New translations strings.yml (French)

This commit is contained in:
FlyingPikachu 2018-01-25 13:23:44 -05:00
parent d6411cccb4
commit 9c2a45c2fe

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@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Entrez un nom d'évènement, ou entrez « effacer »
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Entrez le nom d'un évènement à ajouter, ou entrez « effacer » pour effacer tous les évènements de chat, ou « annuler » pour revenir en arrière"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptA: "Entrez le déclencheur dans le chat"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptB: "ou tapez « annuler » pour annuler."
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all command events, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Entrez le nom d'un évènement à ajouter, ou entrez « effacer » pour effacer tous les évènements de chat, ou « annuler » pour revenir en arrière"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPromptA: "Enter a command trigger for"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPromptB: "ou entrez « annuler » pour revenir a l'ancien menu."
stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Entrer le temps (en secondes), tapez « effacer » pour effacer le délai, ou « annuler » pour annuler"
@ -323,24 +323,24 @@ stageEditorOptional: "Optionnel"
stageEditorColors: "Couleurs de moutons"
allListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorCreate: "Create new Event"
eventEditorEdit: "Edit an Event"
eventEditorDelete: "Delete an Event"
eventEditorEdit: "Modifiez un événement"
eventEditorDelete: "Supprimer un événement"
eventEditorCreatePermisssions: "Vous n'avez pas la permission de créer cela."
eventEditorEditPermisssions: "Vous n'avez pas la permission de modifier ce contenu."
eventEditorDeletePermisssions: "Vous nêtes pas autorisé à supprimer des quêtes."
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "Aucun événement nexiste actuellement pour être édité !"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "Aucun événement nexiste actuellement pour être supprimé !"
eventEditorNotFound: "Quête introuvable!"
eventEditorExists: "Event already exists!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Event with that name!"
eventEditorExists: "Cette quête existe déjà!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Quelqu'un crée ou édite une quête portant ce nom !"
eventEditorAlpha: "Name must be alphanumeric!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Events file."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "An error occurred while saving."
eventEditorDeleted: "Event deleted, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorDeleted: "Quête supprimée ! Les quêtes et les événements ont été rechargés."
eventEditorSaved: "Event saved, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter an Event name, or 'cancel' to return."
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the Event"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "Voulez-vous vraiment quitter sans enregistrer ?"
eventEditorFinishAndSave: "Are you sure you want to finish and save the Event"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an Event that the following Quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the Event, anyone who is actively doing any of these Quests will be forced to quit them."
@ -389,15 +389,15 @@ eventEditorInvalidWorld: "n'est pas un monde valide !"
eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Définissez la durée en secondes"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Le délai doit être d'au moins une seconde !"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorEffects: "Event Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add effect"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Ajouter un effet"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add effects first!"
@ -643,32 +643,32 @@ effGhastShriek: "Sound of a Ghast shrieking"
effZombieWood: "Sound of a Zombie chewing an iron door"
effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
cmdCancel: "cancel"
cmdCancel: "Annuler"
cmdAdd: "ajouter"
cmdClear: "clear"
cmdNone: "none"
cmdDone: "done"
acceptQuest: "Accept Quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: 'Quest accepted: <quest>'
cmdClear: "Effacer"
cmdNone: "rien"
cmdDone: "terminée."
acceptQuest: "Voulez-vous acceptez la quête ?"
enterAnOption: "Entrer une option"
questAccepted: 'Quête accepter: <quest>'
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
damage: "Damage"
noMoreQuest: "Il n'y a plus de quête disponible."
damage: "Dégâts"
break: "Break"
place: "Place"
use: "Use"
place: "Placer"
use: "Utiliser"
cut: "Cut"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
kill: "Kill"
kill: "Tuer"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
talkTo: "Parlez à <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
goTo: "allez à <location>"
completed: "Complété"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game."
invalidSelection: "Invalid selection!"