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synced 2025-01-31 20:51:55 +01:00
Merge pull request #897 from PikaMug/l10n_master
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "إعادة ضبط"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "إنشاء مغامرة"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "تعيين المنطقة"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "تم تنظيف منطقة المسعى."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questGUIError: "خطأ: هذا العنصر يستخدم بالفعل كعرض واجهة المستخدم الرسومية للسعي إلى <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "تعيين العنصر"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "حدث خطأ أثناء الحفظ."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Vyčistí všechna úkolová data hráče"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [hráč] [úkol] - Odstraní dokončený úkol hráče"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Přepne zobrazení GUI úkolů na NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Znovu načte všechny úkoly"
questEditorHeader: "Vytvořit úkol"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Nyní můžete provádět úkoly s <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> může nadále provádět úkoly s vámi."
questPartiesLeave: "Můžete nadále provádět úkoly s <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Nastavit region"
questWGNotInstalled: "Plugin WorldGuard není nainstalován"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> není platný WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Region úkolu byl vymazán."
questCitNotInstalled: "Plugin Citizens není nainstalován"
questDenNotInstalled: "Plugin Denizen není nainstalován"
questGUIError: "Error: Tento item se již používá jako zobrazení GUI pro úkol <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Momentální předmět:"
questSetItem: "Nastavit předmět"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Žádné požadavky nenastaveny"
reqNotANumber: "<input> není číslo!"
reqMustAddItem: "Nejprve musíte přidat alespoň jednu položku!"
reqNoMessage: "Musíte nastavit zprávu o požadavcích na selhání!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO není nainstalováno"
reqNoHeroes: "Hrdina není nainstalovaný"
plnStart: "Nastavte datum zahájení"
plnEnd: "Nastavte datum ukončení"
plnRepeat: "Nastavte cyklus opakování"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots odměny odstraněny."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Vlastní odměny byli nyní přidány!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Modul vlastních odměn nebyl nalezen."
rewCustomCleared: "Vlastní odměny byli vymazány."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots není nainstalovaný"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Načítaní položka v ruce"
itemCreateSetName: "Nastavit název"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Nastavit množství"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Odnesli <number> bodů z úkolu <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> vzal <number> bodů z úkolu."
giveQuestPoints: "Dal <number> Bodů z úkolu <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> ti dal <number> bodů z úkolu."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> nyní poskytne zobrazení GUI úkolu."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> již nebude poskytovat zobrazení GUI úkolu."
invalidMinimum: "Vstup musí být alespoň <number>!"
invalidRange: "Vstup musí být mezi <least> a <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Neplatná volba!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Při ukládání nastala chyba."
noPermission: "Nemáte k tomu povolení."
duplicateEditor: "Již používáte editor!"
difference: "Rozdíl je \"<data>\"."
notInstalled: "Není instalován"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "nulstil"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [spiller] - Nulstiller alt Quests data fra en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [spiller] [quest] - Fjerner en fuldført Quest fra en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Skifter GUI Quest Displayet på en NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Reloader alle Quests"
questEditorHeader: "Opret Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Du kan nu udføre quests med Kaptajn <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> har nu ikke mulighed for at lave quests med dig."
questPartiesLeave: "Du kan ikke længere lave quests med kaptajn <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Sæt område"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard er ikke indstallerede"
questWGPrompt: "Skriv navnet på WorldGuard området, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> er ikke et gyldigt WorldGuard område!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest område fjernet."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens er ikke installeret"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen er ikke installeret"
questGUIError: "Fejl: Dette item bruges allerede som display til Questen <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Aktuel item:"
questSetItem: "Sæt item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Ingen krav sat"
reqNotANumber: "<input> er ikke et tal!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO er ikke installeret"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Sæt navnet"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Sæt antal"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Ugyldig indstilling!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Der opstod en fejl under gemning."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Ikke installeret"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "zurücksetzen"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [spieler] - Löscht von einem Spieler alle Questdaten"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [spieler] [quest] - Entfernt eine abgeschlossene Quest von einem Spieler"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [Npc Id] - Schalte das GUI Quest Menü auf einem NPC an/aus"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Alle Quests werden neu geladen"
questEditorHeader: "Quest erstellen"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Du kannst nun mit <player> Quests durchführen."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> kann nun keine Quests mehr mit dir durchführen."
questPartiesLeave: "Du kannst keine Quests mehr mit <player> durchführen."
questWGSetRegion: "Region setzen"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard ist nicht installiert"
questWGPrompt: "Gib die Worldguardregion ein, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> ist keine gültige WorldGuard-Region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region entfernt."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens ist nicht installiert"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen ist nicht installiert"
questGUIError: "Fehler: Dieses Item wird bereits als GUI-Display für die Quest <quest> benutzt."
questCurrentItem: "Aktuelles Item:"
questSetItem: "Item setzen"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Keine Voraussetzung festgelegt"
reqNotANumber: "<input> ist keine Nummer!"
reqMustAddItem: "Sie müssen mindestens ein Item hinzufügen!"
reqNoMessage: "Die Nachricht, dass man die Voraussetzung nicht erfüllt, fehlt!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO ist nicht installiert"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes ist nicht installiert"
plnStart: "Startdatum festlegen"
plnEnd: "Enddatum festlegen"
plnRepeat: "Wiederholungszyklus einstellen"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots Belohnung zurückgesetzt."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Diese benutzerdefinierte Belohnung wurde bereits hinzugefügt!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Benutzerdefinierte Belohnungs-Modul nicht gefunden."
rewCustomCleared: "Benutzerdefinierte Belohnungen wurden zurückgesetzt."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots ist nicht installiert"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Item in der Hand laden"
itemCreateSetName: "Name setzen"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Anzahl setzen"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Du hast <number> Questpunkte von <player> weggenommen."
questPointsTaken: "<player> hat <number> Questpunkte weggenommen."
giveQuestPoints: "Du hast <player> <number> Questpunkte gegeben."
questPointsGiven: "<player> hat <number> Questpunkte gegeben."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> wird nun eine GUI Questanzeige verwenden."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> wird nicht länger eine GUI Questanzeige verwenden."
invalidMinimum: "Die Eingabe muss mindestens <number> sein!"
invalidRange: "Die Eingabe muss zwischen <least> und <greatest> erfolgen!"
invalidOption: "Ungültige Option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Beim Speichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
noPermission: "Du hast keine Erlaubnis das zu tun."
duplicateEditor: "Du verwendest bereits einen Editor!"
difference: "Der Unterschied ist '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Nicht installiert"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed Quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Reload all Quests"
questEditorHeader: "Create Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Ye can now perform quests wit' <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests wit' ye."
questPartiesLeave: "Ye can no longer perform quests wit' <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard nah installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> ain't a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens nah installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen nah installed"
questGUIError: "Error: That item be already bein' used as th' GUI Display fer th' Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> ain't a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "Ye must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "Ye must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic nah installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes nah installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module nah found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots nah installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> loot away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave ye <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> 'n <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while savin'."
noPermission: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' do that."
duplicateEditor: "Ye be already usin' an editor!"
difference: "Th' difference be '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Nah installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "Create Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [jugador] - Reinicia todos los datos de la Búsqueda de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [jugador] [búsqueda] - Remueve una Búsqueda completada de un jugador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Activa/Desactiva el menú para visualizar la Búsqueda en un NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Recarga todos los archivos de configuración"
questEditorHeader: "Crear Búsqueda"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Ahora puedes realizar misiones con <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> ya no puede realizar misiones contigo."
questPartiesLeave: "Ya no puedes realizar misiones con <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Establecer región"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard no está instalado"
questWGPrompt: "Introduzca región de WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "¡<region> no es una región valida de WorldGuard!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Región de Búsqueda eliminada."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens no está instalado"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen no está instalado"
questGUIError: "Error: Ese ítem ya está siendo usado como la pantalla gráfica de la interfaz de usuario para la Búsqueda <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Ítem actual:"
questSetItem: "Establecer Ítem"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Sin requerimientos colocados"
reqNotANumber: "¡<input> no es un número!"
reqMustAddItem: "¡Usted debe añadir al menos un ítem primero!"
reqNoMessage: "¡Usted debe colocar un mensaje de requerimiento fallido!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO no instalado"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes no instalado"
plnStart: "Establecer fecha de inicio"
plnEnd: "Establecer fecha de finalización"
plnRepeat: "Establecer ciclo de repetición"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Premio PhatLoots vaciado."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "¡El premio personalizado ya ha sido añadido!"
rewCustomNotFound: "El modulo del Premio personalizado no encontrado."
rewCustomCleared: "Premio personalizado vaciado."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots no instalado"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Cargando ítem a mano"
itemCreateSetName: "Colocar nombre"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Colocar cantidad"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Se llevaron los Puntos de Búsqueda <number> de <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> se ha llevado <number> Puntos de Búsqueda."
giveQuestPoints: "Dio <number> Puntos de Búsqueda de <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> te dio <number> Puntos de Búsqueda."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ahora proporcionará una Pantalla GUI Quest."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> ya no proporcionará una Pantalla Quest de GUI."
invalidMinimum: "¡La entrada debe ser al menos <number>!"
invalidRange: "¡La entrada debe estar entre <least> y <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "¡opción invalida!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "A ocurrido un error al guardar."
noPermission: "No tienes permiso para hacer eso."
duplicateEditor: "¡Ya estás usando un editor!"
difference: "La diferencia es '<data>'."
notInstalled: "No instalado"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "lähtesta"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Puhasta kõik questi andmed mängijalt"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - laadi uuesti kõik questid"
questEditorHeader: "Tee quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens ei ole installitud"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen ei ole installitud"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Praegune ese:"
questSetItem: "Määra Ese"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Pelaajan tehtävätietojen hävittäminen"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Tehdyn tehtävän poistaminen"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Kyläläisen valikon asettaminen/poisto"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Tehtävien uudelleenlataaminen"
questEditorHeader: "Tehtävän luominen"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Aseta alue"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard uupuu!"
questWGPrompt: "Syötä WorldGuard-alue, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> ei ole kelpaava WorldGuard-alue!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Tehtäväalue poistettu."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens uupuu!"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen uupuu!"
questGUIError: "Error: Tuo tavara on jo valikossa käytössä tehtävällä <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Nykyinen tavara:"
questSetItem: "Aseta tavara"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Vaatimuksia ei ole asetettu"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMo uupuu!"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes uupuu!"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots uupuu!"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "i-reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Malinaw sa lahat ng Paghanap ng data ng manlalaro"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Tanggalin ang tapos nang pagsusulit mula sa manalalaro"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI sa Paghahanap ng Larawan sa NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - I-reload ang lahat ng Pagsusulit"
questEditorHeader: "Gumawa ng Paghahanap"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Ngayon maaari kang magsagawa ng mga quests sa <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> maaari hindi na magsagawa ng mga quests sa inyo."
questPartiesLeave: "Maaari mong hindi na magsagawa ng mga quests sa <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Itakda ang Rehiyon"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard ay hindi na-install"
questWGPrompt: "Ilagay ang WorldGuard rehiyon, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> ay hindi wastong WorldGuard rehiyon!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Paghahanap ng rehiyon ay malinis na."
questCitNotInstalled: "Ang Citizens ay hindi na-install"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen ay hindi na-install"
questGUIError: "Error: Ito ay bagay na nagamit na bilang GUI Display para sa Paghahanap <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Kasalukuyang bagay:"
questSetItem: "Itakda ang bagay"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Walang itinakdang pangangailangan"
reqNotANumber: "<input> ay hindi numero!"
reqMustAddItem: "Kailangan mo munang magdagdag ng kahit isang gamit!"
reqNoMessage: "Kailangan mo munang itakda ang pangangailangang pagkakamali na mensahe!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO ay hindi na install"
reqNoHeroes: "Mga bayani ay hindi na install"
plnStart: "Itakda ang petsa ng pagsisimula"
plnEnd: "Itakda ang petsa ng pagtatapos"
plnRepeat: "Magtakda ng paulit-ulit na cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Gantimpala ng PhatLoots ay tapos na."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ang gantimpalang kasuotang iyan ay kasalukuyang nadagdag na!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Gantimpalang kasuotan module ay hindi matagpuan."
rewCustomCleared: "Gantimpalang kasuotan ay tapos na."
rewNoPhat: "Phatloots ay hindi na install"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Gamit na load ay nasa kamay"
itemCreateSetName: "Itakda ang pangalan"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Itakda ang halaga"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Inalis ang <number> ng puntos ng pagsusulit sa <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> ay inalis ang <number> ng Puntos ng pagsusulit."
giveQuestPoints: "Ibinigay and <number> ng puntos ng pagsusulit sa <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> binigyan ka ng <number> ng puntos ng pagsusulit."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ngayon ay nag bigay ng GUI larawan ng pagsusulit."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> ay di na maaaring mag bigay ng GUI larawan ng display."
invalidMinimum: "Ang input ay dapat na hindi bababa sa <number>!"
invalidRange: "Ang input ay dapat nasa pagitan ng <least> at <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Di wastong pagpipilian!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Mayroong error ang lumabas habang ikaw ay nagsisave."
noPermission: "Wala kang pahintulot na gawin iyon."
duplicateEditor: "Gumagamit ka na ng editor!"
difference: "Ang pagkakaiba ay '<data> '."
notInstalled: "Hindi naka-install"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Effacer toutes les données de quête d'un joueur"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [joueur] [quest] - Supprimer une quête terminée par un joueur"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Activer/désactiver le menu de quête d'un NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Recharger toutes les quêtes"
questEditorHeader: "Créer une quête"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Vous pouvez maintenant effectuer des quêtes avec <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> ne peut plus effectuer les quêtes avec vous."
questPartiesLeave: "Vous pouvez plus effectuer de quêtes avec <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Définir la région"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard n'est pas installé"
questWGPrompt: "Entrer le nom de la région WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> n’est pas une région WorldGuard valide !"
questWGRegionCleared: "Région de quête effacée."
questCitNotInstalled: "Le plugin Citizens n'est pas installé"
questDenNotInstalled: "Le plugin Denizen n'est pas installé"
questGUIError: "Erreur : cet objet est déjà utilisé comme affichage du menu pour la quête <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Objet actuel :"
questSetItem: "Définir l'objet"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Conditions non définis"
reqNotANumber: "<input> n'est pas un nombre !"
reqMustAddItem: "Vous devez ajouter au moins un élément d’abord !"
reqNoMessage: "Vous devez définir un message d'erreur pour les prérequis !"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO n'est pas installé"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes n'est pas installé"
plnStart: "Définir la date de début"
plnEnd: "Définir la date de fin"
plnRepeat: "Définir le cycle de répétition"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Récompense PhatLoots effacée."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Cette récompense personnalisée a déjà été ajoutée !"
rewCustomNotFound: "Module de récompense personnalisée introuvable."
rewCustomCleared: "Récompense personnalisée effacée."
rewNoPhat: "Phatloots n'est pas installé"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Définir l'objet en main"
itemCreateSetName: "Définir le nom"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Définir quantité"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Retiré <number> Points de quête de <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> vous a donné <number> Points de quête."
giveQuestPoints: "A donné <number> Points de quête de <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> vous a donné <number> Points de quête."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> fournira maintenant un affichage de la quête GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> ne fournira plus un affichage de la quête GUI."
invalidMinimum: "L'entrée doit être supérieur a <number>!"
invalidRange: "L'entrée doit être entre <least> et <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Option invalide!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Une erreur s’est produite lors de la sauvegarde."
noPermission: "Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour effectuer cette action."
duplicateEditor: "Käytät jo editoria!"
difference: "La différence est '<data> '."
notInstalled: "Pas installé"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "Create Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [játékos] - Törli a játékos összes küldeményadatát"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [játékos] [quest] - Eltávolít egy befejezett küldetést egy játékostól"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - A GUI keresés megjelenítésének megjelenítése egy NPC-n"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Újratölti a plugint"
questEditorHeader: "Készít egy küldetést"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Most küldetéseket hajthatsz végre <player>-val/vel."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> már nem hajthat végre küldetéseket veled."
questPartiesLeave: "<player>-val küldetések már nem végezhet."
questWGSetRegion: "Régió beállítása"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard nincs telepítve"
questWGPrompt: "Lépj be a WorldGuard régióba, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> nem érvényes WorldGuard régió!"
questWGRegionCleared: "A Küldetés régió kitisztítva."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens nincs telepítve"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen nincs telepítve"
questGUIError: "Hiba: Ez az elem már használt GUI-megjelenítésként a(z) <quest> küldetés számára."
questCurrentItem: "Jelenlegi elem:"
questSetItem: "Elem beállítása"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Nincsenek követelmények"
reqNotANumber: "A(z) <input> nem szám!"
reqMustAddItem: "Legalább egy elemet hozzá kell adnia!"
reqNoMessage: "Be kell állítani a hibaüzeneteket!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO nincs telepítve"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes nincs telepítve"
plnStart: "Beállítsa a kezdő dátumot"
plnEnd: "Befejező dátum beállítása"
plnRepeat: "Beállítsa az ismétlési ciklust"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots jutalom törölve."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ez az egyéni jutalom már hozzá van adva!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Egyéni jutalom modul nem található."
rewCustomCleared: "Egyéni jutalmak törölve."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots nincs telepítve"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Elem töltése, ami a kézben van"
itemCreateSetName: "Név beállítása"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Mennyiség beállítása"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Elvitt <number> küldési pontokat <player> játékostól."
questPointsTaken: "<player> elvett <number> Küldetés pontokat."
giveQuestPoints: "Adott <number> küldési pontok <player> játékosból."
questPointsGiven: "<player> adott <number> Küldetés pontokat."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> most GUI Küldetés megjelenítést ad."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> nem ad meg többé GUI Küldetés megjelenítést."
invalidMinimum: "A bemenetnek legalább <number> kell lennie!"
invalidRange: "A bemenetnek <least> és <greatest> között kell lennie!"
invalidOption: "Érvénytelen lehetőség!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Hiba történt a mentés közben."
noPermission: "Nincs jogod ehhez."
duplicateEditor: "Már használsz egy szerkesztőt!"
difference: "A különbség '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Nincs telepítve"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "atur Ulang"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Hapus semua data Quests dari pemain"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Hapus Quest yang telah selesai dari pemain"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Pencarian Tampilan di NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Memuat ulang semua Quests"
questEditorHeader: "Buat Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Anda sekarang dapat melakukan pencarian dengan <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> tidak lagi dapat melakukan pencarian dengan Anda."
questPartiesLeave: "Anda tidak dapat melakukan pencarian dengan <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Atur Wilayah"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard tidak diinstal"
questWGPrompt: "Masukkan wilayah WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> bukan wilayah WorldGuard yang valid!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Daerah Quest yang dibersihkan."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens tidak diinstal"
questDenNotInstalled: "Penghuni tidak terpasang"
questGUIError: "Kesalahan: Item itu sudah digunakan sebagai Tampilan GUI untuk Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Item saat ini:"
questSetItem: "Atur Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Tidak ada persyaratan yang ditetapkan"
reqNotANumber: "<input> bukanlah sebuah angka!"
reqMustAddItem: "Anda harus menambahkan setidaknya satu item pertama!"
reqNoMessage: "Anda harus menetapkan pesan persyaratan gagal!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO tidak dipasang"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes tidak dipasang"
plnStart: "Setel tanggal mulai"
plnEnd: "Setel tanggal akhir"
plnRepeat: "Setel siklus berulang"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Hadiah PhatLoots dibersihkan."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Hadiah ubahsuaian itu telah ditambahkan!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Modul penghargaan khusus tidak ditemukan."
rewCustomCleared: "Imbalan khusus dihapus."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoot tidak diinstal"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Muatkan barang di tangan"
itemCreateSetName: "Tetapkan nama"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Tetapkan jumlah"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Mengambil <number> Poin Pencarian dari <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> mengambil <number> Poin Pencarian."
giveQuestPoints: "Memberi <number> Poin Pencarian dari <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> memberi Anda <number> Poin Pencarian."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> sekarang akan menyediakan GUI Tampilan Pencarian."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> tidak akan lagi memberikan a GUI Tampilan Pencarian."
invalidMinimum: "Masukan harus setidaknya <number>!"
invalidRange: "Masukan harus antara <least> dan <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Pilihan tidak sah!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan."
noPermission: "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan itu."
duplicateEditor: "Anda sudah menggunakan editor!"
difference: "Perbedaannya adalah '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Tidak terpasang"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "riavvio"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Cancellare tutti i dati delle missioni di un giocatori"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Rimuovere una missione completata da un giocatore"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Attiva / disattiva la visualizzazione della GUI su NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Ricaricare tutte le missioni"
questEditorHeader: "Crea il carico"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "È ora possibile eseguire missioni con <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> non è più possibile eseguire missioni con voi."
questPartiesLeave: "Non è possibile eseguire missioni con <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Imposta la regione"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard non installata"
questWGPrompt: "Immettere la regione di WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> non è un'area di WorldGuard valida!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Cercare las regiones deseleccionadas."
questCitNotInstalled: "Cittadini non installati"
questDenNotInstalled: "Cittadino non installato"
questGUIError: "Errore: Quell'elemento è già utilizzato come Display GUI per la ricerca<quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Oggetto corrente:"
questSetItem: "Imposta l'articolo"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Nessun requisito impostato"
reqNotANumber: "<input>non è un numero!"
reqMustAddItem: "Devi prima aggiungere almeno un oggetto!"
reqNoMessage: "È necessario impostare un messaggio sui requisti di errore!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO non installato"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes non installati"
plnStart: "Imposta la data di inizio"
plnEnd: "Imposta la data di fine"
plnRepeat: "Imposta ciclo di ripetizione"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots ricompensa deselezionata."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Quel ricompensa personalizzato è già stato aggiunto!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Modulo premio personalizzato non trovato."
rewCustomCleared: "Ricompense di personalizzati cancellato."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots non installato"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Carico elemento in mano"
itemCreateSetName: "Imposta nome"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Imposta quantità"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Se lleva <number> Punto di ricerca di <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> ha preso <number> Punto di ricerca."
giveQuestPoints: "Ha dato <number> punto di missione <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> ti ha dato <number> punto di missioni."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ora fornirà una schermata di ricerca GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> non fornirà più una schermata della ricerca GUI."
invalidMinimum: "L'input deve essere almeno <number>!"
invalidRange: "L'input deve essere tra <least> e <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Opzione non valida!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio."
noPermission: "Non hai il permesso di farlo."
duplicateEditor: "Stai già usando un editor!"
difference: "La differenza è '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Non installato"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "リセット"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - (Questsの) プレイヤーのすべてのデータをクリアします"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] -プレイヤーから完成したクエストを削除"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - NPCのクエストGUIの切り替え"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Questsを再読み込み"
questEditorHeader: "クエストを作成する"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "地域を設定"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuardがインストールされていません"
questWGPrompt: "WorldGuardの区域を入力してください、<clear>、<cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region>は、有効な WorldGuard 区域ではありません!"
questWGRegionCleared: "クエストの範囲がクリアされました。"
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizensがインストールされていません"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizenがインストールされていません"
questGUIError: "エラー:その項目はクエスト <quest> のためのGUIとして使用されています."
questCurrentItem: "現在のアイテム:"
questSetItem: "アイテムの設定"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "無効なオプション"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "保存中にエラーが発生しました。"
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "초기화"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - 이 플레이어의 모든 퀘스트 데이터를 삭제합니다"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - 플레이어가 완료한 퀘스트를 제거합니다."
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - NPC에 GUI 퀘스트 토클 표시"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - 플러그인을 안전하게 다시로드."
questEditorHeader: "퀘스트 생성"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "<player> 는 이제부터 퀘스트를 할 수 있다."
questPartiesKicked: "<player>는 더 이상 퀘스트를 수행 할 수 없습니다."
questPartiesLeave: "<player> 는 이제부터 퀘스트를 할 수 없다."
questWGSetRegion: "영역 설정"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard 가 설치되지 않았습니다."
questWGPrompt: "WorldGuard 지역 입력, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> 은 유효하지 않은 WorldGuard 지역입니다!"
questWGRegionCleared: "퀘스트 지역 완료됨."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens 가 설치되지 않았습니다"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen 이 설치되지 않았습니다"
questGUIError: "오류: 해당 항목은 Quest <quest> 의 GUI 디스플레이로 이미 사용 중입니다."
questCurrentItem: "현재 아이템:"
questSetItem: "아이템 선택"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "요구사항 설정 안됨"
reqNotANumber: "<input> 은 숫자가 아닙니다!"
reqMustAddItem: "먼저 아이템을 하나 이상 추가해야합니다!"
reqNoMessage: "실패 요구 메시지를 설정해야합니다!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO 가 설치되지 않았습니다."
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes 가 설치되지 않았습니다"
plnStart: "시작일 설정"
plnEnd: "종료일 설정"
plnRepeat: "반복주기 설정"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots 보상이 완료되었습니다."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "그 사용자 정의 보상은 이미 추가되었습니다!"
rewCustomNotFound: "사용자 정의 보상 모듈을 찾을 수 없습니다."
rewCustomCleared: "사용자 정의 보상이 완료되었습니다."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots 이 설치되어 있지 않습니다."
itemCreateLoadHand: "손에 든 아이템 로드"
itemCreateSetName: "아이템 코드 입력"
itemCreateSetAmount: "양 설정"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "<number> 퀘스트 포인트를 <player> 에서 제거했습
questPointsTaken: "<player> 는 <number> 퀘스트 포인트를 없앴습니다."
giveQuestPoints: "<number> 퀘스트 포인트를 <플레이어>에서 가져 왔습니다."
questPointsGiven: "<player> 가 <number> 퀘스트 포인트를주었습니다."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> 는 GUI 퀘스트 디스플레이를 제공하려고합니다."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> 는 더 이상 GUI 퀘스트 디스플레이를 제공하지 않습니다."
invalidMinimum: "<숫자> 이상이어야합니다!"
invalidRange: "<least> 와 <greatest> 사이 여야합니다!"
invalidOption: "잘못된 옵션입니다!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "저장하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다."
noPermission: "실행할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다."
duplicateEditor: "이미 편집자를 사용 중입니다!"
difference: "다른점은 '<data>' 입니다."
notInstalled: "설치 안 됨"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [speler] - Verwijdert alle Quest data van deze speler"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [speler] [quest] - Verwijder een afgeronde Quest van deze speler"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle Quest GUI vertoning voor een NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Herlaad alle Missies"
questEditorHeader: "Maak Missie"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Je kan nu opdrachten uitvoeren met <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> kan nu niet meer opdrachten met jou uitvoeren."
questPartiesLeave: "Je kan nu niet meer opdrachten uitvoeren met <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Bepaal een gebied"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard is niet geïnstalleerd"
questWGPrompt: "Voer de gebiedsnaam van WorldGuard in, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is niet een bekend WorldGuard gebied!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest gebied gewist."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens plugin niet geïnstalleerd"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen plugin niet geïnstalleerd"
questGUIError: "Error: Dat item wordt al gebruikt als GUI Vertoning door de Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Huidig item:"
questSetItem: "Stel Item in"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Geen vereisten ingesteld"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is geen getal!"
reqMustAddItem: "U moet minstens één item eerst toevoegen!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO niet geïnstalleerd"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes niet geïnstalleerd"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots beloning gewist."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Deze aangepaste beloning is al toegevoegd!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Aangepaste beloning module niet gevonden."
rewCustomCleared: "Aangepaste beloningen gewist."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Er ging iets mis tijdens het opslaan."
noPermission: "Je hebt geen toestemming om dat te doen."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "Het verschil is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Usuń wszystkie dane z zadań gracza"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Usuń ukończone zadania"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Przełącz zadanie GUI pokazane na NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Załaduj ponowie wszystkie zadania"
questEditorHeader: "Utwórz Zadanie"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Można teraz wykonywać questy z <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> nie może wykonywać zadania z Tobą."
questPartiesLeave: "Nie można wykonywać questy z <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Ustaw Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard nie zainstalowany"
questWGPrompt: "Wejdź do regionu WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> nie jest ważnym regionem WorldGuard!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Region misji wyczyszczony."
questCitNotInstalled: "Obywatele nie są zainstalowani"
questDenNotInstalled: "Mieszkańcy nie są zainstalowani"
questGUIError: "Błąd: Ten przedmiot jest już używany jako wyświetlacz GUI dla misji <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Aktualny przedmiot:"
questSetItem: "Ustaw Przedmiot"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Brak wymagań zestawu"
reqNotANumber: "<input> nie jest numerem!"
reqMustAddItem: "Musisz najpierw dodać przynajmniej jeden przedmiot!"
reqNoMessage: "Musisz ustawić komunikat o błędzie wymagań!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO nie jest zainstalowane"
reqNoHeroes: "Bohaterowie nie się zainstalowani"
plnStart: "Ustaw datę rozpoczęcia"
plnEnd: "Ustaw datę zakończenia"
plnRepeat: "Ustaw cykl powtarzania"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Nagrody PhatLoot wyczyszczone."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ta niestandardowa nagroda została już dodana!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Wzór niestandardowych nagród nie znaleziony."
rewCustomCleared: "Niestandardowe nagrody wyczyszczone."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots nie jest zainstalowane"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Załaduj przedmiot w dłoni"
itemCreateSetName: "Ustaw nazwę"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Ustaw ilość"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Zabierz <number> punktów misji od <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> zabrał <number> punktów misji."
giveQuestPoints: "Dostał <number> punktów misji od <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> dał ci <number> Punktów Misji."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> będzie teraz zapewniać wyświetlanie zadań GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> nie będzie już wyświetlać ekranu zadań GUI."
invalidMinimum: "Dane wejściowe muszą wynosić co najmniej <number>!"
invalidRange: "Dane wejściowe muszą znajdować się między <least> i <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Nie można tego zrobić!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisu."
noPermission: "Nie masz na to pozwolenia."
duplicateEditor: "Używasz już edytora!"
difference: "Różnica polega na '<data> '."
notInstalled: "Nie zainstalowany"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "resetar"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Limpe todos os dados de Missões de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] Remova uma Quest concluída de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Alterar GUI de um NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Recarrega todas as quest"
questEditorHeader: "Criar Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Você agora pode executar missões com o Líder <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> não pode mais executar missões com você."
questPartiesLeave: "Você não pode mais executar missões com o Líder <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Defina a Região"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard não está instalado"
questWGPrompt: "Digite a região do WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> não é uma região valida do WorldGuard!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Região da Quest Desmarcada."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens não instalado"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen não instalado"
questGUIError: "Erro: Este item já está sendo usado como ícone de GUI para a missão <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Item atual:"
questSetItem: "Definir Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Sem requerimentos definidos"
reqNotANumber: "<input> não é um número!"
reqMustAddItem: "Você deve adicionar pelo menos um item primeiro!"
reqNoMessage: "Você deve definir uma mensagem de falha!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO não instalado"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes não instalado"
plnStart: "Definir data de início"
plnEnd: "Definir data final"
plnRepeat: "Definir repetição"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots recompensa foi limpa."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Essa recompensa personalizada já foi adicionada!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Módulo de recompensa personalizado não encontrado."
rewCustomCleared: "Recompensas personalizadas apagadas."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots não instalado"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Carregar item na mão"
itemCreateSetName: "Definir nome"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Definir quantidade"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Tirou <number> Pontos de Quest de <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> tirou <number> Pontos de Missão."
giveQuestPoints: "Deu <number> Pontos de Quest de <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> te deu <number> Pontos de Missão."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> irá agora fornecer mais uma exibição de Missões GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> não fornecerá mais uma exibição de Missões GUI."
invalidMinimum: "A entrada deve ser pelo menos <number>!"
invalidRange: "A entrada deve estar entre <least> e <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Opção inválida!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Ocorreu um erro ao gravar."
noPermission: "Você não tem permissão para fazer isso."
duplicateEditor: "Você já está usando um editor!"
difference: "A diferença é '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Não instalado"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "repor"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Limpar os dados de todas as Quests de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remover uma Quest completada de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "Criar Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Definir Região"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard não está instalado"
questWGPrompt: "Insira a região do WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> essa região não existe no teu WorldGuard!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Região da Quest desmarcada."
questCitNotInstalled: "Cidadãos não instalados"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen não está instalado"
questGUIError: "Erro: Esse item já está sendo usado como a exibição de GUI para o <quest> Quest."
questCurrentItem: "Item atual:"
questSetItem: "Definir Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Essa recompensa personalizada já foi adicionada!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Definir nome"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Definir quantidade"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Opção inválida!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "resetează"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed Quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Reload all Quests"
questEditorHeader: "Crează Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Acum poti completa misiuni cu <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> nu mai poate completa misiuni cu tine."
questPartiesLeave: "Nu mai poti completa misiuni cu <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set regiune"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard neinstalat"
questWGPrompt: "Introduceţi regiune WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> nu este o regiune WorldGuard valabilă!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Regiunea de căutare eliminată."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens neinstalat"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen neinstalat"
questGUIError: "Eroare: Acest element este deja folosit ca ecranul GUI pentru Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Element curent:"
questSetItem: "Set element"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Удалить все данные о квестах игрока"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Удалить завершенный квест игрока"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Переключить интерфейс на НПС"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Перезагрузить все квесты"
questEditorHeader: "Создать квест"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Вы теперь можете выполнять задан
questPartiesKicked: "<player> больше не может выполнять задания с вами."
questPartiesLeave: "Вы больше не можете выполнять задания с <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Задать регион"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard не установлен"
questWGPrompt: "Введите WorldGuard регион, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> не является допустимым регионом WorldGuard!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Регион квеста больше не задан."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens не установлен"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen не установлен"
questGUIError: "Ошибка: Этот предмет уже используется как интерфейс для квеста <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Текущий предмет:"
questSetItem: "Задать предмет"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Требования не установлены"
reqNotANumber: "<input> не является числом!"
reqMustAddItem: "Вы должны сначала добавить хотя бы один предмет!"
reqNoMessage: "Необходимо установить сообщение требования сбоя!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO не установлено"
reqNoHeroes: "Герои не установлены"
plnStart: "Установить дату начала"
plnEnd: "Установить дату окончания"
plnRepeat: "Установить цикл повтора"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots \"награда очищена\"."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Эта пользовательская награда уже добавлена!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Пользовательский модуль вознаграждения не найден."
rewCustomCleared: "Пользовательские награды очищены."
rewNoPhat: "Не установлен лут"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Загружаем предмет в руке"
itemCreateSetName: "Установите"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Установите цену"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "<number> квест монет от <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> забрал <number> монет."
giveQuestPoints: "<player> выдал вам <number> монет."
questPointsGiven: "<player> дал вам <number> квест очков."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> больше не будет отображать квест."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> больше не будет отображать квест."
invalidMinimum: "Ввод должен быть не менее <number>!"
invalidRange: "Входные данные должны находиться между <least> и <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Недопустимая опция!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Произошла ошибка про сохранении."
noPermission: "У вас недостаточно прав для этого."
duplicateEditor: "Вы уже используете редактор!"
difference: "Разница заключается в '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Не установлено"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "Create Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorHeader: "Create Quest"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "reset"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [spelare] - Rensa all uppdragsdata för en spelare"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [spelare] [quest] - Ta bort ett slutfört uppdrag från en spelare"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Stäng av/sätt på GUI för en NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Ladda om alla Uppdrag"
questEditorHeader: "Skapa Uppdrag"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Du kan nu utföra uppdrag med <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> kan inte längre utföra uppdrag med dig."
questPartiesLeave: "Du kan inte längre utföra uppdrag med <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Ange Region"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard är inte installerat"
questWGPrompt: "Ange WorldGuard-område, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> är inte ett giltig WorldGuard-område!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Uppdragets område borttaget."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens är inte installerat"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen är inte installerat"
questGUIError: "Fel: Objektet används redan som visning i GUI för Uppdraget <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Aktuellt objekt:"
questSetItem: "Ställ in objekt"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "รีเซ็ต"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - ล้างข้อมูลเควสทั้งหมดของผู้เล่น"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - ลบ Quest ที่สมบูรณ์ออกจากเครื่องเล่น"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - สลับการแสดงเควส GUI บน NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - รีโหลดเควสทั้งหมด"
questEditorHeader: "สร้างเควส"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "การตั้งค่าภูมิภาค"
questWGNotInstalled: "ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง WorldGuard"
questWGPrompt: "ป้อนเขตชื่อพื้นที่ของ WorldGuard <clear>,<cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region>ไม่ใช่ WorldGuard ภูมิภาคถูกต้อง"
questWGRegionCleared: "เควสภูมิภาคที่เลือก"
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens ที่ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง"
questGUIError: "ข้อผิดพลาด: รายการที่กำลังถูกใช้เป็นการแสดงผลของ GUI สำหรับเควส <quest>"
questCurrentItem: "รายการปัจจุบัน"
questSetItem: "กำหนดไอเทม"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "ไม่ต้องตั้งค่า"
reqNotANumber: "<input> ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข!"
reqMustAddItem: "คุณต้องเพิ่มอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการก่อน!"
reqNoMessage: "คุณต้องตั้งค่าข้อความต้องล้มเหลว"
reqNoMcMMO: "ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง mcMMO"
reqNoHeroes: "ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง Heroes"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "sıfırla"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [oyuncu] - Bir oyuncunun tüm görev verilerini silmek"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [oyuncu] [görev] - Tamamlanmış bir Görevi bir oyuncudan kaldırma"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc kimliği] - Bir NPC'de GUI Görevi Görüntüleme Açma"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Tüm görevleri yeniden yap"
questEditorHeader: "Görev Oluştur"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Bölge Ayarla"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard yüklü değil"
questWGPrompt: "WorldGuard bölgesini girin, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> geçerli bir WorldGuard bölgesi değil!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Görev bölgesi temizlendi."
questCitNotInstalled: "İnsanlar yüklenemedi"
questDenNotInstalled: "Vatandaşlar yüklenemedi"
questGUIError: "Hata: Bu öğe zaten GUI arayüzünde kullanılıyor <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Şuan ki eşya:"
questSetItem: "Öğeyi ayarla"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Gereksinim kümesi yok"
reqNotANumber: "<input> bir sayı değil!"
reqMustAddItem: "Önce en az bir nesne eklemeniz gerekiyor!"
reqNoMessage: "Başarısız olunan koşul mesajını ayarlamalısınız!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO yüklü değil"
reqNoHeroes: "Kahramanlar yüklü değil"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Bu özel ödül zaten eklenmiş!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Özel ödül modülü bulunamadı."
rewCustomCleared: "Özel ödüller temizlendi."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "El altında nesne yükle"
itemCreateSetName: "Adı seç"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Miktarı seç"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Geçersiz seçenek!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Kaydederken bir hata oluştu."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "làmLại"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Xóa tất cả dữ liệu nhiệm vụ của một người chơi"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Loại bỏ một nhiệm vụ hoàn thành từ một người chơi"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Chuyển đổi giao diện Quest Hiển thị vào NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Tải lại tất cả các Quest"
questEditorHeader: "Tạo nhiệm vụ"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "Anda sekarang dapat melakukan pencarian dengan <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> tidak dapat lagi melakukan pencarian dengan Anda."
questPartiesLeave: "Anda tidak lagi dapat melakukan pencarian dengan <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Thiết lập vùng/khu vực"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard không được cài đặt"
questWGPrompt: "Nhập khu vực WorldGuard, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region>không phải là một khu vực WorldGuard hợp lệ!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Khu vực nhiệm vụ đã được xóa."
questCitNotInstalled: "Plugin Citizens không được cài đặt"
questDenNotInstalled: "Plugin Denizen không được cài đặt"
questGUIError: "Lỗi: Vật này đang được sử dụng để Hiển thị GUI cho Nhiệm vụ <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Vật hiên tại:"
questSetItem: "Thiệt lập vật"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "Không có yêu cầu được thiết đặt"
reqNotANumber: "<input> không phải là một số!"
reqMustAddItem: "Bạn cần phải thêm một item tối thiểu trước tiên!"
reqNoMessage: "Bạn cần phải thiết lập tin nhắn không đủ yêu cầu!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO không được cài đặt"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes không được cài đặt"
plnStart: "Đặt ngày bắt đầu"
plnEnd: "Đặt ngày kết thúc"
plnRepeat: "Đặt chu kỳ lặp lại"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "Phần thưởng PhatLoots đã được xóa."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "Phần thưởng tùy chỉnh này đã được thêm rồi!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Hệ thống phần thưởng ngẫu nhiên không tìm thấy."
rewCustomCleared: "Phần thưởng tùy chỉnh đã được xóa."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots không được cài đặt"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Tải item trong tay"
itemCreateSetName: "Đặt tên"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Thiết lập số lượng"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Đã lấy đi <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ từ <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> đã lấy đi <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ."
giveQuestPoints: "Đã đưa <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ cho <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> đã cho bạn <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> bây giờ sẽ cung cấp 1 GUI Hiển thị Nhiệm vụ."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> sẽ không còn cung cấp 1 GUI Hiển Thị Nhiệm vụ."
invalidMinimum: "Đầu vào phải có ít nhất <number>!"
invalidRange: "Đầu vào phải nằm giữa <least> và <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Tùy chọn không hợp lệ!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "Có lỗi xảy ra trong khi đang lưu."
noPermission: "Bạn không có quyền để làm điều đó."
duplicateEditor: "Bạn đang sử dụng một trình soạn thảo!"
difference: "Sự khác biệt là '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Chưa cài đặt"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "重置"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [玩家] - 清除玩家所有任务记录"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [玩家] [任务名] - 移除玩家一个已经完成的任务"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - 设置在NPC上显示GUI菜单任务"
questEditorHeader: "创建任务"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "现在你可以和 <player> 一同执行任务了。"
questPartiesKicked: "<player> 不能再与您一同执行任务了。"
questPartiesLeave: "现在你不能和 <player> 一同执行任务。"
questWGSetRegion: "设置区域"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard未安装"
questWGPrompt: "输入 WorldGuard 区域,<clear>,<cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> 不是一个有效的 WorldGuard 区域!"
questWGRegionCleared: "任务区域已清除."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens未安装"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen未安装"
questGUIError: "错误: 这个物品已经被用作显示任务 <quest> 的GUI."
questCurrentItem: "当前物品:"
questSetItem: "设置物品"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "未设置装备"
reqNotANumber: "<input> 不是一个数字!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "设置开始日期"
plnEnd: "设置结束日期"
plnRepeat: "设置重复周期"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots奖励已清除。"
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "该自定义奖励已被添加!"
rewCustomNotFound: "找不到自定义奖励模块。"
rewCustomCleared: "自定义奖励已清除。"
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots 未安装"
itemCreateLoadHand: "正在装入物品"
itemCreateSetName: "设置名称"
itemCreateSetAmount: "设置金额"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "给予<player>玩家<number>点任务点。"
questPointsGiven: "<player>给予了你<number>点任务点。"
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET: "重置"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - 清除此玩家所有任務資料"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - 移除玩家已完成任務"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - 啟用任務顯示GUI界面在此NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - 重新載入所有任務"
questEditorHeader: "創建任務"
@ -88,12 +86,9 @@ questPartiesJoin: "你現在可以與 <player> 一同進行任務"
questPartiesKicked: "<player> 現在開始無法與你一同進行任務"
questPartiesLeave: "你現在開始無法與 <player> 一同進行任務"
questWGSetRegion: "設置區域"
questWGNotInstalled: "未安裝插件 WorldGuard"
questWGPrompt: "輸入 WorldGuard 區域, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> 不是 WorldGuard 有效區域!"
questWGRegionCleared: "區域任務已被清除."
questCitNotInstalled: "未安裝插件 Citizens"
questDenNotInstalled: "未安裝插件 Denizen"
questGUIError: "錯誤: 該物品以被用作任務 <quest> 的GUI顯示畫面."
questCurrentItem: "當前物品:"
questSetItem: "設定物品"
@ -473,8 +468,6 @@ reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
@ -534,7 +527,6 @@ rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
@ -717,8 +709,6 @@ takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
@ -858,3 +848,4 @@ questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user