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synced 2025-03-02 11:31:10 +01:00
New translations strings.yml (Danish)
This commit is contained in:
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ questCreateTitle: "- Opret Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Rediger en Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Fjern en Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest>| Krav -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest>| Belønninger -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Kræver item -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO Rewards -"
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ eventEditorStormTitle: "- Event Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Event Thunder -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Mobs -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Add Mob -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Tilføj Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Event Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Event Potion Types -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ acceptQuest: "Accept Quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: 'Quest accepted: <quest>'
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
noMoreQuest: "Ikke flere quests til rådighed."
damage: "Damage"
break: "Break"
place: "Place"
@ -662,34 +662,34 @@ catchFish: "Fang fisk"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
kill: "Dræb"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
killPlayer: "Dræb en spiller"
deliver: "Levere <item> til <npc>"
talkTo: "Snak med <npc>"
tame: "Tæm"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Klip <color> får"
goTo: "Gå til <location>"
completed: "Gennemført"
redoCompleted: "(Gennemført)"
consoleError: "Denne kommando kan kun bruges in-game."
invalidSelection: "Ugyldig markering!"
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active Quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this Quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:"
heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "level"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found."
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!"
inputNum: "Input must be a number."
inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number."
noActiveQuest: "Du har i øjeblikket ikke nogen aktive Quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Tal til <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "Du skal tale med <npc> for at starte denne Quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> kan ikke startes med kommando."
permissionDisplay: "Tilladelser:"
heroesClass: "klasse"
mcMMOLevel: "niveau"
haveCompleted: "Du har gennemført <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Kan ikke fuldføre <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest ikke fundet."
alreadyConversing: "Du er allerede i en samtale!"
inputNum: "Det angivet, skal være et nummer."
inputPosNum: "Tallet skal være et positivt tal."
questModified: "Your active Quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest."
questNotExist: "Your active Quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest."
questInvalidChoice: "Invalid choice. Type 'Yes' or 'No'"
questPointsDisplay: "Quest points:"
questNoDrop: "You may not drop Quest items."
questPointsDisplay: "Quest Point:"
questNoDrop: "Du burde ikke droppe Quest items."
questNoBrew: "You may not brew Quest items."
questNoStore: "You may not store Quest items."
questNoCraft: "You may not craft Quest items."
@ -735,9 +735,9 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidNumber: "Ugyldigt nummer."
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
playerNotFound: "Spiller ikke fundet."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
@ -772,14 +772,14 @@ ENCHANTMENT_LUCK: "LuckOfTheSea"
@ -829,13 +829,13 @@ comma: "komma"
finish: "Færdig"
quit: "Afslut"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noDelaySet: "Ingen forsinkelser sat"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Verdner"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "poing"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidOption: "Ugyldig indstilling!"
npcHint: 'Note: You can left or right click on NPC''s to get their ID.'
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -859,6 +859,6 @@ enchantedItem: "*Enchanted*"
experience: "Experience"
timerMessage: '<green>Time left to finish the quest/stage: <red>%s seconds'
timerStart: "<green>You have <red>%s seconds <green>to finish this quest/stage"
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questErrorReadingFile: "Fejl ved læsning af quests fil."
questSaveError: "Der opstod en fejl under gemning."
questBlacklisted: "You are blacklisted. Contact an admin if this is in error."
Reference in New Issue
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