mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 20:41:20 +01:00
Delegate currency formatting to Vault, fixes #1719
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,8 +171,12 @@ public class Dependencies {
public CitizensBooksAPI getCitizensBooksApi() {
if (citizensBooks == null && isPluginAvailable("CitizensBooks")) {
citizensBooks = ((CitizensBooksPlugin) plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("CitizensBooks"))
try {
citizensBooks = ((CitizensBooksPlugin) plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("CitizensBooks"))
} catch (final Exception e) {
return citizensBooks;
@ -198,12 +202,17 @@ public class Dependencies {
public boolean isPluginAvailable(final String pluginName) {
if (plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin(pluginName) != null ) {
if (!plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin(pluginName).isEnabled()) {
+ " was detected, but is not enabled! Fix "+ pluginName + " to allow linkage.");
} else {
return true;
try {
if (!plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin(pluginName).isEnabled()) {
+ " was detected, but is not enabled! Fix "+ pluginName + " to allow linkage.");
} else {
return true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
@ -244,8 +253,12 @@ public class Dependencies {
return (permission != null);
* @deprecated Do not use. Will be removed in a future version.
public String getCurrency(final boolean plural) {
// TODO remove "money" from strings.yml
if (getVaultEconomy() == null) {
return Lang.get("money");
@ -508,24 +508,25 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
* Proceed to finish this quest, issuing applicable rewards
* @param q The quester finishing this quest
* @param quester The quester finishing this quest
public void completeQuest(final Quester q) {
completeQuest(q, true);
public void completeQuest(final Quester quester) {
completeQuest(quester, true);
* Proceed to finish this quest, issuing applicable rewards
* @param q The quester finishing this quest
* @param quester The quester finishing this quest
* @param allowMultiplayer Allow multiplayer sharing
public void completeQuest(final Quester q, final boolean allowMultiplayer) {
final OfflinePlayer player = q.getOfflinePlayer();
public void completeQuest(final Quester quester, final boolean allowMultiplayer) {
final OfflinePlayer player = quester.getOfflinePlayer();
if (player.isOnline()) {
if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
final QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent preEvent = new QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent(q, this, false);
final QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent preEvent
= new QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent(quester, this, false);
if (preEvent.isCancelled()) {
@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
public void run() {
final QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent preEvent
= new QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent(q, Quest.this, true);
= new QuesterPreCompleteQuestEvent(quester, Quest.this, true);
if (preEvent.isCancelled()) {
@ -545,19 +546,20 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (!q.completedQuests.contains(this)) {
if (!quester.completedQuests.contains(this)) {
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Quest> entry : q.timers.entrySet()) {
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Quest> entry : quester.timers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().getName().equals(getName())) {
if (player.isOnline()) {
final Player p = (Player)player;
final String[] ps = ConfigUtil.parseStringWithPossibleLineBreaks(ChatColor.AQUA + finished, this, p);
final String[] ps = ConfigUtil.parseStringWithPossibleLineBreaks(ChatColor.AQUA
+ finished, this, p);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, new Runnable() {
@ -567,22 +569,23 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
}, 40);
if (pln.getCooldown() > -1) {
q.completedTimes.put(this, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (q.amountsCompleted.containsKey(this)) {
q.amountsCompleted.put(this, q.amountsCompleted.get(this) + 1);
quester.completedTimes.put(this, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (quester.amountsCompleted.containsKey(this)) {
quester.amountsCompleted.put(this, quester.amountsCompleted.get(this) + 1);
} else {
q.amountsCompleted.put(this, 1);
quester.amountsCompleted.put(this, 1);
// Issue rewards
Dependencies depends = plugin.getDependencies();
boolean issuedReward = false;
if (rews.getMoney() > 0 && plugin.getDependencies().getVaultEconomy() != null) {
plugin.getDependencies().getVaultEconomy().depositPlayer(player, rews.getMoney());
if (rews.getMoney() > 0 && depends.getVaultEconomy() != null) {
depends.getVaultEconomy().depositPlayer(player, rews.getMoney());
issuedReward = true;
if (plugin.getSettings().getConsoleLogging() > 2) {
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded " + rews.getMoney()
+ plugin.getDependencies().getVaultEconomy().currencyNamePlural());
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded "
+ depends.getVaultEconomy().format(rews.getMoney()));
if (player.isOnline()) {
@ -592,7 +595,7 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
} catch (final Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Unable to add null reward item to inventory of "
+ player.getName() + " upon completion of quest " + name);
q.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Quests encountered a problem with an item. "
quester.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Quests encountered a problem with an item. "
+ "Please contact an administrator.");
issuedReward = true;
@ -604,7 +607,7 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
for (final String s : rews.getCommands()) {
String temp = s.replace("<player>", player.getName());
if (plugin.getDependencies().getPlaceholderApi() != null && player.isOnline()) {
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null && player.isOnline()) {
temp = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders((Player)player, temp);
final String command = temp;
@ -625,16 +628,16 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
for (int i = 0; i < rews.getPermissions().size(); i++) {
if (plugin.getDependencies().getVaultPermission() != null) {
if (depends.getVaultPermission() != null) {
final String perm = rews.getPermissions().get(i);
String world = null;
if (i < rews.getPermissionWorlds().size()) {
world = rews.getPermissionWorlds().get(i);
if (world == null || world.equals("null")) {
plugin.getDependencies().getVaultPermission().playerAdd(null, player, perm);
depends.getVaultPermission().playerAdd(null, player, perm);
} else {
plugin.getDependencies().getVaultPermission().playerAdd(world, player, perm);
depends.getVaultPermission().playerAdd(world, player, perm);
if (plugin.getSettings().getConsoleLogging() > 2) {
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded permission " + perm);
@ -662,15 +665,16 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
issuedReward = true;
if (rews.getPartiesExperience() > 0 && plugin.getDependencies().getPartiesApi() != null) {
final PartyPlayer partyPlayer = plugin.getDependencies().getPartiesApi().getPartyPlayer(player.getUniqueId());
if (rews.getPartiesExperience() > 0 && depends.getPartiesApi() != null) {
final PartyPlayer partyPlayer = depends.getPartiesApi().getPartyPlayer(player.getUniqueId());
if (partyPlayer != null && partyPlayer.getPartyId() != null) {
final Party party = plugin.getDependencies().getPartiesApi().getParty(partyPlayer.getPartyId());
final Party party = depends.getPartiesApi().getParty(partyPlayer.getPartyId());
if (party != null) {
issuedReward = true;
if (plugin.getSettings().getConsoleLogging() > 2) {
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded " + rews.getPartiesExperience() + " party experience");
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded "
+ rews.getPartiesExperience() + " party experience");
@ -687,9 +691,8 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (lb.getMoney() > 0) {
if (plugin.getDependencies().getVaultEconomy() != null) {
.depositPlayer(player, lb.getMoney());
if (depends.getVaultEconomy() != null) {
depends.getVaultEconomy().depositPlayer(player, lb.getMoney());
if (lb.getItemList().isEmpty() == false) {
@ -699,9 +702,9 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
try {
InventoryUtil.addItem(player.getPlayer(), is);
} catch (final Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Unable to add PhatLoots item to inventory of " + player.getName()
+ " upon completion of quest " + name);
q.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Quests encountered a problem with an item. "
plugin.getLogger().severe("Unable to add PhatLoots item to inventory of "
+ player.getName() + " upon completion of quest " + name);
quester.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Quests encountered a problem with an item. "
+ "Please contact an administrator.");
@ -728,7 +731,7 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
issuedReward = true;
if (rews.getQuestPoints() > 0) {
q.questPoints += rews.getQuestPoints();
quester.questPoints += rews.getQuestPoints();
if (plugin.getSettings().getConsoleLogging() > 2) {
plugin.getLogger().info(player.getUniqueId() + " was rewarded " + rews.getQuestPoints() + " "
+ Lang.get("questPoints"));
@ -747,8 +750,8 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
// Inform player
if (player.isOnline()) {
final Player p = (Player)player;
q.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get(p, "questCompleteTitle").replace("<quest>", ChatColor.YELLOW + name
+ ChatColor.GOLD));
quester.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + Lang.get(p, "questCompleteTitle").replace("<quest>",
ChatColor.YELLOW + name + ChatColor.GOLD));
if (plugin.getSettings().canShowQuestTitles()) {
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "title " + player.getName()
+ " title " + "{\"text\":\"" + Lang.get(p, "quest") + " " + Lang.get(p, "complete")
@ -766,11 +769,11 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (plugin.getDependencies().getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(p, message);
q.sendMessage("- " + message);
quester.sendMessage("- " + message);
} else {
if (rews.getQuestPoints() > 0) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getQuestPoints() + " "
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getQuestPoints() + " "
+ Lang.get(p, "questPoints"));
for (final ItemStack i : rews.getItems()) {
@ -786,7 +789,8 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (!i.getItemMeta().hasItemFlag(ItemFlag.HIDE_ENCHANTS)) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " " + Lang.get(p, "with") + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
for (final Entry<Enchantment, Integer> e : i.getEnchantments().entrySet()) {
text += " " + ItemUtil.getPrettyEnchantmentName(e.getKey()) + ":" + e.getValue();
text += " " + ItemUtil.getPrettyEnchantmentName(e.getKey()) + ":"
+ e.getValue();
} catch (final Throwable tr) {
@ -828,51 +832,51 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
} else {
for (final Entry<Enchantment, Integer> e : i.getEnchantments().entrySet()) {
text = text.replaceFirst("<enchantment>", ItemUtil.getPrettyEnchantmentName(e.getKey()));
text = text.replaceFirst("<enchantment>", ItemUtil.getPrettyEnchantmentName(
text = text.replaceFirst("<level>", RomanNumeral.getNumeral(e.getValue()));
q.sendMessage(text.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(i)));
quester.sendMessage(text.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(i)));
for (final ItemStack i : phatLootItems) {
if (i.hasItemMeta() && i.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()) {
if (i.getEnchantments().isEmpty()) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ChatColor.ITALIC + i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()
+ ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount());
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ChatColor.ITALIC
+ i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ i.getAmount());
} else {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ChatColor.ITALIC + i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()
+ ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE
+ " " + Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ChatColor.ITALIC
+ i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ i.getAmount() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " " + Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
} else if (i.getDurability() != 0) {
if (i.getEnchantments().isEmpty()) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ":" + i.getDurability()
+ ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount());
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ":"
+ i.getDurability() + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount());
} else {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ":" + i.getDurability()
+ ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " "
+ Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ":"
+ i.getDurability() + ChatColor.GRAY + " x " + i.getAmount()
+ ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " " + Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
} else {
if (i.getEnchantments().isEmpty()) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ i.getAmount());
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ChatColor.GRAY
+ " x " + i.getAmount());
} else {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ i.getAmount() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " " + Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + ItemUtil.getName(i) + ChatColor.GRAY
+ " x " + i.getAmount() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " "
+ Lang.get(p, "enchantedItem"));
if (rews.getMoney() > 1) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getMoney() + " " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE
+ plugin.getDependencies().getCurrency(true));
} else if (rews.getMoney() == 1) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getMoney() + " " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE
+ plugin.getDependencies().getCurrency(false));
if (rews.getMoney() > 0 && depends.getVaultEconomy() != null) {
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
+ depends.getVaultEconomy().format(rews.getMoney()));
if (rews.getExp() > 0 || phatLootExp > 0) {
final int tot = rews.getExp() + phatLootExp;
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + tot + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " "
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + tot + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " "
+ Lang.get(p, "experience"));
if (rews.getCommands().isEmpty() == false) {
@ -881,11 +885,11 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (rews.getCommandsOverrideDisplay().isEmpty() == false
&& rews.getCommandsOverrideDisplay().size() > index) {
if (!rews.getCommandsOverrideDisplay().get(index).trim().equals("")) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
+ rews.getCommandsOverrideDisplay().get(index));
} else {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s);
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s);
@ -894,10 +898,10 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
int index = 0;
for (final String s : rews.getPermissions()) {
if (rews.getPermissionWorlds() != null && rews.getPermissionWorlds().size() > index) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s + " (" + rews.getPermissionWorlds().get(index)
+ ")");
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s + " ("
+ rews.getPermissionWorlds().get(index) + ")");
} else {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s);
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + s);
@ -905,25 +909,25 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
if (rews.getMcmmoSkills().isEmpty() == false) {
for (final String s : rews.getMcmmoSkills()) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
+ rews.getMcmmoAmounts().get(rews.getMcmmoSkills().indexOf(s)) + " "
+ ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + s + " " + Lang.get(p, "experience"));
if (rews.getHeroesClasses().isEmpty() == false) {
for (final String s : rews.getHeroesClasses()) {
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.AQUA
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.AQUA
+ rews.getHeroesAmounts().get(rews.getHeroesClasses().indexOf(s)) + " " + ChatColor.BLUE
+ s + " " + Lang.get(p, "experience"));
if (rews.getPartiesExperience() > 0) {
p.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getPartiesExperience() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + " "
+ Lang.get(p, "partiesExperience"));
p.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + rews.getPartiesExperience() + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE
+ " " + Lang.get(p, "partiesExperience"));
if (phatLootMessages.isEmpty() == false) {
for (final String s : phatLootMessages) {
q.sendMessage("- " + s);
quester.sendMessage("- " + s);
for (final String s : rews.getCustomRewards().keySet()) {
@ -941,33 +945,34 @@ public class Quest implements Comparable<Quest> {
for (final String key : datamap.keySet()) {
message = message.replace("%" + key + "%", datamap.get(key).toString());
q.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.GOLD + message);
quester.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.GOLD + message);
} else {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Failed to notify player: "
+ "Custom Reward does not have an assigned name");
found.giveReward(p, rews.getCustomRewards().get(s));
} else {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Quester \"" + player.getName() + "\" completed the Quest \"" + name
+ "\", but the Custom Reward \"" + s + "\" could not be found. Does it still exist?");
plugin.getLogger().warning("Quester \"" + player.getName() + "\" completed the Quest \""
+ name + "\", but the Custom Reward \"" + s
+ "\" could not be found. Does it still exist?");
if (player.isOnline()) {
if (player.isOnline()) {
final QuesterPostCompleteQuestEvent postEvent = new QuesterPostCompleteQuestEvent(q, this);
final QuesterPostCompleteQuestEvent postEvent = new QuesterPostCompleteQuestEvent(quester, this);
// Multiplayer
if (allowMultiplayer && opts.getShareProgressLevel() == 4) {
final List<Quester> mq = q.getMultiplayerQuesters(this);
final List<Quester> mq = quester.getMultiplayerQuesters(this);
for (final Quester qq : mq) {
if (qq.getQuestData(this) != null) {
completeQuest(qq, false);
@ -390,8 +390,6 @@ conditionEditorNoneToDelete: "No conditions currently exist to be deleted!"
conditionEditorNotFound: "Condition not found!"
conditionEditorExists: "Condition already exists!"
conditionEditorInUse: "The following quests use the condition"
conditionEditorDeleted: "Condition deleted. Quest and condition data reloaded."
conditionEditorSaved: "Condition saved. Quest and condition data reloaded."
conditionEditorEnterName: "Enter Condition name, <cancel>"
conditionEditorSaved: "Condition saved. Quest and condition data reloaded."
conditionEditorDeleted: "Condition deleted. Quest and condition data reloaded."
@ -411,8 +409,6 @@ conditionEditorNpcsPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorPermissions: "Own permission"
conditionEditorPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission nodes, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorItemsInMainHand: "Hold in main hand"
conditionEditorStayWithinWorld: "Stay within world"
conditionEditorInvalidWorld: "is not a valid world name!"
conditionEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
conditionEditorWorldsPrompt: "Enter world names, <space>, <cancel>"
conditionEditorStayWithinWorld: "Stay within world"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user