@ -8,201 +8,201 @@ COMMAND_QUIT: "izlaz"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Napusti trenutni zadatak"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - Pogledaj ili skloni svoj <journal>"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili makni zadatke"
COMMAND_EDITOR: "uređivač"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili izbriši zadatke"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili makni radnje"
COMMAND_CONDITIONS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili makni uvjete"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili izbriši radnje"
COMMAND_CONDITIONS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Napravi, uredi ili izbriši kondicije"
COMMAND_STATS: "statistike"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - Pogledaj statistike zadatka"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - Otvori ljestvicu plugina"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - Pogledaj ljestvicu plugina"
COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: "Uporaba: /quests vrh [number]"
COMMAND_INFO: "informacija"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Pogledaj informacije plugina"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Prikaži informacije plugina"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- Pogledaj trenutne ciljeve zadatka"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest] - Pogledaj informaciju o zadatku"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Prikaz komandi za administratore"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Prikaz pomoći za administratore"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [player] - Pogledaj statistike zadataka od jednog korisnika"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [player] - Prikaz statistika zadataka od igrača"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Prihvati zadatak korisniku"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Prisili igrača da prihvati zadatak"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Napusti zadatak korisniku"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Prisili igrača da napusti zadatak"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Postavi korisnikov <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Postavi igračev <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Uzmi korisnikov <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Uzmi igračev <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Dodaj korisniku <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Dodaj igraču <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - Postavi SVIM korisnicima njihov <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to complete a quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to complete current stage"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Set the current stage for a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Usage: /questadmin setstage [player] [quest] [stage]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - Postavi SVIM igračima njihov <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] Prisili igrača da završi zadatak"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Prisili igrača da završi trenutačni stupanj zadatka"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Postavi trenutačni stupanj nekog zadatka za igrača"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Uporaba: /questadmin postavistupanj [player] [quest] [stage]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Resetiraj sve podatke o zadacima od korisnika"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Makni gotov zadatak od korisnika"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorCreate: "Create new quest"
questEditorEdit: "Edit a quest"
questEditorDelete: "Delete a quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial action"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorOpts: "Edit Options"
questEditorDefaultAskMessage: "Challenge objectives!"
questEditorDefaultFinishMessage: "Well done!"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter quest name, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questDungeonsJoin: "You can now perform quests with Leader <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questDungeonsLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with Leader <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Players added to this party may perform quests together!"
questPartiesDelete: "The quest party was disbanded."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region start"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questGUICleared: "Quest GUI Item Display cleared."
questDeleted: "Quest deleted! Quest and action data has been reloaded."
questEditorNameExists: "A quest with that name already exists!"
questEditorBeingEdited: "Something with that name is already being modified!"
questEditorInvalidQuestName: "Name may not contain periods or commas!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "is not a valid action name!"
questEditorInvalidNPC: "No NPC exists with that ID!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Amount must be a positive number."
questEditorQuestAsRequirement1: "The following quests have"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "as a requirement:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "You must modify these quests so that they do not use it before deleting it."
questEditorQuestNotFound: "Quest not found!"
questEditorEventCleared: "Initial action cleared."
questEditorSave: "Finish and save"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "You must set an ask message!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "You must set a finish message!"
questEditorNeedStages: "Your quest has no stages!"
questEditorSaved: "%bold%Quest saved! %reset%(You will need to perform %red%<command> %reset%for it to appear in-game)"
stageEditorEditStage: "Edit Stage"
stageEditorNewStage: "Add new stage"
stageEditorStages: "Stages"
stageEditorStage: "Stage"
stageEditorBlocks: "Blocks"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Break blocks"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Damage blocks"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Place blocks"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Use blocks"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "Shear blocks"
stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorConsumeItems: "Consume items"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "Kill NPCs"
stageEditorMobs: "Mobs"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Kill mobs"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Catch fish"
stageEditorFish: "fish"
stageEditorMilkCows: "Milk cows"
stageEditorCows: "cows"
stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stage Actions"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start Action"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start action cleared."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Finish Action"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish action cleared."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Action"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Trigger"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat action cleared."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Command Action"
stageEditorCommandTrigger: "Command Trigger"
stageEditorCommandEventsCleared: "Command action cleared."
stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Triggered by"
stageEditorDeathEvent: "Death Action"
stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Death action cleared."
stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Disconnect Action"
stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Disconnect action cleared."
stageEditorConditions: "Conditions"
stageEditorConditionCleared: "Condition cleared."
stageEditorDelayMessage: "Delay message"
stageEditorDenizenScript: "Denizen script"
stageEditorStartMessage: "Start message"
stageEditorCompleteMessage: "Complete message"
stageEditorDelete: "Delete stage"
stageEditorSetBlockNames: "Set block names"
stageEditorSetBlockAmounts: "Set block amounts"
stageEditorSetBlockDurability: "Set block durabilities"
stageEditorSetKillAmounts: "Set kill amounts"
stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Set enchant amounts"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amounts"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Set enchantments"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Set mob types"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Set kill locations"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Set kill location radii"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Set kill location names"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Set locations"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Set location radii"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Set location names"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Set tame amounts"
stageEditorSetShearColors: "Set sheep colors"
stageEditorSetShearAmounts: "Set shear amounts"
stageEditorPassword: "Password"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Add password display"
stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Add password phrase(s)"
stageEditorCustom: "Custom objectives"
stageEditorNoModules: "No modules loaded"
stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Custom objective module not found."
stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockAmounts: "Enter block amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Enter block durabilities (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Enter number of fish to catch, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMilkCowsPrompt: "Enter number of cows to milk, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Enter number of players to kill, <clear>, <cancel>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Resetiraj sve podatke o zadacima od igrača"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Izbriši gotov zadatak od igrača"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Sigurno ponovno učitaj plugin"
questEditorCreate: "Napravi novi zadatak"
questEditorEdit: "Uredi zadatak"
questEditorDelete: "Izbriši zadatak"
questEditorName: "Postavi ime"
questEditorAskMessage: "Postavi poruku koja se prikaže na početku zadatka"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Postavi poruku koja se prikaže na završetku zadatka"
questEditorNPCStart: "Postavi NPC koji zadaje zadatak"
questEditorBlockStart: "Postavi mjesto početka zadatka"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Postavi početnu radnju"
questEditorSetGUI: "Postavi predmet za GUI prikaz zadatka"
questEditorReqs: "Uredi Uvjete"
questEditorPln: "Uredi rokovnik"
questEditorStages: "Uredi Stupnjeve Zadatka"
questEditorRews: "Uredi Nagrade"
questEditorOpts: "Uredi Opcije"
questEditorDefaultAskMessage: "Sretno!"
questEditorDefaultFinishMessage: "Svaka čast!"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Upiši ime zadatka, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Upiši poruku za početak zadatka, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Upiši poruku za završetak zadatka, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Upiši NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Pritisni desni klik na kocku koju želiš koristiti kao početno mjesto, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Upiši ime radnje, <clear>, <cancel>"
questDungeonsCreate: "Igrači dodani u ovu grupu mogu izvršavati zadatke zajedno!"
questDungeonsDisband: "Grupa za zadatke je raspuštena."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> sada može izvršavati zadatke s tobom!"
questDungeonsJoin: "Sada možeš izvršavati zadatke sa Vođom <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> više ne može izvršavati zadatke s tobom."
questDungeonsLeave: "Više ne možeš izvršavati zadatke s Vođom <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Igrači dodani u ovu grupu mogu izvršavati zadatke zajedno!"
questPartiesDelete: "Grupa za zadatke je raspuštena."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> sada može izvršavati zadatke s tobom!"
questPartiesJoin: "Sada možeš izvršavati zadatke sa <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> više ne može izvršavati zadatke s tobom."
questPartiesLeave: "Više ne možeš izvršavati zadatke s <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Postavi Područje za početak"
questWGPrompt: "Upiši ime WorldGuard područja, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> nije važeće WorldGuard područje!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Područje zadatka izbrisano."
questGUIError: "Greška: Taj predmet je već korišten kao GUI Prikaz za zadatak <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Trenutačni predmet:"
questGUICleared: "Predmet GUI Prikaza zadatka je izbrisan."
questDeleted: "Zadatak izbrisan! Podatci zadataka i radnja su ponovno učitane."
questEditorNameExists: "Zadatak s tim imenom već postoji!"
questEditorBeingEdited: "Nešto s tim imenom se već uređuje!"
questEditorInvalidQuestName: "Ime ne smije sadržavati točke ili zareze!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "nije važeće ime radnje!"
questEditorInvalidNPC: "NPC s tim ID ne postoji!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "Prvo moraš odabrati kocku."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Količina mora biti pozitivan broj."
questEditorQuestAsRequirement1: "Idući zadaci imaju"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "kao uvjet:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "Moraš urediti ove zadatke prije brisanja ovoga kako se oni ne bi izbrisali."
questEditorQuestNotFound: "Zadatak nije pronađen!"
questEditorEventCleared: "Početna radnja izbrisana."
questEditorSave: "Završi i spremi"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "Moraš namjestiti početnu poruku!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "Moraš namjestiti poruku za završetak!"
questEditorNeedStages: "Tvoj zadatak nema stupnjeva!"
questEditorSaved: "%bold%Zadatak spremljen! %reset%(Moraš izvesti %red%<command>%reset%kako bi se zadatak prikazao u igri)"
stageEditorEditStage: "Uredi Stupanj Zadatka"
stageEditorNewStage: "Dodaj novi stupanj"
stageEditorStages: "Stupnjevi"
stageEditorStage: "Stupanj"
stageEditorBlocks: "Blok"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Razbij blokove"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Ošteti blokove"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Postavi blokove"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Koristi blokove"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "Ošišaj blokove"
stageEditorItems: "Predmeti"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Izradi predmete"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Ispeci predmete"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Začaraj predmete"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Izmiješaj napitke"
stageEditorConsumeItems: "Konzumiraj predmete"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC-evi"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Dostavi predmete"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Pričaj sa NPC-evima"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "Ubij NPC-eve"
stageEditorMobs: "Bića"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Ubij bića"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Ulovi bića"
stageEditorFish: "riba"
stageEditorMilkCows: "Musti krave"
stageEditorCows: "krave"
stageEditorReachLocs: "Dođi do lokacija"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Dođi unutar"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blokova od"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Pripitomi bića"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Ošišaj ovce"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Ubij igrače"
stageEditorPlayers: "igrači"
stageEditorEvents: "Radnje"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Radnje Stupnja"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Početna Radnja"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Početna radnja izbrisana."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Završna Radnja"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Završna radnja izbrisana."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Radnja u Razgovoru"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Pokretač Razgovora"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Radnja razgovora obrisana."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Radnja Komande"
stageEditorCommandTrigger: "Pokretač Komande"
stageEditorCommandEventsCleared: "Radnja komande obrisana."
stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Pokrenuto od"
stageEditorDeathEvent: "Radnja Smrti"
stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Radnja smrti izbrisana."
stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Radnja Isključenja"
stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Radnja isključenja izbrisana."
stageEditorConditions: "Kondicije"
stageEditorConditionCleared: "Kondicije izbrisane."
stageEditorDelayMessage: "Odgodi poruku"
stageEditorDenizenScript: "Denizen skripta"
stageEditorStartMessage: "Početna poruka"
stageEditorCompleteMessage: "Završna poruka"
stageEditorDelete: "Izbriši stupanj"
stageEditorSetBlockNames: "Postavi imena blokova"
stageEditorSetBlockAmounts: "Postavi količinu blokova"
stageEditorSetBlockDurability: "Postavi izdržljivost blokova"
stageEditorSetKillAmounts: "Postavi količinu stvari za ubiti"
stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Postavi količinu začaranih stvari"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Postavi količinu bića"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Postavi čarolije"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Postavi imena predmeta"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "Postavi ID-eve NPC-eva"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Postavi tipove bića"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Postavi lokacije ubijanja"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Postavi radius lokacija ubijanja"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Postavi ime lokacija ubijanja"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Postavi lokacije"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Postavi radius lokacija"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Postavi imena lokacija"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Postavi količinu bića za pripitomiti"
stageEditorSetShearColors: "Postavi boje ovaca"
stageEditorSetShearAmounts: "Postavi količinu bića za ošišati"
stageEditorPassword: "Lozinka"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Dodaj prikaz lozinke"
stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Dodaj fraze lozinke"
stageEditorCustom: "Prilagođeni ciljevi"
stageEditorNoModules: "Nijedan modul nije aktiviran"
stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Prilagođen cilj modula nije pronađen."
stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Upiši ime prilagođenog cilja za dodati, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Taj prilagođeni cilj je već dodan!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Prilagođeni ciljevi obrisani."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Upiši vrijednost za <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Upiši imena blokova, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockAmounts: "Upiši količine blokova, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Upiši izdržljivosti blokova (brojevi), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Upiši broj riba za uloviti, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMilkCowsPrompt: "Upiši broj krava za pomusti, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Upiši broj igrača za ubiti, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Enter enchantment names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Enter enchant amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -214,19 +214,19 @@ stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter kill location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter reach location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Upiši imena lokacija, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Pritisni desni-klik na blok kako bi ga odabrao, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Upiši radius lokacije do koje igrač mora doći (broj blokova), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Upiši imena lokacija, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Upiši broj bića kojih se treba pripitomiti, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Upiši boje ovaca, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Upiši broj bića kojih se treba ošišati, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Upiši ime radnje, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Upiši ime radnje za dodati, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "Enter a chat trigger for <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "Enter a command trigger for <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorConditionsPrompt: "Enter a condition name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorConditionsPrompt: "Upiši ime kondicije, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid action name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Action is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidCondition: "is not a valid condition name!"
stageEditorInvalidCondition: "nije važeće ime kondicije!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ eventEditorDeleted: "Action deleted. Quest and action data reloaded."
eventEditorSaved: "Action saved. Quest and action data reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter Action name, <cancel>"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an action that the following quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the action, anyone who is actively doing any of these quests will be forced to quit them."
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "Ako spremiš radnju, svi koji sada rade bilo koji od ovih zadataka će biti prisiljeni da ih napuste."
eventEditorEventInUse: "The following quests use the action"
eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "You must modify these quests first!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorSetMobType: "Set mob type"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Set drop chance of item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobBoots: "Set boots"
eventEditorSetMobBootsDrop: "Set drop chance of boots"
eventEditorSetMobLeggings: "Set leggings"
eventEditorSetMobLeggingsDrop: "Set drop chance of leggings"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlate: "Set chest plate"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "Set drop chance of chest plate"
eventEditorSetMobBoots: "Postavi čizme"
eventEditorSetMobBootsDrop: "Postavi šanse pada čizama"
eventEditorSetMobLeggings: "Postavi hlače"
eventEditorSetMobLeggingsDrop: "Postavi šanse pada hlača"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlate: "Postavi prsnu ploču"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "Postavi šansu pada prsne ploče"
eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
@ -395,32 +395,32 @@ eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorCreate: "Create new condition"
conditionEditorEdit: "Edit a condition"
conditionEditorDelete: "Delete a condition"
conditionEditorNoneToEdit: "No conditions currently exist to be edited!"
conditionEditorNoneToDelete: "No conditions currently exist to be deleted!"
conditionEditorNotFound: "Condition not found!"
conditionEditorExists: "Condition already exists!"
conditionEditorInUse: "The following quests use the condition"
conditionEditorDeleted: "Condition deleted. Quest and condition data reloaded."
conditionEditorSaved: "Condition saved. Quest and condition data reloaded."
conditionEditorEnterName: "Enter Condition name, <cancel>"
conditionEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified a condition that the following quests use:'
conditionEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the condition, anyone who is actively doing any of these quests will be forced to quit them."
conditionEditorSetName: "Set name"
conditionEditorWorld: "World"
conditionEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
conditionEditorConditionCleared: "Condition cleared."
conditionEditorItemsInMainHand: "Hold in main hand"
conditionEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
conditionEditorWorldsPrompt: "Enter world names, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorStayWithinWorld: "Stay within world"
conditionEditorInvalidWorld: "is not a valid world name!"
conditionEditorBiomesTitle: "- Biomes -"
conditionEditorBiomesPrompt: "Enter biome names, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorStayWithinBiome: "Stay within biome"
conditionEditorInvalidBiome: "is not a valid biome name!"
conditionEditorCreate: "Napravi novu kondiciju"
conditionEditorEdit: "Uredi kondiciju"
conditionEditorDelete: "Izbriši kondiciju"
conditionEditorNoneToEdit: "Trenutačno ne postoji kondocija koje mogu biti uređene!"
conditionEditorNoneToDelete: "Trenutačno ne postoji kondicija koje mogu biti izbrisane!"
conditionEditorNotFound: "Kondicija nije pronađena!"
conditionEditorExists: "Kondicija već postoji!"
conditionEditorInUse: "Idući zadaci koriste kondiciju"
conditionEditorDeleted: "Kondicija izbrisana. Podaci zadataka i kondicija su ponovno učitani."
conditionEditorSaved: "Kondicija spremljena. Podaci zadataka i kondicija su ponovno učitani."
conditionEditorEnterName: "Upiši ime Kondicije, <cancel>"
conditionEditorModifiedNote: 'Bilješka: Promijenio si kondiciju koju koriste ovi zadaci:'
conditionEditorForcedToQuit: "Ako spremiš kondiciju, svi koji sada rade bilo koji od ovih zadataka će biti prisiljeni da ih napuste."
conditionEditorSetName: "Postavi ime"
conditionEditorWorld: "Svijet"
conditionEditorFailQuest: "Ne uspij riješiti zadatak"
conditionEditorConditionCleared: "Kondicija izbrisana."
conditionEditorItemsInMainHand: "Drži u glavnoj ruci"
conditionEditorWorldsTitle: "- Svjetovi -"
conditionEditorWorldsPrompt: "Upiši imena svjetova, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorStayWithinWorld: "Ostani unutar svijeta"
conditionEditorInvalidWorld: "nije važeće ime svijeta!"
conditionEditorBiomesTitle: "- Zavičaji -"
conditionEditorBiomesPrompt: "Upiši imena zavičaja, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorStayWithinBiome: "Ostani unutar zavičaja"
conditionEditorInvalidBiome: "nije važeće ime zavičaja!"
reqSetMoney: "Set money requirement"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Set <points> requirement"
reqSetItem: "Set item requirements"
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ optMultiplayer: "Multiplayer"
optBooleanPrompt: "Enter '<true>' or '<false>', <clear>, <cancel>"
optNumberPrompt: "Enter a level (number) for tracking progress, <clear>, <cancel>"
optAllowCommands: "Allow commands during quest"
optAllowQuitting: "Allow quitting during quest"
optAllowQuitting: "Dopusti napuštanje tijekom rješavanja zadatka"
optCommandsDenied: "You cannot use commands during <quest>."
optUseDungeonsXLPlugin: "Use DungeonsXL plugin"
optUsePartiesPlugin: "Use Parties plugin"
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - "
conditionEditorTitle: "- Condition Editor - "
conditionEditorTitle: "- Uređivač Kondicija - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
@ -643,49 +643,49 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game."
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:"
heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "level"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found."
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!"
inputNum: "Input must be a number."
inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number."
questModified: "Your active quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the quest."
questNotExist: "Your active quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the quest."
questInvalidChoice: "Invalid choice. Type '<yes>' or '<no>'"
pageSelectionNum: "Page selection must be a number."
pageSelectionPosNum: "Page selection must be a positive number."
questTakeDisabled: "Taking quests via commands has been disabled."
questQuit: "You have quit <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "Quitting this quest has been disabled."
questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown command. Type /quests for help."
pageNotExist: "Page does not exist."
pageFooter: "- Page <current> of <all> -"
questsReloaded: "Quest data reloaded."
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> quests loaded."
questForceTake: "<player> has forcibly started the quest <quest>."
questForcedTake: "<player> has forced you to take the quest <quest>."
questForceQuit: "<player> has forcibly quit the quest <quest>."
questForcedQuit: "<player> has forced you to quit the quest <quest>."
questForceFinish: "<player> has forcibly finished their quest <quest>."
questForcedFinish: "<player> has forced you to finish your quest <quest>."
questForceNextStage: "<player> has advanced to the next stage in the quest <quest>."
questForcedNextStage: "<player> has advanced you to the next stage in your quest <quest>."
questReset: "<player> has been reset."
questRemoved: "Quest <quest> has been removed from player <player>'s completed quests."
settingAllQuestPoints: "Setting all players' <points>..."
allQuestPointsSet: "All players' <points> have been set to <number>!"
shearSheep: "Ošišaj <color> Ovcu"
goTo: "Idi u <location>"
completed: "Dovršeno"
redoCompleted: "(Dovršeno)"
consoleError: "Ova komanda može biti izvedena samo u igri."
noActiveQuest: "Trenutno nemaš aktivnih zadataka."
speakTo: 'Početak: Pričaj sa <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "Moraš pričati sa <npc> kako bi započeo ovaj zadatak."
noCommandStart: "<quest> ne može biti započen preko komande."
permissionDisplay: "Permisija:"
heroesClass: "klasa"
mcMMOLevel: "nivo"
haveCompleted: "Dovršio si <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Ne možeš dovršiti <quest>"
questNotFound: "Zadatak nije pronađen."
alreadyConversing: "Već si u razgovoru!"
inputNum: "Unos mora biti broj."
inputPosNum: "Unos mora biti pozitivni broj."
questModified: "Tvoj aktivni zadatak <quest> je bio promijenjen. Bio si prisiljen da napustiš taj zadatak."
questNotExist: "Tvoj aktivni zadatak <quest> više ne postoji. Bio si prisiljen da napustiš taj zadatak."
questInvalidChoice: "Nevažeći odabir. Napiši '<yes>' ili '<no>'"
pageSelectionNum: "Odabir straice mora biti broj."
pageSelectionPosNum: "Odabir stranice mora biti pozitivan broj."
questTakeDisabled: "Uzima zadataka preko komandi je isključeno."
questQuit: "Napustio si zadatak <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "Napuštanje ovog zadatka je isključeno."
questsUnknownCommand: "Nepoznata komanda. Napiši /quests za pomoć."
pageNotExist: "Stranice ne postoji."
pageFooter: "- Stranica <current> od <all> -"
questsReloaded: "Podatci zadataka su ponovno učitani."
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> zadataka učitano."
questForceTake: "<player> je prisilno započeoo zadatak <quest>."
questForcedTake: "<player> te prisilio da primiš zadatak <quest>."
questForceQuit: "<player> je prisilno napustio zadatak <quest>."
questForcedQuit: "<player> te prisilio da napustiš zadatak <quest>."
questForceFinish: "<player> je prisilno dovršio njihov zadatak <quest>."
questForcedFinish: "<player> te prisilio da dovršiš svoj zadatak <quest>."
questForceNextStage: "<player> je napredovao na idući stupanj zadatka <quest>."
questForcedNextStage: "<player> te unaprijedio do idućeg stupnja tvog zadatka <quest>."
questReset: "<player> je resetiran."
questRemoved: "Zadatak <quest> je izbrisan sa <player> popisa dovršenih zadataka."
settingAllQuestPoints: "Postavljanje svih igračevih <points>..."
allQuestPointsSet: "Svi igračevi <points> su postavljeni na <number>!"
setQuestPoints: "<player>'s <points> have been set to <number>."
questPointsSet: "<player> has set your <points> to <number>."
takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> <points> from <player>."
@ -699,92 +699,92 @@ noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is already on the quest <quest>!"
questsUnknownAdminCommand: "Unknown command. Type /questsadmin for help."
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading <file>."
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping..."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
errorDataFolder: "Error: Unable to read from data folder!"
errorLoading: "Plugin is currently loading. Please try again later!"
unknownError: "An unknown error occurred. See console output."
journalTitle: "Quest Journal"
journalTaken: "You take out your <journal>."
journalPutAway: "You put away your <journal>."
journalNoRoom: "You have no room in your inventory for your <journal>!"
journalNoQuests: "You have no accepted quests!"
journalDenied: "You cannot do that with your <journal>."
compassSet: "Set compass target to quest <quest>."
compassReset: "Reset compass target."
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
timeMinutes: "Minutes"
timeSecond: "Second"
timeSeconds: "Seconds"
timeMillisecond: "Millisecond"
timeMilliseconds: "Milliseconds"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
exited: "Exited"
cancel: "Cancel"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
questTimeout: "Cancelled."
yesWord: "Yes"
noWord: "No"
"true": "true"
"false": "false"
clear: "Clear"
cleared: "Cleared"
edit: "Edit"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
errorNPCID: 'Greška: Nema NPC-a sa ID-em <number>'
questSaveError: "Došlo je do greške prilikom spremanja podataka."
questErrorReadingFile: "Dogodila se greška prilikom čitanja <file>."
errorReading: "Dogodila se greška prilikom čitanja <file>, preskačemo ga..."
errorReadingSuppress: "Dogodila se greška prilikom čitanja <file>, sprječavamo daljnje greške."
errorDataFolder: "Greška: Mapa podataka se ne može pročitati!"
errorLoading: "Plugin se trenutačno učitava. Molimo probajte kasnije!"
unknownError: "Nepoznata greška se dogodila. Pogledajte se ispis konzole."
journalTitle: "Dnevnik Zadataka"
journalTaken: "Vadiš svoj <journal>."
journalPutAway: "Sklanjaš svoj <journal>."
journalNoRoom: "Nemaš mjesta u svom inventaru kako bi izvadio svoj <journal>!"
journalNoQuests: "Nemaš primljenih zadataka!"
journalDenied: "Ne možeš to napravit sa svojim <journal>."
compassSet: "Postavi cilj kompasa na zadatak <quest>."
compassReset: "Resetiran cilj kompasa."
timeZone: "Vremenska zona"
timeDay: "Dan"
timeDays: "Dani"
timeMonth: "Mjesec"
timeMonths: "Mjeseci"
timeYear: "Godina"
timeYears: "Godine"
timeHour: "Sat"
timeHours: "Sati"
timeMinute: "Minuta"
timeMinutes: "Minute"
timeSecond: "Sekunda"
timeSeconds: "Sekunde"
timeMillisecond: "Milisekunda"
timeMilliseconds: "Milisekunde"
delay: "Odgoda"
save: "Spremi"
exit: "Izlaz"
exited: "Izašao/la si"
cancel: "Otkaži"
cancelled: "Otkazano"
questTimeout: "Otkazano."
yesWord: "Da"
noWord: "Ne"
"true": "točno"
"false": "netočno"
clear: "Izbriši"
cleared: "Izbrisano"
edit: "Uredi"
none: "Ništa"
done: "Gotovo"
noneSet: "Ništa nije postavljeno"
noDelaySet: "Nema postavljene odgode"
noIdsSet: "Nema postavljenih ID-a"
noNamesSet: "Nema postavljenih imena"
worlds: "Svjetovi"
points: "bodovi"
npcHint: "Bilješka: Možeš kliknuti lijevi ili desni klik na NPC-a kako bi dobio njihov ID."
listsNotSameSize: "Svi potrebni popisi moraju imati isti broj unosa!"
listDuplicate: "Popis sadrži duplikate!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
event: "Action"
condition: "Condition"
quests: "Quests"
createdBy: "Created by"
continuedBy: "and continued by"
questPoints: "Quest Points"
accepted: "Accepted"
complete: "Complete"
redoable: "Redoable"
objectives: "Objectives"
everything: "Everything"
usage: "Usage"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements"
requirementsItemFail: "Unable to collect required item. Is it in your off-hand?"
conditionFailQuit: "Condition failed. You have quit <quest>."
conditionFailRetry: "Condition not yet met for this stage of <quest>."
money: "Money"
with: "with"
to: "to"
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
valRequired: "Value required"
experience: "Experience"
timePrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
timerMessage: "Time left to finish the quest/stage: <time> seconds"
timerStart: "You have <time> seconds to finish this quest/stage"
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
confirmDelete: "Are you sure?"
quest: "Zadatak"
event: "Radnja"
condition: "Kondicija"
quests: "Zadaci"
createdBy: "Napravljeno od"
continuedBy: "i dovršeno od"
questPoints: "Bodovi Zadatka"
accepted: "Prihvaćeno"
complete: "Gotovo"
redoable: "Ponavljajuće"
objectives: "Ciljevi"
everything: "Sve"
usage: "Uporaba"
redoableEvery: "Ponavljajuće svakih <time>."
requirements: "Uvjeti"
requirementsItemFail: "Ne možemo primiti potreban predmet, jel je u tvojoj drugoj ruci?"
conditionFailQuit: "Kondicija neuspješna. Napustio si <quest>."
conditionFailRetry: "Kondicija nije još postignuta za ovaj stupanj od <quest>."
money: "Novac"
with: "sa"
to: "do"
blocksWithin: "unutar <amount> blokova od"
valRequired: "Vrijednost je potrebna"
experience: "Iskustvo"
timePrompt: "Upiši količinu vremena (u sekundama), <clear>, <cancel>"
timerMessage: "Vrijeme ostalo za dovršiti zadatak/stupanj: <time> sekundi"
timerStart: "Imaš <time> sekundi da završiš ovaj zadatak/stupanj"
noPermission: "Nemaš permisiju za napraviti to."
duplicateEditor: "Već koristiš uređivač!"
difference: "Razlika je '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Nije instalirano"
confirmDelete: "Jesi li siguran?"