New translations strings.yml (Korean)

This commit is contained in:
PikaMug 2019-06-03 03:02:19 -04:00
parent fcf91a9748
commit 50cba4f0d2

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@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - 이 플레이어
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - 플레이어의 Quest Points를 가져갑니다."
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - 플레이어의 Quest Points에 추가합니다."
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - 플레이어의 퀘스트 포인트를 추가합니다."
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - 모든 플레이어의 Quest Points 설정"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - 모든 플레이어의 퀘스트 포인트를 설정"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - 강제로 이 플레이어의 퀘스트를 완료합니다"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - 강제로 이 플레이어가 현재 스테이지를 완료하게 됩니다."
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - 플레이어의 현재 스테이지 설정"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: '사용법: / questadmin setstage [player] [quest] [stage]'
@ -289,40 +289,40 @@ stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: "목록에 중복이 있습니다!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "지연이 완료되었습니다."
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen 스크립트가 완료되었습니다."
stageEditorObjectiveCleared: "목표가 완료되었습니다."
stageEditorMessageCleared: "Message cleared."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete this stage?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Any Stages after will be shifted back one spot"
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "Stage deleted successfully."
stageEditorEnchantments: "Enchantments"
stageEditorNPCNote: 'Note: You may specify the name of the NPC with <npc>'
stageEditorOptional: "Optional"
stageEditorColors: "Sheep Colors"
allListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorCreate: "Create new Action"
eventEditorEdit: "Edit an Action"
eventEditorDelete: "Delete an Action"
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "No Actions currently exist to be edited!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "No Actions currently exist to be deleted!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Action not found!"
eventEditorExists: "Action already exists!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Action with that name!"
eventEditorAlpha: "Name must be alphanumeric!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Actions file."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "An error occurred while saving."
eventEditorDeleted: "Action deleted, Quests and Actions reloaded."
eventEditorSaved: "Action saved, Quests and Actions reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter Action name, <cancel>"
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the Action?"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an Action that the following Quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the Action, anyone who is actively doing any of these Quests will be forced to quit them."
eventEditorEventInUse: "The following Quests use the Action"
eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "You must modify these Quests first!"
eventEditorListSizeMismatch: "The lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorListDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "Invalid entry"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- Give Items -"
stageEditorMessageCleared: "메시지가 지워졌습니다."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "이 스테이지를 삭제 하시겠습니까?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "이후의 모든 스테이지는 한 지점 뒤로 이동합니다."
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "스테이지가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다."
stageEditorEnchantments: "인챈트"
stageEditorNPCNote: '참고: NPC의 이름을 <npc> 로 지정할 수 있습니다.'
stageEditorOptional: "선택사항"
stageEditorColors: "양 색상"
allListsNotSameSize: "모든 목록이 같은 크기가 아닙니다!"
eventEditorCreate: "새 액션 만들기"
eventEditorEdit: "액션 편집"
eventEditorDelete: "액션 삭제"
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "현재 편집 할 작업이 없습니다!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "현재 삭제할 작업이 없습니다!"
eventEditorNotFound: "동작을 찾을 수 없습니다!"
eventEditorExists: "액션이 이미 존재합니다!"
eventEditorSomeone: "누군가 이미 해당 이름으로 활동을 작성하거나 편집 중입니다!"
eventEditorAlpha: "이름은 영숫자 여야합니다!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "작업 파일을 읽는 중 오류가 발생했습니다."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "저장하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다."
eventEditorDeleted: "액션 삭제, 퀘스트 및 액션 리로드."
eventEditorSaved: "액션 저장, 퀘스트 및 액션 리로드."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "액션 이름 입력,<cancel>"
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "액션을 삭제 하시겠습니까?"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "저장하지 않고 종료 하시겠습니까?"
eventEditorModifiedNote: '참고: 다음 퀘스트에서 사용하는 행동을 수정했습니다:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "액션을 저장하면 이 퀘스트를 수행중인 사람은 강제로 종료됩니다."
eventEditorEventInUse: "다음 퀘스트는 액션을 사용합니다"
eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "먼저 이 퀘스트를 수정해야합니다!"
eventEditorListSizeMismatch: "목록은 같은 크기가 아닙니다!"
eventEditorListDuplicates: "목록에 중복이 있습니다!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "입력이 숫자 목록이 아니 었습니다!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "부적합한 입력"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- 아이템 주기 -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Sound Effects -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Action Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Action Thunder -"