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synced 2025-02-17 04:51:19 +01:00
Supply external conversation hooks, part 32
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,144 +22,261 @@ import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext;
import org.bukkit.conversations.FixedSetPrompt;
import org.bukkit.conversations.Prompt;
import org.bukkit.conversations.StringPrompt;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import me.blackvein.quests.convo.actions.ActionsEditorNumericPrompt;
import me.blackvein.quests.convo.actions.main.ActionMainPrompt;
import me.blackvein.quests.events.editor.actions.ActionsEditorPostOpenNumericPromptEvent;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.CK;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ConfigUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.Lang;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.MiscUtil;
public class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public class EffectPrompt extends ActionsEditorNumericPrompt {
private final Quests plugin;
public EffectPrompt(final ConversationContext context) {
super("1", "2", "3");
this.plugin = (Quests)context.getPlugin();
private final int size = 3;
public String getPromptText(final ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("eventEditorEffect") + " -\n";
public int getSize() {
return size;
public String getTitle(final ConversationContext context) {
return Lang.get("eventEditorEffect");
public ChatColor getNumberColor(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
return ChatColor.BLUE;
case 3:
return ChatColor.GREEN;
return null;
public String getSelectionText(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects");
case 2:
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions");
case 3:
return ChatColor.GREEN + Lang.get("done");
return null;
public String getAdditionalText(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
return ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorSetEffects") + "\n";
String text = "\n";
final LinkedList<String> effects = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS);
final LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS);
for (final String effect : effects) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + effect + ChatColor.GRAY + " at "
+ ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + locations.get(effects.indexOf(effect)) + "\n";
return text;
case 2:
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + ChatColor.GRAY + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
return ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorSetExplosions") + "\n";
String text = "\n";
final LinkedList<String> locations = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EXPLOSIONS);
for (final String loc : locations) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + loc + "\n";
text += ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3 " + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + "- "
+ Lang.get("done") + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(final ConversationContext context, final String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedExplosionLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedExplosionLocations();
selectedExplosionLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new ExplosionPrompt();
case 3:
return "";
return null;
return new ActionMainPrompt(context);
private class SoundEffectListPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public SoundEffectListPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4");
public String getPromptText(final ConversationContext context) {
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + Lang.get("eventEditorEffects") + " -\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffect") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffectLocation") + " (" + Lang.get("eventEditorNoEffects") + ")\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("done");
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "1" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffect") + "\n";
for (final String s : getEffects(context)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS) == null) {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffectLocation") + " (" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")\n";
} else {
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "2" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffectLocation") + "\n";
for (final String s : getEffectLocations(context)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "3" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("clear") + "\n";
text += ChatColor.BLUE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "4" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - "
+ Lang.get("done");
final ActionsEditorPostOpenNumericPromptEvent event
= new ActionsEditorPostOpenNumericPromptEvent(context, this);
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + getTitle(context) + " -\n";
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
text += getNumberColor(context, i) + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + i + ChatColor.RESET + " - "
+ getSelectionText(context, i) + " " + getAdditionalText(context, i) + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(final ConversationContext context, final String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(final ConversationContext context, final Number input) {
switch (input.intValue()) {
case 1:
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
case 2:
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedExplosionLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedExplosionLocations();
selectedExplosionLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new ExplosionPrompt();
case 3:
return new ActionMainPrompt(context);
return null;
public class SoundEffectListPrompt extends ActionsEditorNumericPrompt {
private final Quests plugin;
public SoundEffectListPrompt(final ConversationContext context) {
this.plugin = (Quests)context.getPlugin();
private final int size = 4;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public String getTitle(final ConversationContext context) {
return Lang.get("eventEditorEffects");
public ChatColor getNumberColor(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
return ChatColor.BLUE;
case 3:
return ChatColor.RED;
case 4:
return ChatColor.GREEN;
return null;
public String getSelectionText(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffect");
case 2:
return ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorAddEffectLocation");
case 3:
return ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("clear");
case 4:
return ChatColor.GREEN + Lang.get("done");
return null;
public String getAdditionalText(final ConversationContext context, final int number) {
switch (number) {
case 1:
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
return ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")";
} else {
String text = "\n";
for (final String s : (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
return text;
case 2:
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS) == null) {
return ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + Lang.get("noneSet") + ")";
} else {
String text = "\n";
for (final String s : (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA + s + "\n";
return text;
case 3:
case 4:
return "";
return null;
public String getPromptText(final ConversationContext context) {
final ActionsEditorPostOpenNumericPromptEvent event
= new ActionsEditorPostOpenNumericPromptEvent(context, this);
String text = ChatColor.GOLD + "- " + getTitle(context) + " -\n";
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
text += getNumberColor(context, i) + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + i + ChatColor.RESET + " - "
+ getSelectionText(context, i) + " " + getAdditionalText(context, i) + "\n";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(final ConversationContext context, final Number input) {
switch (input.intValue()) {
case 1:
return new SoundEffectPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
case 2:
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) == null) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorMustAddEffects"));
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
} else {
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedEffectLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedEffectLocations();
selectedEffectLocations.put(((Player) context.getForWhom()).getUniqueId(), null);
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
case 3:
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorEffectsCleared"));
context.setSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS, null);
context.setSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS, null);
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
case 4:
int one;
int two;
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) != null) {
one = getEffects(context).size();
one = ((List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS)).size();
} else {
one = 0;
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS) != null) {
two = getEffectLocations(context).size();
two = ((List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS)).size();
} else {
two = 0;
@ -167,20 +284,11 @@ public class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
return new ActionMainPrompt(context);
} else {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("listsNotSameSize"));
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
return null;
private List<String> getEffects(final ConversationContext context) {
return (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS);
private List<String> getEffectLocations(final ConversationContext context) {
return (List<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS_LOCATIONS);
@ -219,7 +327,7 @@ public class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedEffectLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedEffectLocations();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + input + " " + ChatColor.RED
+ Lang.get("eventEditorInvalidEffect"));
@ -229,7 +337,7 @@ public class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedEffectLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedEffectLocations();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
@ -263,12 +371,12 @@ public class EffectPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Lang.get("eventEditorSelectBlockFirst"));
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("cmdCancel"))) {
final Map<UUID, Block> selectedEffectLocations = plugin.getActionFactory().getSelectedEffectLocations();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt();
return new SoundEffectListPrompt(context);
} else {
return new SoundEffectLocationPrompt();
@ -340,7 +340,6 @@ eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <
eventEditorEffects: "Action Sound Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add sound effect"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add sound effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No sound effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add sound effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid sound effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user