumKilled.get(citizensKilled.indexOf(n2)) < currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n))) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + n.getFullName() + ChatColor.GREEN + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + n.getName() + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)));
for (Entry e : currentStage.mobsToTame.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : mobsTamed.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Tame " + getCapitalized(((EntityType) e.getKey()).getName()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Tame " + getCapitalized(((EntityType) e.getKey()).getName()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.sheepToShear.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : sheepSheared.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Shear " + ((DyeColor) e.getKey()).name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Shear " + ((DyeColor) e.getKey()).name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToCraft.entrySet()) {
for (Entry e2 : itemsCrafted.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if ((Integer) e2.getValue() < (Integer) e.getValue()) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Craft " + prettyItemString(((Material) e.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Craft " + prettyItemString(((Material) e.getKey()).getId()) + ": " + ((Integer) e2.getValue()) + "/" + ((Integer) e.getValue()));
for (Location l : currentStage.locationsToReach) {
for (Location l2 : locationsReached) {
if (l.equals(l2)) {
if (hasReached.get(locationsReached.indexOf(l2)) == false) {
unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l)));
} else {
finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l)));
return objectives;
public boolean hasObjective(String s) {
@ -990,10 +962,28 @@ public class Quester {
if (itemsCrafted.containsKey(i.getType())) {
itemsCrafted.put(i.getType(), (itemsCrafted.get(i.getType()) + i.getAmount()));
for (EnumMap m : currentStage.itemsToCraft.keySet()) {
if (m.containsKey(i.getType())) {
if (itemsCrafted.get(i.getType()) < (Integer) m.get(i.getType())) {
int integer = itemsCrafted.get(i.getType());
if ((i.getAmount() + integer) >= (Integer) m.get(i.getType())) {
itemsCrafted.put(i.getType(), (Integer) m.get(i.getType()));
} else {
itemsCrafted.put(i.getType(), (integer + i.getAmount()));
if (itemsCrafted.get(i.getType()).equals((Integer) m.get(i.getType()))) {
finishObjective("craftItem", null, i, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
if (itemsCrafted.get(i.getType()) >= currentStage.itemsToCraft.get(i.getType())) {
finishObjective("craftItem", i.getType(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
@ -1034,16 +1024,7 @@ public class Quester {
} else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("collectItem")) {
String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Collect " + prettyItemString(itemstack.getTypeId());
for (Map<Material, Integer> map : currentStage.itemsToCollect.keySet()) {
if (map.containsKey(itemstack.getType())) {
message = message + " " + map.get(itemstack.getType()) + "/" + map.get(itemstack.getType());
message = message + " " + itemsCollected.get(material) + "/" + itemsCollected.get(material);
if (testComplete()) {
@ -1152,7 +1133,7 @@ public class Quester {
} else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("craftItem")) {
String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Craft " + prettyItemString(material.getId());
message = message + " " + currentStage.itemsToCraft.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.itemsToCraft.get(material);
message = message + " " + itemsCrafted.get(material) + "/" + itemsCrafted.get(material);
if (testComplete()) {
@ -1317,9 +1298,13 @@ public class Quester {
if (currentStage.itemsToCraft.isEmpty() == false) {
for (Material m : currentStage.itemsToCraft.keySet()) {
for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToCraft.entrySet()) {
itemsCrafted.put(m, 0);
for (Object o : ((Map) e.getKey()).keySet()) {
itemsCrafted.put((Material) o, 0);
@ -2599,14 +2584,11 @@ public class Quester {
public void startStageTimer(){
if(delayTimeLeft > -1){
System.out.println("Starting a new timer.");
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), delayTimeLeft/50);
System.out.println("Resuming timer.");
System.out.println("Delay: " + currentStage.delay/50 + " ticks. (" + (currentStage.delay/1000) + " seconds)");
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), currentStage.delay/50);
if(delayTimeLeft > -1)
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), delayTimeLeft*50);
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), currentStage.delay);
delayStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -1321,6 +1321,7 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
ConfigurationSection section1 = config.getConfigurationSection("quests");
boolean failedToLoad = false;
totalQuestPoints = 0;
boolean firstStage = true;
for (String s : section1.getKeys(false)) {
try {
@ -2344,18 +2345,14 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
for (Entry e : itemMap.entrySet()) {
if ((Boolean) e.getValue() == true) {
for (Entry e : itemMap.entrySet()) {
Map<Material, Integer> tempMap = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : tempMap.entrySet()) {
if ((Boolean) e.getValue() == true) {
if (quest.questItems.containsKey((Material) e2.getKey())) {
quest.questItems.put((Material) e2.getKey(), (quest.questItems.get((Material) e2.getKey()) + (Integer) e2.getValue()));
} else {
Map<Material, Integer> tempMap = (Map<Material, Integer>) e.getKey();
for (Entry e2 : tempMap.entrySet()) {
quest.questItems.put((Material) e2.getKey(), (Integer) e2.getValue());
@ -2644,13 +2641,30 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
if (Quests.checkList(config.getList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-item-amounts"), Integer.class)) {
List<Integer> craftIds = config.getIntegerList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-item-ids");
List<Integer> craftAmounts = config.getIntegerList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-item-amounts");
if(config.contains("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-quest-items")){
for (int i : craftIds) {
if(Quests.checkList(config.getList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-quest-items"), Boolean.class)){
stage.itemsToCraft.put(Material.getMaterial(i), craftAmounts.get(craftIds.indexOf(i)));
List<Integer> craftIds = config.getIntegerList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-item-ids");
List<Integer> craftAmounts = config.getIntegerList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-item-amounts");
List<Boolean> craftQuestItems = config.getBooleanList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".craft-quest-items");
for (int i : craftIds) {
EnumMap<Material, Integer> map = new EnumMap<Material, Integer>(Material.class);
quest.questItems.put(Material.getMaterial(i), craftAmounts.get(craftIds.indexOf(i)));
map.put(Material.getMaterial(i), craftAmounts.get(craftIds.indexOf(i)));
stage.itemsToCraft.put(map, craftQuestItems.get(craftIds.indexOf(i)));
printSevere(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Quests] " + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Stage " + s2 + ChatColor.GOLD + " of Quest " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + quest.name + ChatColor.GOLD + " is missing " + ChatColor.RED + "craft-quest-items:");
stageFailed = true;
} else {
@ -2686,7 +2700,7 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
if (config.contains("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".delay")) {
if (config.getLong("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".delay", -999) != -999){
@ -2698,11 +2712,11 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
if(config.contains("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".delay-message")){
stage.delayMessage = config.getString("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".delay-message");
stage.citizensToInteract = npcsToTalkTo;
@ -2711,6 +2725,7 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
firstStage = false;
@ -3709,12 +3724,12 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
public boolean checkQuester(String name){
for(String s : questerBlacklist){
if(Quests.checkQuester(name, s))
return true;
return false;
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ public class Stage {
LinkedList<Integer> radiiToKillWithin = new LinkedList<Integer>();
LinkedList<String> areaNames = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<NPC> citizensToInteract = new LinkedList<NPC>(){
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof LinkedList) {
LinkedList<NPC> otherList = (LinkedList<NPC>) o;
for (NPC n : this) {
NPC other = otherList.get(this.indexOf(n));
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class Stage {
return true;
LinkedList<NPC> citizensToKill = new LinkedList<NPC>() {
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ public class Stage {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof LinkedList) {
LinkedList<NPC> otherList = (LinkedList<NPC>) o;
for (NPC n : this) {
NPC other = otherList.get(this.indexOf(n));
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class Stage {
return true;
LinkedList<Integer> citizenNumToKill = new LinkedList<Integer>();
LinkedList<Location> locationsToReach = new LinkedList<Location>();
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class Stage {
LinkedList<String> locationNames = new LinkedList<String>();
Map<EntityType, Integer> mobsToTame = new EnumMap<EntityType, Integer>(EntityType.class);
Map<DyeColor, Integer> sheepToShear = new EnumMap<DyeColor, Integer>(DyeColor.class);
Map<Material, Integer> itemsToCraft = new EnumMap<Material, Integer>(Material.class);
Map<EnumMap<Material, Integer>, Boolean> itemsToCraft = new HashMap<EnumMap<Material, Integer>, Boolean>();
String script;
Event event;
long delay = -1;
@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ public class Stage {
} else if (other.event == null && event != null) {
return false;
if(other.delay != delay)
return false;
if (other.delayMessage != null && delayMessage != null) {
if (other.delayMessage.equals(delayMessage) == false) {
return false;
@ -18,25 +18,21 @@ public class StageTimer implements Runnable{
public void run(){
System.out.println("Delay is over.");
Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayerExact(quester.name);
if(quester.currentQuest.stages.indexOf(quester.currentStage) == (quester.currentQuest.stages.size() - 1)){
System.out.println("Quester is finished Quest.");
if(quester.currentStage.script != null)
plugin.trigger.parseQuestTaskTrigger(quester.currentStage.script, player);
if(quester.currentStage.event != null)
}else {
System.out.println("Quester is not finished Quest.");
player.sendMessage(plugin.parseString(quester.currentStage.finished, quester.currentQuest));
if(quester.currentStage.script != null)
@ -47,7 +43,7 @@ public class StageTimer implements Runnable{
quester.delayStartTime = 0;
quester.delayTimeLeft = -1;
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "---(Objectives)---");
for(String s : quester.getObjectives()){
@ -57,8 +53,6 @@ public class StageTimer implements Runnable{
quester.delayOver = true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user