name: Report a bug description: when something isn't working right. labels: [bug] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Thanks for submitting a bug report! Please answer the following questions: - type: 'textarea' attributes: label: 'What is your Quests version / build number (do *not* say "latest")?' description: 'You can find this using the `/quests info` command.' placeholder: 'The version used is...' validations: required: true - type: 'textarea' attributes: label: 'Describe the problem and how to replicate it.' description: 'Be as detailed as possible.' placeholder: "What happened was..." validations: required: true - type: 'textarea' attributes: label: 'Any console errors to share?' description: 'Paste into the field below.' render: shell validations: required: true - type: 'textarea' attributes: label: 'If applicable, can you provide an example quest from quests.yml?' description: 'Do not upload the file itself.' render: yaml validations: required: false