New translations strings.yml (Finnish)

This commit is contained in:
FlyingPikachu 2018-05-10 16:41:41 -04:00
parent f0f22c55c7
commit dc62d21db9

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ questEditorEnterQuestName: "Syötä tehtävän nimi (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Syötä tehtävän nimi muokataksesi (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Syötä alkukysymys (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Syötä lopetusviesti (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Aseta alkukyläläisen ID, -1 poistaaksesi sen tai -2 peruuttaaksesi"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Klikkaa oikealla haluamaasi aloituspalikkaa, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Kirjoita tapahtuman nimi, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Vaaditaan, ei vielä asetettu"
@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorUseBlocksPrompt: "Enter use amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCutBlocksPrompt: "Enter cut amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Enter block durability (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Aseta kalastettavien määrä, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Aseta surmattavien pelaajien määrä, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Enter number of fish to catch, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Enter number of players to kill, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Enter enchantment names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Enter enchant amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -247,8 +247,7 @@ stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens uupuu!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen uupuu!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Sinun täytyy asettaa positiivinen luku!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "is not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Aseta ensin palikat!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "Aseta ensin lumoukset!"
@ -423,8 +422,6 @@ eventEditorNoDurationsSet: "(No durations set)"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Set potion effect magnitudes"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Potion effects cleared."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "ei ole kelvollinen taikajuomaefekti!"
eventEditorEnterNPCId: "Enter NPC ID (or -1 to cancel)"
eventEditorNoNPCExists: "No NPC exists with that id!"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "You must select a block first."
@ -436,9 +433,9 @@ eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Klikkaa oikealla palikkaa valitaksesi sen, <ad
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -456,8 +453,8 @@ reqSetSkills: "Set skills"
reqSetSkillAmounts: "Set skill amounts"
reqHeroesSetPrimary: "Set Primary Class"
reqHeroesSetSecondary: "Set Secondary Class"
reqMoneyPrompt: "Aseta vaadittu <money>, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
reqQuestPointsPrompt: "Aseta vaadittu tehtäväpisteiden määrä, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
reqMoneyPrompt: "Enter amount of <money>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqQuestPointsPrompt: "Enter amount of Quest Points, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqQuestListTitle: "- Quests Available -"
reqQuestPrompt: "Enter a list of Quest names, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqRemoveItemsPrompt: "Enter a list of true/false values, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -499,10 +496,8 @@ plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Aseta aloitusajankohta (sekunneissa), tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
plnEndPrompt: "Aseta lopetusajankohta (sekunneissa), tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Aseta toistamisajankohta (sekunneissa), tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Aseta aika (sekunneissa), tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
plnTooEarly: "<quest> will be active in <time>."
plnTooLate: "<quest> was last active <time> ago."
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
@ -517,12 +512,12 @@ rewSetPhat: "Set PhatLoot rewards"
rewSetCustom: "Set custom rewards"
rewSetHeroesClasses: "Set classes"
rewSetHeroesAmounts: "Set experience amounts"
rewMoneyPrompt: "Aseta saatava <money>, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
rewExperiencePrompt: "Aseta saatava tuntea, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
rewMoneyPrompt: "Enter amount of <money>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewExperiencePrompt: "Enter amount of experience, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewCommandPrompt: "Enter command rewards, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewCommandPromptHint: 'Note: You may put <player> to specify the player who completed the Quest. e.g. smite <player>'
rewPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission rewards, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewQuestPointsPrompt: "Aseta saatavien tehtäväpisteiden määrä, tai 0 nollataksesi sen, tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
rewQuestPointsPrompt: "Enter amount of Quest Points, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skills, <space>, <cancel>"
rewMcMMOPromptHint: "Note: Typing 'All' will give levels to all skills."
rewHeroesClassesPrompt: "Enter Heroes classes, <space>, <cancel>"