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synced 2025-03-11 06:14:57 +01:00
Merge pull request #589 from FlyingPikachu/l10n_master
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "قم بإدخال قيمة ل <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "قم بإدخال قيمة ل <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "<green>لديك ثانية <red>%s <green>لإنهاء هذه ال
questErrorReadingFile: "حدث خطأ أثناء قراءة ملف المسعى."
questErrorReadingFile: "حدث خطأ أثناء قراءة ملف المسعى."
questSaveError: "حدث خطأ أثناء الحفظ."
questSaveError: "حدث خطأ أثناء الحفظ."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Zadejte jméno vlastního cíle který chcete přidat,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Tento vlastní cíl již byl přidán!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Tento vlastní cíl již byl přidán!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Vlastní cíle vyčištěny."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Vlastní cíle vyčištěny."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Zadejte hodnotu pro <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Zadejte hodnotu pro <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Napiš jméno blocku (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Napiš jméno blocku, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství zničení (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství zničení (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství poškození (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství poškození (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství položení (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Napiš množství položení (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Máte %red% <time> sekund%green% k dokončení úkolu/fáze"
questErrorReadingFile: "Chyba při čtení souborů úkolů."
questErrorReadingFile: "Chyba při čtení souborů úkolů."
questSaveError: "Při ukládání nastala chyba."
questSaveError: "Při ukládání nastala chyba."
noPermission: "Nemáte k tomu povolení."
noPermission: "Nemáte k tomu povolení."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Skriv navnet på den håndlavede objektivet for at til
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dette håndlavede objekt er allerede blevet tilføjet!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dette håndlavede objekt er allerede blevet tilføjet!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Håndlavede objekt ryddet."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Håndlavede objekt ryddet."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Skriv værdien for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Skriv værdien for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Skriv blok navne (eller ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Skriv blok navne, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal ødelæggelse af blokke (skal være tal), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal ødelæggelse af blokke (skal være tal), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal skade (skal være tal), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal skade (skal være tal), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal blokke sat (I tal), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal blokke sat (I tal), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Sæt navnet"
itemCreateSetName: "Sæt navnet"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Sæt antal"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Sæt antal"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Sæt holdbarheden"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Sæt holdbarheden"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Fejl ved læsning af quests fil."
questErrorReadingFile: "Fejl ved læsning af quests fil."
questSaveError: "Der opstod en fejl under gemning."
questSaveError: "Der opstod en fejl under gemning."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Du musst den Namen eines benutzerdefinierten Ziels ein
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dieses benutzerdefinierte Ziel wurde bereits hinzugefügt!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dieses benutzerdefinierte Ziel wurde bereits hinzugefügt!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Benutzerdefinierte Ziele gelöscht."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Benutzerdefinierte Ziele gelöscht."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Geben Sie den Wert für <data> ein:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Geben Sie den Wert für <data> ein:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Gib den Blocknamen (oder ID) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Gib den Blocknamen ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Abbaumengen (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Abbaumengen (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Schadensmenge (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Schadensmenge (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Menge zum Platzieren (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Gib die Menge zum Platzieren (zahlen) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Du hat%red% <time> Sekunden%green% um diese Quest/Abschnitt
questErrorReadingFile: "Fehler beim Lesen der Questdatei."
questErrorReadingFile: "Fehler beim Lesen der Questdatei."
questSaveError: "Beim Speichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
questSaveError: "Beim Speichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
noPermission: "Du hast keine Erlaubnis das zu tun."
noPermission: "Du hast keine Erlaubnis das zu tun."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter th' name o' a custom objective t' add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value fer <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value fer <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Ye 'ave%red% <time> seconds%green% t' finish this quest/stag
questErrorReadingFile: "Error readin' Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error readin' Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while savin'."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while savin'."
noPermission: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' do that."
noPermission: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' do that."
difference: "Th' difference be '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: "Uso: /quests top [number]"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Muestra información del plugin"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Muestra información del plugin"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- Mostrar objetivos de Búsqueda actuales"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- Mostrar objetivos de Búsqueda actuales"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[misión] - Muestra información de Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[búsqueda] - Muestra información de Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Ver ayuda de Questadmin"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Ver ayuda de Questadmin"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [jugador] - Ver estadísticas de Búsqueda de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [jugador] - Ver estadísticas de Búsqueda de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [misión] - Forsar a un jugador entrar a una Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Forsar a un jugador entrar a una Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [misión] - Forsar a un jugador a salirse de una Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Forsar a un jugador a salirse de una Búsqueda"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [cantidad] - Establece los puntos de Búsqueda a un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [cantidad] - Establece los puntos de Búsqueda a un jugador"
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [cantidad] - Dar puntos
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [monto] - Establecer Puntos de Búsqueda a todos los jugadores"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [monto] - Establecer Puntos de Búsqueda a todos los jugadores"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [misión] - Forzar a completar la Búsqueda a un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Forzar a completar la Búsqueda a un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [misión] - Forzar a completar inmediatamente una etapa a un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Forzar a completar inmediatamente una etapa a un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Establecer el escenario actual para un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] [escenario] - Establecer el escenario actual para un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Uso: /questadmin setstage [jugador] [misión] [escenario]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Uso: /questadmin setstage [jugador] [búsqueda] [escenario]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [jugador] - Reinicia todos los datos de la Búsqueda de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [jugador] - Reinicia todos los datos de la Búsqueda de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [quest] - Remueve una Búsqueda completada de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Remueve una Búsqueda completada de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Activa/Desactiva el menú para visualizar la Búsqueda en un NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Activa/Desactiva el menú para visualizar la Búsqueda en un NPC"
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Ingrese el nombre de un objetivo personalizado para a
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "¡Ese objetivo personalizado ya ha sido añadido!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "¡Ese objetivo personalizado ya ha sido añadido!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Objetivos personalizados borrados."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Objetivos personalizados borrados."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Introduzca el valor para <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Introduzca el valor para <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Introduce nombres de bloques (o IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Introduce nombres de bloques, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de bloques (números), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de bloques (números), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de daños (números), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de daños (números), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de lugares (números), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Introduzca cantidad de lugares (números), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Usted tiene%red% <time> segundos%green% para terminar la bú
questErrorReadingFile: "Error en la lectura de la carpeta de la Búsqueda."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error en la lectura de la carpeta de la Búsqueda."
questSaveError: "A ocurrido un error al guardar."
questSaveError: "A ocurrido un error al guardar."
noPermission: "No tienes permiso para hacer eso."
noPermission: "No tienes permiso para hacer eso."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Ilagay ang pangalan ng mga kasuotan at layunin nito, <
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ang kasuotan na may layunin ay nailagay na!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ang kasuotan na may layunin ay nailagay na!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Kasuotan na may layunin ay malinis na."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Kasuotan na may layunin ay malinis na."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Ilagay ang halaga ng <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Ilagay ang halaga ng <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Ilagay ang harang na pangalan (o IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Ilagay ang harang na pangalan, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Pindutin at sirain ang halaga (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Mayroon ka%red% <time> segundo%green% para taposin ang pagsu
questErrorReadingFile: "Di mabasang file ng pagsusulit."
questErrorReadingFile: "Di mabasang file ng pagsusulit."
questSaveError: "Mayroong error ang lumabas habang ikaw ay nagsisave."
questSaveError: "Mayroong error ang lumabas habang ikaw ay nagsisave."
noPermission: "Wala kang pahintulot na gawin iyon."
noPermission: "Wala kang pahintulot na gawin iyon."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Entrez le nom d'un objectif customisé pour l'ajouter,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Cet objectif customisé a déjà été ajouté !"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Cet objectif customisé a déjà été ajouté !"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Objectifs personnalisés effacés."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Objectifs personnalisés effacés."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Entrez la valeur pour <data> :"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Entrez la valeur pour <data> :"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Entrez les noms de blocs (ou IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Entrez les noms de blocs, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants de rupture (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants de rupture (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants des dommages (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants des dommages (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants à placer (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Entrez les montants à placer (nombres), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Vous avez%red% <time> secondes%green% pour terminer cette qu
questErrorReadingFile: "Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de quêtes."
questErrorReadingFile: "Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de quêtes."
questSaveError: "Une erreur s’est produite lors de la sauvegarde."
questSaveError: "Une erreur s’est produite lors de la sauvegarde."
noPermission: "Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour effectuer cette action."
noPermission: "Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour effectuer cette action."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Add meg a hozzáadni kívánt egyéni cél nevét, <cl
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ez az egyéni cél már hozzá van adva!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ez az egyéni cél már hozzá van adva!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Egyéni célok törölve."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Egyéni célok törölve."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Adja meg a(z) <data> értéket:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Adja meg a(z) <data> értéket:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Add meg a blokkneveket (vagy azonosítókat), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Add meg a blokkneveket, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a szünetek számát (számok), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a szünetek számát (számok), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a sebzés összegeit (számok), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a sebzés összegeit (számok), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a helyek mennyiségét (számokat), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Add meg a helyek mennyiségét (számokat), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Van%red% <time> másodperced%green% befejezni a küldetést/
questErrorReadingFile: "Hiba történt a Quests fájl olvasása közben."
questErrorReadingFile: "Hiba történt a Quests fájl olvasása közben."
questSaveError: "Hiba történt a mentés közben."
questSaveError: "Hiba történt a mentés közben."
noPermission: "Nincs jogod ehhez."
noPermission: "Nincs jogod ehhez."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Masukkan nama tujuan khusus untuk ditambahkan, <clear>
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Tujuan khusus itu telah ditambahkan!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Tujuan khusus itu telah ditambahkan!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Tujuan khusus dihapus."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Tujuan khusus dihapus."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Masukkan nilai untuk <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Masukkan nilai untuk <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Masukkan nama blok (atau ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Masukkan nama blok, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah istirahat (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah istirahat (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah kerusakan (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah kerusakan (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah tempat (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah tempat (angka), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Kamu punya%red% <time> detik%green% untuk menyelesaikan penc
questErrorReadingFile: "Kesalahan saat membaca berkas Pencarian."
questErrorReadingFile: "Kesalahan saat membaca berkas Pencarian."
questSaveError: "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan."
questSaveError: "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan."
noPermission: "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan itu."
noPermission: "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan itu."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Inserisci il nome di un obiettivo personalizzato da ag
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Quell'obiettivo personalizzato è già stato aggiunto!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Quell'obiettivo personalizzato è già stato aggiunto!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Obiettivi personalizzati cancellato."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Obiettivi personalizzati cancellato."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Inserire el valore per<data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Inserire el valore per<data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Immettere blocco nomi (o ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Immettere blocco nomi, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Inserisci gli importi delle interruzioni (numeri), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Inserisci gli importi delle interruzioni (numeri), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Inserissci gli importi dei danni (numero), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Inserissci gli importi dei danni (numero), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Inserisci gli importi del luogo (numeri), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Inserisci gli importi del luogo (numeri), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Tu hai%red% <time> ssecondi%green% per finire questa ricerca
questErrorReadingFile: "Errore durante la lettura del file missione."
questErrorReadingFile: "Errore durante la lettura del file missione."
questSaveError: "Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio."
questSaveError: "Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio."
noPermission: "Non hai il permesso di farlo."
noPermission: "Non hai il permesso di farlo."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Set enchant amounts"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amounts"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amounts"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Set enchantments"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Set enchantments"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "NPCのIDを設定する"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Set mob types"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "モンスターのタイプを設定する"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Set kill locations"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Set kill locations"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Set kill location radii"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Set kill location radii"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Set kill location names"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Set kill location names"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Set locations"
stageEditorSetLocations: "場所を設定"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Set location radii"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Set location radii"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Set location names"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Set location names"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Set tame amounts"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Set tame amounts"
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "<red>%s 秒 <green> 以内に処理せよ"
questErrorReadingFile: "クエスト ファイルの読み取りエラーです。"
questErrorReadingFile: "クエスト ファイルの読み取りエラーです。"
questSaveError: "保存中にエラーが発生しました。"
questSaveError: "保存中にエラーが発生しました。"
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Vul de naam in van een aangepast objectief om hem toe
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Die custom Quest is al geadd!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Die custom Quest is al geadd!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom Quest cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom Quest cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Typ waarde voor <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Typ waarde voor <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Typ blok namen (of IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Typ blok namen, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal dat gebroken moet worden (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal dat gebroken moet worden (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Typ aanvallen die moeten worden gedaan (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Typ aanvallen die moeten worden gedaan (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal geplaatste (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal geplaatste (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ stageEditorPasswordNotSameSize: "De wachtwoord vertoning en wachtwoord zin lijst
stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: "Lijst bevat duplicaten!"
stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: "Lijst bevat duplicaten!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Uitstel tijd verwijdert."
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Uitstel tijd verwijdert."
stageEditorDelayMessageCleared: "Uitstel bericht verwijdert."
stageEditorDelayMessageCleared: "Uitstel bericht verwijdert."
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script cleared."
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script gewist."
stageEditorBreakBlocksCleared: "Break blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorBreakBlocksCleared: "Break blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorDamageBlocksCleared: "Damage blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorDamageBlocksCleared: "Damage blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorPlaceBlocksCleared: "Place blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorPlaceBlocksCleared: "Place blocks objective cleared."
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error tijdens het lezen van het Quests bestand."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error tijdens het lezen van het Quests bestand."
questSaveError: "Er ging iets mis tijdens het opslaan."
questSaveError: "Er ging iets mis tijdens het opslaan."
noPermission: "Je hebt geen toestemming om dat te doen."
noPermission: "Je hebt geen toestemming om dat te doen."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Wprowadź nazwę niestandardowego celu aby go dodać,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ten niestandardowy cel został już dodany!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ten niestandardowy cel został już dodany!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Niestandardowe cele wyczyszczone."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Niestandardowe cele wyczyszczone."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Wprowadź wartość dla <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Wprowadź wartość dla <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Wpisz nazwę bloku (lub jego ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Wpisz nazwę bloku, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę zużycia (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę zużycia (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę obrażeń (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę obrażeń (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę miejsc (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Wpisz liczbę miejsc (numery), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Masz%red% <time> sekund%green% na zakończenie tego zadania"
questErrorReadingFile: "Wystąpił błąd."
questErrorReadingFile: "Wystąpił błąd."
questSaveError: "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisu."
questSaveError: "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisu."
noPermission: "Nie masz na to pozwolenia."
noPermission: "Nie masz na to pozwolenia."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Insira valores nominais, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Digite as cores das ovelhas, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Digite as cores das ovelhas, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Insira valores de cisalhamento, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Insira valores de cisalhamento, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Digite um nome de evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Digite um nome de evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Digite o nome do Evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Digite o nome do Evento para adicionar, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint: "(This is the text that a player must enter to co
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(This override will display your own text as the objective)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(This override will display your own text as the objective)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objective display override cleared."
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objective display override cleared."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Add item"
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Adicionar item"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
stageEditorContainsDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
stageEditorContainsDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
@ -239,15 +239,15 @@ stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "is not a valid enchantment name!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidNumber: "não é um número!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "O evento já está na lista!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "is not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "não é uma lista de números!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "You must set at least one delivery message!"
stageEditorNoNPCs: "You must set NPC IDs first!"
stageEditorNoNPCs: "You must set NPC IDs first!"
stageEditorNoMobTypes: "You must set mob types first!"
stageEditorNoMobTypes: "You must set mob types first!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "Você precisa selecionar um bloco primeiro."
stageEditorNoColors: "You must set colors first!"
stageEditorNoColors: "You must set colors first!"
stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantmentsSet: "No enchantments set"
stageEditorNoEnchantmentsSet: "No enchantments set"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Obiective personalizate șterse."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Obiective personalizate șterse."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Introdu valoarea pentru <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Introdu valoarea pentru <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Introdu numele blocurilor (sau id-ul), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Introdu numele blocurilor, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de spargere (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de spargere (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de lovire (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de lovire (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de punere (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Introdu sumele de punere (numere), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Введите название новой польз
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Эта пользовательская цель уже была добавлена!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Эта пользовательская цель уже была добавлена!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Пользовательские цели очищены."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Пользовательские цели очищены."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Введите значение для <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Введите значение для <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Введите названия блоков (или ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Введите названия блоков, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для разрушения, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для разрушения, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для разрушения, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для разрушения, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для установки блоков, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Введите количества (числа) для установки блоков, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%У вас есть%red% <time> секунд%green% чтоб
questErrorReadingFile: "Ошибка в файле quests."
questErrorReadingFile: "Ошибка в файле quests."
questSaveError: "Произошла ошибка про сохранении."
questSaveError: "Произошла ошибка про сохранении."
noPermission: "У вас недостаточно прав для этого."
noPermission: "У вас недостаточно прав для этого."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>,
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "ป้อนชื่อของวัตถุปร
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "เป้าหมายที่กำหนดเองได้ถูกเพิ่มเข้ามาแล้ว!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "เป้าหมายที่กำหนดเองได้ถูกเพิ่มเข้ามาแล้ว!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "ล้างเป้าหมายที่กำหนดเองแล้ว"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "ล้างเป้าหมายที่กำหนดเองแล้ว"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "ค่าใช้จ่ายสำหรับ <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "ค่าใช้จ่ายสำหรับ <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "ใส่ชื่อบล็อก (หรือ ID) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "ใส่ชื่อบล็อก <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "ป้อนยอดเงินแบ่ง (ตัวเลข) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "ป้อนยอดเงินแบ่ง (ตัวเลข) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "ใส่ตัวเลขความจำ (จำนวน) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "ใส่ตัวเลขความจำ (จำนวน) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนเงินที่ต้องการ (แยกตามแต่ละช่อง) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนเงินที่ต้องการ (แยกตามแต่ละช่อง) <space> <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Eklemek için özel nesnenin adını girin, <clear>, <
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Bu özel nesne zaten mevcut!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Bu özel nesne zaten mevcut!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Özel nesneler silindi."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Özel nesneler silindi."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "<data> için değer girin:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "<data> için değer girin:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Blok adlarını (ya da ID) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Blok adlarını girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Darbe miktarını (sayı) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Darbe miktarını (sayı) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Darbe miktarını (sayı olarak) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Darbe miktarını (sayı olarak) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Konum değerlerini (sayı olarak) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Konum değerlerini (sayı olarak) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "El altında nesne yükle"
itemCreateSetName: "Adı seç"
itemCreateSetName: "Adı seç"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Miktarı seç"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Miktarı seç"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Dayanıklılığı seç"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Dayanıklılığı seç"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Görünen adı seç"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Görünen adı seç"
itemCreateSetLore: "Cesaret ayarla"
itemCreateSetLore: "Cesaret ayarla"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Bu görevin / aşamayı tamamlamak için%red% <time> saniye%
questErrorReadingFile: "Görevler dosyası okunurken hata oluştu."
questErrorReadingFile: "Görevler dosyası okunurken hata oluştu."
questSaveError: "Kaydederken bir hata oluştu."
questSaveError: "Kaydederken bir hata oluştu."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Nhập tên của mục tiêu tùy chỉnh để thêm
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Mục tiêu tùy chỉnh này đã được thêm rồi!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Mục tiêu tùy chỉnh này đã được thêm rồi!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Mục tiêu tùy chỉnh đã được xóa."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Mục tiêu tùy chỉnh đã được xóa."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Nhập giá trị cho <data>:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Nhập giá trị cho <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Nhập tên khối (hoặc ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Nhập tên khối, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng khối cần phá vỡ (số), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng khối cần phá vỡ (số), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng sát thương (số), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng sát thương (số), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng khối đặt ra (số), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Nhập lượng khối đặt ra (số), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%Bạn có%red% <time> giây%green% để hoàn thành nhiệ
questErrorReadingFile: "Lỗi khi đang đọc file Nhiệm vụ."
questErrorReadingFile: "Lỗi khi đang đọc file Nhiệm vụ."
questSaveError: "Có lỗi xảy ra trong khi đang lưu."
questSaveError: "Có lỗi xảy ra trong khi đang lưu."
noPermission: "Bạn không có quyền để làm điều đó."
noPermission: "Bạn không có quyền để làm điều đó."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ stageEditorCustomPrompt: "输入要添加的自定义目标的名称, <clear>, <
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "自定义目标已经被添加过了!"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "自定义目标已经被添加过了!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "自定义目标已清除."
stageEditorCustomCleared: "自定义目标已清除."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "请输入 <data> 值:"
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "请输入 <data> 值:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "请输入方块名 (或 方块ID), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "请输入方块名, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "请输入逾时值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "请输入逾时值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "请输入伤害值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "请输入伤害值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "请输入放置值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "请输入放置值 (数字), <space>, <cancel>"
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Set enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
@ -856,3 +856,4 @@ timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/sta
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user