New translations strings.yml (Portuguese)

This commit is contained in:
FlyingPikachu 2018-02-27 18:31:43 -05:00
parent 36b58ad7c8
commit 81c0390f80

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@ -577,31 +577,31 @@ itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Durabilidade do item inválida!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nome de encantamento inválido!" itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nome de encantamento inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Nível deve ser maior que 0!" itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Nível deve ser maior que 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Entrada inválida!" itemCreateInvalidInput: "Entrada inválida!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!" itemCreateNotNumber: "Entrada não era um número!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!" itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Deves definir um nome e uma quantidade primeiro!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred." itemCreateCriticalError: "Um erro crítico ocorreu."
questTitle: "--<quest>--" questTitle: "--<quest>--"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---" questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**' questCompleteTitle: '** QUEST COMPLETADA: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "Rewards:" questRewardsTitle: "Recompensas:"
questFailed: "*MISSÃO FALHADA*" questFailed: "*MISSÃO FALHADA*"
questMaxAllowed: "Você só pode ter até <number>missões." questMaxAllowed: "Você só pode ter até <number>missões."
questAlreadyOn: "Já estás nessa missão!" questAlreadyOn: "Já estás nessa missão!"
questTooEarly: "You may not take <quest> again for another <time>." questTooEarly: "You may not take <quest> again for another <time>."
questAlreadyCompleted: "You have already completed <quest>." questAlreadyCompleted: "Já completaste <quest>."
questInvalidLocation: "You may not take <quest> at this location." questInvalidLocation: "Não deves pegar na <quest> nesta localização."
questInvalidDeliveryItem: "<item> is not a required item for this quest!" questInvalidDeliveryItem: "<item> não é um item requerido para esta quest!"
questSelectedLocation: "Selected location" questSelectedLocation: "Localização selecionada"
questListTitle: "- List of Quests -" questListTitle: "- Lista de Quests -"
questHelpTitle: "- Quests Help -" questHelpTitle: "- Ajuda Quests -"
questDisplayHelp: "- Display this help" questDisplayHelp: "- Exibir esta ajuda"
questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -" questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -" questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -" questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Event Editor - " eventEditorTitle: "- Event Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -" questCreateTitle: "- Criar Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -" questEditTitle: "- Editar Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -" questDeleteTitle: "- Eliminar Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -" requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -" rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -" itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
@ -637,52 +637,52 @@ effZombieWood: "Sound of a Zombie chewing an iron door"
effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door" effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>" effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "add" cmdAdd: "add"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it" strAdd: "então introduza '<command>' para inclui-lo"
cmdClear: "clear" cmdClear: "apagar"
strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data" strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data"
cmdCancel: "cancel" cmdCancel: "cancelar"
strCancel: "or '<command>' to return" strCancel: "ou <command> para voltar"
cmdDone: "done" cmdDone: "feito"
strDone: "then enter '<command>' to save" strDone: "então introduza '<command>' para salvar"
strSpace: separating each by a space strSpace: separando por cada espaço
strSemicolon: separating each by a semicolon strSemicolon: separating each by a semicolon
charSemi: ";" charSemi: ";"
acceptQuest: "Accept Quest?" acceptQuest: "Aceitar Quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option" enterAnOption: "Introduzir uma opção"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>" questAccepted: "Quest aceitada: <quest>"
currentQuest: "Current Quests:" currentQuest: "Quests decorrentes:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available." noMoreQuest: "Não existem mais quests ativas."
break: "Break" break: "Pausa"
damage: "Damage" damage: "Dano"
place: "Place" place: "Lugar"
use: "Use" use: "Usar"
cut: "Cut" cut: "Cortar"
catchFish: "Catch Fish" catchFish: "Apanhar Peixe"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>" enchantItem: "Encantar <item> com <enchantment>"
kill: "Kill" kill: "Matar"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>" killAtLocation: "Matar <mob> em <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player" killPlayer: "Matar um jogador"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>" deliver: "Entregar <item> a <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>" talkTo: "Falar com <npc>"
tame: "Tame" tame: "Domesticar"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep" shearSheep: "Tosquiar <color> ovelha"
goTo: "Go to <location>" goTo: "Ir para<location>"
completed: "Completed" completed: "Completado"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)" redoCompleted: "(Completado)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game." consoleError: "Este comando só pode ser usado in-game."
invalidSelection: "Invalid selection!" invalidSelection: "Seleção inválida!"
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active Quests." noActiveQuest: "De momento, não tem Quests ativas."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>' speakTo: 'Começar: Falar com <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this Quest." mustSpeakTo: "Deves falar com <npc> para começar esta Quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command." noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:" permissionDisplay: "Permissão:"
heroesClass: "class" heroesClass: "classe"
mcMMOLevel: "level" mcMMOLevel: "vel"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>" haveCompleted: "Já completaste <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>" cannotComplete: "Não é possível completar <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found." questNotFound: "Quest não encontrada."
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!" alreadyConversing: "Já estás numa conversa!"
inputNum: "Input must be a number." inputNum: "Entrada deve ser um número."
inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number." inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number."
questModified: "Your active Quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest." questModified: "Your active Quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest."
questNotExist: "Your active Quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest." questNotExist: "Your active Quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest."