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synced 2025-03-02 11:31:10 +01:00
Merge pull request #861 from PikaMug/l10n_master
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Základní třída:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Druhá třída:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> není název úkolu!"
reqItemCleared: "Vlastní požadavky vymazány."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Seznam itemů a seznam vymazaných položek nejsou stejné velikosti!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> není špatná nebo dobrá hodnota!%br%Example: dobře špatně dobře dobře'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Tento vlastní požadavek již byl přidán!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Vlastní požadovaný modul nebyl nalezen."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Žádné dovednosti nenastaveny"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Žádné třídy nenastaveny"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Musíš nejdříve nastavit dovednosti!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO odměny vymazány."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Seznam dovedností a seznam množství dovedností nejsou stejné velikosti!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Musíš nejdříve nastavit třídy!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Odměny hrdinů vymazány."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Seznam tříd a seznam množství bodů zkušeností nejsou stejné velikosti!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> Není platné jméno třídy hrdiny!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> není platné PhatLoot jméno!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots odměny odstraněny."
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Genstande"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Fremstil genstande"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt genstande"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant Items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Bryg eliksirer"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCer"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Levere Items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Tal til NPC'er"
@ -399,31 +399,31 @@ eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Sæt mængden af mobs til spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Indstille drop chancen"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effekter"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Sæt eliksir effekt type"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Set potion effect durations"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect durations first!"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesAndDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect types and durations first!"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Set potion effect magnitudes"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Potion effects cleared."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "is not a valid potion effect type!"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Du skal sæt eliksir effekt type først!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Sæt eliksir effekt varighed"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "Du skal sæt eliksir effekt varighed først!"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesAndDurationsFirst: "Du skal sæt eliksir effekt type og varighed først!"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Sæt eliksir effekt størrelser"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Eliksir effekter fjernet."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "er ikke en gyldig eliksir effekt type!"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Højre-klik på en blok for at spawne et lynnedslag ved, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Højre-klik på en blok for at spawne en explosion ved, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "Du skal vælge en block først."
eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Indtast besked, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "Angiv mobnavnet, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter potion effect durations (in seconds), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, <clear>"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's name."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Set money requirement"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Angiv mob antal, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Angiv navnet for det her mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Højre-klik på en blok for at vælge den, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Angiv eliksir effekt type, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Angiv eliksir effekt varighed (i sekunder), <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Angiv eliksir effekt størrelser, <space>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Angiv sulte niveau, <clear>"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Angiv mætning niveu, <clear>"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Angiv liv niveu, <clear>"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Højre-klik på en blok for at teleportere spilleren til, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorCommandsNote: "Bemærk: Du kan bruge <player> for at henvise til en spiller's navn."
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Indtast kommandoer, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Angiv penge krav"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points requirement"
reqSetItem: "Set item requirements"
reqSetPerms: "Set permission requirements"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Ingen færdigheder sat"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Ingen klasser valgt"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -654,7 +651,7 @@ cut: "Klip"
craft: "Fremstil"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
brew: "Bryg"
catchFish: "Fang fisk"
kill: "Dræb"
killAtLocation: "Dræb <mob> ved <location>"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Verdner"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "poing"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Hauptklasse:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Nebenklasse:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ist kein Questname!"
reqItemCleared: "Itemvoraussetzungen zurückgesetzt."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Die Gegenstände-Liste und die Entfernungs-Liste für Gegenstände sind nicht gleich groß!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> ist weder true noch false! %br% Beispiel: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dieses benutzerdefinierte Ziel wurde bereits hinzugefügt!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Benutzerdefinierte Voraussetzungs-Modul nicht gefunden."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Keine skills gesetzt"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Keine Klasse gesetzt"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Du musst erst einen Skill setzen!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "Itembelohnungen zurückgesetzt."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Die Skillungs-Liste und die Skillmengen-Liste sind nicht gleich groß!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Du mussst zuerst die Klassen setzen!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes Belohnungen zurückgesetzt."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Die Klassen-Liste und die Erfahrungsmengen-Liste sind nicht gleich groß!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> ist keine gültige Heroes Klasse!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> ist kein gültiger PhatLoot Name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots Belohnung zurückgesetzt."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ain't a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Th' items list 'n remove items list are nah th' same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> ain''t a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module nah found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Ye must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Th' skills list 'n skill amounts list are nah th' same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Ye must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Th' classes list 'n experience amounts list are nah th' same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> ain't a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> ain't a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> t' <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go t' <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: Ye can left or right jab on NPC's t' get thar ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be th' same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must 'ave th' same number o' entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Clase Primaria:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Clase secundaria:"
reqNotAQuestName: "¡<quest> no es un nombre de Búsqueda!"
reqItemCleared: "Ítem requeridos despejado."
reqListsNotSameSize: "¡La lista de ítem y la lista de ítem eliminados no tienen el mismo tamaño!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> no es un valor verdadero o falso!%br%Ejemplzo: verdadero falso verdadero verdadero'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "¡Ese requisito personalizado ya ha sido agregado!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Módulo de requisitos personalizados no encontrado."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No ha colocado habilidades"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Clases no colocadas"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "¡Usted debe colocar las habilidades primero!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "premios mcMMo vaciados."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "¡La lista de habilidades y la lista de cantidades de habilidades no tienen el mismo tamaño!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "¡Usted debe colocar clases primero!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Premios de Heroes vaciados."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "¡La lista de clases y la lista de cantidades de experiencia no son del mismo tamaño!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "¡<input> es invalido el nombre de clase de los Heroes!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "¡<input> es invalido el nombre PhatLoot!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Premio PhatLoots vaciado."
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ questEditorNPCStart: "Sea npc algus"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial Action"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorReqs: "Muuda Nõudeid"
questEditorPln: "Muuda Planeerijat"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Regigeeri auhinud"
questEditorOpts: "Edit Options"
questEditorOpts: "Muuda Valikuid"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message (<cancel>)"
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an Action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Required, none set"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Vajalik, pole määratud"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard not installed"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens not installed"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen not installed"
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens ei ole installitud"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen ei ole installitud"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the Quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questSetItem: "Set Item"
questCurrentItem: "Praegune ese:"
questSetItem: "Määra Ese"
questClearItem: "Clear Item"
questGUICleared: "Quest GUI Item Display cleared."
questDeleted: "Quest deleted! Quests and Actions have been reloaded."
questEditorNameExists: "A Quest with that name already exists!"
questEditorBeingEdited: "Someone is creating/editing a Quest with that name!"
questEditorInvalidQuestName: "Name may not contain periods or commas!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "is not a valid action name!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "ei ole sobiv toimingu nimi!"
questEditorInvalidNPC: "No NPC exists with that id!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Amount must be a positive number."
@ -123,42 +123,42 @@ stageEditorEditStage: "Edit Stage"
stageEditorNewStage: "Add new Stage"
stageEditorStages: "Stages"
stageEditorStage: "Stage"
stageEditorBlocks: "Blocks"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Break blocks"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Damage blocks"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Place blocks"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Use blocks"
stageEditorBlocks: "Plokid"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Lõhu plokke"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Kahjusta plokke"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Aseta plokke"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Kasuta plokke"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "Cut blocks"
stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorItems: "Esemed"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Meisterda esemeid"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Sulata esemeid"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Loitsi esemeid"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Pruuli võlujooke"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC'd"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "Kill NPCs"
stageEditorMobs: "Mobs"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Kill mobs"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Catch fish"
stageEditorFish: "fish"
stageEditorMobs: "Elukad"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Tapa elukaid"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Püüa kala"
stageEditorFish: "kala"
stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "plokki"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Taltsuta elukaid"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Tapa mängijad"
stageEditorPlayers: "mängijad"
stageEditorEvents: "Toimingud"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stage Actions"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start Action"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Alusta Toimingut"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start Action cleared."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Finish Action"
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Lõpeta Toiming"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish Action cleared."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Action"
stageEditorChatEvents: "Vestluse Toiming"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Trigger"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat Action cleared."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Command Action"
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Käskluse Toiming"
stageEditorCommandTrigger: "Command Trigger"
stageEditorCommandEventsCleared: "Command Action cleared."
stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Triggered by"
@ -180,26 +180,26 @@ stageEditorSetUseAmounts: "Set use amounts"
stageEditorSetCutAmounts: "Set cut amounts"
stageEditorSetKillAmounts: "Set kill amounts"
stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Set enchant amounts"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amounts"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Määra elukate hulgad"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Set enchantments"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Set mob types"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Set kill locations"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Määra elukatüübid"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Määra tapmiskohad"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Set kill location radii"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Set kill location names"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Set locations"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Määra asukohad"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Set location radii"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Set location names"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Set tame amounts"
stageEditorSetShearColors: "Set sheep colors"
stageEditorSetShearAmounts: "Set shear amounts"
stageEditorPassword: "Password"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Add password display"
stageEditorPassword: "Salasõna"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Lisa salasõna kuvar"
stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Add password phrase(s)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverride: "Objective display override"
stageEditorCustom: "Custom objectives"
stageEditorNoModules: "No modules loaded"
stageEditorNoModules: "Ühtegi moodulit pole laetud"
stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Custom objective module not found."
stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
@ -248,24 +248,24 @@ stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint: "(This is the text that a player must enter to co
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(This override will display your own text as the objective)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objective display override cleared."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Add item"
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Lisa ese"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
stageEditorNotSolid: "is not a solid block!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "is not a valid block name!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "is not a valid enchantment name!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid action name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Action is already in the list!"
stageEditorNotSolid: "ei ole tahke plokk!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "ei ole sobiv ploki nimi!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "ei ole sobiv loitsu nimi!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "ei ole sobiv NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "ei ole sobiv eluka nimi!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "ei ole sobiv eseme nimi!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "ei ole sobiv värvaine!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "ei ole sobiv toimingu nimi!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Toiming on juba nimekirjas!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "is not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens ei ole installitud!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen ei ole installitud!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "Te peate sisestama positiivse arvu!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "ei ole numbrite nimekiri!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "Te peate viivituse ennem määrama!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
stageEditorNoItems: "You must add items first!"
@ -284,19 +284,19 @@ stageEditorMessageCleared: "Message cleared."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete this stage?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Any Stages after will be shifted back one spot"
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "Stage deleted successfully."
stageEditorEnchantments: "Enchantments"
stageEditorEnchantments: "Loitsud"
stageEditorNPCNote: 'Note: You may specify the name of the NPC with <npc>'
stageEditorOptional: "Optional"
stageEditorColors: "Sheep Colors"
eventEditorCreate: "Create new Action"
eventEditorEdit: "Edit an Action"
eventEditorDelete: "Delete an Action"
stageEditorOptional: "Valikuline"
stageEditorColors: "Lamba Värvid"
eventEditorCreate: "Loo uus Toiming"
eventEditorEdit: "Muuda Toimingut"
eventEditorDelete: "Kustuta Toiming"
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "No Actions currently exist to be edited!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "No Actions currently exist to be deleted!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Action not found!"
eventEditorExists: "Action already exists!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Toimingut ei leitud!"
eventEditorExists: "Toiming on juba olemas!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Action with that name!"
eventEditorAlpha: "Name must be alphanumeric!"
eventEditorAlpha: "Nimi peab olema tähtnumbriline!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Actions file."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "An error occurred while saving."
eventEditorDeleted: "Action deleted, Quests and Actions reloaded."
@ -311,28 +311,28 @@ eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "You must modify these Quests first!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "Invalid entry"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- Give Items -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Sound Effects -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Action Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Action Thunder -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Heliefektid -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Toiming Torm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Toiming Äike -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Action Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Mobs -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Add Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Action Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Action Potion Types -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Elukad -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Lisa Elukas -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Toiming Võlujoogi Mõjud -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Toimingu Võlujoogi Mõjud -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Maailmad -"
eventEditorSetName: "Set name"
eventEditorPlayer: "Player"
eventEditorTimer: "Timer"
eventEditorEffect: "Effect"
eventEditorWeather: "Weather"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Send message"
eventEditorPlayer: "Mängija"
eventEditorTimer: "Taimer"
eventEditorEffect: "Mõju"
eventEditorWeather: "Ilm"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Saada sõnum"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear inventory"
eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
eventEditorSetExplosions: "Set explosion locations"
eventEditorSetLightning: "Set lightning strike locations"
eventEditorSetEffects: "Set effects"
eventEditorSetStorm: "Set storm"
eventEditorSetThunder: "Set thunder"
eventEditorSetThunder: "Määra äike"
eventEditorSetMobSpawns: "Set mob spawns"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Apply potion effects"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Set hunger level"
@ -343,46 +343,46 @@ eventEditorSetTimer: "Set time to fail quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Cancel the quest timer"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Teleport to location"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Execute commands"
eventEditorItems: "Action Items"
eventEditorSetItems: "Give items"
eventEditorItems: "Toimingu Esemed"
eventEditorSetItems: "Anna esemeid"
eventEditorItemsCleared: "Action items cleared."
eventEditorAddItem: "Add item"
eventEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
eventEditorAddItem: "Lisa ese"
eventEditorSetItemNames: "Määra eseme nimed"
eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorStorm: "Action Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
eventEditorSetDuration: "Set duration"
eventEditorNoWorld: "(No world set)"
eventEditorInvalidName: "ei ole sobiv eseme nimi!"
eventEditorStorm: "Toiming Torm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Määra maailm"
eventEditorSetDuration: "Määra kestvus"
eventEditorNoWorld: "(Ühtegi maailma ei ole määratud)"
eventEditorSetWorldFirst: "You must set a world first!"
eventEditorInvalidWorld: "is not a valid world name!"
eventEditorInvalidWorld: "ei ole sobiv maailma nimi!"
eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorThunder: "Action Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Sisestage kestvus (sekundites)"
eventEditorThunder: "Toiming Äike"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Te peate määrma äikese kestvuse!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Action Sound Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add sound effect"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add sound effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No sound effects set"
eventEditorEffects: "Toiming Heliefektid"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Lisa heliefekt"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Lisa heliefekti asukoht"
eventEditorNoEffects: "Ühtegi heliefekti pole määratud"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add sound effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid sound effect name!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "ei ole sobiv heliefekti nimi!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Add mob"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Lisa elukas"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Määra elukate hulk"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "You must set mob amount first!"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Set spawn location"
eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "Mob spawns cleared."
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "ei ole sobiv eluka nimi!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorSetMobType: "Set mob type"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand"
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effects"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Toimingu Võlujoogi Mõjud"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Set potion effect durations"
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect durations fi
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesAndDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect types and durations first!"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Set potion effect magnitudes"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Potion effects cleared."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "is not a valid potion effect type!"
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "ei ole sobiv võlujoogi mõju tüüp!"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "You must select a block first."
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ eventEditorCommandsNote: "Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player's na
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqSetMoney: "Set money requirement"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points requirement"
reqSetItem: "Set item requirements"
reqSetItem: "Määra eseme nõuded"
reqSetPerms: "Set permission requirements"
reqSetQuest: "Set Quest requirements"
reqSetQuestBlocks: "Set Quest blocks"
@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ reqCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom requirement to add, <clear>, <cance
reqMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO Classic skills, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqMcMMOAmountsPrompt: "Enter mcMMO Classic skill amounts, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqHeroesPrimaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Primary Class name, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqHeroesSecondaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Secondary Class name, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqHeroesSecondaryPrompt: "Sisestage Kangelaste Teise Klassi nimi, <clear>, <cancel>"
reqFailMessagePrompt: "Enter fail requirements message, <cancel>"
reqAddItem: "Add item"
reqAddItem: "Lisa ese"
reqSetRemoveItems: "Set remove items"
reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
@ -457,8 +457,7 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> ei ole tõene või väär väärtus!%br%Näide: tõene väär tõene tõene'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
reqCustomCleared: "Custom requirements cleared."
@ -482,8 +481,8 @@ plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnTooEarly: "<quest> will be active in <time>."
plnTooLate: "<quest> was last active <time> ago."
optGeneral: "General"
optMultiplayer: "Multiplayer"
optGeneral: "Üldine"
optMultiplayer: "Mitmikmäng"
optBooleanPrompt: "Enter '<true>' or '<false>', <clear>, <cancel>"
optNumberPrompt: "Enter a level (number) for tracking progress, <clear>, <cancel>"
optAllowCommands: "Allow commands during quest"
@ -527,12 +526,10 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> ei ole sobiv Heroes klassi nimi!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> ei ole sobiv PhatLoot nimi!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
@ -558,7 +555,7 @@ itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Sobimatu loitsu nimi!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
@ -573,7 +570,7 @@ dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone, <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "Rewards:"
questRewardsTitle: "Autasud:"
questFailed: "*QUEST FAILED*"
questMaxAllowed: "You may only have up to <number> Quests."
questAlreadyOn: "You are already on that Quest!"
@ -581,42 +578,42 @@ questTooEarly: "You may not take <quest> again for another <time>."
questAlreadyCompleted: "You have already completed <quest>."
questInvalidLocation: "You may not take <quest> at this location."
questInvalidDeliveryItem: "<item> is not a required item for this quest!"
questSelectedLocation: "Selected location"
questSelectedLocation: "Vali asukoht"
questListTitle: "- List of Quests -"
questHelpTitle: "- Quests Help -"
questDisplayHelp: "- Display this help"
questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
optionsTitle: "- <quest> | Options -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Requirements -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Rewards -"
heroesRequirementsTitle: "- Heroes Requirements -"
heroesRewardsTitle: "- Heroes Rewards -"
heroesClassesTitle: "- Heroes Classes -"
heroesExperienceTitle: "- Heroes Experience -"
questEditorTitle: "- Otsingu Redigeerija -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Toimingu Redigeerija - "
questCreateTitle: "- Loo Otsing -"
questEditTitle: "- Muuda Otsingut -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Kustuta Otsing"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Nõuded -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Hüved -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planeerija -"
optionsTitle: "- <quest> | Valikud -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Eseme Nõuded -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Eseme Autasud -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Nõuded -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Autasud -"
heroesRequirementsTitle: "- Heroes Nõuded -"
heroesRewardsTitle: "- Heroes Autasud -"
heroesClassesTitle: "- Heroes Klassid -"
heroesExperienceTitle: "- Heroes Kogemus -"
heroesPrimaryTitle: "- Primary Classes -"
heroesSecondaryTitle: "- Secondary Classes -"
phatLootsRewardsTitle: "- PhatLoots Rewards -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- Custom Requirements -"
customRewardsTitle: "- Custom Rewards -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- Kohandatud Nõuded -"
customRewardsTitle: "- Kohandatud Autasud -"
skillListTitle: "- Skill List -"
eventTitle: "- Action -"
eventTitle: "- Toiming -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
timeZoneTitle: "- Time Zones -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
timeZoneTitle: "- Ajavööndid -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Loitsud -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
effBlazeShoot: "Sound of a Blaze firing"
@ -630,39 +627,39 @@ effGhastShriek: "Sound of a Ghast shrieking"
effZombieWood: "Sound of a Zombie chewing an iron door"
effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "add"
cmdAdd: "lisa"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it"
cmdClear: "clear"
strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data"
cmdCancel: "cancel"
cmdCancel: "katkesta"
strCancel: "or '<command>' to return"
cmdDone: "done"
cmdDone: "tehtud"
strDone: "then enter '<command>' to save"
strSpace: "separating each by a space"
strSemicolon: "separating each by a semicolon"
charSemi: ";"
acceptQuest: "Accept Quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
enterAnOption: "Sisestage valik"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>"
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
currentQuest: "Praegused Otsingud:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
break: "Break"
damage: "Damage"
place: "Place"
use: "Use"
cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
break: "Lõhu"
damage: "Kahjusta"
place: "Aseta"
use: "Kasuta"
cut: "Lõika"
craft: "Meisterda"
smelt: "Sulata"
enchantItem: "Loitsi <item> koos <enchantment>"
brew: "Pruuli"
catchFish: "Püüa Kala"
kill: "Tapa"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
killPlayer: "Tapa Mängija"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
tame: "Taltsuta"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -671,9 +668,9 @@ noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active Quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this Quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:"
permissionDisplay: "Õigus:"
heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "level"
mcMMOLevel: "tase"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found."
@ -698,7 +695,7 @@ questTakeDisabled: "Taking Quests via commands has been disabled."
questQuit: "You have quit <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "Quitting this quest has been disabled."
questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown Quests command. Type /quests for help."
pageNotExist: "Page does not exist."
pageNotExist: "Lehte ei ole olemas."
pageFooter: "- Page <current> of <all> -"
questsReloaded: "Quests reloaded."
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> Quests loaded."
@ -727,7 +724,7 @@ invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
playerNotFound: "Mängijat ei leitud."
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
@ -742,96 +739,96 @@ journalAlreadyHave: "You already have your Quest Journal out."
journalNoRoom: "You have no room in your inventory for your Quest Journal!"
journalNoQuests: "You have no accepted quests!"
journalDenied: "You cannot do that with your Quest Journal."
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
COLOR_BLUE: "Sinine"
COLOR_CYAN: "Tsüaansinine"
COLOR_GREEN: "Roheline"
COLOR_LIME: "Laimiroheline"
COLOR_MAGENTA: "Fuksiinpunane"
COLOR_RED: "Punane"
timeZone: "Ajavöönd"
timeDay: "Päev"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeMonth: "Kuu"
timeMonths: "Kuud"
timeYear: "Aasta"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHour: "Tund"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
timeMinute: "Minut"
timeMinutes: "Minutes"
timeSecond: "Second"
timeSecond: "Sekund"
timeSeconds: "Seconds"
timeMillisecond: "Millisecond"
timeMillisecond: "Millisekund"
timeMilliseconds: "Milliseconds"
event: "Action"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
event: "Toiming"
delay: "Viivitus"
save: "Salvesta"
exit: "Välju"
exited: "Exited"
cancel: "Cancel"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
questTimeout: "Cancelled."
yesWord: "Yes"
noWord: "No"
"true": "true"
"false": "false"
cancel: "Katkesta"
cancelled: "Katkestatud"
questTimeout: "Katkestatud."
yesWord: "Jah"
noWord: "Ei"
"true": "tõene"
"false": "väär"
clear: "Clear"
edit: "Edit"
edit: "Muuda"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
done: "Tehtud"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
worlds: "Maailmad"
mobs: "Elukad"
points: "punktid"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -844,15 +841,15 @@ complete: "Complete"
redoable: "Redoable"
objectives: "Objectives"
everything: "Everything"
usage: "Usage"
usage: "Kasutus"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements"
money: "Money"
with: "with"
requirements: "Nõuded"
money: "Raha"
with: "koos"
to: "to"
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
valRequired: "Value required"
experience: "Experience"
experience: "Kogemus"
timePrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
timerMessage: "%green%Time left to finish the quest/stage:%red% <time> seconds"
timerStart: "%green%You have%red% <time> seconds%green% to finish this quest/stage"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Taitoja ei ole asetettu"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Suoritettu"
redoCompleted: "(Suoritettu)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Monsterit"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Pangunahing Klase:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Ikalawang Klase:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> ay hindi pangalan ng Pagsusulit!"
reqItemCleared: "Kinakailangang gamit ay tapos na."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Ang listahan ng gamit at ang pagtanggal ng listahan ng gamit ay hindi magkasing laki!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> ay hindi halaga ng totoo o hindi!%br%Example: totoo hindi totoo totoo'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Yang kinakailangang kasuotan ay kasalukuyang nadagdag na!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Kinakailangang kasuotan ay hindi makita."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Walang nakatakdang kasuotan"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Walang itinakdang klase"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Kailangang mo munang itakda ang kakayanan!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "gantimapala ng mcMMO ay tapos na."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Ang listahan ng kakayanan at listahan ng halaga ng kakayanan ay hindi mag kasing laki!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Kailangan mo munang itakda ang mga klase!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Gantimpala ng mga Heroes ay tapos na."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Ang listahan ng mga klase at listahan ng halaga ng karanasan ay hindi magkasing sukat!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> ay hindi wastong pangalan ng klase ng mga Heroes!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> ay hindi wastong pangalan ng PhatLoot!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Gantimpala ng PhatLoots ay tapos na."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Classes primaires:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Classes secondaires:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> n’est pas un nom de quête !"
reqItemCleared: "Exigences de l’item effacé."
reqListsNotSameSize: "La liste des éléments et liste d’éléments de suppression ne sont pas la même taille !"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> n’est pas une valeur vraie ou fausse !%br%Exemple : vrai faux vrai vrai'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Cet objectif customisé a déjà été ajouté !"
reqCustomNotFound: "Module d'objectifs customisés non trouvé."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Aucune compétence définie"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Aucune classe définie"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Vous devez d'abord définir des compétences !"
rewMcMMOCleared: "Récompense mcMMO effacée."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "La liste des compétences et la liste de montants de compétences ne sont pas la même taille !"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Vous devez d'abord définir des classes !"
rewHeroesCleared: "Récompense Heroes effacée."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "La liste des classes et l’expérience montants liste ne sont pas la même taille !"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> n'est pas une classe Heroes valide !"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> n’est pas un nom valide de PhatLoot !"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Récompense PhatLoots effacée."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Elemek"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Készítsen elemeket"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Tárgyak olvasztása"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Varázsolt elemek"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Főzés bájitalt"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Bájital főzés"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC-k"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Szállítási elemek"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Beszélés NPC-kkel"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Elsődleges osztály:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Másodlagos osztály:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> nem Küldetés név!"
reqItemCleared: "Az elemekre vonatkozó követelmények törölve."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Az elemek listája és a elemek eltávolítása nem azonos méretű!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> nem valódi vagy hamis érték!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Ez az egyéni követelmény már hozzáadva!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Egyéni igény modul nem található."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Nincs készségek beállítva"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Nincsenek osztályok beállítva"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Először készségeket kell beállítani!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO jutalmak törölve."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "A készséglista és a készségek összege nem azonos méretű!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Először be kell állítani az osztályokat!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes jutalmak törölve."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Az osztályok listája és a tapasztalatok összege nem azonos méretű!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "A <input> nem érvényes Heroes osztály neve!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "A <input> nem érvényes PhatLoot név!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots jutalom törölve."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Kelas Utama:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Kelas Menengah:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> bukan sebuah nama Quest!"
reqItemCleared: "Item persyaratan dibersihkan."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Daftar item dan hapus daftar item tidak sama ukurannya!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> bukanlah benar atau palsu nilai!%br%Example: benar benar benar palsu'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Persyaratan khusus itu sudah ditambahkan!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Modul persyaratan khusus tidak ditemukan."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Tidak ada keahlian"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Tidak ada kelas yang ditetapkan"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Anda harus mengatur keterampilan terlebih dahulu!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "imbalan mcMMO dibersihkan."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Daftar keterampilan dan daftar jumlah keterampilan tidak sama ukurannya!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Anda harus mengatur kelas terlebih dahulu!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Hadiah pahala dibersihkan."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Daftar daftar kelas dan daftar pengalaman tidak ukuran yang sama!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> bukan nama kelas Heroes yang valid!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> bukan nama PhatLoot yang valid!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Hadiah PhatLoots dibersihkan."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Classe primaria:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Classe secondaria:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest>non è un nome di missione!"
reqItemCleared: "Requisiti dell'articolo cancellati."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Gli elenchi degli articoli e rimuovono gli elenchi non hanno la stessa dimensione!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input>non è un valore vero o falso!%b%Esempio: vero falso vero vero'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Quel requisito personalizzato è già stato aggiunto!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Modulo dei requisiti personalizzati non trovato."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Senza abilità consolidate"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Non ci sono classi stabilite"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Devi prima stabilire le abilità!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "ricompense mcMMO cancellate."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "L'elenco delle abilità e l'elenco delle abilità non hanno le stesse dimensioni!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Devi prima stabilire le classi!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Le ricompense degli eroi sono state cancellate."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "L'elenco delle classi e l'esperienza non hanno le stesse dimensioni!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> non è un nome di classe valido di eroi!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input>non è un nome valido di PhatLoot!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots ricompensa deselezionata."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "ワールド"
mobs: "モブ"
points: "ポイント"
npcHint: "注釈: 右クリックでNPC IDを取得"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "クエスト"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "기본 클래스:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "보조 클래스:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest>는 퀘스트 이름이 아닙니다!"
reqItemCleared: "아이템 요구 사항이 삭제되었습니다."
reqListsNotSameSize: "아이템 목록과 아이템 제거 목록이 같은 크기가 아닙니다!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> 은 true 또는 false가 아닙니다!%br%예: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "해당 사용자 정의 요구 사항이 이미 추가되었습니다!"
reqCustomNotFound: "사용자 정의 요구 사항 모듈을 찾을 수 없습니다."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "스킬 설정 안됨"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "클래스 설정 안됨"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "먼저 기술을 설정해야합니다!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO 보상이 완료되었습니다."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "스킬 목록과 스킬 양이 같은 크기가 아닙니다!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "먼저 클래스를 설정해야합니다!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes 보상이 완료되었습니다."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "클래스 목록과 경험치 양 목록이 같은 크기가 아닙니다!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> 은 유효한 Heroes 클래스 이름이 아닙니다!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> 은 유효한 PhatLoot 이름이 아닙니다!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots 보상이 완료되었습니다."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primaire Klasse:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secundaire Klasse:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is geen Quest naam!"
reqItemCleared: "Artikel vereisten gewist."
reqListsNotSameSize: "De lijst met items en verwijder items zijn niet dezelfde grootte!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Deze aangepaste eis is al toegevoegd!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Aangepaste vereiste module niet gevonden."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Geen vaardigheden ingesteld"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Geen klassen ingesteld"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Je moet eerst vaardigheden instellen!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO beloningen gewist."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "De vaardigheidslijst en vaardigheidsbedragen lijst zijn niet dezelfde grootte!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Je moet eerst klassen instellen!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes beloningen gewist."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "De lijst van klassen en ervaring hoeveelheden zijn niet dezelfde grootte!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is geen geldige Heroes klasse naam!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is geen geldige PhatLoot naam!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots beloning gewist."
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Werelden"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "punten"
npcHint: "Opmerking: U kunt links of rechts klikken op NPC's om hun ID te krijgen."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "Lijst bevat duplicaten!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Opdracht"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Główne klasy:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Drugorzędne Klasy:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> nie jest nazwą misji!"
reqItemCleared: "Wymagania przedmiotów wyczyszczone."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Lista przedmiotów i lista przedmiotów usunięcia nie są tej samej wielkości!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> nie jest prawdziwą lub fałszywą wartością!%br%Example: prawda fałsz prawda prawda'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "To niestandardowe wymaganie zostało już dodane!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Nie znaleziono niestandardowego modułu wymagań."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Nie ustawiono umiejętności"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Nie ustawiono klas"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Musisz najpierw ustawić umiejętności!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "nagrody mcMMO wyczyszczone."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Lista umiejętności i lista liczb umiejętności nie jest tego samego rozmiaru!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Musisz najpierw ustawić klasy!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Nagrody Bohaterów wyczyszczone."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Lista klas, oraz lista liczby doświadczenia nie jest tego samego rozmiaru!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> nie jest prawidłową nazwą klasy Bohaterów!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> nie jest prawidłową nazwą PhatLoot!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Nagrody PhatLoot wyczyszczone."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Email principal:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Classe secundária:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> não é um nome de Missão!"
reqItemCleared: "Requisitos de item apagados."
reqListsNotSameSize: "A lista de itens e a lista de itens removidos não são do mesmo tamanho!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> não é um valor verdadeiro ou falso!%br%Example: verdadeiro verdadeiro verdadeiro verdadeiro'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Essa exigência personalizada já foi adicionada!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Módulo de exigência personalizado não encontrado."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Sem skills definidas"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Sem classes definidas"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Você deve definir habilidades primeiro!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO recompensas apagadas."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "A lista de habilidades e a lista de valores de habilidade não são o mesmo tamanho!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Você deve definir as classes primeiro!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Recompensas de Heroes apagadas."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "A lista de classes e a lista de valores de experiência não são o mesmo tamanho!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> não é um nome válido da classe Heróis!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> não é um nome PhatLoot válido!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots recompensa foi limpa."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Sem skills definidas"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Sem classes definidas"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Deves definir skills primeiro!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Deves definir classes primeiro!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Mundos"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "pontos"
npcHint: "Nota: Podes clicar com o lado direito ou esquerdo do rato nos NPCs para obter o seu ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "Lista contém duplicados!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Первичный класс:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Двоичный класс:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> не является именем квеста!"
reqItemCleared: "Предметы очищены."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Список элементов и удалить элементы не одного размера!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> не является значением true или false!%br%Пример: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Это пользовательское требование уже добавлено!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Пользовательский модуль требований не найден."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Нет набора навыков"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Нет набора классов"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Сначала вы должны установить навыки!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "Награды mcMMO очищены."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Список навыков и список сумм навыков имеют разные размеры!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Сначала необходимо задать классы!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Награды Heroes очищены."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Список классов и список количества опыта не одинакового размера!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> не является допустимым именем класса героев!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> не является допустимым именем PhatLoot!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots \"награда очищена\"."
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ eventEditorSetHealth: "Set health level"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Set amount of time before quest fails (in seconds)"
eventEditorSetTimer: "Set time to fail quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Cancel the quest timer"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Teleport to location"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "เทเลพอร์ตไปที่พื้นที่"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Execute commands"
eventEditorItems: "ไอเทมอีเว้นท์"
eventEditorSetItems: "ให้ไอเทม"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "ไม่พบโมดูลความต้องการที่กำหนดเอง"
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "ไม่มีชุดทักษะ"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "ไม่มีการเรียน"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "คุณต้องตั้งทักษะก่อน!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "เคลียร์รางวัลของ mcMMO แล้ว"
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "รายการทักษะและรายการทักษะจำนวนไม่เท่ากัน!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "คุณต้องตั้งชั้นเรียนเป็นอันดับแรก!"
rewHeroesCleared: "รางวัล Heroes ถูกล้าง"
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "รายการชั้นเรียนและประสบการณ์จำนวนเงินที่มีขนาดไม่เท่ากัน!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> ไม่ใช่ชื่อชั้นวีรบุรุษที่ถูกต้อง!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Temel:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Yedek:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> bir görev adı değil!"
reqItemCleared: "Öğe koşulları silindi."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Öğe listesi ve öğleri kaldırma listesi aynı boyutta değil!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> doğru ya da yanlış bir değer değil!%br%Eörnek: doğru yanlış doğru doğru'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Bu özel koşul zaten ekli!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Özel koşul parçası bulunamadı."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Beceriler ayarlanmadı"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Sınıflar ayarlanmadı"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Önce becerileri ayarlamalısınız!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO ödülleri temizlendi."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Beceriler listesi ve beceri miktar listesi aynı boyutta değil!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Önce sınıfları ayarlamalısınız!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Kahramanlar ödülleri temizlendi."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Sınıf listesi ve deneyim miktarları listesi aynı boyutta değil!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Evcilleştir"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "<location> Git"
completed: "Tamamlandı"
redoCompleted: "(Tamamlandı)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Dünyalar"
mobs: "Çeteler"
points: "puanlar"
npcHint: "Not: Kimliğini almak için NPC'ye sol veya sağ tıklayabilirsiniz."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "Listede kopyalar var!"
id: "Kimlik"
quest: "Görev"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Class Sơ cấp:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Class Thứ cấp:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> không phải là tên Nhiệm vụ!"
reqItemCleared: "Item yêu cầu đã được xóa."
reqListsNotSameSize: "Danh sách vật phẩm và danh sách xóa vật phẩm là không đều nhau!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> không phải giá trị true hoặc false!%br%Ví dụ: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "Yêu cầu tùy chỉnh đó đã được thêm vào rồi!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Không tìm thấy module yêu cầu tùy chỉnh."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "Không có kỹ năng được thiết lập"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "Không có class được thiếp lập"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "Bạn phải thiết lập kỹ năng trước tiên!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "phần thưởng mcMMO đã được xóa."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "Danh sách kỹ năng và danh sách số skills là không cùng kích thước!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "Bạn phải thiết lập class trước tiên!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Phần thưởng Heroes đã được xóa."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "Danh sách lớp học và danh sách số kinh nghiệm là không đều nhau!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> không phải tên class Heroes hợp lệ!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> không phải là tên PhatLoot hợp lệ!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "Phần thưởng PhatLoots đã được xóa."
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "物品"
stageEditorCraftItems: "合成物品"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "冶炼项目"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "附魔物品"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "酿造药水"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "转交物品"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "与NPC交谈"
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "覆写目标显示已清除."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "添加物品"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "设置NPC ID"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "请设置传递消息"
stageEditorNotSolid: "is not a solid block!"
stageEditorNotSolid: "不是有效的方块!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "不是有效的方块名称!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "不是一个有效的附魔名称!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "不是一个有效的NPC ID!"
@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "您必须设置风暴持续时间!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "已清除存储数据。"
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "输入风暴发生的世界名称, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "输入持续时间(秒)"
eventEditorThunder: "Action Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorThunder: "行为:雷暴天气"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "您必须设置雷暴天气持续时间!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "已清除雷暴数据。"
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "行为音效"
eventEditorAddEffect: "添加特效"
@ -372,36 +372,36 @@ eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "添加特效发生位置"
eventEditorNoEffects: "没有设置特效"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add sound effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "没有这个声音效果。"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "已清除音效。"
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "右击播放音效的方块, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "行为:生成怪物"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "添加怪物"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "您必须先设置怪物类型!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "设置怪物数量"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "您必须先设置怪物数量!"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Set spawn location"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "设置生成点"
eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "怪物生成点已清除。"
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "不是一个有效的怪物名!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "为怪物设置自定义名称"
eventEditorSetMobType: "设置怪物类型"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Set drop chance of item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "设置手中的物品"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "设置手中物品的掉率"
eventEditorSetMobBoots: "设置鞋子"
eventEditorSetMobBootsDrop: "Set drop chance of boots"
eventEditorSetMobBootsDrop: "设置鞋子的掉率"
eventEditorSetMobLeggings: "设置腿部装备"
eventEditorSetMobLeggingsDrop: "Set drop chance of leggings"
eventEditorSetMobLeggingsDrop: "设置护腿的掉率"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlate: "设置胸甲"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "Set drop chance of chest plate"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "设置胸甲的掉率"
eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "设置头盔"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "设置头盔的掉率"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "设置生成的怪物数量"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "设置掉率"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "行为:药水效果"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "设置药水效果类型"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "你必须先设置药水效果类型!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "设置药水效果持续时间"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect durations first!"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "您必须先设置药水效果的持续时间!"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesAndDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect types and durations first!"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Set potion effect magnitudes"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "已清除药剂效果。"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "初级类:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "次要类:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> 不是任务名称!"
reqItemCleared: "项目要求已清除。"
reqListsNotSameSize: "项目列表和删除项目列表不是相同大小!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> 不是一个真实或错误的值!%br%Example:true false true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "此自定义要求已经添加!"
reqCustomNotFound: "找不到自定义要求模块。"
@ -476,17 +475,17 @@ reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO Classic not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
plnStart: "Set start date"
plnEnd: "Set end date"
plnRepeat: "Set repeat cycle"
plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnTooEarly: "<quest> will be active in <time>."
plnTooLate: "<quest> was last active <time> ago."
optGeneral: "General"
plnStart: "设置开始日期"
plnEnd: "设置结束日期"
plnRepeat: "设置重复周期"
plnCooldown: "设置玩家冷却时间"
plnTooEarly: "<quest> 将在 <time> 后激活。"
plnTooLate: "<quest> 最近一次激活在<time> 前。"
optGeneral: "全局"
optMultiplayer: "多人游戏"
optBooleanPrompt: "Enter '<true>' or '<false>', <clear>, <cancel>"
optBooleanPrompt: "请输入 '<true>', '或 '<false>', ' <clear>, <cancel>"
optNumberPrompt: "Enter a level (number) for tracking progress, <clear>, <cancel>"
optAllowCommands: "Allow commands during quest"
optAllowCommands: "允许在任务期间输入指令"
optAllowQuitting: "Allow quitting during quest"
optCommandsDenied: "You cannot use commands during <quest>."
optUseDungeonsXLPlugin: "使用DungeonsXL插件"
@ -517,20 +516,18 @@ rewCommandPromptHint: 'Note: You may put <player> to specify the player who comp
rewPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission rewards, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewQuestPointsPrompt: "Enter amount of Quest Points, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO Classic skills, <space>, <cancel>"
rewMcMMOPromptHint: "Note: Typing 'All' will give levels to all skills."
rewHeroesClassesPrompt: "Enter Heroes classes, <space>, <cancel>"
rewHeroesExperiencePrompt: "Enter experience amounts (numbers, decimals are allowed), <space>, <cancel>"
rewPhatLootsPrompt: "Enter PhatLoots, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewCustomRewardPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom reward to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewItemsCleared: "Item rewards cleared."
rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "技能列表和技能数量列表不是相同的大小!"
rewMcMMOPromptHint: "注意:输入“All”将会给所有技能升级。"
rewHeroesClassesPrompt: "请输入Heroes的职业, <space>, <cancel>"
rewHeroesExperiencePrompt: "输入经验数量 (数字,允许输入小数), <space>, <cancel>"
rewPhatLootsPrompt: "请输入PhatLoots, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewCustomRewardPrompt: "输入要添加的自定义奖励的名称, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewItemsCleared: "已清除物品奖励。"
rewNoMcMMOSkills: "未设置技能"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "未设置职业"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "您必须先设置技能!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "已清除 mcMMO经典版 的奖励。"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "您必须先设置类!"
rewHeroesCleared: "英雄奖励已清除。"
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "类列表和经验金额列表大小不是相同的!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> 不是一个有效的英雄类名称!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> 不是一个有效的PhatLoot 名称!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots奖励已清除。"
@ -560,16 +557,16 @@ itemCreateInvalidName: "无效的项目名称!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "无效的项目耐久性!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "无效附魔名称!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "无效输入!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterOffset: "Enter a UTC time offset (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone, <cancel>"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "您必须先设置名称和数量!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "出现致命错误。"
dateCreateEnterDay: "请输入天数 (最大为 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "请输入月数 (最大为 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "请输入年数 (最大为 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "请输入小时数 (最大为 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "请输入分钟数 (最大 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "请输入秒数 (最大为 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterOffset: "请输入 UTC 时间偏移 (最大 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "请输入 UTC 时区, <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "您必须先设置一年!"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**问题待处理: <quest>**'
@ -631,42 +628,42 @@ effZombieWood: "僵尸猛烈打了一个铁门声音"
effZombieIron: "僵尸声音带动木门"
effEnterName: "输入一个效果名称来添加到列表中, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "添加"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it"
strAdd: "然后输入 '<command>', '以添加指令"
cmdClear: "清空"
strClear: "或输入 '<command>' 清除所有数据"
cmdCancel: "取消"
strCancel: "或输入'<command>' 返回"
cmdDone: "完成"
strDone: "then enter '<command>' to save"
strSpace: "separating each by a space"
strSemicolon: "separating each by a semicolon"
strDone: "然后输入 '<command>', '以保存"
strSpace: "使用空格进行分隔"
strSemicolon: "使用分号进行分隔"
charSemi: ";"
acceptQuest: "接受任务?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
enterAnOption: "请输入一个选项"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>"
currentQuest: "当前任务:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
break: "Break"
damage: "Damage"
place: "Place"
use: "Use"
cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
break: "破坏"
damage: "伤害"
place: "放置"
use: "使用"
cut: "切"
craft: "制造"
smelt: "熔炼"
enchantItem: "附魔 <item> <enchantment>"
brew: "酿造"
catchFish: "捕鱼"
kill: "击杀"
killAtLocation: "在<location> 击杀 <mob>"
killPlayer: "击杀玩家"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
talkTo: "与 <npc> 谈话"
tame: "驯服"
shearSheep: "剪<color>色羊毛"
goTo: "前往<location>"
completed: "已完成"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game."
redoCompleted: "(已完成)"
consoleError: "此命令只能在游戏中执行。"
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active Quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this Quest."
@ -718,8 +715,8 @@ setQuestPoints: "<player>'s Quest Points have been set to <number>."
questPointsSet: "<player> has set your Quest Points to <number>."
takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "给予<player>玩家<number>点任务点。"
questPointsGiven: "<player>给予了你<number>点任务点。"
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "怪物"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "任务"
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ questEditorReqs: "編輯任務需求"
questEditorPln: "編輯計劃"
questEditorStages: "編輯任務階段"
questEditorRews: "編輯任務獎勵"
questEditorOpts: "Edit Options"
questEditorOpts: "編輯選項"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "輸入任務名稱 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "編輯任務名稱 (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "編輯任務對話內容 (<cancel>)"
@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ questEditorEnterNPCStart: "輸入 NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "右擊方塊設定為啟動點, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "輸入任務活動名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "任務需求條件, 無設置"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questDungeonsJoin: "You can now perform quests with Captain <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questDungeonsLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with Captain <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Players added to this party may perform quests together!"
questPartiesDelete: "The quest party was disbanded."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questDungeonsCreate: "加入隊伍的玩家們可以一同解任務"
questDungeonsDisband: "任務隊伍已解散"
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> 現在可以一同解任務!"
questDungeonsJoin: "你現在可以與隊長 <player> 一同進行任務"
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> 現在開始無法與你一同進行任務"
questDungeonsLeave: "你現在開始無法與隊長 <player> 一同進行任務"
questPartiesCreate: "加入隊伍的玩家們可以一同進行任務"
questPartiesDelete: "任務隊伍已解散"
questPartiesInvite: "<player> 現在可以一同進行任務!"
questPartiesJoin: "你現在可以與 <player> 一同進行任務"
questPartiesKicked: "<player> 現在開始無法與你一同進行任務"
questPartiesLeave: "你現在開始無法與 <player> 一同進行任務"
questWGSetRegion: "設置區域"
questWGNotInstalled: "未安裝插件 WorldGuard"
questWGPrompt: "輸入 WorldGuard 區域, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ stageEditorUseBlocks: "使用方塊"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "切除方塊"
stageEditorItems: "物品"
stageEditorCraftItems: "製造物品"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "聞 物品"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "附魔物品"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "釀造一瓶藥水"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "運送物品"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "與NPC對話"
@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "輸入羊的顏色, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "輸入剪羊毛數量, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "輸入任務活動名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "輸入增加的任務活動名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a chat trigger for%aqua% <action>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow%Enter a command trigger for%aqua% <action>%yellow% <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "Enter complete message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow% 輸入%aqua%<action>的對話觸發器%yellow%<cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "輸入增加的任務活動名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "%yellow% 輸入%aqua%<action>的command指令觸發器%yellow%<cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "輸入延遲傳遞的訊息, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "輸入腳本名稱, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "輸入任務開始時的訊息, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "輸入任務完成時的訊息, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "Enter password display, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayHint: "(This is the text that will be displayed to the player as their objective)"
stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "Enter password phrases, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
@ -271,15 +271,15 @@ stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
stageEditorNoItems: "You must add items first!"
stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "You must set at least one delivery message!"
stageEditorNoNPCs: "You must set NPC IDs first!"
stageEditorNoMobTypes: "You must set mob types first!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
stageEditorNoColors: "You must set colors first!"
stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
stageEditorNoMobTypes: "您必須先選擇怪物類型!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "您必須先選擇怪物擊殺地點!"
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "您必須先選擇一個方塊"
stageEditorNoColors: "您必須先選擇顏色!"
stageEditorNoLocations: "您必須先選擇地點!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "You must add at least one password display first!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Delay cleared."
stageEditorDelayCleared: "延遲結束"
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script cleared."
stageEditorObjectiveCleared: "Objective cleared."
stageEditorObjectiveCleared: "目標達成"
stageEditorMessageCleared: "Message cleared."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete this stage?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Any Stages after will be shifted back one spot"
@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
@ -527,10 +526,8 @@ rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO Classic rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ worlds: "Worlds"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must be the same size!"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user