Cleanup and condense the Events Editor. Rename Events to Actions

This commit is contained in:
PikaMug 2019-05-24 22:06:42 -04:00
parent fde78414b1
commit 583c366c23
14 changed files with 504 additions and 402 deletions

View File

@ -140,7 +140,11 @@ public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get("questEditorTitle") + "\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorCreate") + "\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorEdit") + "\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorDelete") + "\n" + ChatColor.GOLD + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("exit");
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get("questEditorTitle") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorCreate") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorEdit") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorDelete") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.GOLD + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("exit");
return text;
@ -201,21 +205,21 @@ public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorFinishMessage") + " (" + context.getSessionData(CK.Q_FINISH_MESSAGE) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.Q_START_NPC) == null && plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorNPCStart") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorNPCStart") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else if (plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorNPCStart") + " (" + CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById((Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_START_NPC)).getName() + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorNPCStart") + " (" + Lang.get("questCitNotInstalled") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorNPCStart") + " (" + Lang.get("questCitNotInstalled") + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.Q_START_BLOCK) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorBlockStart") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorBlockStart") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
Location l = (Location) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_START_BLOCK);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorBlockStart") + " (" + l.getWorld().getName() + ", " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ() + ")\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getWorldGuardApi() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.Q_REGION) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questWGSetRegion") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questWGSetRegion") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_REGION);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questWGSetRegion") + " (" + ChatColor.GREEN + s + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
@ -224,13 +228,13 @@ public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("questWGSetRegion") + " (" + Lang.get("questWGNotInstalled") + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.Q_INITIAL_EVENT) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorInitialEvent") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorInitialEvent") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_INITIAL_EVENT);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorInitialEvent") + " (" + s + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.Q_GUIDISPLAY) == null && plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorSetGUI") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorSetGUI") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else if (plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null ){
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_GUIDISPLAY);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorSetGUI") + " (" + ItemUtil.getDisplayString(stack) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
@ -240,10 +244,10 @@ public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorReqs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.AQUA + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorPln") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorStages") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorRews") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorRews") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("questEditorOpts") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + Lang.get("save") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + " - " + Lang.get("exit") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("save") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + " - " + Lang.get("exit") + "\n";
return text;
@ -750,7 +754,8 @@ public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GREEN + "1 - " + Lang.get("yesWord") + "\n" + "2 - " + Lang.get("noWord");
String text = ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("yesWord") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + " - " + Lang.get("noWord");
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("questEditorExited") + "\n" + text;

View File

@ -2154,11 +2154,16 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
if (checkList(config.getList("quests." + questKey + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".npc-ids-to-talk-to"), Integer.class)) {
npcIdsToTalkTo = config.getIntegerList("quests." + questKey + ".stages.ordered." + s2 + ".npc-ids-to-talk-to");
for (int i : npcIdsToTalkTo) {
if (CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(i) != null) {
if (getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
if (CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(i) != null) {
} else {
stageFailed("" + i + " inside npc-ids-to-talk-to: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not a valid NPC id!");
} else {
stageFailed("" + i + " inside npc-ids-to-talk-to: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not a valid NPC id!");
stageFailed("Citizens not installed while getting ID " + i + " inside npc-ids-to-talk-to: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName());
} else {
stageFailed("npc-ids-to-talk-to: in Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not a list of numbers!");
@ -2178,13 +2183,17 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
int npcId = itemDeliveryTargetIds.get(index);
if (is != null) {
NPC npc = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(npcId);
if (npc != null) {
if (getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
NPC npc = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(npcId);
if (npc != null) {
} else {
stageFailed("" + npcId + " inside npc-delivery-ids: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not a valid NPC id!");
} else {
stageFailed("" + npcId + " inside npc-delivery-ids: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not a valid NPC id!");
stageFailed("Citizens was not installed for ID " + npcId + " inside npc-delivery-ids: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName());
} else {
stageFailed("" + item + " inside items-to-deliver: inside Stage " + s2 + " of Quest " + quest.getName() + " is not formatted properly!");

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
final Player player = (Player) context.getForWhom();
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
if (player.hasPermission("")) {
if (player.hasPermission("quests.editor.actions.create") || player.hasPermission("")) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_OLD_EVENT, "");
return new EventNamePrompt();
} else {
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
return new MenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
if (player.hasPermission("")) {
if (player.hasPermission("quests.editor.actions.edit") || player.hasPermission("")) {
if (plugin.getEvents().isEmpty()) {
((Player) context.getForWhom()).sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorNoneToEdit"));
return new MenuPrompt();
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
return new MenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
if (player.hasPermission("")) {
if (player.hasPermission("quests.editor.actions.delete") || player.hasPermission("")) {
if (plugin.getEvents().isEmpty()) {
((Player) context.getForWhom()).sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorNoneToDelete"));
return new MenuPrompt();
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
private class CreateMenuPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public CreateMenuPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21");
super("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
@ -437,23 +437,87 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("event") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_NAME) + ChatColor.GOLD + " -\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetName") + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_MESSAGE) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorPlayer") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorTimer") +"\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorEffect") +"\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorWeather") +"\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMobSpawns") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMessage") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_MESSAGE) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY) == null) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY, "No");
LinkedList<String> types = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMobSpawns") + "\n";
for (String s : types) {
QuestMob qm = QuestMob.fromString(s);
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + qm.getType().name() + ((qm.getName() != null) ? ": " + qm.getName() : "") + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + qm.getSpawnAmounts() + ChatColor.GRAY + " -> " + ChatColor.GREEN + Quests.getLocationInfo(qm.getSpawnLocation()) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST) == null) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, "No");
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, Lang.get("noWord"));
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorClearInv") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorFailQuest") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_ITEMS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorFailQuest") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("save") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + " - " + Lang.get("exit");
return text;
public Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new SetNamePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
return new PlayerPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
return new TimerPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
return new EffectPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("5")) {
return new WeatherPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) {
return new MobPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("7")) {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, Lang.get("noWord"));
} else {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, Lang.get("yesWord"));
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("8")) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_OLD_EVENT) != null) {
return new SavePrompt((String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_OLD_EVENT));
} else {
return new SavePrompt(null);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("9")) {
return new ExitPrompt();
return null;
private class PlayerPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public PlayerPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("event") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_NAME) + ChatColor.GOLD + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_MESSAGE) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetItems") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMessage") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_MESSAGE) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY) == null) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY, Lang.get("noWord"));
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorClearInv") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_ITEMS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetItems") + "\n";
LinkedList<ItemStack> items = (LinkedList<ItemStack>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_ITEMS);
for (ItemStack is : items) {
if (is != null) {
@ -461,58 +525,10 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS);
for (String loc : locations) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + loc + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> effects = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS);
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS);
for (String effect : effects) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + effect + ChatColor.GRAY + " at " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + locations.get(effects.indexOf(effect)) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetStorm") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetStorm") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM) + ChatColor.YELLOW + " -> " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + Quests.getTime(Long.valueOf((int)context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM_DURATION) * 1000)) + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetThunder") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetThunder") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER) + ChatColor.YELLOW + " -> " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + Quests.getTime(Long.valueOf((int)context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER_DURATION) * 1000)) + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMobSpawns") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
LinkedList<String> types = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMobSpawns") + "\n";
for (String s : types) {
QuestMob qm = QuestMob.fromString(s);
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + qm.getType().name() + ((qm.getName() != null) ? ": " + qm.getName() : "") + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + qm.getSpawnAmounts() + ChatColor.GRAY + " -> " + ChatColor.GREEN + Quests.getLocationInfo(qm.getSpawnLocation()) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_LIGHTNING) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetLightning") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetLightning") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_LIGHTNING);
for (String loc : locations) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + loc + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_POTION_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetPotionEffects") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetPotionEffects") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetPotionEffects") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetPotionEffects") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> types = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_POTION_TYPES);
LinkedList<Long> durations = (LinkedList<Long>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_POTION_DURATIONS);
LinkedList<Integer> mags = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_POTION_STRENGHT);
@ -523,54 +539,42 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_HUNGER) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHunger") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHunger") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHunger") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_HUNGER) + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHunger") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_HUNGER) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_SATURATION) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetSaturation") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetSaturation") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetSaturation") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_SATURATION) + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetSaturation") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_SATURATION) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_HEALTH) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHealth") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHealth") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHealth") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_HEALTH) + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetHealth") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.E_HEALTH) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_TELEPORT) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "16" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTeleport") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTeleport") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "16" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTeleport") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_TELEPORT) + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTeleport") + ChatColor.AQUA + " (" + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_TELEPORT) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_COMMANDS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "17" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetCommands") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetCommands") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "17" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetCommands") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetCommands") + "\n";
for (String s : (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_COMMANDS)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_TIMER) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "18" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTimer") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "18" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTimer") + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(CK.E_TIMER) + "\"" + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER) == null) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER, "No");
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "19" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorCancelTimer") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "20" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "21" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("quit");
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
public Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new SetNamePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
return new MessagePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY, Lang.get("noWord"));
@ -578,46 +582,53 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CLEAR_INVENTORY, Lang.get("yesWord"));
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, Lang.get("noWord"));
} else {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_FAIL_QUEST, Lang.get("yesWord"));
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("5")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
return new ItemListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) {
selectedExplosionLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new ExplosionPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("7")) {
return new EffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("8")) {
return new StormPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("9")) {
return new ThunderPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("10")) {
return new MobPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("11")) {
selectedLightningLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new LightningPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("12")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
return new PotionEffectPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("13")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("5")) {
return new HungerPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("14")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) {
return new SaturationPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("15")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("7")) {
return new HealthPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("16")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("8")) {
selectedTeleportLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new TeleportPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("17")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("9")) {
return new CommandsPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("18")) {
return new TimerPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("19")) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class TimerPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public TimerPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("event") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_NAME) + ChatColor.GOLD + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_TIMER) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTimer") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetTimer") + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(CK.E_TIMER) + "\"" + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER) == null) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER, Lang.get("noWord"));
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorCancelTimer") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new FailTimerPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
String s = (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER, Lang.get("noWord"));
@ -625,20 +636,105 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_CANCEL_TIMER, Lang.get("yesWord"));
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("20")) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_OLD_EVENT) != null) {
return new FinishPrompt((String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_OLD_EVENT));
} else {
return new FinishPrompt(null);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("21")) {
return new QuitPrompt();
return null;
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public EffectPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("event") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_NAME) + ChatColor.GOLD + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> effects = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS);
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS);
for (String effect : effects) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + effect + ChatColor.GRAY + " at " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + locations.get(effects.indexOf(effect)) + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS);
for (String loc : locations) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + loc + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
selectedExplosionLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new ExplosionPrompt();
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class WeatherPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public WeatherPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("event") + ": " + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.E_NAME) + ChatColor.GOLD + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetStorm") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetStorm") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM) + ChatColor.YELLOW + " -> " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + Quests.getTime(Long.valueOf((int)context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_STORM_DURATION) * 1000)) + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetThunder") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetThunder") + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER) + ChatColor.YELLOW + " -> " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + Quests.getTime(Long.valueOf((int)context.getSessionData(CK.E_WORLD_THUNDER_DURATION) * 1000)) + ChatColor.YELLOW + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_LIGHTNING) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetLightning") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorSetLightning") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_LIGHTNING);
for (String loc : locations) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + loc + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new StormPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
return new ThunderPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
selectedLightningLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new LightningPrompt();
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class TimerPrompt extends NumericPrompt {
private class FailTimerPrompt extends NumericPrompt {
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(final ConversationContext context, final Number number) {
@ -652,35 +748,12 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
private class QuitPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GREEN + Lang.get("eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("yesWord") + "/" + Lang.get("noWord");
return text;
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
return new MenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("noWord"))) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
((Player) context.getForWhom()).sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("invalidOption"));
return new QuitPrompt();
private class FinishPrompt extends StringPrompt {
private class SavePrompt extends StringPrompt {
String modName = null;
LinkedList<String> modified = new LinkedList<String>();
public FinishPrompt(String modifiedName) {
public SavePrompt(String modifiedName) {
if (modifiedName != null) {
modName = modifiedName;
for (Quest q : plugin.getQuests()) {
@ -717,8 +790,30 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("noWord"))) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
((Player) context.getForWhom()).sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("invalidOption"));
return new FinishPrompt(modName);
return new SavePrompt(modName);
private class ExitPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " - " + Lang.get("yesWord") + "\n"
+ ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + " - " + Lang.get("noWord");
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("questEditorExited") + "\n" + text;
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("yesWord"))) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("exited"));
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("noWord"))) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
return new ExitPrompt();
@ -1139,9 +1234,9 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
private class EffectListPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
private class SoundEffectListPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public EffectListPrompt() {
public SoundEffectListPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4");
@ -1175,20 +1270,20 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new EffectPrompt();
return new SoundEffectPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorMustAddEffects"));
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else {
selectedEffectLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new EffectLocationPrompt();
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorEffectsCleared"));
context.setSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS, null);
context.setSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS, null);
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
int one;
int two;
@ -1206,7 +1301,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorListSizeMismatch"));
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return null;
@ -1223,7 +1318,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
private class EffectLocationPrompt extends StringPrompt {
private class SoundEffectLocationPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
@ -1249,19 +1344,19 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorSelectBlockFirst"));
return new EffectLocationPrompt();
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("cmdCancel"))) {
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else {
return new EffectLocationPrompt();
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
private class EffectPrompt extends StringPrompt {
private class SoundEffectPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
@ -1294,14 +1389,14 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
context.setSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS, effects);
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + input + " " + ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorInvalidEffect"));
return new EffectPrompt();
return new SoundEffectPrompt();
} else {
return new EffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
@ -1516,8 +1611,8 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get("eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle") + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorAddMobTypes") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
LinkedList<String> types = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_MOB_TYPES);
@ -1527,7 +1622,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
+ ChatColor.AQUA + qm.getType().name() + ((qm.getName() != null) ? ": " + qm.getName() : "") + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + qm.getSpawnAmounts() + ChatColor.GRAY + " -> " + ChatColor.GREEN + Quests.getLocationInfo(qm.getSpawnLocation()) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + (types.size() + 1) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("eventEditorAddMobTypes") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + (types.size() + 2) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + (types.size() + 2) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + (types.size() + 3) + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public class CmdExecutor implements CommandExecutor {
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(translateSubCommands ? Lang.get("COMMAND_EDITOR") : "editor")) {
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(translateSubCommands ? Lang.get("COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR") : "actions")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("events")) {
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("action") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("events")) {
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(translateSubCommands ? Lang.get("COMMAND_INFO") : "info")) {

View File

@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
context.setSessionData(pref, Boolean.TRUE);
String text = ChatColor.AQUA + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorBlocks") + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_BREAK_NAMES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorBreakBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorBreakBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorBreakBlocks") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorBreakBlocks") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_BREAK_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_BREAK_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DAMAGE_NAMES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDamageBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDamageBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDamageBlocks") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDamageBlocks") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DAMAGE_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DAMAGE_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PLACE_NAMES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlaceBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlaceBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlaceBlocks") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlaceBlocks") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PLACE_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PLACE_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_USE_NAMES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorUseBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorUseBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorUseBlocks") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorUseBlocks") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_USE_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_USE_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CUT_NAMES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCutBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCutBlocks") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCutBlocks") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCutBlocks") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CUT_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CUT_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + Quester.prettyItemString(names.get(i)) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + amnts.get(i) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noNamesSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockDurability") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + "\n";
for (String s : getBlockNames(context)) {
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noNamesSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetDamageAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockDurability") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + "\n";
for (String s : getBlockNames(context)) {
@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -569,8 +569,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noNamesSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetPlaceAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockDurability") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + "\n";
for (String s : getBlockNames(context)) {
@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noNamesSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetUseAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockDurability") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + "\n";
for (String s : getBlockNames(context)) {
@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -1003,8 +1003,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noNamesSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetCutAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockDurability") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetBlockNames") + "\n";
for (String s : getBlockNames(context)) {
@ -1026,8 +1026,8 @@ public class BlocksPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorMobs") + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PLAYER_KILL) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
hasObjective = true;
Integer players = (Integer) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PLAYER_KILL);
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + players + " " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + players + " " + Lang.get("stageEditorPlayers") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_REACH_LOCATIONS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorReachLocs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorReachLocs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
hasObjective = true;
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorReachLocs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorReachLocs") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_REACH_LOCATIONS);
LinkedList<Integer> radii = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_REACH_LOCATIONS_RADIUS);
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_REACH_LOCATIONS_NAMES);
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PASSWORD_PHRASES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPassword") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPassword") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
hasObjective = true;
LinkedList<LinkedList<String>> passPhrases = (LinkedList<LinkedList<String>>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PASSWORD_PHRASES);
LinkedList<String> passDisplays = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_PASSWORD_DISPLAYS);
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPassword") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorPassword") + "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < passPhrases.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.AQUA + " - \"" + passDisplays.get(i) + "\"\n";
LinkedList<String> phrases = passPhrases.get(i);
@ -138,27 +138,27 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("delay") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("stageEditorOptional") + ")\n";
} else {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("delay") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("delay") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
long time = (Long) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY);
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("delay") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + Quests.getTime(time) + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("delay") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + Quests.getTime(time) + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY) == null) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelayMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noDelaySet") + ")\n";
} else if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY_MESSAGE) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelayMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelayMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelayMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "11 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelayMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELAY_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getDenizen() == null) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDenizenScript") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("questDenNotInstalled") + ")\n";
} else {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DENIZEN) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDenizenScript") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDenizenScript") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
hasObjective = true;
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDenizenScript") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DENIZEN) + ChatColor.GRAY + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "12 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDenizenScript") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DENIZEN) + ChatColor.GRAY + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_START_MESSAGE) == null) {
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorStartMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorStartMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_START_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "13 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorStartMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_START_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_COMPLETE_MESSAGE) == null) {
if (!hasObjective) {
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCompleteMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCompleteMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_COMPLETE_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "14 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCompleteMessage") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_COMPLETE_MESSAGE) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY) == null) {
if (!hasObjective) {
@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorObjectiveOverride") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorObjectiveOverride") + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "15 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorObjectiveOverride") + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "\"" + context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY) + "\"" + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "16 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelete") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "17 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "16 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.RED + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDelete") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "17 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String tempEvent = (String) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CHAT_TEMP_EVENT);
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorChatTrigger") + " -\n";
text += Lang.get("stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt").replaceAll("<event>", tempEvent);
text += Lang.get("stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt").replace("<event>", tempEvent).replace("<action>", tempEvent);
return text;
@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String tempEvent = (String) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_COMMAND_TEMP_EVENT);
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCommandTrigger") + " -\n";
text += Lang.get("stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt").replaceAll("<event>", tempEvent);
text += Lang.get("stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt").replace("<event>", tempEvent).replace("<action>", tempEvent);
return text;
@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ public class CreateStagePrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("finish");
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ public class ItemStackPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
System.out.println("DONE - setting stack");
cc.setSessionData("tempStack", stack);
cc.setSessionData("newItem", Boolean.TRUE);
} else {

View File

@ -65,27 +65,27 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
context.setSessionData(pref, Boolean.TRUE);
String text = ChatColor.AQUA + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorItems") + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CRAFT_ITEMS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCraftItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCraftItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCraftItems") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCraftItems") + "\n";
LinkedList<ItemStack> items = (LinkedList<ItemStack>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CRAFT_ITEMS);
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + ItemUtil.getName(items.get(i)) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.AQUA + items.get(i).getAmount() + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SMELT_ITEMS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorSmeltItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorSmeltItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorSmeltItems") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorSmeltItems") + "\n";
LinkedList<ItemStack> items = (LinkedList<ItemStack>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SMELT_ITEMS);
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + ItemUtil.getName(items.get(i)) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.AQUA + items.get(i).getAmount() + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_ENCHANT_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorEnchantItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorEnchantItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorEnchantItems") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorEnchantItems") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> enchants = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_ENCHANT_TYPES);
LinkedList<String> names = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_ENCHANT_NAMES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_ENCHANT_AMOUNTS);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + Quester.prettyItemString(names.get(i)) + ChatColor.GRAY + " " + Lang.get("with") + " " + ChatColor.AQUA + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(Quests.getEnchantment(enchants.get(i))) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + amnts.get(i) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ItemUtil.getDisplayString(is) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -160,11 +160,7 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
context.setSessionData(pref + CK.S_CRAFT_ITEMS, null);
return new CraftListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_CRAFT_ITEMS) == null) {
return new CraftListPrompt();
} else {
return new ItemsPrompt(plugin, stageNum, questFactory);
return new ItemsPrompt(plugin, stageNum, questFactory);
return null;
@ -208,8 +204,8 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ItemUtil.getDisplayString(is) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -222,11 +218,7 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
context.setSessionData(pref + CK.S_SMELT_ITEMS, null);
return new SmeltListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SMELT_ITEMS) == null) {
return new SmeltListPrompt();
} else {
return new ItemsPrompt(plugin, stageNum, questFactory);
return new ItemsPrompt(plugin, stageNum, questFactory);
return null;
@ -251,8 +243,8 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetEnchantments") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "2 - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetItemNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "3 - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetEnchantments") + "\n";
for (String s : getEnchantTypes(context)) {
@ -274,8 +266,8 @@ public class ItemsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
context.setSessionData(pref, Boolean.TRUE);
String text = ChatColor.AQUA + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorMobs") + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillMobs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillMobs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillMobs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillMobs") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> mobs = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_TYPES);
LinkedList<Integer> amnts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_AMOUNTS);
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS) == null) {
@ -78,15 +78,15 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_FISH) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCatchFish") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCatchFish") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
Integer fish = (Integer) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_FISH);
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCatchFish") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + fish + " " + Lang.get("stageEditorFish") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorCatchFish") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + fish + " " + Lang.get("stageEditorFish") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_TAME_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTameMobs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTameMobs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTameMobs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTameMobs") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> mobs = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_TAME_TYPES);
LinkedList<Integer> amounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_TAME_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < mobs.size(); i++) {
@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SHEAR_COLORS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorShearSheep") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorShearSheep") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorShearSheep") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorShearSheep") + "\n";
LinkedList<String> colors = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SHEAR_COLORS);
LinkedList<Integer> amounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SHEAR_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + colors.get(i) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + ChatColor.AQUA + amounts.get(i) + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetKillLocations") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetKillLocationNames") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetMobTypes") + "\n";
for (String s : getMobTypes(context)) {
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "6" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_TAME_TYPES) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetMobTypes") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "2 - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetTameAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetMobTypes") + "\n";
for (String s : getTameTypes(context)) {
@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_SHEAR_COLORS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetShearColors") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "2 - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetShearAmounts") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("stageEditorSetShearColors") + "\n";
for (String s : getShearColors(context)) {
@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
String text = ChatColor.AQUA + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorNPCs") + " -\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELIVERY_ITEMS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDeliverItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDeliverItems") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDeliverItems") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorDeliverItems") + "\n";
LinkedList<Integer> npcs = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELIVERY_NPCS);
LinkedList<ItemStack> items = (LinkedList<ItemStack>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_DELIVERY_ITEMS);
for (int i = 0; i < npcs.size(); i++) {
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_NPCS_TO_TALK_TO) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTalkToNPCs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTalkToNPCs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTalkToNPCs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorTalkToNPCs") + "\n";
LinkedList<Integer> npcs = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_NPCS_TO_TALK_TO);
for (int i = 0; i < npcs.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens().getNPCRegistry().getById(npcs.get(i)).getName() + "\n";
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (plugin.getDependencies().getCitizens() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_NPCS_TO_KILL) == null) {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillNPCs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillNPCs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillNPCs") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillNPCs") + "\n";
LinkedList<Integer> npcs = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_NPCS_TO_KILL);
LinkedList<Integer> amounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_NPCS_TO_KILL_AMOUNTS);
for (int i = 0; i < npcs.size(); i++) {
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("stageEditorKillNPCs") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("questCitNotInstalled") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "- " + Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;
@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ public class NPCsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE + i + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("cancel") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
text += ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ public class RequirementsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
lang = lang.replaceAll("<quest>", ChatColor.AQUA + (String) context.getSessionData(CK.Q_NAME) + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA);
text = ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + lang + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_MONEY) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetMoney") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetMoney") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
int moneyReq = (Integer) context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_MONEY);
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetMoney") + " (" + moneyReq + " " + (moneyReq > 1 ? plugin.getCurrency(true) : plugin.getCurrency(false)) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_QUEST_POINTS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuestPoints") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuestPoints") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuestPoints") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_QUEST_POINTS) + " " + Lang.get("questPoints") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuestPoints") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + ChatColor.AQUA + context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_QUEST_POINTS) + " " + Lang.get("questPoints") + ChatColor.GRAY + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetItem") + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_PERMISSION) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetPerms") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetPerms") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetPerms") + "\n";
List<String> perms = (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_PERMISSION);
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class RequirementsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_QUEST) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuest") + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuest") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "5" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetQuest") + "\n";
List<String> qs = (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_QUEST);
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class RequirementsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "7 - " + Lang.get("reqSetMcMMO") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoMcMMO") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetMcMMO") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoMcMMO") + ")\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getHeroes() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_HEROES_PRIMARY_CLASS) == null && context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_HEROES_SECONDARY_CLASS) == null) {
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class RequirementsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "8 - " + Lang.get("reqSetHeroes") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoHeroes") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("reqSetHeroes") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoHeroes") + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REQ_CUSTOM) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9 - " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.ITALIC + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + Lang.get("reqSetCustom") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public class RequirementsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("finish");
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class RewardsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "7 - " + Lang.get("rewSetMcMMO") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoMcMMO") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "7" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("rewSetMcMMO") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoMcMMO") + ")\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getHeroes() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REW_HEROES_CLASSES) == null) {
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class RewardsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "8 - " + Lang.get("rewSetHeroes") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoHeroes") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "8" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("rewSetHeroes") + " (" + Lang.get("reqNoHeroes") + ")\n";
if (plugin.getDependencies().getPhatLoots() != null) {
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REW_PHAT_LOOTS) == null) {
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class RewardsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
} else {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "9 - " + Lang.get("rewSetPhat") + " (" + Lang.get("rewNoPhat") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "9" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + Lang.get("rewSetPhat") + " (" + Lang.get("rewNoPhat") + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.REW_CUSTOM) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "10 - " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.ITALIC + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + Lang.get("rewSetCustom") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ public class RewardsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("finish");
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + index + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ public class StagesPrompt extends StringPrompt {
String text = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "- " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + Lang.get("stageEditorStages") + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + " -\n";
int stages = getStages(cc);
for (int i = 1; i <= stages; i++) {
text += ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.GREEN + i + ". " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get("stageEditorEditStage") + " " + i + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + i + " - " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get("stageEditorEditStage") + " " + i + "\n";
text += "\n" + ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.GREEN + stages + ". " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("stageEditorNewStage");
text += "\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + stages + " - " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("stageEditorNewStage");
text += "\n" + ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.BLUE + stages + ". " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("done");
text += "\n" + ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + stages + " - " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("done");
return text;

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ COMMAND_JOURNAL: "journal"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - View/Put away your Quest Journal"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create/Edit Quests"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create/Edit Events"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create/Edit Actions"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - View quest statistics"
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Action"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Required, none set"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
questClearItem: "Clear Item"
questGUICleared: "Quest GUI Item Display cleared."
questDeleted: "Quest deleted! Quests and Events have been reloaded."
questDeleted: "Quest deleted! Quests and Actions have been reloaded."
questEditorNameExists: "A Quest with that name already exists!"
questEditorBeingEdited: "Someone is creating/editing a Quest with that name!"
questEditorInvalidQuestName: "Name may not contain periods or commas!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "is not a valid event name!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "is not a valid action name!"
questEditorInvalidNPC: "No NPC exists with that id!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Amount must be a positive number."
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ questEditorQuestAsRequirement1: "The following Quests have"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "as a requirement:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "You must modify these Quests so that they do not use it before deleting it."
questEditorQuestNotFound: "Quest not found!"
questEditorEventCleared: "Initial Event cleared."
questEditorEventCleared: "Initial Action cleared."
questEditorSave: "Finish and save"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "You must set an ask message!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "You must set a finish message!"
@ -147,23 +147,23 @@ stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Events"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stage Events"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start Event"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start Event cleared."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Finish Event"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish Event cleared."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Events"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stage Actions"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start Action"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start Action cleared."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Finish Action"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish Action cleared."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Actions"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Trigger"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat Events cleared."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Command Events"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat Actions cleared."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Command Actions"
stageEditorCommandTrigger: "Command Trigger"
stageEditorCommandEventsCleared: "Command Events cleared."
stageEditorCommandEventsCleared: "Command Actions cleared."
stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Triggered by"
stageEditorDeathEvent: "Death Event"
stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Death Event cleared."
stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Disconnect Event"
stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Disconnect Event cleared."
stageEditorDeathEvent: "Death Action"
stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Death Action cleared."
stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Disconnect Action"
stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Disconnect Action cleared."
stageEditorDelayMessage: "Delay message"
stageEditorDenizenScript: "Denizen script"
stageEditorStartMessage: "Start message"
@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <action>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <action>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid action name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Action is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
@ -297,43 +297,47 @@ stageEditorNPCNote: 'Note: You may specify the name of the NPC with <npc>'
stageEditorOptional: "Optional"
stageEditorColors: "Sheep Colors"
allListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorCreate: "Create new Event"
eventEditorEdit: "Edit an Event"
eventEditorDelete: "Delete an Event"
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "No Events currently exist to be edited!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "No Events currently exist to be deleted!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Event not found!"
eventEditorExists: "Event already exists!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Event with that name!"
eventEditorCreate: "Create new Action"
eventEditorEdit: "Edit an Action"
eventEditorDelete: "Delete an Action"
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "No Actions currently exist to be edited!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "No Actions currently exist to be deleted!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Action not found!"
eventEditorExists: "Action already exists!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Action with that name!"
eventEditorAlpha: "Name must be alphanumeric!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Events file."
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Actions file."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "An error occurred while saving."
eventEditorDeleted: "Event deleted, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorSaved: "Event saved, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter an Event name, <cancel>"
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the Event?"
eventEditorDeleted: "Action deleted, Quests and Actions reloaded."
eventEditorSaved: "Action saved, Quests and Actions reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter Action name, <cancel>"
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the Action?"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an Event that the following Quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the Event, anyone who is actively doing any of these Quests will be forced to quit them."
eventEditorEventInUse: "The following Quests use the Event"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an Action that the following Quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the Action, anyone who is actively doing any of these Quests will be forced to quit them."
eventEditorEventInUse: "The following Quests use the Action"
eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "You must modify these Quests first!"
eventEditorListSizeMismatch: "The lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorListDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "Invalid entry"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- Give Items -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Effects -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Event Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Event Thunder -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Sound Effects -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Action Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Action Thunder -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Action Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Mobs -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Add Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Event Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Event Potion Types -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Action Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Action Potion Types -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
eventEditorSetName: "Set name"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Set message"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear player inventory"
eventEditorPlayer: "Player"
eventEditorTimer: "Timer"
eventEditorEffect: "Effect"
eventEditorWeather: "Weather"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Send message"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear inventory"
eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
eventEditorSetExplosions: "Set explosion locations"
eventEditorSetLightning: "Set lightning strike locations"
@ -341,18 +345,18 @@ eventEditorSetEffects: "Set effects"
eventEditorSetStorm: "Set storm"
eventEditorSetThunder: "Set thunder"
eventEditorSetMobSpawns: "Set mob spawns"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Set potion effects"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Set player hunger level"
eventEditorSetSaturation: "Set player saturation level"
eventEditorSetHealth: "Set player health level"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Set number of seconds left before the quest fails (use cancel-timer event to cancel timers)"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Apply potion effects"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Set hunger level"
eventEditorSetSaturation: "Set saturation level"
eventEditorSetHealth: "Set health level"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Set amount of time before quest fails (in seconds)"
eventEditorSetTimer: "Set time to fail quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Cancel the quest timer"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Set player teleport location"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Set commands to execute"
eventEditorItems: "Event Items"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Teleport to location"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Execute commands"
eventEditorItems: "Action Items"
eventEditorSetItems: "Give items"
eventEditorItemsCleared: "Event items cleared."
eventEditorItemsCleared: "Action items cleared."
eventEditorAddItem: "Add item"
eventEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
@ -360,7 +364,7 @@ eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorStorm: "Action Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
eventEditorSetDuration: "Set duration"
eventEditorNoWorld: "(No world set)"
@ -370,19 +374,19 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorThunder: "Action Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Event Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add effect"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Event effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play an effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Event Mob Spawns"
eventEditorEffects: "Action Sound Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add sound effect"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add sound effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No sound effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add sound effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid sound effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Add mob"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount"
@ -405,7 +409,7 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Set potion effect durations"
@ -590,7 +594,7 @@ questDisplayHelp: "- Display this help"
questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Event Editor - "
eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
@ -612,7 +616,7 @@ phatLootsRewardsTitle: "- PhatLoots Rewards -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- Custom Requirements -"
customRewardsTitle: "- Custom Rewards -"
skillListTitle: "- Skill List -"
eventTitle: "- Event -"
eventTitle: "- Action -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
@ -809,7 +813,7 @@ timeSecond: "Second"
timeSeconds: "Seconds"
timeMillisecond: "Millisecond"
timeMilliseconds: "Milliseconds"
event: "Event"
event: "Action"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
@ -826,8 +830,6 @@ clear: "Clear"
edit: "Edit"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
finish: "Finish"
quit: "Quit"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"