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synced 2024-11-13 22:25:50 +01:00
Merge pull request #334 from FlyingPikachu/l10n_master
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "حذف المسعى"
questEditorName: "عيّن الاسم"
questEditorAskMessage: "تعيين رسالة النهاية"
questEditorFinishMessage: "تعيين رسالة الإنهاء"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "تعيين كتلة البداية"
questEditorInitialEvent: "تعيين الحدث الأول"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "تحرير الشروط"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "تعديل المرحلة"
questEditorRews: "تحرير المكافآت"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "أدخل مقدار الوقت (بالثواني)، 0 لمسح تأخير الإعادة أو لإلغاء-1"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "--تحرير المغامرة-"
questDeleteTitle: "-حذف المغامرة-"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "عدد غير صحيح."
invalidStageNum: "رقم المرحلة غير صحيح من للسعي <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player>ليس لديه حاليا أي مسعى نشط."
playerNotFound: "لم يتم العثور على اللاعب."
invalidStageNum: "رقم المرحلة غير صحيح من للسعي <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Smazat úkol"
questEditorName: "Nastavit jméno"
questEditorAskMessage: "Nastavit dotazovací zprávu"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Nastavit dokončovací zprávu"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Nastavit zpětné zpoždění"
questEditorNPCStart: "Nastavit NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Natavit startovní Block"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Nastavit počáteční událost"
questEditorSetGUI: "Nastavit zobrazení GUI položky"
questEditorReqs: "Upravit požadavky"
questEditorPln: "Upravit Plánovač"
questEditorStages: "Upravit fáze"
questEditorRews: "Upravit odměny"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Zadejte název úkolu (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Zadejte jméno úkolu který chcete upravit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Zadejte požadovanou zprávu (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Zadejte konečnou zprávu (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Zadejte čas (v sekundách), 0 pro vymazání zpoždění nebo -1 pro zavření"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Zadejte NPC ID, -1 pro vyčištění startu NPC nebo -2 pro zavření"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Pravým-klikem na blok použijete počáteční bod, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Zadej název Eventu, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "není číslo!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "není platné číslo barvy!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "není platný název události!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event je už na seznamu!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Prodleva musí být menší než 1 sekunda!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen skript nenalezen!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Plugin Citizens není nainstalován!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Plugin Denizen není nainstalován!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Musíš napsat kladné číslo!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Vstup není číslo!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "není větší než 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Neplatný vstup, vstup nebyl seznam čísel!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Musíš nejdřív nastavit prodlevu!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Nejdřív musíte nastavit název bloku!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Nastavit množství položka"
eventEditorNoNames: "Žádné jméno nenastaveno"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Musiš nejdřív nastavit jméno položek!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "není platné jméno položky!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "není větší než 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "není číslo!"
eventEditorStorm: "Eventová Bouřka"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Uložit svět"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Musíš nastavit dobu trvání bouřky!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Data bouřky vymazány."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Zadejte světový název pro bouři, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Napiš dobu trvání (v sekundách)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Množství musí být nejméně 1 sekunda!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "není vyšší než 1 sekunda!"
eventEditorThunder: "Eventové Hřmění"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Musíš nastavit dobu trvání hřemění!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Data hřmění vyčištěna."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Nastavit helmu"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Nastavte pravděpodobnost rozbití helmy"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Nastavte množství monster na spawnutí"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Nastavte pravděpodobnost spadnutí"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Pravděpodobnost spadnutí musí být mezi 0.0 a 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Eventové Efekty Lektvaru"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Nastav typy efektu lektvaru"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Musíš nejdřív nastavit typy efektu lektvaru!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Napiš množství monster, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Nastav jméno pro toto monstrum, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Pravý klik na block pro zvolení, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Napiš typy efektu lektvaru, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Napiš dobu trvání efektu (v milisekundách), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Napiš dobu trvání efektu (v sekundách), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Napiš level efektu lektvaru, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Napiš level hladu, nebo -1 pro vymazání"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Level hladu musí být přinejmenším 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Napiš level najezení, or -1 pro vymazání"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Level najezen musí být přinejmenším 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Napiš level zdraví, nebo -1 pro vymazání"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Level zdraví musí být přinejmenším 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Pravým-klikem na block zahájíš teleportaci hráče,\n <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Oznámení: Můžeš použít <player> odkazovat na jméno hráče."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Napiš příkazy odděl to čárkou, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Žádné položky nenastaveny"
reqNoValuesSet: "Žádné hodnoty nejsou nastaveny"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Základní třída:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Druhá třída:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Množství musí být vyšší než 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> není název úkolu!"
reqItemCleared: "Vlastní požadavky vymazány."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Seznam itemů a seznam vymazaných položek nejsou stejné velikosti!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Nejprve musíte přidat alespoň jednu položku!"
reqNoMessage: "Musíte nastavit zprávu o požadavcích na selhání!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO není nainstalováno"
reqNoHeroes: "Hrdina není nainstalovaný"
plnStart: "Nastavte datum zahájení"
plnEnd: "Nastavte datum ukončení"
plnRepeat: "Nastavte cyklus opakování"
plnCooldown: "Nastavte cooldown hráče"
plnStartPrompt: "Zadejte čas (v sekundách), 0 pro vymazání data zahájení nebo -1 pro zrušení"
plnEndPrompt: "Zadejte čas (v sekundách), 0 pro vymazání data ukončení nebo -1 pro zrušení"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Zadejte čas (v sekundách), 0 zrušte opakování nebo -1 zrušte"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Zadejte čas (v sekundách), 0 pro vymazání rozložení nebo -1 pro zrušení"
rewSetMoney: "Nastavit peněžní odměnu"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Nastavit odměnu bodů z úkolu"
rewSetItems: "Nastavit předmět jako odměnu"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item se načetl."
itemCreateNoItem: "Žádný item v ruky!"
itemCreateNoName: "Musíš nejdříve nastavit jméno!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Neplatné jméno položka!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Množství musí být mezi 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Neplatné množství trvanlivosti!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Neplatné jméno enchantu!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level musí být vyšší než 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Neplatný vstup!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Vstup není číslo!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Musíš nejdříve nastavit jméno a množství!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Došlo ke kritické chybě."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Zadejte den (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Zadejte měsíc (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Zadejte rok (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Zadejte hodinu (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Zadejte minutu (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Zadejte druhou (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Zadejte časové pásmo UTC (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Nejprve musíte nastavit rok!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**ÚKOL DOKONČEN: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Upravit úkol -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Smazat úkol -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Požadavky -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Odměny -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Plánovač-"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Požadované Položka -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Položka Odměny -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Požadavky -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Událost -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Dokončené úkoly -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Nejlepší <number> Úkolaři -"
createItemTitle: "- Vytvořit předmět -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Datum & Čas -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchanty -"
questGUITitle: "- Zobrazování Položky GUI -"
questRegionTitle: "- Oblast Úkolu -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Dal <number> Bodů z úkolu <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> ti dal <number> bodů z úkolu."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> nyní poskytne zobrazení GUI úkolu."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> již nebude poskytovat zobrazení GUI úkolu."
invalidMinimum: "Vstup musí být alespoň <number>!"
invalidRange: "Vstup musí být mezi <least> a <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Neplatná volba!"
invalidNumber: "Neplatné číslo."
invalidStageNum: "Neplatné číslo fáze pro úkol <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> Nemá nyní žádné aktivní úkoly."
playerNotFound: "Hráč nebyl nalezen."
invalidStageNum: "Neplatné číslo fáze pro úkol <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: Tady není žádné NPC s ID <number>'
errorReading: "Chyba při čtení souboru <file>, přeskakuji.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Chyba při čtení souboru <file>, potlačuji další chyby."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Červená"
COLOR_SILVER: "Stříbrná"
timeZone: "Časové pásmo"
timeDay: "Den"
timeDays: "Dny"
timeMonth: "Měsíc"
timeMonths: "Měsíce"
timeYear: "Rok"
timeYears: "Roky"
timeHour: "Hodina"
timeHours: "Hodiny"
timeMinute: "Minuta"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Žádné jméno nenastaveno"
worlds: "Světy"
mobs: "Monstra"
points: "body"
invalidOption: "Neplatná volba!"
npcHint: "Poznámka: Klepnutím levým nebo pravým tlačítkem na NPC můžete získat ID."
listDuplicate: "Seznam obsahuje duplikáty!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Fjern en Quest"
questEditorName: "Sæt navnet"
questEditorAskMessage: "Sæt spørg besked"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Sæt slut besked"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Sæt gentagelses tid"
questEditorNPCStart: "Sæt NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Sæt Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Sæt indledende begivenhed"
questEditorSetGUI: "Sæt GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Redigere kravende"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Redigere faserne"
questEditorRews: "Redigere belønninger"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Skriv Quest navn (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Skriv Quest navn til at redigere (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Skriv spørge beskeden (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Skriv slut beskeden (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Angiv mængden af tid (i sekunder), 0 til at tage questen igen, eller -1 for at annullere "
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Skriv NPC's ID, -1 for at fjerne den valgte NPC, eller -2 for at anullere"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Højre-klik på en block for at sætte start pointet, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Skriv et begivenheds navn, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "er ikke et tal!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "er ikke et gyldigt farvestof!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "er ikke et gyldigt begivenheds navn!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Begivenheden er allerede på listen!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Forsinkelsen skal være mindst ét sekund!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen scriptet ikke fundet!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens er ikke installeret!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen er ikke installeret!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Du skal angive et positivt tal!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Det skal være et tal!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "er ikke større end 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Ugyldig. Input'et var ikke en liste af numre!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Du skal Først indstille en forsinkelse!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Du skal først indstille blok navne!"
@ -339,7 +336,7 @@ eventEditorListDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "Ugyldig post"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- Give Items -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Effects -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Effekter -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Event Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Event Thunder -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "Intet navn sat"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "er ikke større end 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "er ikke et tal!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Sæt verden"
@ -388,14 +384,12 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Du skal angive en storm varighed!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data ryddet."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Skriv varigheden (i sekunder)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Forsinkelsen skal være mindst ét sekund!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "er ikke større end 1 sekund!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Event Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add effect"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Tilføj effekt"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add effects first!"
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Sæt hjelm"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Sæt drop chance for hjelm"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Indstille drop chancen"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Værdien skal være mellem 0.0 og 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Ingen elementer valgt"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Antallet skal være større end 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -512,8 +501,16 @@ reqNone: "Ingen krav sat"
reqNotANumber: "<input> er ikke et tal!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO er ikke installeret"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "Ingen ting i hånden!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Tallet skal være mellem 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Ugyldigt ting holdbarhed!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Ugyldig fortryllelses navn!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Niveauet skal være større end 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Ugyldigt input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Det skal være et tal!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Du skal angive et navn og et beløb først!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "En kritisk fejl er opstået."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**MISSON GENNEMFØRT: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Rediger en Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Fjern en Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest>| Krav -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest>| Belønninger -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Kræver item -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Belønninger -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Kravene -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Ugyldig indstilling!"
invalidNumber: "Ugyldigt nummer."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> har ikke nogle Quests aktive."
playerNotFound: "Spiller ikke fundet."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Rød"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Dag"
timeDays: "Dage"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Time"
timeHours: "Timer"
timeMinute: "Minut"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Ingen navne sat"
worlds: "Verdner"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "poing"
invalidOption: "Ugyldig indstilling!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [page] - Verfübare Quests anzeigen"
COMMAND_TAKE: "nehmen"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest name] - Eine Quest annehmen"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Eine Quest annehmen"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "Benutze: /quests take [quest]"
COMMAND_QUIT: "beenden"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Aktuelle Quest abbrechen"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Eine Quest löschen"
questEditorName: "Name setzen"
questEditorAskMessage: "Startnachricht festlegen"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Schlussnachricht festlegen"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Wiederholungszeit setzen"
questEditorNPCStart: "Start-NPC setzen"
questEditorBlockStart: "Blockstartpunkt setzen"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Auslöser-Event setzen"
questEditorSetGUI: "GUI Item setzen"
questEditorReqs: "Anforderungen bearbeiten"
questEditorPln: "Planer Bearbeiten"
questEditorStages: "Stufen bearbeiten"
questEditorRews: "Belohnungen bearbeiten"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Quest name eingeben (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Gib den Quest-Namen zum bearbeiten an (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Gib eine Startnachricht ein (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Gib eine Endnachricht ein (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Gib die Zeit in Sekunden an (0 zum entfernen oder -1 zum abbrechen)"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Gib die NPC-ID ein, -1 zum entfernen oder -2 zum abbrechen"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Rechts-klicke auf einen Block um ihn als Start-Punkt auszuwählen, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Gib einen Event-Namen ein, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "ist keine Nummer!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ist keine gültige Farbe!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ist kein gültiger Event-Name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event ist bereits in der Liste!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Die Wiederholung muss mindestens eine Sekunde sein!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen Script wurde nicht gefunden!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens ist nicht installiert!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen ist nicht installiert!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Du musst eine positive Nummer eingeben!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Die Eingabe ist keine Nummer!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ist nicht größer als 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Ungültige Eingabe, war keine Liste aus Nummern!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Du musst zuerst eine Wiederholung setzen!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Du musst erst Block-Namen setzen!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Setze die Anzahl an Items"
eventEditorNoNames: "Keine Namen gesetzt"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Du musst zuerst die Itemnamen setzen!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "ist kein gültiger Itemname!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ist nicht größer als 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "ist keine Zahl!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event-Sturm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Setze Welt"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Du musst eine Sturm-Dauer einstellt!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Sturm-Daten gelöscht."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Gib den Weltnamen ein indem der Sturm auftreten soll, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Gib die Dauer ein (in Sekunden)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Du musst mindestens eine Sekunde angeben!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "ist nicht mehr als eine Sekunden!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Donner"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Du musst die Dauer des Sturmes setzen!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Donner-Daten gelöscht."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Setzte Helm"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Setze die chance des Abfalls für Helm"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Setze die Mobmenge zum Spawnen ein"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Setze die chance des Abfalls"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Chance des Abfalls muss zwischen 0.0 und 1.0 liegen"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event trank Effekte"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Setze die Trank Effekt Typen"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Du musst zuerst die Trank Effekt Typen setzen!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Gib die Mob Anzahl an, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Setze den Namen dieses Mobs, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Rechtsklicke auf einen Block um ihn auszuwählen,\n <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Gib den Trank-Effekt ein, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Geben Sie Effekt Dauer (in Millisekunden) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Geben Sie Effekt Dauer (in Sekunden) ein, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Gib die Trankeffektgröße ein, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Gib das Hungerlevel ein. Mit -1 kannst du es entfernen"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger-Ebene muss mindestens 0 sein!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Gib den Sättigungsgrad ein. Mit -1 kannst du es entfernen"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Sättigungsgrad muss mindestens 0 sein!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Gib die Gesundheitsmenge ein. Mit -1 kannst du es entfernen"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Gesundheitsmenge muss mindestens 0 sein!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Rechtsklicke auf einen Block um den Teleportpunkt für die Spieler zu setzen, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Hinweis: Sie können <player> verwenden, verweisen auf den Namen des Spielers."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Gib Befehle ein, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Keine Items gesetzt"
reqNoValuesSet: "Kein Wert gesetzt"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Hauptklasse:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Nebenklasse:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Der Wert muss größer als 0 sein!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ist kein Questname!"
reqItemCleared: "Itemvoraussetzungen zurückgesetzt."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Die Item-Liste und die Entfernungs-Liste für Item sind nicht gleich groß!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Sie müssen mindestens ein Item hinzufügen!"
reqNoMessage: "Die Nachricht, dass man die Voraussetzung nicht erfüllt, fehlt!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO ist nicht installiert"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes ist nicht installiert"
plnStart: "Legen Sie das Startdatum fest"
plnEnd: "Legen Sie das Enddatum fest"
plnRepeat: "Wiederholungszyklus einstellen"
plnCooldown: "Setze die Abklingzeit des Spielers fest"
plnStartPrompt: "Geben Sie die Zeit ein (in Sekunden), 0, um das Startdatum zu löschen, oder -1, um abzubrechen"
plnEndPrompt: "Geben Sie die Zeit ein (in Sekunden), 0, um das Enddatum zu löschen, oder -1, um abzubrechen"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Geben Sie die Zeit ein (in Sekunden), 0, um die Wiederholung zu löschen, oder -1, um abzubrechen"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Geben Sie die Zeit ein (in Sekunden), 0, um die Abklingzeit zu löschen, oder -1, um abzubrechen"
rewSetMoney: "Geldbelohnung festlegen"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Questpunkt-Belohnung festlegen"
rewSetItems: "Itembelohnung festlegen"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item geladen."
itemCreateNoItem: "Du hast kein Item in der Hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "Du musst zuerst einen Namen setzen!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Ungültiger Benutzername!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Der Betrag muss zwischen 1 und 64 sein!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Ungültige Haltbarkeit!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Ungültige Verzauberung!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level muss größer als 0 sein!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Ungültiger Input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Eingabe war keine Zahl!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Du musst zuerst einen Namen und Betrag setzen!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Ein kritischer Fehler ist aufgetreten."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Geben Sie einen Tag ein (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Gib einen Monat ein (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Gib ein Jahr ein (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Gib einen Stunde ein (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Geben Sie eine Minute ein (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Geben Sie eine Sekunde ein (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Geben Sie eine UTC-Zeitzone ein (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Sie müssen zuerst ein Jahr einstellen!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST ABGESCHLOSSEN: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Quest bearbeiten -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Quest löschen -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Vorraussetzungen -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest>| Belohnungen"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planer -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Voraussetzungen -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Belohnungen -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Voraussetzungen -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Abgeschlossene Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Die besten <number> Quester -"
createItemTitle: "- Item erstellen -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Datum & Uhrzeit -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Verzauberungen -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Anzeige -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Du hast <player> <number> Questpunkte gegeben."
questPointsGiven: "<player> hat <number> Questpunkte gegeben."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> wird nun eine GUI Questanzeige verwenden."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> wird nicht länger eine GUI Questanzeige verwenden."
invalidMinimum: "Die Eingabe muss mindestens <number> sein!"
invalidRange: "Die Eingabe muss zwischen <least> und <greatest> erfolgen!"
invalidOption: "Ungültige Option!"
invalidNumber: "Ungültige Nummer."
invalidStageNum: "Ungültige Queststufennummer für Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> hat aktuell keine aktiven Quests."
playerNotFound: "Spieler nicht gefunden."
invalidStageNum: "Ungültige Queststufennummer für Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Fehler: Es existiert kein NPC mit der ID <number>'
errorReading: "Fehler beim lesen von <file>, Überspringe.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Fehler beim lesen von <file>, unterdrücke weitere Fehler."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Rot"
timeZone: "Zeitzone"
timeDay: "Tag"
timeDays: "Tagen"
timeMonth: "Monat"
timeMonths: "Monate"
timeYear: "Jahr"
timeYears: "Jahre"
timeHour: "Stunde"
timeHours: "Stunden"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Keine Namen gesetzt"
worlds: "Welten"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "punkte"
invalidOption: "Ungültige Option!"
npcHint: "Hinweis: Links- oder Rechtsklick einen NPC um seine ID zu bekommen."
listDuplicate: "Liste enthält Duplikate!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name t' edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount o' time (in seconds), 0 t' clear th' redo delay or -1 t' cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 t' clear the NPC start or -2 t' cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-jab on a block t' use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "ain't a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ain't a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ain't a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event be already in th' list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script nah found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens ain't installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen ain't installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Ye must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was nah a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ain't greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was nah a list o' numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Ye must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Ye must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Ye must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "ain't a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ain't greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "ain't a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Ye must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name fer th' storm t' occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "ain't greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Ye must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance o' helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set th' amount o' mobs t' spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set th' drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has t' be between 0.0 'n 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Ye must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Set th' name fer this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-jab on a block t' select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 t' remove it"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 t' remove it"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 t' remove it"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-jab on a block t' teleport th' player t', <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: Ye may use <player> t' refer t' th' player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ain't a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Th' items list 'n remove items list are nah th' same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Ye must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "Ye must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO nah installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes nah installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount o' time (in seconds), 0 t' clear th' start date or -1 t' cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount o' time (in seconds), 0 t' clear th' end date or -1 t' cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount o' time (in seconds), 0 t' clear th' repeat or -1 t' cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount o' time (in seconds), 0 t' clear th' cooldown or -1 t' cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set doubloons reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "Ye must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was nah a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Ye must set a name 'n amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Ye must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE MATEY: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave ye <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> 'n <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number fer Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does nah currently 'ave any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player nah found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number fer Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: Thar be no NPC wit'' ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error readin' <file>, skippin'.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error readin' <file>, suppressin' further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: Ye can left or right jab on NPC's t' get thar ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (or 'cancel' to return)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (or 'cancel' to return)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (or 'cancel' to return)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (or 'cancel' to return)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, then enter 'done' to save, or enter 'clear' to clear the block start, or 'cancel' to return"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, or enter 'clear' to clear the initial Event, or 'cancel' to return"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Set the name for this mob, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, then enter 'add' to add it to the mob spawn location list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, then enter 'done' to finish, or enter 'clear' to clear the teleport location, or 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands separating each one by a comma, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or enter 'cancel' to return."
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPC's to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [page] - Lista de la Búsqueda disponibles"
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [pagina] - Lista de la Búsqueda disponibles"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [búsqueda] - Acepta una Búsqueda"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "Uso: /quest take [búsqueda]"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "Uso: /quest tomar [búsqueda]"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [búsqueda] - Salte de una Búsqueda"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Eliminar Búsqueda"
questEditorName: "Establecer nombre"
questEditorAskMessage: "Establecer mensaje de pregunta"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Establecer mensaje final"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Colocar rehacer atraso"
questEditorNPCStart: "Establecer NPC de inicio"
questEditorBlockStart: "Establecer bloque de inicio"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Establecer evento inicial"
questEditorSetGUI: "Colocar Ítem GUI mostrar"
questEditorReqs: "Editar requerimientos"
questEditorPln: "Editar Planificador"
questEditorStages: "Editar etapas"
questEditorRews: "Editar premios"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Tipea el nombre de Búsqueda (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Escribe el nombre de Búsqueda (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Escribe el mensaje de inicio (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Escribe el mensaje final (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Ingresa la cantidad de tiempo (en segundos), 0 para eliminar el tiempo para re-hacer o -1 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Ingresa el ID del NPC, -1 para borrar los NPCs desde el inicio o -2 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Haz clic-derecho en un bloque para utilizarlo como punto de inicio, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Introduzca un nombre de evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "¡No es un número!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "no es un color de tinte válido!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "no es un nombre de evento válido!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "¡El evento está ya en la lista!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "El retraso debe de ser de al menos un segundo!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Script de habitante no encontrado!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "¡Ciudadanos no está instalado!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Habitante no está instalado!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Debes introducir un número positivo!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "¡La entrada no es un número!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "¡No es mayor que 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Introducción invalida, la entrada no era una lista de números!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "¡Usted debe colocar un retraso primero!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Primero debes establecer los nombres de los bloques!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Colocar cantidades de ítem"
eventEditorNoNames: "Nombre no colocado"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "¡Usted debe colocar los nombres de los ítem primero!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "¡no es un nombre de ítem valido!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "¡No es mayor que 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "¡no es un número!"
eventEditorStorm: "Evento de tormenta"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Colocar mundo"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Debes establecer una duración de tormenta!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Datos de tormenta borrados."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Introduzca el nombre de un mundo para que la tormenta ocurra, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Introduzca la duración (en segundos)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "La cantidad debe ser de al menos 1 segundo!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "no es mayor que 1 segundo!"
eventEditorThunder: "Trueno de Evento"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Debes establecer la duración del trueno!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Datos del trueno borrados."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Establecer casco"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Establecer la posibilidad de caída de casco"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Establecer la cantidad de mobs para generar"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Establecer la posibilidad de tirar"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "La oportunidad de soltar tiene que ser entre 0.0 y 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Efectos de Poción de Evento"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Establecer los tipos de efectos de poción"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "¡Primero debes establecer los tipos de efectos de poción!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Introduzca la cantidad de criaturas, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Colocar el nombre a esta criatura, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Click derecho en un bloque para seleccionarlo, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Introduzca tipos de efecto de pociones, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Introduzca duraciones de efectos (en milisegundos), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Introduzca duraciones de efectos (en segundos), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Introduzca magnitudes de los efectos de las pociones, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Introduzca nivel de hambre, o -1 para removerlo"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "¡Nivel de hambre debe ser al menos 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Introduzca nivel de saturación, o -1 para removerlo"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "¡Nivel de saturacion debe ser al menos 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Introduzca nivel de salud, o -1 para removerlo"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "¡Nivel de salud debe ser al menos 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Click-derecho en un bloque para teletransportar al jugador, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Nota: Puedes usar <player> para referirse el nombre del jugador."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Introduzca comandos separando por una coma, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Sin ítem colocados"
reqNoValuesSet: "Sin valor colocado"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Clase Primaria:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Clase secundaria:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "¡Cantidad debe ser mayor que 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "¡<quest> no es un nombre de Búsqueda!"
reqItemCleared: "Ítem requeridos despejado."
reqListsNotSameSize: "¡La lista de ítem y la lista de ítem eliminados no tienen el mismo tamaño!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "¡Usted debe añadir al menos un ítem primero!"
reqNoMessage: "¡Usted debe colocar un mensaje de requerimiento fallido!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO no instalado"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes no instalado"
plnStart: "Establecer fecha de inicio"
plnEnd: "Establecer fecha de finalización"
plnRepeat: "Establecer ciclo de repetición"
plnCooldown: "Establecer el enfriamiento del jugador"
plnStartPrompt: "Ingrese la cantidad de tiempo (en segundos), 0 para borrar la fecha de inicio o -1 para cancelar"
plnEndPrompt: "Ingrese la cantidad de tiempo (en segundos), 0 para borrar la fecha de finalización o -1 para cancelar"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Ingrese la cantidad de tiempo (en segundos), 0 para borrar la repetición o -1 para cancelar"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Ingrese la cantidad de tiempo (en segundos), 0 para borrar el tiempo de reutilización o -1 para cancelar"
rewSetMoney: "Colocar premio monetario"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Colocar premio de Puntos de Búsqueda"
rewSetItems: "Colocar premios de ítem"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Ítem cargado."
itemCreateNoItem: "¡No hay ítem en mano!"
itemCreateNoName: "¡Usted debe colocar un nombre primero!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "¡Nombre de ítem inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "¡Cantidad debe ser entre 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "¡Ítem de durabilidad inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "¡Nombre del encantamiento inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "¡Nivel debe ser mayor que 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "¡Entrada inválida!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "¡La entrada no es un número!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "¡Usted debe colocar un nombre y una cantidad primero!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Un error critico ha ocurrido."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Ingrese un día (máximo 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Ingrese un mes (máximo 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Ingrese un año (máximo 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Ingrese una hora (máximo 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Ingrese un minuto (máximo 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Ingrese un segundo (máximo 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Ingrese un huso horario UTC (máximo 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "¡Debes establecer un año primero!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**BÚSQUEDA COMPLETA: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Editar Búsqueda -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Eliminar Búsqueda -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requisitos -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Premios -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planificador -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Ítem Requeridos -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Ítem Premios -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- Requerimientos mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Evento -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Búsqueda completada -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top de Buscadores <number> -"
createItemTitle: "- Crear Ítem -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Fecha y Hora -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Encantamientos -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Mostrar Ítem -"
questRegionTitle: "- Región de la Búsqueda -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Dio <number> Puntos de Búsqueda de <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> te dio <number> Puntos de Búsqueda."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ahora proporcionará una Pantalla GUI Quest."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> ya no proporcionará una Pantalla Quest de GUI."
invalidMinimum: "¡La entrada debe ser al menos <number>!"
invalidRange: "¡La entrada debe estar entre <least> y <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "¡opción invalida!"
invalidNumber: "Número inválido."
invalidStageNum: "Número de escenario para la Búsqueda <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> actualmente no tiene ninguna búsqueda activa."
playerNotFound: "Jugador no encontrado."
invalidStageNum: "Número de escenario para la Búsqueda <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: No hay un NPC con identificación <number>'
errorReading: "Error de lectura <file>, saltar.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error de lectura <file>, supresión de futuros errores."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Rojo"
COLOR_SILVER: "Plateado"
COLOR_YELLOW: "Amarillo"
timeZone: "Zona horaria"
timeDay: "Día"
timeDays: "Días"
timeMonth: "Mes"
timeMonths: "Meses"
timeYear: "Año"
timeYears: "Años"
timeHour: "Hora"
timeHours: "Horas"
timeMinute: "Minuto"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Sin nombres colocados"
worlds: "Mundos"
mobs: "Criaturas"
points: "puntos"
invalidOption: "¡opción invalida!"
npcHint: "Nota: usted puede hacer clic izquierdo o derecho en NPC's para tener su identificación."
listDuplicate: "¡La lista contiene duplicados!"
id: "Identificación"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Poista tehtävä"
questEditorName: "Aseta nimi"
questEditorAskMessage: "Aseta alkukysymys"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Aseta lopetusviesti"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Aseta uudelleensuoritusviive"
questEditorNPCStart: "Aseta aloituskyläläinen"
questEditorBlockStart: "Aseta aloituspalikka"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Aseta aloituksen tapahtuma"
questEditorSetGUI: "Aseta valikon tavara"
questEditorReqs: "Muokkaa vaatimuksia"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Muokkaa tasoja"
questEditorRews: "Muokkaa palkintoja"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Syötä tehtävän nimi (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Syötä tehtävän nimi muokataksesi (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Syötä alkukysymys (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Syötä lopetusviesti (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Syötä aika (sekunneissa), 0 poistaaksesi aiemmin asetetun tai -1 peruuttaaksesi"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Aseta alkukyläläisen ID, -1 poistaaksesi sen tai -2 peruuttaaksesi"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Klikkaa oikealla haluamaasi aloituspalikkaa, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Kirjoita tapahtuman nimi, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "ei ole numero!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ei ole kelvollinen väri!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ei ole kelvollinen tapahtuman nimi!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Tapahtuma on jo olemassa!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Viiveen tulee olla vähintään yksi sekunti!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens uupuu!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen uupuu!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Sinun täytyy asettaa positiivinen luku!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "ei ole kelvollinen tavara!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMo uupuu!"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes uupuu!"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Kelpaamaton tavara!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Kelpaamaton tavaran kestävyys!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Kelpaamaton lumous!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**SUORITETTU TEHTÄVÄ <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Suoritetut tehtävät -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Kelvoton numero."
invalidStageNum: "Kelvoton tasonumero tehtävälle <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Kelvoton tasonumero tehtävälle <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Burahin ang Pagsusulit"
questEditorName: "Itakda ang pangalan"
questEditorAskMessage: "Itakda ang pagtatanong sa mensahe"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Itakda ang natapos na mensahe"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Itakda at muling gawin ang pagkaantala"
questEditorNPCStart: "Itakda ang NPC sa pagpasimula"
questEditorBlockStart: "Itakda ang harang sa pagsisimula"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Itakda ang paunang kaganapan"
questEditorSetGUI: "Itakda ang GUI bagay sa larawan"
questEditorReqs: "I-edit ang Kailangan"
questEditorPln: "I-edit ang Planner"
questEditorStages: "I-edit ang Yugto"
questEditorRews: "I-edit ang Gantimpala"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Ilagay ang pangalan ng Pagsusulit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Ilagay ang pangalan para i-edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Ilagay ang may katanungang mensahe (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Ilagay ang tapos na mensahe (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Ilagay ang halaga ng oras (sa segundo), 0 hanggang malinaw na gawing muli ang pagkaantala o -1 para i-kansel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Ilagay ang NPC ID, -1 para i-clear ang NPC pasimula o -2 para i-kansel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Pindutin sa kanan sa harang na ginamit sa pasimulang punto, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Maglagay ng pangalan ng Okasyon, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "ito ay hindi numero!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ito ay hindi wastong kulay ng tina!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ito ay hindi wastong pangalan ng kaganapan!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Ang Kaganapan ay kasalukuyang nasa listahan!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Isang segundong pagkaantala!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script ay hindi makita!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Ang Citizens ay hindi na-install!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen ay hindi na-install!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Ikaw ay kailangan maglagay ng positibong numero!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Ang input ay hindi numero!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ito ay hindi makahihigit sa 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Hind wastong pagpasok, input ay wala sa listahan ng numero!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Una kailangan mong magtakda ng pagkaalantala!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Una kailangan mo magtakda ng pangalan ng mga harang!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Itakda ang halaga ng gamit"
eventEditorNoNames: "Walang pangalan na nakatakda"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Kailangan mong magtakda ng pangalan ng gamit!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "ito ay hindi wastong pangalan ng gamit!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ito ay hindi makahihigit sa 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "ito ay hindi numero!"
eventEditorStorm: "Bagyo ng Kaganapan"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Itakda ang mundo"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Kailangan mong itakda ang tagal ng bagyo!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Ang data ng bagyo ay tapos na."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Ilagay ang pangalan ng mundo para sa bagyo upang mangyari sa, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Ilagay ang tagal (sa segundo)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Ang halaga ay kahit na isang segundo!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "hindi ito makahihigit sa isang segundo!"
eventEditorThunder: "Kulog na Kaganapan"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Kailangan mong itakda ang tagal ng kidlat!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Data ng kidlat ay tapos na."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Itakda ang helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Itakda ang pagkakataong maghulog ng helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Itakda ang halaga ng pagbuhay sa mobs"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Itakda ang pagkakataon maghulog"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Pagkakataong maghulog sa pagitan ng 0.0 at 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Kaganapan ng epekto ng gayuma"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Itakda ang uri ng epekto ng gayuma"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Kailangan mo munang magtakda ng uri ng epekto ng gayuma!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Ilagay ang halaga ng mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Itakda ang pangalan sa mob na ito, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Pindutin ang kanan sa harang para piliin ito, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Ilagay ang uri ng epekto ng gayuma ihiwalay sa bawat isa gamit ang espasyo, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Pindutin ang tagal ng epekto (sa milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Pindutin ang tagal ng epekto (sa segundo), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Ilagay ang magnitudes ng epekto ng gayuma ihiwalay sa bawat isa gamit ang espasyo, o pindutin ang 'kansel' para bumalik"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Ilagay ang antas nang gutom, o -1 para alisin ito"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Antas ng gutom ay dapat maging kahit 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Lagyan ng antas ng pagsakop, o -1 para alisin ito"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Antas ng pagsakop ay kinakailangan 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Ilagay ang antas ng buhay, o -1 para ito ay alisin"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Antas ng buhay ay kinakailangan kahit 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Pindutin sa kanan sa harang para magteleport ang manlalaro, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Paalala: Kailangan mong gamitin ang <player> para sumangguni sa pangalan ng manlalaro."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Ilagay ang utos, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Walang gamit na itinakda"
reqNoValuesSet: "Walang itinakdang halaga"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Pangunahing Klase:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Ikalawang Klase:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Ang halaga ay mas nakahihigit sa 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ay hindi pangalan ng Pagsusulit!"
reqItemCleared: "Kinakailangang gamit ay tapos na."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Ang listahan ng gamit at ang pagtanggal ng listahan ng gamit ay hindi magkasing laki!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Kailangan mo munang magdagdag ng kahit isang gamit!"
reqNoMessage: "Kailangan mo munang itakda ang pangangailangang pagkakamali na mensahe!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO ay hindi na install"
reqNoHeroes: "Mga bayani ay hindi na install"
plnStart: "Itakda ang petsa ng pagsisimula"
plnEnd: "Itakda ang petsa ng pagtatapos"
plnRepeat: "Magtakda ng paulit-ulit na cycle"
plnCooldown: "Itakda ang cooldown player"
plnStartPrompt: "Ipasok ang dami ng oras (sa mga segundo), 0 upang i-clear ang petsa ng pagsisimula o -1 upang kanselahin"
plnEndPrompt: "Ipasok ang dami ng oras (sa mga segundo), 0 upang i-clear ang petsa ng pagtatapos o -1 upang kanselahin"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Ipasok ang dami ng oras (sa mga segundo), 0 upang i-clear ang paulit-ulit o -1 upang kanselahin"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Ipasok ang dami ng oras (sa mga segundo), 0 upang i-clear ang cooldown o -1 upang kanselahin"
rewSetMoney: "Itakda ang perang gantimpala"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Itakda ang gantimpalang puntos ng pagsusulit"
rewSetItems: "Itakda ang gantimpalang gamit"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "I-load ang gamit."
itemCreateNoItem: "Walang gamit sa kamay!"
itemCreateNoName: "Kailangan mo munang maglagay ng pangalan!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Di wastong pangalan ng gamit!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Kailangan ang halaga ay nasa pagitan ng 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Di wastong tagal ng gamit!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Di wastong pangalan ng enchantment!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Kailangan ang antas ay mas higit kaysa sa 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Di wastong input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Ang input ay hindi numero!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Kailangan mo munang itakda ang pangalan at halaga!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Ang mapanganib na error ay naganap."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Magpasok ng isang araw (max 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Magpasok ng isang buwan (max 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Magpasok ng isang taon (max 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Magpasok ng isang oras (max 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Magpasok ng isang minuto (max 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Magpasok ng pangalawang (max 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Magpasok ng UTC time zone (max 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Dapat kang magtakda ng isang taon muna!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**PAGSUSULIT AY KOMPLETO: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- I-edit ang Pagsusulit -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Buradong Pagsusulit -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | kinakailangan -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Gantimpala -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Kinakailangang gamit -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Gantimpalang Gamit -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- kinakailangang mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Kaganapan -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Kompletong Pagsusulit -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Sa itaas <number> ng pagsusulit -"
createItemTitle: "- Gumawa ng gamit -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Petsa at Oras -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Pagkaakit -"
questGUITitle: "- Ang Paglarawan sa Gamit ng GUI -"
questRegionTitle: "- Ang Rehiyon ng Pagsusulit -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Ibinigay and <number> ng puntos ng pagsusulit sa <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> binigyan ka ng <number> ng puntos ng pagsusulit."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ngayon ay nag bigay ng GUI larawan ng pagsusulit."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> ay di na maaaring mag bigay ng GUI larawan ng display."
invalidMinimum: "Ang input ay dapat na hindi bababa sa <number>!"
invalidRange: "Ang input ay dapat nasa pagitan ng <least> at <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Di wastong pagpipilian!"
invalidNumber: "Di wastong numero."
invalidStageNum: "Di wastong numero ng yugto sa pagsusulit <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> ay walang kasalukuyang aktibong pagsusulit."
playerNotFound: "Hindi makita ang manlalaro."
invalidStageNum: "Di wastong numero ng yugto sa pagsusulit <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: Ito ay walang NPC kasama ang ID <number>'
errorReading: "Maling pagbabasa ng <file>, laktawan.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Maling pagbabasa <file>, higit pang hadlang na error."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Pula"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Araw"
timeDays: "Mga araw"
timeMonth: "Buwan"
timeMonths: "Buwan"
timeYear: "Taon"
timeYears: "Taon"
timeHour: "Oras"
timeHours: "Mga oras"
timeMinute: "Minuto"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Walang itinakdang pangalan"
worlds: "Sanlibutan"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "mga puntos"
invalidOption: "Di wastong pagpipilian!"
npcHint: "Paalala: Pwede mong pindutin ang right o left click para makuwa ang ID ng NPC's."
listDuplicate: "Ang listahan ng nilalaman na kopya!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Supprimer une quête"
questEditorName: "Définir le nom"
questEditorAskMessage: "Définir le message de demande"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Définir le message de fin"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Défini le délai pour recommencer"
questEditorNPCStart: "Définir le NPC de départ"
questEditorBlockStart: "Définir le bloc de départ"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Définir l'événement initial"
questEditorSetGUI: "Choisir le bloc de l'\"interface"
questEditorReqs: "Éditer les prérequis"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Modifier les étapes"
questEditorRews: "Éditer les récompenses"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Entrée le nom de la quête (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Entrée le nom de la quête pour le changé (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Définir le message de demande (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Entrée le message final de la quête (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Entrez la durée (en secondes), 0 pour effacer le temps d'attente ou de -1 pour annuler"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Entrez l’ID NPC, -1 pour effacer le NPC de début ou -2 pour annuler"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc à utiliser comme point de départ, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Entrez un nom d’événement, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -221,9 +220,9 @@ stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Entrez les couleurs de mouton, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Entrez le nombre de mouton à tondre, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Entrez un nom d'évènement, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Entrez le nom d'un évènement à ajouter, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%entrez un déclencheur de chat pour%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Entrez le nom d'un évènement à ajouter, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%entrez un déclencheur de chat pour%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Entrer le temps (en secondes), <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Entrez un message de délai, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Entrez le nom du script, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -233,8 +232,8 @@ stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "Entrez l'affichage du mot de passe, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayHint: "(Ceci est le texte qui apparaîtra comme objectif pour le joueur)"
stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "Entrez les mots de passe, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint: "(Ceci est le texte qu’un joueur doit indiquer dans le chat pour terminer l’objectif)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(This override will display your own text as the objective)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Entrer dans affichage objective override, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(Cette substitution affichera votre propre texte comme objectif)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Le remplacement de l'affichage de l'objectif a été effacé."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Ajouter un objet"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Définir les ID des NPC"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "n'est pas un nombre !"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "n'est pas une teinte de couleur valide !"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "n’est pas un nom d’événement valide !"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Cet événement est déjà dans la liste !"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Le délai doit être d'au moins une seconde !"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Script Denizen introuvable !"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens n'est pas installé !"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen n'est pas installé !"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Vous devez entrer un nombre positif !"
stageEditorNoNumber: "L'entrée n’est pas un numéro !"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "n'est pas supérieur à 0 !"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Entrée non valide, l'entrée n’était pas une liste de nombres !"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Vous devez d'abord définir un délai !"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Vous devez d'abord définir un nom de bloc !"
@ -279,11 +276,11 @@ stageEditorDeliveriesNotSameSize: "La liste d'items et la liste des NPC ne sont
stageEditorNPCKillsNotSameSize: "La liste des PNJ et la liste des montant de kill ne sont pas identiques !"
stageEditorAllListsNotSameSize: "Toutes vos listes ne sont pas de la même taille !"
stageEditorMobTypesNotSameSize: "La liste des types des mobs et la liste du numéro des mobs n'ont pas la même taille!"
stageEditorTameMobsNotSameSize: "The mob types list and the tame amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorTameMobsNotSameSize: "La liste des types des mobs et la liste du numéro des mobs n'ont pas la même taille!"
stageEditorShearNotSameSize: "The sheep colors list and the shear amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "You must add at least one password display first!"
stageEditorAddPasswordCleared: "Password Objectives cleared."
stageEditorPasswordNotSameSize: "The password display and password phrase lists are not the same size!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "Vous devez ajouter l’affichage d’au moins un mot de passe tout d’abord !"
stageEditorAddPasswordCleared: "Objectifs de mot de passe est désactivée."
stageEditorPasswordNotSameSize: "L’écran de mot de passe et les listes de mots de passe ne sont pas la même taille !"
stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: " La liste contient des doublons !"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Délai supprime."
stageEditorDelayMessageCleared: "Le délai du message a bien été supprimé."
@ -295,15 +292,15 @@ stageEditorUseBlocksCleared: "L'objectif d'utilisé un/des blocs a bien été su
stageEditorCutBlocksCleared: "L'objectif de cassé un/des blocs a bien été effacée."
stageEditorEnchantmentsCleared: "L'objectif d'enchantement a bien été effacée."
stageEditorDeliveriesCleared: "Objectif de livraison effacée."
stageEditorReachLocationsCleared: "Reach Locations objective cleared."
stageEditorKillNPCsCleared: "Kill NPCs objective cleared."
stageEditorKillMobsCleared: "Kill Mobs objective cleared."
stageEditorTameCleared: "Tame Mobs objective cleared."
stageEditorShearCleared: "Shear Sheep objective cleared."
stageEditorReachLocationsCleared: "L'objectif de placé un/des blocs a bien été effacée."
stageEditorKillNPCsCleared: "Tuer des PNJ objectif autorisé."
stageEditorKillMobsCleared: "Objectif de Mobs tuer effacée."
stageEditorTameCleared: "Objectif de monstres apprivoisé effacée."
stageEditorShearCleared: "Objectif de moutons de cisaillement effacée."
stageEditorStartMessageCleared: "Message de début effacé."
stageEditorCompleteMessageCleared: "Message de validation effacé."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce stage ?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Any Stages after will be shifted back one spot"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Des stades après seront déplacées en un seul endroit"
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "Le stage a été supprimé avec succès."
stageEditorEnchantments: "Enchantements"
stageEditorNPCNote: 'Remarque : Vous pouvez spécifier le nom du PNJ avec <npc>'
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Définir le nom d'objet"
eventEditorNoNames: "Aucun nom défini"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Vous devez d'abord définir un nom !"
eventEditorInvalidName: "n'est pas le nom d'un objet valide !"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "n'est pas supérieur à 0 !"
eventEditorNotANumber: "n'est pas un nombre !"
eventEditorStorm: "Événement de tempête"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Définir le monde"
@ -386,22 +382,20 @@ eventEditorSetWorldFirst: "Vous devez d'abord définir un monde !"
eventEditorInvalidWorld: "n'est pas un monde valide !"
eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Vous devez définir la durée de la tempête !"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Données de tempêtes effacées."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Entrez un nom de monde pour la tempête de se produire, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Définissez la durée (en secondes)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Le délai doit être d'au moins une seconde !"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "n'est pas supérieur à 1 secondes !"
eventEditorThunder: "Définir le Tonnerre"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Vous devez définir une durée de tonnerre !"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Event Effects"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder données effacées."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Entrez un nom de monde pour le tonnerre se produise, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Effets de l’événement"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Ajouter un effet"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Event effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play an effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Ajouter l’emplacement de l’effet"
eventEditorNoEffects: "Aucun ensemble d’effets"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "Vous devez ajouter des effets d’abord !"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "n’est pas un nom valide d’effet !"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Effets de l’événement est effacé."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc de jouer un effet à, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Définir le Spawn de Monstre"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Ajouter un mob"
eventEditorNoTypesSet: "(Aucun type défini)"
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Définir le casque"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Définir le taux de drop du casque"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Fixer le nombre de mobs à invoquer"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Définir le taux de drop"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Le taux de drop doit être compris entre 0,0 et 1,0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Définir les effets de potions"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Définir les effets de potions"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Vous devez définir les types d’effets de potion d’abord !"
@ -440,38 +433,35 @@ eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Effets de potions effacées."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "n’est pas un type d’effet de potion valide !"
eventEditorEnterNPCId: "Entrez l'ID du NPC (ou -1 pour annuler)"
eventEditorNoNPCExists: "Aucun NPC n’existe avec cet id !"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc pour frayer un coup de foudre à, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc pour frayer une explosion à, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "Vous devez d'abord sélectionner un bloc."
eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Entrez un message, <clear>,<cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "Entrez un nom de mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Entrez le nombre de monstre, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Entrez le nom pour ce mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Entrez une durée d'effet (en millisecondes), <space>,<cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Set money requirement"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points requirement"
reqSetItem: "Set item requirements"
reqSetPerms: "Set permission requirements"
reqSetQuest: "Set Quest requirements"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc pour le sélectionner, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Entrez le types d’effets de potion, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Entrez une durée d'effet (en secondes), <space>,<cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Entrez les amplitudes d’effet de potion, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Entrez le niveau de la faim, ou -1 pour effacer"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Entrez le niveau de saturation, ou -1 pour effacer"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Entrez le niveau de santé, ou -1 pour effacer"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Faites un clic droit sur un bloc pour téléporter le joueur à, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Remarque : Vous pouvez utiliser <player> pour désigner le nom du joueur."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Entrer des commandes, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Définir les exigence de jeu d’argent"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Définir les exigence de la quête de consigne"
reqSetItem: "Définir les exigences d'item"
reqSetPerms: "Définir les exigences de permission"
reqSetQuest: "Définir les exigences de Quest"
reqSetQuestBlocks: "Définir les blocs de quete"
reqSetMcMMO: "Set mcMMO requirements"
reqSetHeroes: "Set Heroes requirements"
reqSetCustom: "Set custom requirements"
reqSetFail: "Set fail requirements message"
reqSetSkills: "Set skills"
reqSetSkillAmounts: "Set skill amounts"
reqSetMcMMO: "Définir les exigences de mcMMO"
reqSetHeroes: "Définir les exigences de Heroes"
reqSetCustom: "Définir les exigences personnalisées"
reqSetFail: "Définir les exigences de jeu échec"
reqSetSkills: "Définir les compétences"
reqSetSkillAmounts: "Définir les montants de compétences"
reqHeroesSetPrimary: "Set Primary Class"
reqHeroesSetSecondary: "Set Secondary Class"
reqMoneyPrompt: "Enter amount of <money>, or 0 to clear the money requirement, or -1 to cancel"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Aucun objet défini"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Le montant doit être supérieur à 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO n'est pas installé"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes n'est pas installé"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Définir la récompense en argent"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Définir la récompense en points de quête"
rewSetItems: "Définir la récompense en objets"
@ -572,17 +569,23 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "Pas d'objet en main!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
questCompleteTitle: '**QUETES COMPLETE: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "Récompenses :"
questFailed: "*QUÊTE ÉCHOUÉE*"
questMaxAllowed: "Vous pouvez avoir jusqu'à <number> Quêtes."
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Éditer la quête -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Supprimer une quête -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Récompenses en objets -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- Conditions mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Événement -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Quêtes terminées -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> des quêteurs -"
createItemTitle: "- Créer un objet -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantements -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Région de la quête -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Option invalide!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Rouge"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Jour"
timeDays: "Jours"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Heure"
timeHours: "Heures"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Aucun nom n'a été défini"
worlds: "Mondes"
mobs: "Monstres"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Option invalide!"
npcHint: "Remarque : Vous pouvez faire un clic gauche ou un clic droit sur un NPC pour obtenir son ID."
listDuplicate: "La liste contient des doublons !"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Törli a küldetést"
questEditorName: "Beállítja a nevet"
questEditorAskMessage: "Beállítja az üzenetet"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Befejező üzenet beállítása"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Újratárcsázási késleltetés beállítása"
questEditorNPCStart: "Állítsd be az NPC indítását"
questEditorBlockStart: "Állítsd be a Blokk indítását"
questEditorInitialEvent: "A kezdeti esemény beállítása"
questEditorSetGUI: "Állítsd be a GUI elem kijelzését"
questEditorReqs: "Szerkesztési követelmények"
questEditorPln: "Tervező szerkesztése"
questEditorStages: "Szakaszok szerkesztése"
questEditorRews: "Nyeremények szerkesztése"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Írja be a Küldetés nevét (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Adja meg a Küldetés nevét a szerkesztéshez (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Írd be a kérő üzenetet (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Adja meg a befejező üzenetet (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Írd be az időtartamot (másodpercben), a 0 gombot a visszaváltási késleltetés törléséhez, vagy a visszavonáshoz -1 "
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Írd be az NPC azonosítót, -1, hogy törölje az NPC indítást vagy a -2-et törölje"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Jobb egérgombbal kattintson egy blokkra kiindulópontként, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Adja meg az Esemény nevét, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "nem szám!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "nem érvényes festékszín!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "nem érvényes eseménynév!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Az esemény már szerepel a listán!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "A késésnek legalább egy másodpercnek kell lennie!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script nem található!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens nincs telepítve!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen nincs telepítve!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Meg kell adnia egy pozitív számot!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "A bevitel nem szám volt!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "nem nagyobb, mint 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Érvénytelen bejegyzés, a bevitel nem számok listája!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Először be kell állítania a késleltetést!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Először blokkneveket kell beállítani!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Elem mennyiségek beállítása"
eventEditorNoNames: "Nincs név beállítva"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Meg kell adni az elem nevét először!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "nem érvényes elem név!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "nem nagyobb, mint 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "nem szám!"
eventEditorStorm: "Esemény vihar"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Világ beállítás"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Be kell állítani a vihar időtartamát!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "A vihar adatai törölve."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Adja meg a világ nevét hogy a vihar bekövetkezzen, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Időtartam megadása (másodpercben)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Az összegnek legalább 1 másodpercnek kell lennie!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "nem haladja meg az 1 másodpercet!"
eventEditorThunder: "Esemény dörgés"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Be kell állítani a mennydörgés időtartamát!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "A dörgés adatok törölve."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Sisak beállítása"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Sisak véletlen esésének beállítása"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Szörny mennyiség beállítása, hogy idézzen"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Ledobás esély beállítása"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "A csökkenési esélynek 0.0 és 1.0 között kell lennie"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Bájital effekt események"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Bájital effekt típusok beállítása"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Először a bájital típusokat kell beállítani!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Add meg a szörny összegét, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Állítsd be a szörny nevét, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Jobb egérgombbal kattints egy blokkra hogy kiválassza, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Add meg a bájital effekt típusokat, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Add meg a hatás időtartamát (ezredmásodpercben), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Add meg a hatás időtartamát (másodpercben), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Add meg a bájital hatás nagyságát, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Add meg az éhségszintet, vagy a -1-et, hogy eltávolítsa azt"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Az éhség szintjének legalább 0-nak kell lennie!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Add meg a telítettségi szintet, vagy a -1-et, hogy eltávolítsa azt"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "A telítési szintnek legalább 0-nak kell lennie!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Add meg az élet szintet, vagy a -1-et az eltávolításhoz"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Az élet szintnek legalább 0-nak kell lennie!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Jobb egérgombbal kattints egy blokkra hogy teleportálja a játékost, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Megjegyzés: Használhatod a <player> kifejezést a játékos nevére."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Add meg a parancsokat, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Nincs elemek beállítva"
reqNoValuesSet: "Nincs beállítva érték"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Elsődleges osztály:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Másodlagos osztály:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Az összegnek nagyobbnak kell lennie mint 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> nem Küldetés név!"
reqItemCleared: "Az elemekre vonatkozó követelmények törölve."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Az elemek listája és a elemek eltávolítása nem azonos méretű!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Legalább egy elemet hozzá kell adnia!"
reqNoMessage: "Be kell állítania a hibaüzeneteket!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO nincs telepítve"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes nincs telepítve"
plnStart: "Beállítsa a kezdő dátumot"
plnEnd: "Befejező dátum beállítása"
plnRepeat: "Beállítsa az ismétlési ciklust"
plnCooldown: "Játékos késleltető beállítása"
plnStartPrompt: "Írd be az időtartamot (másodpercben), 0 a kezdő dátum törléséhez, vagy a visszavonáshoz -1"
plnEndPrompt: "Add meg az időtartamot (másodpercben), 0 a végső dátum törléséhez, vagy a törléshez -1"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Add meg az időtartamot (másodpercben), 0 az ismétlés törléséhez vagy a -1 a visszavonáshoz"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Add meg az időtartamot (másodpercben), a 0-t a késleltető törléséhez vagy a -1 a visszavonáshoz"
rewSetMoney: "Pénz jutalom beállítása"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Quest Pontok jutalom beállítása"
rewSetItems: "Elem jutalmak beállítása"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Elem betöltve."
itemCreateNoItem: "Nincs elem a kézben!"
itemCreateNoName: "Be kell állítani a nevet először!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Érvénytelen elem név!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Az összegnek 1-64 között kell lennie!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Érvénytelen elem tartósság!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Érvénytelen varázslat név!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "A szintnek 0-nál nagyobbnak kell lennie!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Hibás bemenet!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "A bevitel nem szám volt!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Először meg kell adnia egy nevet és egy összeget!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Kritikus hiba történt."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Adj meg egy napot (legfeljebb 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Adj meg egy hónapot (legfeljebb 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Adj meg egy évet (legfeljebb 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Adj meg egy órát (legfeljebb 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Adj meg egy percet (legfeljebb 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Adj meg egy másodpercet (legfeljebb 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Adj meg egy UTC időzónát (legfeljebb 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Először egy évet kell beállítani!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**KÜLDETÉS TELJESÍTVE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Küldetés szerkesztése -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Küldetés törlése -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Követelmények -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Jutalmak -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Tervező -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Elem követelmények -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Elem jutalmak -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO követelmények -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Esemény -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Teljesített küldetések -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Legjobb <number> küldetésezők -"
createItemTitle: "- Elem létrehozása -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Dátum & Idő -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Varázslatok -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI elem megjelenítése -"
questRegionTitle: "- Küldetés régió -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Adott <number> küldési pontok <player> játékosból."
questPointsGiven: "<player> megadta a <number> Quest pontokat."
enableNPCGUI: "A <npc> most GUI Quest Display-t ad."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> nem ad meg többé GUI Quest Display-t."
invalidMinimum: "A bemenetnek legalább <number> kell lennie!"
invalidRange: "A bemenetnek <least> és <greatest> között kell lennie!"
invalidOption: "Érvénytelen lehetőség!"
invalidNumber: "Érvénytelen szám."
invalidStageNum: "Érvénytelen szakaszszám a Quest <quest> számára"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> Jelenleg nincs aktív küldetése."
playerNotFound: "A játékos nem található."
invalidStageNum: "Érvénytelen szakaszszám a Quest <quest> számára"
errorNPCID: 'Hiba: Nincs NPC <number> azonosítóval'
errorReading: "Hiba történt a <file> olvasása közben, kihagyva.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Hiba történt a <file> olvasása közben, további hibák elhárítása."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Piros"
timeZone: "Időzóna"
timeDay: "Nap"
timeDays: "Nap"
timeMonth: "Hónap"
timeMonths: "Hónapok"
timeYear: "Év"
timeYears: "Évek"
timeHour: "Óra"
timeHours: "Óra"
timeMinute: "Perc"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Nincs név beállítva"
worlds: "Világok"
mobs: "Szörnyek"
points: "pontok"
invalidOption: "Érvénytelen lehetőség!"
npcHint: "Megjegyzés: balra vagy jobbra kattintva az NPC-k megkaphatják az azonosítójukat."
listDuplicate: "A lista duplikátumokat tartalmaz!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Hapus Quest"
questEditorName: "Atur nama"
questEditorAskMessage: "Atur pesan pertanyaan"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Atur pesan penyelesaian"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Atur mengulangi penundaan"
questEditorNPCStart: "Atur NPC mulai"
questEditorBlockStart: "Atur Blok mulai"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Atur awal acara"
questEditorSetGUI: "Atur tampilan Item GUI"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Persyaratan"
questEditorPln: "Edit Perencana"
questEditorStages: "Edit Tahapan"
questEditorRews: "Edit Hadiah"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Masukkan nama Quest (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Masukkan pesan pertanyaan (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Masukkan pesan selesai (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Masukkan jumlah waktu (dalam detik), 0 untuk menghapus penundaan ulang atau -1 untuk membatalkan"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Masukkan NPC ID, -1 untuk menghapus NPC start atau -2 untuk membatalkan"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Klik kanan pada blok untuk menggunakan sebagai titik awal, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Masukkan satu nama acar. <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "bukanlah sebuah nomor!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "bukan warna pewarna yang valid!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "bukan nama event yang valid!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Acara sudah ada dalam daftar!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay setidaknya harus satu detik!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Skrip Denizen tidak ditemukan!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Warga tidak diinstal!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Penghuni tidak terpasang!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Anda harus memasukkan angka positif!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Masukan bukan sebuah angka!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "tidak lebih dari 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Entri Tidak Valid, masukan bukan daftar angka!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Anda harus mengatur delay terlebih dahulu!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Anda harus mengatur nama-nama blok dulu!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Tetapkan jumlah item"
eventEditorNoNames: "Tidak ada nama yang di set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Anda harus mengatur nama item terlebih dahulu!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "bukan nama item yang sah!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "tidak lebih dari 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "bukan sebuah nomor!"
eventEditorStorm: "Acara Badai"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Atur dunia"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Anda harus menetapkan durasi badai!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Data badai dibersihkan."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Masukkan nama dunia agar badai terjadi, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Masukkan durasi (dalam detik)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Jumlah minimal setidaknya harus 1 detik!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "tidak lebih dari 1 detik!"
eventEditorThunder: "Even Guntur"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Anda harus menetapkan durasi guntur!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Data guntur dihapus."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Pasang helm"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Tetapkan kemungkinan penurunan helm"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Tetapkan jumlah massa untuk bertelur"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Tetapkan kesempatan jatuhkan"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Kemungkinan penurunan harus antara 0.0 dan 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Efek Potensi Acara"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Tetapkan jenis efek ramuan"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Anda harus mengatur jenis efek ramuan terlebih dahulu!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah massa, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Tetapkan nama untuk massa ini, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Klik-kanan pada satu blok untuk memilihnya, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Masukkan jenis efek ramuan, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Masukkan durasi efek (dalam milidetik), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Masukkan durasi efek (dalam detik), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Masukkan besaran efek ramuan, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Masukkan level hunger, atau -1 untuk menghapusnya"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Level Hunger setidaknya harus 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Masukkan tingkat kejenuhan, atau -1 untuk menghapusnya"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Tingkat kejenuhan harus minimal 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Masukkan tingkat kesehatan, atau -1 untuk menghapusnya"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Tingkat kesehatan minimal harus 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Klik-kanan pada blok untuk teleportasi pemain ke, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Catatan: Anda dapat menggunakan <player> untuk merujuk ke nama pemain."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Masukkan perintah, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Tidak ada item yang di set"
reqNoValuesSet: "Tidak ada nilai yang di set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Kelas Utama:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Kelas Menengah:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Jumlah harus lebih besar dari 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> bukan sebuah nama Quest!"
reqItemCleared: "Item persyaratan dibersihkan."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Daftar item dan hapus daftar item tidak sama ukurannya!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Anda harus menambahkan setidaknya satu item pertama!"
reqNoMessage: "Anda harus menetapkan pesan persyaratan gagal!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO tidak dipasang"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes tidak dipasang"
plnStart: "Setel tanggal mulai"
plnEnd: "Setel tanggal akhir"
plnRepeat: "Setel siklus berulang"
plnCooldown: "Setel cooldown pemain"
plnStartPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah waktu (dalam detik), 0 untuk menghapus tanggal mulai atau -1 untuk membatalkan"
plnEndPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah waktu (dalam detik), 0 untuk menghapus tanggal akhir atau -1 untuk membatalkan"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah waktu (dalam detik), 0 untuk mengosongkan pengulangan atau -1 untuk membatalkan"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Masukkan jumlah waktu (dalam detik), 0 untuk menghapus cooldown atau -1 untuk membatalkan"
rewSetMoney: "Atur uang penghargaan"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Atur penghargaan Poin Quest"
rewSetItems: "Atur item penghargaan"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item dimuat."
itemCreateNoItem: "Tidak ada barang di tangan!"
itemCreateNoName: "Anda harus menetapkan nama dulu!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Nama item tidak valid!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Jumlah harus antara 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Ketahanan item tidak valid!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nama pesona tidak sah!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level harus lebih besar dari 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Masukan tidak sah!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Masukan bukan angka!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Anda harus menetapkan nama dan jumlah terlebih dahulu!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Sebuah kesalahan kritis telah terjadi."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Masukkan satu hari (maks. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Masukkan sebulan (maks. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Masukkan satu tahun (maks. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Masukkan satu jam (maks. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Masukkan satu menit (maks. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Masukkan detik (maks. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Masukkan zona waktu UTC (maks. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Anda harus menetapkan tahun pertama!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**PENCARIAN LENGKAP: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Pencarian -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Hapus Pencarian -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Persyaratan -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Penghargaan -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Perencana -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Persyaratan Item-"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Penghargaan Item -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- Persyaratan mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Acara -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Selesai Pencarian -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Atas <number> Pencari kerja -"
createItemTitle: "- Buat Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Tanggal & Waktu -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Pesona -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Tampilan Item -"
questRegionTitle: "- Daerah Pencarian -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Memberi <number> Poin Pencarian dari <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> memberi Anda <number> Poin Pencarian."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> sekarang akan menyediakan GUI Tampilan Pencarian."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> tidak akan lagi memberikan a GUI Tampilan Pencarian."
invalidMinimum: "Masukan harus setidaknya <number>!"
invalidRange: "Masukan harus antara <least> dan <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Pilihan tidak sah!"
invalidNumber: "Nomor tidak sah."
invalidStageNum: "Nomor tahap tidak sah untuk Pencarian <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> saat ini tidak ada Pencarian aktif."
playerNotFound: "Pemain tidak ditemukan."
invalidStageNum: "Nomor tahap tidak sah untuk Pencarian <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Kesalahan: Tidak ada NPC dengan ID <number>'
errorReading: "Kesalahan saat membaca <file>, melompat-lompat.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Kesalahan saat membaca <file>, menekan kesalahan lebih lanjut."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Merah"
timeZone: "Zona waktu"
timeDay: "Hari"
timeDays: "Hari"
timeMonth: "Bulan"
timeMonths: "Bulan"
timeYear: "Tahun"
timeYears: "Tahun"
timeHour: "Jam"
timeHours: "Jam"
timeMinute: "Menit"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Tidak ada nama yang diatur"
worlds: "Dunia"
mobs: "Massa"
points: "poin"
invalidOption: "Pilihan tidak sah!"
npcHint: "Catatan: Anda bisa klik atau kanan NPC untuk mendapatkan ID mereka."
listDuplicate: "Daftar berisi duplikat!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Cancellare la ricerca"
questEditorName: "Imposta nome"
questEditorAskMessage: "Impostare il messaggio di richiesta"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Messaggio di completamento"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Imposta il ritardo di ripristino"
questEditorNPCStart: "Impostare l'inizio NPC"
questEditorBlockStart: "Impostare inizio blocco"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Impostare l'evento iniziale"
questEditorSetGUI: "Impostare la visualizzazione della voce della GUI"
questEditorReqs: "Modificare i requisiti"
questEditorPln: "Modifica Pianificatore"
questEditorStages: "Modifica fasi"
questEditorRews: "Modifica i premi"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Inserisci il nome della ricerca (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Inserisci il nome di la ricerca (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Inserisci il messaggio da chiudere (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Inserisci il messaggio di finire (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Immettere la quantità di tempo (in secondi), 0 per cancellare il ritardo di ripetizione o -1 per anullare"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Immettere ID NPC, -1 per cancellare l'inizio NPC o -2 per annullare"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Click-destro su un blocco per utilizzare come punto di partenza, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Inserisci il nome di un evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "non è un numero!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "non è un colore valido di tintura!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "non è un nome di evento valido!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Evento è già nella lista!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Il ritardo deve essere di almeno un secondo!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Script denizen non trovato!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "I cittadini non sono installati!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen non è installato!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Devi inserire un numero positivo!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "L'input non è un numero!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "non è maggiore di 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Entrata non valida, l'input non era una lista di numeri!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "È necessario impostare un ritardo prima!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "È necessario innanzitutto impostare i nomi dei blocchi!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Imposta gli importi degli articoli"
eventEditorNoNames: "Nessun nome impostato"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Devi prima impostare i nomi degli oggetti!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "non è un nome di oggetto valido!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "non è maggiore di 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "non e un numero!"
eventEditorStorm: "Tempesta di Eventi"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Imposta il mondo"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Devi importare una durata temporale!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Dati di tempesta cancellati."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Inserisci un nome mondiale per la tempesta che si verifiche, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Inserire la durata (in secondi)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "L'imposto deve essere almeno secondo!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "non è superiore a 1 secondo!"
eventEditorThunder: "Evento Tuono"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Devi impostare una durata di tuono!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Dati di tuono cancellati."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Impostare il casco"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Stabilire la possibilità di caduta del casco"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Imposta la quantità di mob da generare"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Impostare la possibilità di drop"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "La possibilità di cadere deve essere compresa tra 0.0 e 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Effetti della pozione di eventi"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Imposta i tipi di effetti pozione"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Per prima cosa devi stabilire i tipi di effetti pozione!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Inserisci importo mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Imposta il nome per questo mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Fai clic con il tasto del mouse su un blocco per selezionarlo, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Inserisci i tipi di effetto pozione, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Immettere la durata dell'effetto (in millisecondi), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Immettere la durata dell'effetto (in secondi), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Inserisci le grandezze dell'effetto della pozione, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Inserisci il livello di fame, o -1 per rimuoverlo"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Il livello di fame deve essere almeno 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Immettere il livello di saturazione, o -1 per rimuoverlo"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Il livello di saturazione deve essere al meno pari a 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Inserisci il livello di salute, o -1 per rimuoverlo"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Il livello di salute deve essere al meno pari a 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su un blocco per teletrasportati sul lettore, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: Puoi usare<player> fare riferimento al nome del giocatore."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Inserisci i comandi, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Nessun elemento impostato"
reqNoValuesSet: "Nessun valore impostato"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Classe primaria:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Classe secondaria:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "L'importo deve essere maggiore di 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest>non è un nome di missione!"
reqItemCleared: "Requisiti dell'articolo cancellati."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Gli elenchi degli articoli e rimuovono gli elenchi non hanno la stessa dimensione!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Devi prima aggiungere almeno un oggetto!"
reqNoMessage: "È necessario impostare un messaggio sui requisti di errore!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO non installato"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes non installati"
plnStart: "Imposta la data di inizio"
plnEnd: "Imposta la data di fine"
plnRepeat: "Imposta ciclo di ripetizione"
plnCooldown: "Imposta il tempo di recupero del giocatore"
plnStartPrompt: "Immettere l'intervallo di tempo (in secondi), 0 per cancellare la data di inizio o -1 per annullare"
plnEndPrompt: "Immettere l'intervallo di tempo (in secondi), 0 per cancellare la data di fine o -1 per annullare"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Immettere la quantità di tempo (in secondi), 0 per cancellare la ripetizione o -1 per annullare"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Immettere la quantità di tempo (in secondi), 0 per cancellare il tempo di raffreddamento o -1 per annullare"
rewSetMoney: "Imposta la ricompensa in denaro"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Imposta la ricompensa dei Punti missioni"
rewSetItems: "Imposta i premi per gli oggetti"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Oggetto caricato."
itemCreateNoItem: "Nessun oggetto in mano!"
itemCreateNoName: "Devi prima stabilire un nome!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Nome di oggetto non valido!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "L'importo deve essere compreso tra 1 e 64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Durabilità dell'oggetto non valida!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nome incantamento non valido!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Il livello deve essere maggiore di 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Inserimento non valido!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "L'input non è un numero!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Devi prima impostare un nome e un importo!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Si è verificato un errore critico."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Inserire un giorno (massimo 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Inserisci un mese (massimo 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Immettere un anno (massimo 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Immettere un'ora (massimo 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Immettere un minuto (massimo 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Immettere un secondo (massimo 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Immettere un fuso orario UTC (massimo 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "È necessario impostare un anno prima!"
questTitle: "--<quest>--"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**RICERCA COMPLETA: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Modificare Ricerca -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Eliminare la Ricerca -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requisiti -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Premi -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Pianificatore -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Requisiti per L'oggetto -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Ricompensa Oggetti -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requisiti -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Eventi -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Missioni Completate -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Superiore <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Crea Elemento -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Data e Ora -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Incantesimi -"
questGUITitle: "- Display Articoli GUI -"
questRegionTitle: "- Regione Ricerca -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Ha dato <number> punto di missione <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> ti ha dato <number> punto di missioni."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> ora fornirà una schermata di ricerca GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> non fornirà più una schermata della ricerca GUI."
invalidMinimum: "L'input deve essere almeno <number>!"
invalidRange: "L'input deve essere tra <least> e <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Opzione non valida!"
invalidNumber: "Numero non valido."
invalidStageNum: "Numero di stage non valido per le missione <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> al momento non ha missione attive."
playerNotFound: "Giocatore non trovato."
invalidStageNum: "Numero di stage non valido per le missione <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Errore: Non c''è nessun NPC con ID <number>'
errorReading: "Errore di lettura <file>, saltando.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Errore di lettura<file>, eliminazione di ulteriori errori."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Rosso"
timeZone: "Fuso orario"
timeDay: "Giorno"
timeDays: "Giorni"
timeMonth: "Mese"
timeMonths: "Mesi"
timeYear: "Anno"
timeYears: "Anni"
timeHour: "Ora"
timeHours: "Ore"
timeMinute: "Minuto"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Non ci sono nomi stabiliti"
worlds: "Mondi"
mobs: "Mostri"
points: "punti"
invalidOption: "Opzione non valida!"
npcHint: "Note: Puoi uscire o fare clic su NPC per ottenere il tuoi ID."
listDuplicate: "Elenco contiene duplicati!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "クエストを削除します"
questEditorName: "名前を設定"
questEditorAskMessage: "開始時のメッセージ"
questEditorFinishMessage: "完了時のメッセージ"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "NPCの設定を開始"
questEditorBlockStart: "ブロックの設定を開始"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "GUI Itemの設定を表示"
questEditorReqs: "編集する条件"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "編集段階"
questEditorRews: "報酬を編集"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "クエスト名を入力してください(<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "クエスト名を入力してください(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "尋ねるメッセージを入力してください(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "終了メッセージを入力してください(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "時間の長さを入力してください(単位: 秒)、0を入力すると遅延をクリアします、キャンセルする場合は-1を入力"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "NPCのIDを入力してください、-1と入力するとNPCの開始をクリア、-2を入力するとキャンセルします"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "イベント名を入力してください、<clear>、<cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**クエスト完了: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- クエストを編集します -"
questDeleteTitle: "- 削除クエスト -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | 受託条件 -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "無効なオプション"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "赤色"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "日"
timeDays: "日"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "時間"
timeHours: "時間"
timeMinute: "分"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "名前が未設定です"
worlds: "ワールド"
mobs: "モブ"
points: "ポイント"
invalidOption: "無効なオプション"
npcHint: "注釈: 右クリックでNPC IDを取得"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Verwijder Missie"
questEditorName: "Stel de naam in"
questEditorAskMessage: "Stel vraag-bericht in"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Stel eind-bericht in"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Stel tijd om te herdoen in"
questEditorNPCStart: "Stel NPC start in"
questEditorBlockStart: "Stel Blok-start in"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Stel eerste Gebeurtenis in"
questEditorSetGUI: "Stel GUI Item vertoning in"
questEditorReqs: "Werk de Benodigdheden bij"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Werk de Fasen bij"
questEditorRews: "Werk de Beloningen bij"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Voer de naam van de Quest in (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Voer de naam van de Quest in om te bewerken (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Voer het vraag-bericht in (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Voer het eind-bericht in (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Voer de tijd in (in seconden), 0 is om het herhalen te verwijderen of -1 om hem te annuleren"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Voet het NPC ID in, -1 om de NPC start te verwijderen of -2 om het te annuleren"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Rechts-klik op een blok om hem als start punt te gebruiken, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Voer een functie naam in, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -184,47 +183,47 @@ stageEditorPassword: "Wachtwoord Doelstellingen"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Toevoegen wachtwoord scherm"
stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Wachtwoord zin(nen) toevoegen"
stageEditorNoPasswordDisplays: "Geen wachtwoord toegevoegd"
stageEditorObjectiveOverride: "Objective display override"
stageEditorObjectiveOverride: "Quest toont overschrijving"
stageEditorCustom: "Aangepast objectief"
stageEditorNoModules: "Geen modules geladen"
stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Aangepast objectief module niet gevonden."
stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Vul de naam in van een aangepast objectief om hem toe te voegen, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names (or IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter break amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorUseBlocksPrompt: "Enter use amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCutBlocksPrompt: "Enter cut amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Enter block durability (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Enter number of fish to catch, or 0 to clear the fish catch objective, or -1 to cancel"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Enter number of players to kill, or 0 to clear the player kill objective, or -1 to cancel"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Enter enchantment names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Enter enchant amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Enter delivery messages, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Enter kill amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter kill location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter reach location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Die custom Quest is al geadd!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom Quest cleared."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Typ waarde voor <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Typ blok namen (of IDs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal dat gebroken moet worden (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Typ aanvallen die moeten worden gedaan (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal geplaatste (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorUseBlocksPrompt: "Typ gebruikt aantal (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCutBlocksPrompt: "Typ aantal geschoren (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Typ blok duurzaamheid (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Typ nummer of vissen te vangen, of 0 om de vis vang quest te clearen, of -1 om te cancelen"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Typ nummers van spelers die vermoord moeten worden, of typ 0 om de moord quest te clearen, of typ -1 om de quest te cancelen"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Typ betoveringsnamen, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Typ betoverd aantal (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Typ item namen, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Typ NPC ID's, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Typ NPC ID's, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Typ verzendings berichten, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Typ vermoorde aantallen (nummers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Typ mob namen, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Typ mob aantallen, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Klik rechts op een blok om het te selecteren, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Typ vermoord locatie radius (aantal blokken afstand), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Typ mob locatie namen, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Rechts klik op een blok om het te selecteren, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Typ locatie reikings radius (aantal blokken afstand), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Typ locatie namen, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Typ getemd aantal, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Typ de kleuren van het schaap, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Typ gescheerd aantal, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Typ een event naam, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Typ een event naam om toe te voegen, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Typ een chat trigger voor%aqua%<event>%yellow%<cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <event>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Enter time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Typ een chat trigger voor%aqua%<event>%yellow%<cancel>"
stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Voer de tijd (in seconden), <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,14 +248,12 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Ongeldige vermelding, ingang was niet een lijst met getallen!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -751,36 +759,36 @@ journalAlreadyHave: "You already have your Quest Journal out."
journalNoRoom: "You have no room in your inventory for your Quest Journal!"
journalNoQuests: "You have no accepted quests!"
journalDenied: "You cannot do that with your Quest Journal."
ENCHANTMENT_LUCK: "Geluk van de zee"
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -811,29 +824,28 @@ event: "Event"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
exited: "Exited"
cancel: "Cancel"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
questTimeout: "Cancelled."
back: "Back"
yesWord: "Yes"
noWord: "No"
"true": "true"
"false": "false"
clear: "Clear"
edit: "Edit"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
finish: "Finish"
quit: "Quit"
noneSet: "None set"
exited: "Opgewonden"
cancel: "Annuleren"
cancelled: "Geannuleerd"
questTimeout: "Geannuleerd."
back: "Terug"
yesWord: "Ja"
noWord: "Nee"
"true": "juist"
"false": "onjuist"
clear: "Verwijderen"
edit: "Wijzigen"
none: "Geen"
done: "Gereed"
finish: "Voltooien"
quit: "Weggaan"
noneSet: "Geen gezet"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
worlds: "Werelden"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
points: "punten"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -842,13 +854,13 @@ quests: "Quests"
createdBy: "Created by"
continuedBy: "and continued by"
questPoints: "Quest Points"
accepted: "Accepted"
complete: "Complete"
redoable: "Redoable"
accepted: "Geaccepteerd"
complete: "Voltooid"
redoable: "Herdoenbaar"
usage: "Usage"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements"
money: "Money"
money: "Geld"
with: "with"
to: "to"
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Usuń Zadanie"
questEditorName: "Zmień nazwa"
questEditorAskMessage: "Zmień pytanie wiadomości"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Ustaw koniec wiadomości"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Ustaw przerobione opóźnienie"
questEditorNPCStart: "Ustaw start NPC"
questEditorBlockStart: "Ustaw blok startowy"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Ustaw inicjały Eventu"
questEditorSetGUI: "Ustaw GUI wyświetlany Item"
questEditorReqs: "Edytuj Wymagania"
questEditorPln: "Edytuj Planistę"
questEditorStages: "Edytuj Etapy"
questEditorRews: "Edytuj nagrody"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Wprowadź nazwę Zadania (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Wprowadź nazwe Zadania aby edytować (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Wprowadź wiadomość zapytanie (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Wprowadź nazwę wiadomości (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Wprowadź ilość czasu (w sekundach), 0 aby usunąć opóźnienie lub -1 aby anulować"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Wprowadź NPC ID, -1 aby anulować start NPC lub -2 aby anulować"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy jako punkt początkowy, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Wprowadź nazwę wydarzenia, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "nie jest liczbą!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "nie jest to prawidłowa barwa koloru!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "nie jest to poprawna nazwa wydarzenia!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Wydarzenie jest już na liście!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Opóźnienie musi wynosić co najmniej jedną sekundę!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Nie znaleziono skryptu mieszkańca!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Obywatele nie zostali zainstalowani!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Mieszkańcy nie zostali zainstalowani!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Musisz wprowadzić pozytywny numer!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Wartość nie jest liczbą!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "nie jest większa niż 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Nieprawidłowy wpis, wejścia nie było na liście!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Najpierw musisz ustawić nazwę!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Najpierw musisz ustawić nazwę bloku!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Ustaw wartość przedmiotu"
eventEditorNoNames: "Nie ustawiono nazwy"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Najpierw musisz ustawić nazwę!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "nie jest to poprawna nazwa przedmiotu!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "nie jest większa niż 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "nie jest liczbą!"
eventEditorStorm: "Wydarzenie Burza"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Zmień świat"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Musisz ustawić długość burzy!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Dane burzy wyczyszczone."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Wprowadź nazwę świata, aby burza się pojawiła, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Wprowadź czas trwania (w sekundach)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Liczba musi wynosić przynajmniej 1 sekundę!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "to nie jest większe od jednej sekundy!"
eventEditorThunder: "Wydarzenie Grzmotu"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Musisz wpisać czas trwania Grzmotu!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Dane grzmotu wyczyszczone."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Zestaw hełmu"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Ustaw szansę na wypadnięcie hełmu"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Ustaw ilość pojawiających się potworów"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Ustaw szansę na wypadnięcie"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Szansa na wypadnięcie musi być pomiędzy 0.0 a 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Wydarzenie efektów mikstury"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Ustaw efekt mikstur"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Musisz najpierw ustawić efekty mikstur!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Wprowadź wartość potwora, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Zmień nazwę tego potwora, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Kliknij prawy przycisk myszy aby wybrać blok, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Wprowadź typy efektów mikstur, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Wprowadź czas trwania efektu (w milisekundach), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Wprowadź czas trwania efektu (w sekundach), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Wprowadź efekt wielkości mikstury, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Wprowadź poziom głodu, lub -1, aby go usunąć"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Poziom głody musi być co najmniej 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Wprowadź poziom nasycenia, lub -1, aby go usunąć"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Poziom nasycenia musy być przynajmniej 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Wprowadź poziom zdrowia, lub -1, aby go usunąć"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Poziom życia musi być co najmniej 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na bloku, teleportować się do gracza, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Uwaga: Możesz użyć <player> aby odnieść się do imienia gracza."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Wprowadź komendy, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Nie ustawiono przedmiotów"
reqNoValuesSet: "Nie ustawiono wartości"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Główne klasy:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Drugorzędne Klasy:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Liczba musi być wyższa niż 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> nie jest nazwą misji!"
reqItemCleared: "Wymagania przedmiotów wyczyszczone."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Lista przedmiotów i lista przedmiotów usunięcia nie są tej samej wielkości!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Musisz najpierw dodać przynajmniej jeden przedmiot!"
reqNoMessage: "Musisz ustawić komunikat o błędzie wymagań!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO nie jest zainstalowane"
reqNoHeroes: "Bohaterowie nie się zainstalowani"
plnStart: "Ustaw datę rozpoczęcia"
plnEnd: "Ustaw datę zakończenia"
plnRepeat: "Ustaw cykl powtarzania"
plnCooldown: "Ustaw czas odnowienia gracza"
plnStartPrompt: "Wprowadź ilość czasu (w sekundach), 0, aby usunąć datę rozpoczęcia lub -1, aby anulować"
plnEndPrompt: "Wprowadź ilość czasu (w sekundach), 0, aby usunąć datę końcową lub -1, aby anulować"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Wprowadź ilość czasu (w sekundach), 0, aby usunąć powtarzanie lub -1, aby anulować"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Wprowadź ilość czasu (w sekundach), 0, aby skasować czas odnowienia lub -1, aby anulować"
rewSetMoney: "Ustaw nagrodę pieniężną"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Ustaw nagrodę punktów misji"
rewSetItems: "Ustaw nagrody przedmiotów"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Przedmiot załadowany."
itemCreateNoItem: "Nie ma przedmiotu w dłoni!"
itemCreateNoName: "Najpierw ustaw nazwę!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Nieprawidłowa nazwa przedmiotu!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Kwota musi znajdować się pomiędzy 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Nieprawidłowa wytrzymałość przedmiotu!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nieprawidłowa nazwa ulepszenia magicznego!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Poziom musi być większy od 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Nieprawidłowa wartość!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Wartość nie jest liczbą!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Najpierw ustaw nazwę i ilość!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Wystąpił krytyczny błąd."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Wprowadź dzień (maksymalnie 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Wprowadź miesiąc (maksymalnie 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Wprowadź rok (maksymalnie 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Wprowadź godzinę (maks. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Wprowadź minutę (maksymalnie 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Wprowadź sekundę (maksymalnie 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Wprowadź strefę czasową UTC (maks. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Najpierw musisz ustawić rok!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edytuj misje -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Usuń misje -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Wymagania -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Nagrody -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planistę -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Wymagania przedmiotów -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Nagrody przedmiotów -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Wymagania -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Wydarzenie -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Ukończone Misje -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Najlepszych <number> Poszukiwaczy -"
createItemTitle: "- Utwórz przedmiot -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Data i Czas -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Ulepszenia magiczne -"
questGUITitle: "- Wyświetlanie GUI przedmiotów -"
questRegionTitle: "- Region Misji -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Dostał <number> punktów misji od <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> dał ci <number> Punktów Misji."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> będzie teraz zapewniać wyświetlanie zadań GUI."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> nie będzie już wyświetlać ekranu zadań GUI."
invalidMinimum: "Dane wejściowe muszą wynosić co najmniej <number>!"
invalidRange: "Dane wejściowe muszą znajdować się między <least> i <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Nie można tego zrobić!"
invalidNumber: "Nieprawidłowa liczba."
invalidStageNum: "Nieprawidłowy etap w zadaniu o nazwie <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> nie ma obecnie żadnych aktywnych zadań."
playerNotFound: "Nie ma gracza o tej nazwie."
invalidStageNum: "Nieprawidłowy etap w zadaniu o nazwie <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Błąd: Nie ma NPC z ID <number>'
errorReading: "Błąd podczas wczytywania pliku <file>, pomijanie.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Błąd podczas wczytywania pliku <file>, zamykanie błędów."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Czerwony"
timeZone: "Strefa czasowa"
timeDay: "Dzień"
timeDays: "Dni"
timeMonth: "Miesiąc"
timeMonths: "Miesięcy"
timeYear: "Rok"
timeYears: "Lata"
timeHour: "Godzina"
timeHours: "Godzin"
timeMinute: "Minuta"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Nie ustawiono nazwy"
worlds: "Światy"
mobs: "Moby"
points: "punkty"
invalidOption: "Nie można tego zrobić!"
npcHint: "Informacja: Kliknij na NPC, by dostać jego ID."
listDuplicate: "Zawiera powtórzenia!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Deletar Quest"
questEditorName: "Definir nome"
questEditorAskMessage: "Defina a mensagem de pergunta"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Defina a mensagem final"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Defina o tempo de Retorno"
questEditorNPCStart: "Defina o NPC de início"
questEditorBlockStart: "Defina o Bloco de início"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Defina o Evento Inicial"
questEditorSetGUI: "Defina os Itens do Conjunto GUI"
questEditorReqs: "Edite os Requerimentos"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edite os Estágios"
questEditorRews: "Edite as Recompensas"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Digite o nome da Quest (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Digite o nome da Quest para editar (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Digite a mensagem de pergunta (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Digite a mensagem final (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Digite a quantidade de tempo (Em segundos), 0 Para zerar o delay ou -1 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Digite o NPC ID, -1 Para limpar o NPC ou -2 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Botão Direito no bloco para usa-lo como ponto de partida, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Digite o nome do Evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [page] - List available Quests"
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [page] - Lista de Quests disponíveis"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Accept a Quest"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Aceitar uma Quest"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "Usa: /quests take [quest]"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Quit a current Quest"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Sair de uma Quest atual"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - View/Put away your Quest Journal"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - Ver/Esconder o seu jornal das Quests"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create/Edit Quests"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Criar/Editar Quests"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create/Edit Events"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Criar/Editar Eventos"
COMMAND_STATS: "estatísticas"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - View your Questing stats"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - Ver as suas estatísticas das Quests"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - View top Questers"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - Ver os Questers de topo"
COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: "Usa: /quests take [number]"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Display plugin information"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - Exibir informações do plugin"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- Mostrar os objetivos da Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest] - Display Quest information"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest] - Mostrar informação da Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Ver a ajuda do Questadmin"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [player] - View Questing statistics of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [player] - Ver estatísticas das Quests de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to take a Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Forçar um jogador a fazer uma Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to quit their Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Forçar um jogador a desistir da sua Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Set a players Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Definir os Pontos de Quest de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Take a players Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Tire os pontos Quest de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Give a player Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Dar a um jogador pontos de Quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - Set ALL players' Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - Definir os pontos de Quest de todos os jogadores"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Immediately force Quest completion for a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Forçar imediatamente a conclusão da Quest para um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Immediately force Stage completion for a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Forçar imediatamente a conclusão da Quest para um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Set the current Stage for a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Definir o Estágio atual para um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Usa: /questadmin setstage [player] [quest] [stage]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_PURGE_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player AND BLACKLISTS THEM"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_PURGE_HELP: "<command> [player] - Limpar os dados de todas as Quests de um jogador e coloca-o NA LISTA NEGRA"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all Quests data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Limpar os dados de todas as Quests de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed Quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remover uma Quest completada de um jogador"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "<command> [npc id] - Toggle GUI Quest Display on an NPC"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Eliminar Quest"
questEditorName: "Definir nome"
questEditorAskMessage: "Introduzir pergunta"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Introduzir mensagem final"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Inserir refazer delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Definir o início do NPC"
questEditorBlockStart: "Definir o início do bloco"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Definir evento inicial"
questEditorSetGUI: "Definir o Item de exibição do GUI"
questEditorReqs: "Editar Requisitos"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Editar Estágios"
questEditorRews: "Editar Recompensas"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Introduzir o nome da Quest (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Introduzir o nome da Quest para editar (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Introduzir mensagem final (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Introduzir mensagem final (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Introduzir a quantidade de tempo (em segundos), 0 para remover o delay e -1 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Intruduzir o ID do NPC, -1 para limpar o seu inicio ou -2 para cancelar"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Botão-direito do rato sobre um bloco para usar como um ponto inicial, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Introduzir um nome de evento, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "não é um número!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "não é uma cor de tinta válida!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "não é um nome de evento válido!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Evento já está na lista!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Cidadãos não está instalado!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "não é maior que 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Definir quantidade dos itens"
eventEditorNoNames: "Sem nomes definidos"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Deves definir os nomes dos itens primeiro!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "não um nome válido de item!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "não é maior que 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "não é um número!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "Sem item na mão!"
itemCreateNoName: "Deves definir um nome primeiro!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Nome de item inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Quantidade deve estar entre 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Durabilidade do item inválida!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Nome de encantamento inválido!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Nível deve ser maior que 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Entrada inválida!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Entrada não era um número!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Deves definir um nome e uma quantidade primeiro!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Um erro crítico ocorreu."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "--<quest>--"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '** QUEST COMPLETADA: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Editar Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Eliminar Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Opção inválida!"
invalidNumber: "Número inválido."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> jogador de momento não tem Quests ativas."
playerNotFound: "Jogador não encontrado."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Erro: Não existe nenhum NPC com ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Vermelho"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Dia"
timeDays: "Dias"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hora"
timeHours: "Horas"
timeMinute: "Minuto"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Mundos"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "pontos"
invalidOption: "Opção inválida!"
npcHint: "Nota: Podes clicar com o lado direito ou esquerdo do rato nos NPCs para obter o seu ID."
listDuplicate: "Lista contém duplicados!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Удалить квест"
questEditorName: "Указать название"
questEditorAskMessage: "Сообщение перед началом квеста"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Сообщение по завершении квеста"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Повтор квеста"
questEditorNPCStart: "Задать НПС"
questEditorBlockStart: "Задать начальный блок"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Установить первоначальное событие"
questEditorSetGUI: "Задать предмет для открытия интерфейса"
questEditorReqs: "Изменить требования"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Изменить этапы"
questEditorRews: "Изменить награду"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Введите имя квеста (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Введите имя квеста для изменения (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Введите сообщение перед началом квеста (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Введите заключительное сообщение (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Введите время (в секундах), 0 для отмены повтора или -1 для возврата"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Введите id НПС, -1 для очистки НПС или -2 для возврата"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на блок, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Введите имя события, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "не является числом!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Событие уже в списке!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Скрипт Denizen не найден!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens не установлен!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen не установлен!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Количество должно быть положительным числом!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Ta bort Uppdraget"
questEditorName: "Ange namn"
questEditorAskMessage: "Ange frågemeddelande"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Ange avklarat meddelande"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Ange gör om fördröjning"
questEditorNPCStart: "Ange start NPC"
questEditorBlockStart: "Ange start block"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Redigera krav"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Redigera etapper"
questEditorRews: "Redigera belöningar"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Ange uppdragsnamn (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Ange uppdrag att redigera (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "ลบเควส"
questEditorName: "กำหนดชื่อ"
questEditorAskMessage: "ตั้งคำถาม"
questEditorFinishMessage: "เสร็จสิ้นการตั้งค่าข้อความ"
questEditorRedoDelay: "ทำซ้ำการตั้งค่าหน่วงเวลา"
questEditorNPCStart: "ตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น NPC"
questEditorBlockStart: "ตั้งค่าเริ่มต้นของบล็อก"
questEditorInitialEvent: "ตั้งค่ากิจกรรมเริ่มต้น"
questEditorSetGUI: "ตั้งค่าการแสดงรายการ GUI"
questEditorReqs: "แก้ไขข้อกำหนด"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "แก้ไขขั้นตอน"
questEditorRews: "แก้ไขรางวัล"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "ป้อนชื่อเควส (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "ป้อนชื่อเควสที่จะแก้ไข (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "ป้อนข้อความที่ต้องการ (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "ป้อนข้อความที่ต้องการ (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "ป้อนจำนวนครั้ง (เป็นวินาที), 0 เพื่อล้างการหน่วงเวลาการทำซ้ำหรือ -1 เพื่อยกเลิก"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "ใส่รหัส NPC, -1 เพื่อล้างการเริ่มต้นของ NPC หรือ -2 เพื่อยกเลิก"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -203,14 +202,14 @@ stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนปลาที่จั
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนผู้เล่นที่จะฆ่าหรือ 0 เพื่อล้างเป้าหมายของผู้เล่นฆ่าหรือ -1 เพื่อยกเลิก"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "ป้อนชื่อมนต์เสน่ห์ <semicolon> <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนเงิน (ตัวเลข) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "ป้อนชื่อไอเทม <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "ป้อนไอดี NPC <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Enter delivery messages, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "ป้อนจำนวนเงินที่ฆ่า (จำนวน) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "คลิกเมาส์ขวาที่บล็อกเพื่อเลือกบล็อกนั้น <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "ป้อนรัศมีตำแหน่งฆ่า (จำนวนบล็อค) <space> <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ไม่ใช่สีย้อมที่ถูกต้อง!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ไม่มีชื่อของเหตุการณ์ที่ถูกต้อง"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "กิจกรรมมีอยู่ในรายการแล้ว!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "หน่วงเวลาต้องอย่างน้อยหนึ่งวินาที"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "สคริปต์ Denizen ไม่พบ!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens ไม่ได้รับการติดตั้ง!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "คุณต้องป้อนจำนวนบวก!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "การป้อนข้อมูลไม่ใช่รายการของตัวเลข!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "ไม่มากกว่า 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "รายการไม่ถูกต้องการป้อนข้อมูลไม่ใช่รายการหมายเลข!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "คุณต้องตั้งค่าการหน่วงเวลาก่อน!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "คุณต้องตั้งชื่อบล็อกไว้ก่อน!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "ตั้งหมวกนิรภัย"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "ตั้งโอกาสเสี่ยงของหมวกนิรภัย"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "กำหนดจำนวนม็อบเพื่อวางไข่"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "ตั้งโอกาสหล่น"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "มีโอกาสเกิดขึ้นระหว่าง 0.0 ถึง 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "ผลกระทบ Potion เหตุการณ์"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "ตั้ง potion ชนิดผล"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "คุณต้องตั้งค่าชนิดของผลยาครั้งแรก!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "คุณต้องเพิ่มอย่างน้อย
reqNoMessage: "คุณต้องตั้งค่าข้อความต้องล้มเหลว"
reqNoMcMMO: "ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง mcMMO"
reqNoHeroes: "ไม่ได้ติดตั้ง Heroes"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "ตั้งเงินรางวัล"
rewSetQuestPoints: "ตั้งรางวัล Quest Points"
rewSetItems: "ตั้งค่าไอเทมของรางวัล"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- รายการของรางวัล -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- ข้อกำหนดของ mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- กิจกรรม -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- เควสที่เสร็จสมบูรณ์ -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- สร้างรายการ -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- เวทมนตร์ -"
questGUITitle: "- จอแสดงผลรายการ GUI -"
questRegionTitle: "- ภูมิภาค Quest -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Görevi sil"
questEditorName: "İsim ayarla"
questEditorAskMessage: "Mesaj ayarla"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Bitiş mesajını ayarla"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Yenileme süresini ayarla"
questEditorNPCStart: "NPC başlangıcını ayarla"
questEditorBlockStart: "Blok başlangıcını ayarla"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Başlangıç olayını ayarla"
questEditorSetGUI: "GUI item ekranını ayarla"
questEditorReqs: "Gereksinimleri düzenle"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Etapları düzenle"
questEditorRews: "Ödülleri düzenle"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Görev adını düzenle (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Yeni görev adını girin (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Sorgu mesajını girin (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Bitiş mesajının yazın (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Yeniden başlatma gecikmesini silmek için süreyi (saniye olarak) 0 ve iptal etmek için -1 değerini girin"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "NPC ID'yi girin, NPC başlangıcını silmek için -1 ya da iptal etmek için -2 girin"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Bir bloğu başlangıç noktası olarak seçmek için blok üzerine sağ tıklayın, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Bir Etkinlik adı girin, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> geçerli bir WorldGuard bölgesi değil!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Görev bölgesi temizlendi."
questCitNotInstalled: "İnsanlar yüklenemedi"
questDenNotInstalled: "Vatandaşlar yüklenemedi"
questGUIError: "Hata: Bu öğe zaten GUI arayüzünde kullanılıyor<quest>."
questGUIError: "Hata: Bu öğe zaten GUI arayüzünde kullanılıyor <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Şuan ki eşya:"
questSetItem: "Öğeyi ayarla"
questClearItem: "Öğeyi sil"
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ questEditorSave: "Bitir ve kaydet"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "Bir soru mesajı belirlemelisin!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "Bir bitirme mesajı ayarlamanız gerekiyor!"
questEditorNeedStages: "Görevinin aşamaları yok!"
questEditorSaved: "Görev kaydedildi! (Görünmesi için görevi tekrar yüklemeniz gerekecektir)"
questEditorSaved: "%bold%Görev kaydedildi! %reset%(Oyunda görünmesi için %red%<command> %reset% yapmalısınız)"
questEditorExited: "Kaydetmeden çıkmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
questEditorDeleted: "Görevi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz"
questEditorNoPermsCreate: "Görevleri oluşturmak için izniniz yok."
@ -203,10 +202,10 @@ stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Tutulacak balık sayısını girin ya da 0 yazarak
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Öldürülecek oyuncu sayısını girin ya da 0 yazarak öldürülecek oyuncu değerini silin veya -1 yazarak iptal edin"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Büyü isimlerini girin, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Büyülenen miktarı (sayı olarak) girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Her birini boşlukla ayırarak öğe isimlerini girin ya da geri dönmek için 'iptal et' tıklayın."
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Her birini boşlukla ayırarak NPC ID'lerini girin ya da geri dönmek için 'iptal et' tıklayın."
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "NPC kimlik numaralarını girin, her birini bir boşlukla ayırın, veya NPC kimliği listesini temizlemek için 'temizle', veya geri dönmek için 'iptal et' komutunu girin."
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Teslimat mesajlarını girin, her birini bir sembol ile ayırarak, veya geri dönmek için 'iptal et'i girin."
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Öğe adlarını girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "NPC kimliklerini girin, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "NPC kimliklerini girin, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Teslimat mesajlarını girin, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Enter kill amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "bir sayı değil!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "geçerli bir boya rengi değil!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "geçerli bir etkinlik adı değil!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Olay zaten listede!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Gecikme en az bir saniye olmalıdır!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Müdavim komut dosyası bulunamadı!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Vatandaşlar yüklü değil!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Müdavim yüklü değil!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Pozitif bir sayı girmelisiniz!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Giriş bir numara değildi!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "0'dan büyük değil!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Geçersiz değer, girdiğiniz bir sayı değil!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Önce gecikme değerini ayarlamalısınız!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Önce blok isimlerini ayarlamalısınız!"
@ -345,7 +342,7 @@ eventEditorThunderTitle: "-Olay yıldızı-"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "-Çeteler-"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "-Mafya ekle-"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "-Olay iksiri etkileri-"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "-Olay Iksiri Etkileri-"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "-Olay iksiri türleri-"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Dünyalar -"
eventEditorSetName: "Etap adı"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Öge miktarlarını ayarla"
eventEditorNoNames: "Adlar ayarlanmadı"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Önce öğe adlarını ayarla!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "geçerli bir öğe adı değil!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "0'dan büyük değil!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "bir sayı değil!"
eventEditorStorm: "Kıyamet Karşılaşması"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Dünya kur"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Saldırı süresini ayarlamalısınız!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Saldırı verileri silindi."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Saldırıyı gerçekleştirmek için bir dünya adı girin, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Süreyi girin (saniye olarak)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Süre en az 1 saniye olmalıdır!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "1 saniyeden büyük değil!"
eventEditorThunder: "Yıldırım Maçı"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Saldırı süresini ayarlamalısınız!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Saldırı verileri silindi."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Kask'ı ayarla"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Kaskın düşme ihtimalini ayarla"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Moblar için yumurtlama miktarını ayarla"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Düşüş şansını ayarla"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Düşüş şansı 0 ile 1,0 arasında olmalı"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Olay iksiri etkileri"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "İksir etki türlerini ayarla"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Önce iksir etki türlerini ayarlamalısınız!"
@ -444,22 +437,19 @@ eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Adresine bir yıldırım çarpması için bir blok
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Bir patlama meydana getirmek için bir blok sağ tıklayın, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "Önce bir blok seçmelisin."
eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Enter message, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "Mafya adına girin veya geri dönmek için 'iptal et' i girin"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Çete tutarını girin veya geri dönmek için iptal et'i girin"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Bu mafya için adı ayarlayın veya geri dönmek için iptal yazın"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Bir blok seçmek için sağ tıklayın, sonra da erişim yeri listesine eklemek için ekle yazın, yada geri dönmek için iptal yazın"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Bir tek boşlukla ayıran öğe adlarını girin veya geri dönmek için iptale girin"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Kırılganlık miktarı (sayı olarak) girin, değeri boşluk ile ayırın ya da geri dönmek için iptale tıklayın"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Bir tek boşlukla ayıran öğe adlarını gir veya geri dönmek için iptale girin"
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "Enter mob name, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Seçmek için bir bloğa sağ tıklayın, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "İksir efekti türlerini girin, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "İksir efekti sürelerini girin (saniyeler içinde), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "İksir etki büyüklüklerini girin, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Açlık seviyesine girin veya kaldırmak için -1"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Açlık seviyesi en az 0 olmalı!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Açlık seviyesine getirmek veya kaldırmak için -1"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Doygunluk seviyesi en az 0 olmalı!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Açlık seviyesine getirmek veya kaldırmak için -1"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Sağlık düzeyi en az 0 olmalı!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Her birini virgülle ayıran komutları girin veya listeyi temizlemek için temizle değerini girin veya geri dönmek için iptal komutunu girin."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Para gereksinimini ayarla"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Görev puanını belirleme gereksinimi"
reqSetItem: "Öğe gereksinimi ayarlayın"
@ -477,11 +467,11 @@ reqHeroesSetSecondary: "İkincil becerileri ayarla"
reqMoneyPrompt: "<money> miktarını girin ya da 0 yazarak para şartını kaldırın veya -1 yazarak iptal edin"
reqQuestPointsPrompt: "Görev puanını girin ya da görev puanı şartını kaldırmak için 0 yazın veya -1 yazarak iptal edin"
reqQuestListTitle: "- Quests Available -"
reqQuestPrompt: "Görev isimlerini <comma> ile ayırarak girin ya da listeyi temizlemek için 'temizle' tıklayın veya geri dönmek için 'iptal' tıklayın."
reqRemoveItemsPrompt: "Doğru/yanlış listelerini boşlukla ayırarak giriniz."
reqPermissionsPrompt: "Her birini boşlukla ayırarak izin gereksinimlerini girin ya da listeyi silmek için 'temizle' veya geri dönmek için 'iptal' tıklayın."
reqCustomPrompt: "Eklenecek özel şart ismini girin ya da tüm gereksinimlerin silinmesi için 'temizle' veya geri dönmek için 'iptal' tıklayın."
reqMcMMOPrompt: "Her birini boşlukla ayırarak mcMMO becerilerini girin ya da listeyi temizlemek için 'temizle' veya geri dönmek için 'iptal' tıklayın."
reqQuestPrompt: "Görev adlarının listesini girin, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqRemoveItemsPrompt: "Doğru / yanlış değerlerin listesini girin, <space>, <cancel>"
reqPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission requirements, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom requirement to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skills, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqMcMMOAmountsPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skill amounts, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqHeroesPrimaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Primary Class name, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqHeroesSecondaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Secondary Class name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Öğe seti yok"
reqNoValuesSet: "Hiçbir değer ayarlanmadı"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Temel:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Yedek:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Değer 0'dan büyük olmalı!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> bir görev adı değil!"
reqItemCleared: "Öğe koşulları silindi."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Öğe listesi ve öğleri kaldırma listesi aynı boyutta değil!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Önce en az bir nesne eklemeniz gerekiyor!"
reqNoMessage: "Başarısız olunan koşul mesajını ayarlamalısınız!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO yüklü değil"
reqNoHeroes: "Kahramanlar yüklü değil"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Para ödülünü ayarla"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Görev puanlarını ödüllendir"
rewSetItems: "Öğe hediye ayarla"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Nesne yüklendi."
itemCreateNoItem: "Elinde hiç nesne yok!"
itemCreateNoName: "Önce bir isim koymalısın!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Nesne ismi geçersiz!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Değer 1-64 arasında olmalıdır!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Nesne dayanıklılığı geçersiz!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Büyü adı geçersiz!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Seviye 0'dan büyük olmalı!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Geçersiz giriş!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Girdiğiniz değer bir sayı değil!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Önce bir isim ve miktar belirlemelisiniz!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Kritik bir hata oluştu."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**GÖREV TAMAMLANDI: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Görevi Düzenle -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Görevi Kaldır -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Gereksinimleri -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Ödülleri -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Nesne Gereksinimleri -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Nesne Ödülleri -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Şartları -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Karşılaşma -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Tamamlanan Görevler -"
topQuestersTitle: "- En iyi <number> Görev Adamları -"
createItemTitle: "- Nesne Oluştur -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "-Büyüler-"
questGUITitle: "-GUI öğe gösterimi-"
questRegionTitle: "-Görev bölgesi-"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Geçersiz seçenek!"
invalidNumber: "Geçersiz sayı."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Oyuncu bulunamadı."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Kırmızı"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Gün"
timeDays: "Günler"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Saat"
timeHours: "Saatler"
timeMinute: "Dakika"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Adları ayarlanmadı"
worlds: "Dünyalar"
mobs: "Çeteler"
points: "puanlar"
invalidOption: "Geçersiz seçenek!"
npcHint: "Not: Kimliğini almak için NPC'ye sol veya sağ tıklayabilirsiniz."
listDuplicate: "Listede kopyalar var!"
id: "Kimlik"
@ -851,11 +863,11 @@ requirements: "Gereksinimler"
money: "Para"
with: "İle"
to: "için"
blocksWithin: "<miktar> içindeki bloklar"
blocksWithin: "<amount> içindeki bloklar"
valRequired: "Gerekli değer\n"
experience: "Deneyim"
timerMessage: "<green> Görev / aşamayı bitirmek için kalan süre: <red>%s saniye"
timerStart: "<green> Bu görevin / aşamayı tamamlamak için <red>%s saniye <green> var"
timerMessage: "%green%Görev / aşamayı bitirmek için kalan süre:%red% <time> saniye"
timerStart: "%green%Bu görevin / aşamayı tamamlamak için%red% <time> saniye%green% var"
questErrorReadingFile: "Görevler dosyası okunurken hata oluştu."
questSaveError: "Kaydederken bir hata oluştu."
questBlacklisted: "Kara listeye alınmışsın. Bu hata ile bir yöneticiyle iletişime geçin."
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Delete Quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Set redo delay"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Event"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, -1 to clear the NPC start or -2 to cancel"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Event name, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "Xóa nhiệm vụ"
questEditorName: "Đặt tên"
questEditorAskMessage: "Thiết lập thông báo yêu cầu"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Thiết lập tin nhắn hoàn thành"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Thiết lập thơi gian chờ để làm lại nhiệm vụ"
questEditorNPCStart: "Thiết lập NPC bắt đầu"
questEditorBlockStart: "Thiết lập khối bắt đầu"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Thiết lập Sự kiện khởi đầu"
questEditorSetGUI: "Thiết lập Item hiển thị GUI"
questEditorReqs: "Điều chỉnh yêu cầu của nhiệm vụ"
questEditorPln: "Lịch Chỉnh sửa"
questEditorStages: "Điểu chỉnh giai đoạn"
questEditorRews: "Điểu chỉnh phần thưởng"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Nhập tên nhiệm vụ (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Nhập tên nhiệm vụ để chỉnh sửa (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Nhập thông báo yêu cầu (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Nhập thông báo hoàn thành (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Nhập thời gian (bằng giây), 0 để xóa thời gian chờ làm lại hoặc -1 để hủy bỏ "
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Nhập ID của NPC, -1 để xóa NPC bắt đầu hoặc -2 để hủy bỏ"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Click phải trên 1 block để sử dụng như 1 điểm bắt đầu, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Nhập tên sự kiện, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "không phải là số!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "không phải là một màu thuốc nhuộm hợp lệ!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "không phải là tên một sự kiện hợp lệ!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Sự kiện này đã có trong danh sách rồi!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Sự chậm trễ phải là ít nhất một lần thứ hai!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen kịch bản không được tìm thấy!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Plugin Citizens không được cài đặt!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Plugin Denizen không được cài đặt!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Bạn phải nhập một số nguyên dương!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Đầu vào là không một số!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "không phải là lớn hơn 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Giá trị nhập không hợp lệ, đầu vào không phải một danh sách các số!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Bạn phải thiết lập một sự chậm trễ trước tiên!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "Bạn phải thiết lập khối tên đầu tiên!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Thiết lập số lượng item"
eventEditorNoNames: "Không có tên được thiết lập"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Bạn cần phải thiết lập tên item trước tiên!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "không phải là một tên hợp lệ!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "không lớn hơn 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "không phải là một số!"
eventEditorStorm: "Sự kiện cơ bão"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Thiết lập thế giới"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Bạn cần phải thiết lập thời gian m
eventEditorStormCleared: "Dữ liệu của cơ bão đã bị xóa."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Nhập tên thế giới mà cơn bão xảy ra trong đó, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Nhập khoảng thời gian (trong bao nhiêu giây)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Số lượng ít nhất phải là 1 giây!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "không lớn hơn 1 giây!"
eventEditorThunder: "Sự kiện sấm sét"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Bạn cần phải thiết lập khoảng thời gian của sấm sét!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Dữ liệu của sấm sét đã được xóa bỏ."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Thiết đặt mũ"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Chỉnh cơ hội rơi ra mũ"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Chỉnh số lượng quái để triệu hồi"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Chỉnh cơ hội rơi"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Cơ hội rơi phải ở giữa 0.0 và 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Sự kiện Các hiệu ứng Thuốc"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Thiết lập các loại hiệu ứng thuốc"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Bạn phải thiết lập các loại hiệu ứng thuốc trước tiên!"
@ -452,11 +445,8 @@ eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Nhập loại hiệu ứng thuốc, <space>,
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Nhập thời gian hiệu ứng thuốc (giây), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Nhập hiệu ứng thuốc, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Nhập mức độ của thanh đói, hoặc -1 để xóa"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Mức độ thanh đói ít nhất phải là 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Nhập mức độ no, hoặc -1 để xóa"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Mức độ no ít nhất phải là 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Nhập mức độ của thanh máu, hoặc -1 để xóa"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Mức độ của thanh máu ít nhất phải là 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Click phải trên block để dịch chuyển người chơi tới, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Lưu ý: Bạn có thể sử dụng <player> để đề cập đến tên của người chơi."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Nhập lệnh, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "Không có item được thiết đặt"
reqNoValuesSet: "Không có giá trị được thiết đặt"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Class Sơ cấp:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Class Thứ cấp:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Số lượng phải lớn hơn 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> không phải là tên Nhiệm vụ!"
reqItemCleared: "Item yêu cầu đã được xóa."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Danh sách vật phẩm và danh sách xóa vật phẩm là không đều nhau!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "Bạn cần phải thêm một item tối thiểu trước tiê
reqNoMessage: "Bạn cần phải thiết lập tin nhắn không đủ yêu cầu!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO không được cài đặt"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes không được cài đặt"
plnStart: "Đặt ngày bắt đầu"
plnEnd: "Đặt ngày kết thúc"
plnRepeat: "Đặt chu kỳ lặp lại"
plnCooldown: "Đặt cooldown của người chơi"
plnStartPrompt: "Nhập số lượng thời gian (tính bằng giây), 0 để xóa ngày bắt đầu hoặc -1 để hủy"
plnEndPrompt: "Nhập số lượng thời gian (tính bằng giây), 0 để xóa ngày kết thúc hoặc -1 để hủy"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Nhập số lượng thời gian (tính bằng giây), 0 để xóa lặp lại hoặc -1 để hủy"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Nhập số lượng thời gian (tính bằng giây), 0 để xóa thời gian cooldown hoặc -1 để hủy"
rewSetMoney: "Thiếp lập số tiền nhận được"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Thiếp lập số Điểm Nhiệm vụ nhận được"
rewSetItems: "Thiết lập item nhận được"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item đã được tải."
itemCreateNoItem: "Không có item trong tay!"
itemCreateNoName: "Bạn phải thiết lập tên trước tiên!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Tên item không hợp lệ!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Số lượng phải ở giữa 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Độ bền item không hợp lệ!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Tên phù phép không hợp lệ!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level phải lớn hơn 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Đầu vào không hợp lệ!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Đầu vào không phải là một số!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "Bạn phải thiết lập tên và số lượng trước tiên!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "Đã xảy ra lỗi nghiêm trọng."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Nhập một ngày (tối đa 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Nhập một tháng (tối đa 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Nhập một năm (tối đa 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Nhập giờ (tối đa 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Nhập một phút (tối đa 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Nhập một giây (tối đa 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Nhập múi giờ UTC (tối đa 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "Bạn phải đặt một năm trước!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "--(<quest>)--"
questCompleteTitle: '**Nhiệm Vụ Hoàn Thành: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Chỉnh sửa Nhiệm vụ -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Xóa Nhiệm vụ -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Yêu cầu -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Phần thưởng -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Lịch -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Yêu cầu -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Phần thưởng -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- Yêu cầu mcMMO -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Sự kiện -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Nhiệm vụ đã Hoàn thành -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Người làm nhiệm vụ -"
createItemTitle: "- Tạo item -"
dateTimeTitle: "Ngày & Thời Gian"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Phù phép -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Hiển thị Item -"
questRegionTitle: "- Khu vực Nhiệm vụ -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Đã đưa <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ cho <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> đã cho bạn <number> Điểm Nhiệm vụ."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> bây giờ sẽ cung cấp 1 GUI Hiển thị Nhiệm vụ."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> sẽ không còn cung cấp 1 GUI Hiển Thị Nhiệm vụ."
invalidMinimum: "Đầu vào phải có ít nhất <number>!"
invalidRange: "Đầu vào phải nằm giữa <least> và <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Tùy chọn không hợp lệ!"
invalidNumber: "Số không hợp lệ."
invalidStageNum: "Số lượng giai đoạn không hợp lệ cho Nhiệm vụ <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> hiện nay không làm bất cứ Nhiệm vụ nào."
playerNotFound: "Không tìm thấy người chơi."
invalidStageNum: "Số lượng giai đoạn không hợp lệ cho Nhiệm vụ <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Lỗi: Ở đó không có NPC với ID <number>'
errorReading: "Lỗi khi đọc <file>, bỏ qua.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Lỗi khi đọc<file>, đang ngăn chặn lỗi nhiều hơn."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Đỏ"
timeZone: "Múi giờ"
timeDay: "Ngày"
timeDays: "CácNgày"
timeMonth: "Tháng"
timeMonths: "Tháng"
timeYear: "Năm"
timeYears: "Năm"
timeHour: "Giờ"
timeHours: "Các giờ"
timeMinute: "Phút"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "Không có tên được thiết lập"
worlds: "Các thế giới"
mobs: "Các mob"
points: "điểm"
invalidOption: "Tùy chọn không hợp lệ!"
npcHint: "Lưu ý: Bạn có thể click trái hoặc phải vào NPC để có được ID của họ."
listDuplicate: "Danh sách trùng lặp!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "删除任务"
questEditorName: "设置名称"
questEditorAskMessage: "设置询问信息"
questEditorFinishMessage: "设置完成消息"
questEditorRedoDelay: "设置重复的间隔时间"
questEditorNPCStart: "设置NPC启动"
questEditorBlockStart: "设置Block启动"
questEditorInitialEvent: "设置初始事件"
questEditorSetGUI: "设置GUI物品显示"
questEditorReqs: "编辑需求"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "编辑阶段"
questEditorRews: "编辑奖励"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "输入任务名称(<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "输入任务名称进行编辑(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "输入询问信息(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "输入结束信息(<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "输入时间(以秒为单位),0以清除延迟或-1取消"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "输入NPC ID, -1清除NPC启动 或-2取消"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "右击一个方块作为起点,<done>,<clear>,<cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "输入事件名称,<clear>,<cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "不是一个数字!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
@ -60,19 +60,18 @@ questEditorDelete: "刪除任務"
questEditorName: "設定名稱"
questEditorAskMessage: "設定詢問訊息"
questEditorFinishMessage: "設定完成訊息"
questEditorRedoDelay: "設定接受任務間隔"
questEditorNPCStart: "設定NPC啟動"
questEditorBlockStart: "設定方塊啟動"
questEditorInitialEvent: "設定初始任務活動"
questEditorSetGUI: "設定GUI顯示畫面"
questEditorReqs: "編輯任務需求"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "編輯任務階段"
questEditorRews: "編輯任務獎勵"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "輸入任務名稱 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "編輯任務名稱 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "編輯任務對話內容 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "編輯完成任務對話內容 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "輸入時間(以秒為單位), 0 為 清除重做 / -1 為取消設定"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "輸入 NPC ID, -1 為暫停NPC啟動 / -2 為取消設定"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "右擊方塊設定為啟動點, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "輸入任務活動名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -249,13 +248,11 @@ stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "是個無效的任務活動名稱!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "具有相同任務活動在清單中!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "必須延遲至少一秒!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "未找到Denizen腳本"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "未安裝插件 Citizens!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "未安裝插件 Denizen!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "您必須輸入 正數數字 !"
stageEditorNoNumber: "您輸入的不是數字!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "不大於 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
@ -388,8 +384,6 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
@ -449,14 +442,11 @@ eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to clear"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -492,7 +482,6 @@ reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
@ -514,6 +503,14 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnStartPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the start date or -1 to cancel"
plnEndPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the end date or -1 to cancel"
plnRepeatPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the repeat or -1 to cancel"
plnCooldownPrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the cooldown or -1 to cancel"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
@ -572,14 +569,20 @@ itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
@ -604,6 +607,7 @@ questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
@ -733,10 +738,13 @@ giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -797,8 +805,13 @@ COLOR_RED: "Red"
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
@ -833,7 +846,6 @@ noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user