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synced 2025-03-11 22:29:04 +01:00
Fixed mobs-to-kill not reading certain mobs
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
package me.blackvein.quests;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.CK;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversable;
import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedListener;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationFactory;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationPrefix;
import org.bukkit.conversations.Prompt;
import org.bukkit.conversations.StringPrompt;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Party implements ConversationAbandonedListener, ColorUtil{
public static final String partyPrefix = PURPLE + "[" + PINK + "Party" + PURPLE + "] " + RESET;
public static ConversationFactory factory;
private final LinkedList<Quester> members;
private Quester leader;
private Quest currentQuest = null;
private Quests quests = null;
public Party(Quests plugin, Quester q){
quests = plugin;
members = new LinkedList<Quester>();
leader = q;
public void initFactory(){
factory = new ConversationFactory(quests)
.withPrefix(new PartyPrefix())
.withFirstPrompt(new InvitePrompt())
.thatExcludesNonPlayersWithMessage("Console may not perform this conversation!")
public void addMember(Quester q){
public void removeMember(Quester q){
public void setLeader(Quester q){
leader = q;
public void disband(){
leader.currentStage = null;
leader.currentQuest = null;
for(Quester quester : members){
quester.currentStage = null;
quester.currentQuest = null;
leader = null;
currentQuest = null;
public void setQuest(Quest q){
currentQuest = q;
public void sendMessage(String msg){
for(Quester q : members){
q.getPlayer().sendMessage(partyPrefix + msg);
public void sendMessageEx(String msg, Quester exclude){
for(Quester q : members){
if(q != exclude)
q.getPlayer().sendMessage(partyPrefix + msg);
public LinkedList<Quester> getAllMembers(){
return members;
public LinkedList<Quester> getMembers(){
LinkedList<Quester> mems = new LinkedList<Quester>();
return mems;
public Quester getLeader(){
return leader;
public Quester getMember(Player p){
return getMember(p.getName());
public Quester getMember(String s){
for(Quester q : members){
return q;
return null;
public Quest getQuest(){
return currentQuest;
public void cancelQuest(){
for(Quester quester : members){
quester.currentStage = null;
quester.currentQuest = null;
currentQuest = null;
public boolean isLeader(Quester quester){
return leader == quester;
public void sendInvite(Quester target){
if (factory == null) {
Player player = target.getPlayer();
Conversation conversation = factory.buildConversation((Conversable)player);
conversation.getContext().setSessionData(CK.P_INVITER, getLeader().getPlayer().getName());
public void checkSize(){
int size = members.size();
if(currentQuest != null){
if(currentQuest.parties > size){
sendMessage(RED + "Your party size is not large enough to continue " + PINK + currentQuest.name + RED + ". The Quest has been cancelled.");
public int getSize(){
return members.size();
public void conversationAbandoned(ConversationAbandonedEvent event) {
//TODO: support this.
//Player player = (Player) event.getContext().getForWhom();
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
private static class PartyPrefix implements ConversationPrefix {
public String getPrefix(ConversationContext cc) {
return "" + GRAY;
private class InvitePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = partyPrefix + PINK + "You have been invited to " + PURPLE + ((String) context.getSessionData(CK.P_INVITER)) + PINK + "'s party.\n";
return text + YELLOW + "Accept Invite? " + GREEN + "Yes / No";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String s) {
Player invited = (Player) context.getForWhom();
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
String inviterName = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.P_INVITER);
Quester quester = quests.getQuester(invited.getName());
//send message to inviter and invited
quester.getPlayer().sendMessage(partyPrefix + YELLOW + "Accepted invite.");
Bukkit.getPlayerExact(inviterName).sendMessage(partyPrefix + GREEN + invited.getName() + YELLOW + " has accepted your invitation.");
} else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("No")) {
String inviterName = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.P_INVITER);
invited.sendMessage(partyPrefix + YELLOW + "Declined invite.");
Bukkit.getPlayerExact(inviterName).sendMessage(partyPrefix + GREEN + invited.getName() + YELLOW + " has declined your invitation.");
} else {
invited.sendMessage(RED + "Invalid choice. Type \'Yes\' or \'No\'");
return new InvitePrompt();
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package me.blackvein.quests;
import java.util.Collections;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil;
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import com.comphenix.net.sf.cglib.core.CollectionUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
public class Quest {
public String name;
@ -116,19 +116,6 @@ public class Quester {
public Party getParty(){
for(Party p : plugin.parties){
if(p.getMember(name) != null)
return p;
return null;
public LinkedList<String> getObjectives() {
LinkedList<String> unfinishedObjectives = new LinkedList<String>();
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener,
public Denizen denizen = null;
QuestTaskTrigger trigger;
final Map<String, Quester> questers = new HashMap<String, Quester>();
final LinkedList<Party> parties = new LinkedList<Party>();
final LinkedList<Quest> quests = new LinkedList<Quest>();
public final LinkedList<Event> events = new LinkedList<Event>();
final LinkedList<NPC> questNPCs = new LinkedList<NPC>();
@ -979,195 +978,6 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener,
return true;
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("party")) {
if(cs instanceof Player){
Player player = (Player) cs;
Quester quester = getQuester(player.getName());
if(args.length == 1){
if(quester.getParty() == null){
if(quester.currentQuest == null){
Party party = new Party(this, quester);
getServer().broadcastMessage(Party.partyPrefix + PINK + "" + BOLD + player.getName() + RESET + "" + PINK + " created a Quest Party!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You may not create a party while you are on a Quest.");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You are already in a party!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You do not have permission to create parties.");
return true;
}else if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("leave")){
if(quester.getParty() != null){
Party party = quester.getParty();
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + YELLOW + "You have left your party.");
party.sendMessageEx(RED + "The party leader has left the party. The party has been disbanded.", quester);
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + YELLOW + "You have left your party.");
party.sendMessageEx(YELLOW + player.getName() + PINK + " has left the party.", quester);
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You are not in a party!");
return true;
}else if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("info")){
if(quester.getParty() != null){
Party party = quester.getParty();
Quest current = party.getQuest();
Quester leader = party.getLeader();
LinkedList<Quester> members = party.getMembers();
player.sendMessage(PURPLE + "- " + PINK + "Party" + PURPLE + " -");
player.sendMessage(YELLOW + "" + BOLD + "Current Quest: " + RESET + "" + YELLOW + ((current != null) ? current.getName() : "(None)"));
player.sendMessage(PINK + "" + BOLD + "Leader: " + RESET + "" + PINK + leader.name);
player.sendMessage(PURPLE + "" + BOLD + "Members: " + RESET + "" + PURPLE + "(None)");
player.sendMessage(PURPLE + "" + BOLD + "Members: " + RESET);
for(Quester q : members)
player.sendMessage(PURPLE + " - " + q.name);
if(maxPartySize > 0)
player.sendMessage(PINK + "Max Party Size: " + maxPartySize);
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You are not in a party!");
return true;
}else if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("invite")){
if(args.length == 3){
if(quester.getParty() != null){
Party party = quester.getParty();
Quest current = party.getQuest();
if(current == null){
if(maxPartySize < 1 || party.getSize() >= maxPartySize){
String search = args[2];
Player found = null;
for(Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
if(p.getName().toLowerCase().contains(search.toLowerCase()) || p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(search)){
found = p;
if(found != null){
if (found.getName().equals(player.getName())) {
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "you can't invite yourself!");
return true;
if(getQuester(found.getName()).getParty() == null){
//TODO: Invite player to party!
party.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + PINK + "" + BOLD + player.getName() + RESET + "" + PINK + " invited: " + BOLD + found.getName() + RESET + "" + PINK + " to the party!" );
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "" + BOLD + found.getName() + RESET + "" + RED + " is already in a party!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "Player not found!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "Your party is too large!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You may not invite players to your party while on a Quest!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You are not the leader of your party!");
return true;
return true;
player.sendMessage(Party.partyPrefix + RED + "You are not in a party!");
return true;
player.sendMessage(YELLOW + "Usage: /quests party invite <player>");
return true;
cs.sendMessage(YELLOW + "This command may only be performed in-game.");
return true;
return true;
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info")) {
cs.sendMessage(GOLD + "Quests " + this.getDescription().getVersion());
@ -2699,103 +2509,9 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener,
List<String> mobNames = config.getStringList("quests." + s + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".mobs-to-kill");
for (String mob : mobNames) {
if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Blaze")) {
EntityType type = getMobType(mob);
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("CaveSpider")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Chicken")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Cow")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Creeper")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Enderman")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("EnderDragon")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Ghast")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Giant")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("IronGolem")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("MagmaCube")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("MushroomCow")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Ocelot")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Pig")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("PigZombie")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Sheep")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Silverfish")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Skeleton")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Slime")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Snowman")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Spider")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Squid")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Villager")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Wolf")) {
} else if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Zombie")) {
if (type != null) {
@ -5,14 +5,11 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import me.blackvein.quests.ColorUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.ItemData;
import me.blackvein.quests.ItemData.Data;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quester;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package me.blackvein.quests.prompts;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import me.blackvein.quests.ColorUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.QuestFactory;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quester;
@ -11,7 +10,6 @@ import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.CK;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.Lang;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext;
import org.bukkit.conversations.FixedSetPrompt;
import org.bukkit.conversations.NumericPrompt;
@ -1,113 +1,111 @@
package me.blackvein.quests.util;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
public class CK {
public static String ED_QUEST_EDIT = "edit";
public static String ED_QUEST_DELETE = "delQuest";
public static String ED_EVENT_DELETE = "delEvent";
public static final String ED_QUEST_EDIT = "edit";
public static final String ED_QUEST_DELETE = "delQuest";
public static final String ED_EVENT_DELETE = "delEvent";
public static String Q_NAME = "questName";
public static String Q_ASK_MESSAGE = "askMessage";
public static String Q_FINISH_MESSAGE = "finishMessage";
public static String Q_REDO_DELAY = "redoDelay";
public static String Q_START_NPC = "npcStart";
public static String Q_START_BLOCK= "blockStart";
public static String Q_FAIL_MESSAGE = "failMessage";
public static String Q_INITIAL_EVENT = "initialEvent";
public static final String Q_NAME = "questName";
public static final String Q_ASK_MESSAGE = "askMessage";
public static final String Q_FINISH_MESSAGE = "finishMessage";
public static final String Q_REDO_DELAY = "redoDelay";
public static final String Q_START_NPC = "npcStart";
public static final String Q_START_BLOCK= "blockStart";
public static final String Q_FAIL_MESSAGE = "failMessage";
public static final String Q_INITIAL_EVENT = "initialEvent";
public static String REQ_MONEY = "moneyReq";
public static String REQ_QUEST_POINTS = "questPointsReq";
public static String REQ_ITEMS = "itemReqs";
public static String REQ_ITEMS_REMOVE = "removeItemReqs";
public static String REQ_PERMISSION = "permissionReqs";
public static String REQ_QUEST = "questReqs";
public static String REQ_QUEST_BLOCK= "questBlocks";
public static final String REQ_MONEY = "moneyReq";
public static final String REQ_QUEST_POINTS = "questPointsReq";
public static final String REQ_ITEMS = "itemReqs";
public static final String REQ_ITEMS_REMOVE = "removeItemReqs";
public static final String REQ_PERMISSION = "permissionReqs";
public static final String REQ_QUEST = "questReqs";
public static final String REQ_QUEST_BLOCK= "questBlocks";
public static String REW_MONEY = "moneyRew";
public static String REW_QUEST_POINTS = "questPointsRew";
public static String REW_ITEMS = "itemRews";
public static String REW_EXP = "expRew";
public static String REW_COMMAND = "commandRews";
public static String REW_PERMISSION = "permissionRews";
public static String REW_MCMMO_SKILLS = "mcMMOSkillRews";
public static String REW_MCMMO_AMOUNTS = "mcMMOSkillAmounts";
public static final String REW_MONEY = "moneyRew";
public static final String REW_QUEST_POINTS = "questPointsRew";
public static final String REW_ITEMS = "itemRews";
public static final String REW_EXP = "expRew";
public static final String REW_COMMAND = "commandRews";
public static final String REW_PERMISSION = "permissionRews";
public static final String REW_MCMMO_SKILLS = "mcMMOSkillRews";
public static final String REW_MCMMO_AMOUNTS = "mcMMOSkillAmounts";
public static String S_BREAK_IDS = "breakIds";
public static String S_BREAK_AMOUNTS = "breakAmounts";
public static String S_DAMAGE_IDS = "damageIds";
public static String S_DAMAGE_AMOUNTS = "damageAmounts";
public static String S_PLACE_IDS = "placeIds";
public static String S_PLACE_AMOUNTS = "placeAmounts";
public static String S_USE_IDS = "useIds";
public static String S_USE_AMOUNTS = "useAmounts";
public static String S_CUT_IDS = "useIds";
public static String S_CUT_AMOUNTS = "cutAmounts";
public static String S_FISH = "fish";
public static String S_PLAYER_KILL = "playerKill";
public static String S_ENCHANT_TYPES = "enchantTypes";
public static String S_ENCHANT_IDS = "enchantIds";
public static String S_ENCHANT_AMOUNTS = "enchantAmounts";
public static String S_DELIVERY_ITEMS = "deliveryItems";
public static String S_DELIVERY_NPCS = "deliveryNPCs";
public static String S_DELIVERY_MESSAGES = "deliveryMessages";
public static String S_NPCS_TO_TALK_TO = "npcIdsToTalkTo";
public static String S_NPCS_TO_KILL = "npcIdsToKill";
public static String S_NPCS_TO_KILL_AMOUNTS = "npcAmountsToKill";
public static String S_BOSS_IDS = "bossIds";
public static String S_BOSS_AMOUNTS = "bossAmounts";
public static String S_MOB_TYPES = "mobTypes";
public static String S_MOB_AMOUNTS = "mobAmounts";
public static String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS = "killLocations";
public static String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS_RADIUS = "killLocationRadii";
public static String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS_NAMES = "killLocationNames";
public static String S_REACH_LOCATIONS = "reachLocations";
public static String S_REACH_LOCATIONS_RADIUS = "reachLocationRadii";
public static String S_REACH_LOCATIONS_NAMES = "reachLocationNames";
public static String S_TAME_TYPES = "tameTypes";
public static String S_TAME_AMOUNTS = "tameAmounts";
public static String S_SHEAR_COLORS = "shearColors";
public static String S_SHEAR_AMOUNTS = "shearAmounts";
public static String S_EVENT = "event";
public static String S_DELAY = "delay";
public static String S_DELAY_MESSAGE = "delayMessage";
public static String S_DENIZEN = "denizen";
public static String S_COMPLETE_MESSAGE = "completeMessage";
public static String S_START_MESSAGE = "startMessage";
public static final String S_BREAK_IDS = "breakIds";
public static final String S_BREAK_AMOUNTS = "breakAmounts";
public static final String S_DAMAGE_IDS = "damageIds";
public static final String S_DAMAGE_AMOUNTS = "damageAmounts";
public static final String S_PLACE_IDS = "placeIds";
public static final String S_PLACE_AMOUNTS = "placeAmounts";
public static final String S_USE_IDS = "useIds";
public static final String S_USE_AMOUNTS = "useAmounts";
public static final String S_CUT_IDS = "useIds";
public static final String S_CUT_AMOUNTS = "cutAmounts";
public static final String S_FISH = "fish";
public static final String S_PLAYER_KILL = "playerKill";
public static final String S_ENCHANT_TYPES = "enchantTypes";
public static final String S_ENCHANT_IDS = "enchantIds";
public static final String S_ENCHANT_AMOUNTS = "enchantAmounts";
public static final String S_DELIVERY_ITEMS = "deliveryItems";
public static final String S_DELIVERY_NPCS = "deliveryNPCs";
public static final String S_DELIVERY_MESSAGES = "deliveryMessages";
public static final String S_NPCS_TO_TALK_TO = "npcIdsToTalkTo";
public static final String S_NPCS_TO_KILL = "npcIdsToKill";
public static final String S_NPCS_TO_KILL_AMOUNTS = "npcAmountsToKill";
public static final String S_BOSS_IDS = "bossIds";
public static final String S_BOSS_AMOUNTS = "bossAmounts";
public static final String S_MOB_TYPES = "mobTypes";
public static final String S_MOB_AMOUNTS = "mobAmounts";
public static final String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS = "killLocations";
public static final String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS_RADIUS = "killLocationRadii";
public static final String S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS_NAMES = "killLocationNames";
public static final String S_REACH_LOCATIONS = "reachLocations";
public static final String S_REACH_LOCATIONS_RADIUS = "reachLocationRadii";
public static final String S_REACH_LOCATIONS_NAMES = "reachLocationNames";
public static final String S_TAME_TYPES = "tameTypes";
public static final String S_TAME_AMOUNTS = "tameAmounts";
public static final String S_SHEAR_COLORS = "shearColors";
public static final String S_SHEAR_AMOUNTS = "shearAmounts";
public static final String S_EVENT = "event";
public static final String S_DELAY = "delay";
public static final String S_DELAY_MESSAGE = "delayMessage";
public static final String S_DENIZEN = "denizen";
public static final String S_COMPLETE_MESSAGE = "completeMessage";
public static final String S_START_MESSAGE = "startMessage";
public static String E_OLD_EVENT = "oldEvent";
public static String E_NAME = "evtName";
public static String E_MESSAGE = "evtMessage";
public static String E_CLEAR_INVENTORY = "evtClearInv";
public static String E_ITEMS = "evtItems";
public static String E_ITEMS_AMOUNTS = "evtItemAmounts";
public static String E_EXPLOSIONS = "evtExplosions";
public static String E_EFFECTS = "evtEffects";
public static String E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS = "evtEffectLocations";
public static String E_WORLD_STORM = "evtStormWorld";
public static String E_WORLD_STORM_DURATION = "evtStormDuration";
public static String E_WORLD_THUNDER = "evtThunderWorld";
public static String E_WORLD_THUNDER_DURATION = "evtThunderDuration";
public static String E_MOB_TYPES = "evtMobTypes";
public static String E_MOB_AMOUNTS = "evtMobAmounts";
public static String E_MOB_LOCATIONS = "evtMobLocations";
public static String E_LIGHTNING = "evtLightningStrikes";
public static String E_POTION_TYPES = "evtPotionTypes";
public static String E_POTION_DURATIONS = "evtPotionDurations";
public static String E_POTION_STRENGHT = "evtPotionMagnitudes";
public static String E_HUNGER = "evtHunger";
public static String E_SATURATION = "evtSaturation";
public static String E_HEALTH = "evtHealth";
public static String E_TELEPORT = "evtTeleportLocation";
public static String E_COMMANDS = "evtCommands";
public static final String E_OLD_EVENT = "oldEvent";
public static final String E_NAME = "evtName";
public static final String E_MESSAGE = "evtMessage";
public static final String E_CLEAR_INVENTORY = "evtClearInv";
public static final String E_ITEMS = "evtItems";
public static final String E_ITEMS_AMOUNTS = "evtItemAmounts";
public static final String E_EXPLOSIONS = "evtExplosions";
public static final String E_EFFECTS = "evtEffects";
public static final String E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS = "evtEffectLocations";
public static final String E_WORLD_STORM = "evtStormWorld";
public static final String E_WORLD_STORM_DURATION = "evtStormDuration";
public static final String E_WORLD_THUNDER = "evtThunderWorld";
public static final String E_WORLD_THUNDER_DURATION = "evtThunderDuration";
public static final String E_MOB_TYPES = "evtMobTypes";
public static final String E_MOB_AMOUNTS = "evtMobAmounts";
public static final String E_MOB_LOCATIONS = "evtMobLocations";
public static final String E_LIGHTNING = "evtLightningStrikes";
public static final String E_POTION_TYPES = "evtPotionTypes";
public static final String E_POTION_DURATIONS = "evtPotionDurations";
public static final String E_POTION_STRENGHT = "evtPotionMagnitudes";
public static final String E_HUNGER = "evtHunger";
public static final String E_SATURATION = "evtSaturation";
public static final String E_HEALTH = "evtHealth";
public static final String E_TELEPORT = "evtTeleportLocation";
public static final String E_COMMANDS = "evtCommands";
public static String P_INVITER = "inviter";
public static final String P_INVITER = "inviter";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user