package me.blackvein.quests; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.potion.Potion; public class Quester { String name; boolean editorMode = false; boolean holdingQuestItemFromStorage = false; boolean delayOver = true; public Quest currentQuest; public String questToTake; Stage currentStage; public int currentStageIndex = 0; int questPoints = 0; Quests plugin; public LinkedList completedQuests = new LinkedList(); Map completedTimes = new HashMap(); Map blocksDamaged = new EnumMap(Material.class); Map blocksBroken = new EnumMap(Material.class); Map blocksPlaced = new EnumMap(Material.class); Map blocksUsed = new EnumMap(Material.class); Map blocksCut = new EnumMap(Material.class); Map potionsBrewed = new HashMap(); Map itemsDelivered = new HashMap(); int fishCaught = 0; int playersKilled = 0; long delayStartTime = 0; long delayTimeLeft = -1; Map playerKillTimes = new HashMap(); Map, Integer> itemsEnchanted = new HashMap, Integer>(); LinkedList mobsKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList mobNumKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList locationsToKillWithin = new LinkedList(); LinkedList radiiToKillWithin = new LinkedList(); Map citizensInteracted = new HashMap(); LinkedList citizensKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList citizenNumKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList bossesKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList bossAmountsKilled = new LinkedList(); LinkedList locationsReached = new LinkedList(); LinkedList hasReached = new LinkedList(); LinkedList radiiToReachWithin = new LinkedList(); Map mobsTamed = new EnumMap(EntityType.class); Map sheepSheared = new EnumMap(DyeColor.class); final Random random = new Random(); public Quester(Quests newPlugin) { plugin = newPlugin; } public Player getPlayer() { return plugin.getServer().getPlayerExact(name); } public void takeQuest(Quest q) { Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name); if (q.testRequirements(player) == true) { currentQuest = q; currentStage = q.stages.getFirst(); addEmpties(); if (q.moneyReq > 0) { Quests.economy.withdrawPlayer(name, q.moneyReq); } for (ItemStack is : q.items) { if (q.removeItems.get(q.items.indexOf(is)) == true) { Quests.removeItem(player.getInventory(), is); } } player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Quest accepted: " +; player.sendMessage(""); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "---(Objectives)---"); for (String s : getObjectives()) { player.sendMessage(s); } String stageStartMessage = currentStage.startMessage; if (stageStartMessage != null) { getPlayer().sendMessage(Quests.parseString(stageStartMessage, currentQuest)); } if(q.initialEvent != null) q.initialEvent.happen(this); } else { player.sendMessage(q.failRequirements); } } public LinkedList getObjectives() { LinkedList unfinishedObjectives = new LinkedList(); LinkedList finishedObjectives = new LinkedList(); LinkedList objectives = new LinkedList(); for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToDamage.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : blocksDamaged.entrySet()) { if (e2.getKey().equals(e.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Damage " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToBreak.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : blocksBroken.entrySet()) { if (e2.getKey().equals(e.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Break " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToPlace.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : blocksPlaced.entrySet()) { if (e2.getKey().equals(e.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Place " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToUse.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : blocksUsed.entrySet()) { if (e2.getKey().equals(e.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Use " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Entry e : currentStage.blocksToCut.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : blocksCut.entrySet()) { if (e2.getKey().equals(e.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Cut " + Quester.prettyItemString(e2.getKey().getId()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } if (currentStage.fishToCatch != null) { if (fishCaught < currentStage.fishToCatch) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Catch Fish: " + fishCaught + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch); } } Map set; Map set2; Set enchantSet; Set enchantSet2; Collection matSet; Enchantment enchantment = null; Enchantment enchantment2 = null; Material mat = null; int num1; int num2; for (Entry, Integer> e : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.entrySet()) { for (Entry, Integer> e2 : itemsEnchanted.entrySet()) { set = e2.getKey(); set2 = e.getKey(); enchantSet = set.keySet(); enchantSet2 = set2.keySet(); for (Object o : enchantSet.toArray()) { enchantment = (Enchantment) o; } for (Object o : enchantSet2.toArray()) { enchantment2 = (Enchantment) o; } num1 = e2.getValue(); num2 = e.getValue(); matSet = set.values(); for (Object o : matSet.toArray()) { mat = (Material) o; } if (enchantment2 == enchantment) { if (num1 < num2) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Enchant " + Quester.prettyItemString(mat.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment) + ": " + num1 + "/" + num2); } } } } for (EntityType e : currentStage.mobsToKill) { for (EntityType e2 : mobsKilled) { if (e == e2) { if (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2)) < currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e))) { if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)))); } else { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)))); } } else { if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty()) { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)))); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + Quester.prettyMobString(e) + " at " + currentStage.areaNames.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)) + ": " + (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e2))) + "/" + (currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(e)))); } } } } } if (currentStage.playersToKill != null) { if (playersKilled < currentStage.playersToKill) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill a Player: " + playersKilled + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill); } } for (ItemStack is : currentStage.itemsToDeliver) { int delivered = itemsDelivered.get(is); int amt = is.getAmount(); NPC npc = currentStage.itemDeliveryTargets.get(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.indexOf(is)); if (delivered < amt) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Deliver " + ItemUtil.getName(is) + " to " + npc.getName() + ": " + delivered + "/" + amt); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Deliver " + ItemUtil.getName(is) + " to " + npc.getName() + ": " + delivered + "/" + amt); } } for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToInteract) { for (Entry e : citizensInteracted.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(n)) { if ( e.getValue() == false) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Talk to " + n.getFullName()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Talk to " + n.getName()); } } } } for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToKill) { for (NPC n2 : citizensKilled) { if (citizenNumKilled.get(citizensKilled.indexOf(n2)) < currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n))) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + n.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " " + citizenNumKilled.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n))); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + n.getName() + " " + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(n))); } } } for (String boss : currentStage.bossesToKill) { if (bossAmountsKilled.get(bossesKilled.indexOf(boss)) < currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss))) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kill " + ChatColor.ITALIC + boss + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + " " + bossAmountsKilled.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss)) + "/" + currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss))); } else { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Kill " + ChatColor.ITALIC + boss + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GRAY + " " + currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss)) + "/" + currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss))); } } for (Entry e : currentStage.mobsToTame.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : mobsTamed.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Tame " + getCapitalized(e.getKey().getName()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Tame " + getCapitalized(e.getKey().getName()) + ": " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Entry e : currentStage.sheepToShear.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : sheepSheared.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) { if (e2.getValue() < e.getValue()) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Shear " + e.getKey().name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Shear " + e.getKey().name().toString().toLowerCase() + " sheep: " + e2.getValue() + "/" + e.getValue()); } } } } for (Location l : currentStage.locationsToReach) { for (Location l2 : locationsReached) { if (l.equals(l2)) { if (hasReached.get(locationsReached.indexOf(l2)) == false) { unfinishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l))); } else { finishedObjectives.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(l))); } } } } objectives.addAll(unfinishedObjectives); objectives.addAll(finishedObjectives); return objectives; } public boolean hasObjective(String s) { if (currentStage == null) { return false; } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("damageBlock")) { if (currentStage.blocksToDamage.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("breakBlock")) { if (currentStage.blocksToBreak.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("placeBlock")) { if (currentStage.blocksToPlace.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("useBlock")) { if (currentStage.blocksToUse.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("cutBlock")) { if (currentStage.blocksToCut.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("catchFish")) { if (currentStage.fishToCatch == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("enchantItem")) { if (currentStage.itemsToEnchant.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("killMob")) { if (currentStage.mobsToKill.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("deliverItem")) { if (currentStage.itemsToDeliver.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("killPlayer")) { if (currentStage.playersToKill == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("talkToNPC")) { if (currentStage.citizensToInteract.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("killNPC")) { if (currentStage.citizensToKill.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("killBoss")) { if (currentStage.bossesToKill.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("tameMob")) { if (currentStage.mobsToTame.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("shearSheep")) { if (currentStage.sheepToShear.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("craftItem")) { if (currentStage.itemsToCraft.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if (currentStage.locationsToReach.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } } public void damageBlock(Material m) { if (blocksDamaged.containsKey(m)) { if (blocksDamaged.get(m) < currentStage.blocksToDamage.get(m)) { int i = blocksDamaged.get(m); blocksDamaged.put(m, (i + 1)); if (blocksDamaged.get(m).equals(currentStage.blocksToDamage.get(m))) { finishObjective("damageBlock", m, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } public void breakBlock(Material m) { if (blocksBroken.containsKey(m)) { if (blocksBroken.get(m) < currentStage.blocksToBreak.get(m)) { int i = blocksBroken.get(m); blocksBroken.put(m, (i + 1)); if (blocksBroken.get(m).equals(currentStage.blocksToBreak.get(m))) { finishObjective("breakBlock", m, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } public void placeBlock(Material m) { if (blocksPlaced.containsKey(m)) { if (blocksPlaced.get(m) < currentStage.blocksToPlace.get(m)) { int i = blocksPlaced.get(m); blocksPlaced.put(m, (i + 1)); if (blocksPlaced.get(m).equals(currentStage.blocksToPlace.get(m))) { finishObjective("placeBlock", m, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } public void useBlock(Material m) { if (blocksUsed.containsKey(m)) { if (blocksUsed.get(m) < currentStage.blocksToUse.get(m)) { int i = blocksUsed.get(m); blocksUsed.put(m, (i + 1)); if (blocksUsed.get(m).equals(currentStage.blocksToUse.get(m))) { finishObjective("useBlock", m, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } public void cutBlock(Material m) { if (blocksCut.containsKey(m)) { if (blocksCut.get(m) < currentStage.blocksToCut.get(m)) { int i = blocksCut.get(m); blocksCut.put(m, (i + 1)); if (blocksCut.get(m).equals(currentStage.blocksToCut.get(m))) { finishObjective("cutBlock", m, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } public void catchFish() { if (fishCaught < currentStage.fishToCatch) { fishCaught++; if (((Integer) fishCaught).equals(currentStage.fishToCatch)) { finishObjective("catchFish", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } public void enchantItem(Enchantment e, Material m) { for (Entry, Integer> entry : itemsEnchanted.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().containsKey(e) && entry.getKey().containsValue(m)) { for (Entry, Integer> entry2 : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.entrySet()) { if (entry2.getKey().containsKey(e) && entry2.getKey().containsValue(m)) { if (entry.getValue() < entry2.getValue()) { Integer num = entry.getValue() + 1; itemsEnchanted.put(entry.getKey(), num); if (num.equals(entry2.getValue())) { finishObjective("enchantItem", m, null, e, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } break; } } break; } } } public void killMob(Location l, EntityType e) { if (mobsKilled.contains(e)) { if (locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty() == false) { int index = mobsKilled.indexOf(e); Location locationToKillWithin = locationsToKillWithin.get(index); double radius = radiiToKillWithin.get(index); int numKilled = mobNumKilled.get(index); if (l.getX() < (locationToKillWithin.getX() + radius) && l.getX() > (locationToKillWithin.getX() - radius)) { if (l.getZ() < (locationToKillWithin.getZ() + radius) && l.getZ() > (locationToKillWithin.getZ() - radius)) { if (l.getY() < (locationToKillWithin.getY() + radius) && l.getY() > (locationToKillWithin.getY() - radius)) { if (numKilled < currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(index)) { Integer numKilledInteger = numKilled + 1; mobNumKilled.set(index, numKilledInteger); if ((numKilledInteger).equals(currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(index))) { finishObjective("killMob", null, null, null, e, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } } } else { if (mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e)) < currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e))) { mobNumKilled.set(mobsKilled.indexOf(e), mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e)) + 1); if ((mobNumKilled.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e))).equals(currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e)))) { finishObjective("killMob", null, null, null, e, null, null, null, null, null); } } } } } public void killPlayer(String player) { if (playerKillTimes.containsKey(player)) { long killTime = playerKillTimes.get(player); long comparator = plugin.killDelay * 1000; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((currentTime - killTime) < comparator) { plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name).sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "[Quests] Kill did not count. You must wait " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + Quests.getTime(comparator - (currentTime - killTime)) + ChatColor.RED + " before you can kill " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + player + ChatColor.RED + " again."); return; } } playerKillTimes.put(player, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (playersKilled < currentStage.playersToKill) { playersKilled++; if (((Integer) playersKilled).equals(currentStage.playersToKill)) { finishObjective("killPlayer", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } public void interactWithNPC(NPC n) { if (citizensInteracted.containsKey(n)) { if (citizensInteracted.get(n) == false) { citizensInteracted.put(n, true); finishObjective("talkToNPC", null, null, null, null, null, n, null, null, null); } } } public void killNPC(NPC n) { if (citizensKilled.contains(n)) { int index = citizensKilled.indexOf(n); if (citizenNumKilled.get(index) < currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(index)) { citizenNumKilled.set(index, citizenNumKilled.get(index) + 1); if (citizenNumKilled.get(index) == currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(index)) { finishObjective("killNPC", null, null, null, null, null, n, null, null, null); } } } } public void killBoss(String boss) { for(String s : bossesKilled){ if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(boss)) { int index = bossesKilled.indexOf(s); if (bossAmountsKilled.get(index) < currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(index)) { bossAmountsKilled.set(index, bossAmountsKilled.get(index) + 1); if (bossAmountsKilled.get(index) == currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(index)) { finishObjective("killBoss", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, boss); } } } } } public void reachLocation(Location l) { for (Location location : locationsReached) { int index = locationsReached.indexOf(location); Location locationToReach = currentStage.locationsToReach.get(index); double radius = radiiToReachWithin.get(index); if (l.getX() < (locationToReach.getX() + radius) && l.getX() > (locationToReach.getX() - radius)) { if (l.getZ() < (locationToReach.getZ() + radius) && l.getZ() > (locationToReach.getZ() - radius)) { if (l.getY() < (locationToReach.getY() + radius) && l.getY() > (locationToReach.getY() - radius)) { if (hasReached.get(index) == false) { hasReached.set(index, true); finishObjective("reachLocation", null, null, null, null, null, null, location, null, null); } } } } } } public void tameMob(EntityType entity) { if (mobsTamed.containsKey(entity)) { mobsTamed.put(entity, (mobsTamed.get(entity) + 1)); if (mobsTamed.get(entity).equals(currentStage.mobsToTame.get(entity))) { finishObjective("tameMob", null, null, null, entity, null, null, null, null, null); } } } public void shearSheep(DyeColor color) { if (sheepSheared.containsKey(color)) { sheepSheared.put(color, (sheepSheared.get(color) + 1)); if (sheepSheared.get(color).equals(currentStage.sheepToShear.get(color))) { finishObjective("shearSheep", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, color, null); } } } public void deliverItem(ItemStack i) { Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name); ItemStack found = null; for(ItemStack is : itemsDelivered.keySet()){ if(ItemUtil.compareItems(i, is, true) == 0){ found = is; break; } } if (found != null) { int amount = itemsDelivered.get(found); int req = currentStage.itemsToDeliver.get(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.indexOf(found)).getAmount(); if (amount < req) { if ((i.getAmount() + amount) > req) { itemsDelivered.put(found, req); int index = player.getInventory().first(i); i.setAmount(i.getAmount() - (req - amount)); //Take away the remaining amount needed to be delivered from the item stack player.getInventory().setItem(index, i); player.updateInventory(); finishObjective("deliverItem", null, found, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } else if ((i.getAmount() + amount) == req) { itemsDelivered.put(found, req); player.getInventory().setItem(player.getInventory().first(i), null); player.updateInventory(); finishObjective("deliverItem", null, found, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } else { itemsDelivered.put(found, (amount + i.getAmount())); player.getInventory().setItem(player.getInventory().first(i), null); player.updateInventory(); String message = Quests.parseString(currentStage.deliverMessages.get(random.nextInt(currentStage.deliverMessages.size())), currentStage.itemDeliveryTargets.get(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.indexOf(found))); player.sendMessage(message); } } } } public void finishObjective(String objective, Material material, ItemStack itemstack, Enchantment enchantment, EntityType mob, String player, NPC npc, Location location, DyeColor color, String boss) { Player p = plugin.getServer().getPlayerExact(name); if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("damageBlock")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Damage " + prettyItemString(material.getId()); message = message + " " + currentStage.blocksToDamage.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.blocksToDamage.get(material); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("breakBlock")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Break " + prettyItemString(material.getId()); message = message + " " + currentStage.blocksToBreak.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.blocksToBreak.get(material); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("placeBlock")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Place " + prettyItemString(material.getId()); message = message + " " + currentStage.blocksToPlace.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.blocksToPlace.get(material); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("useBlock")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Use " + prettyItemString(material.getId()); message = message + " " + currentStage.blocksToUse.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.blocksToUse.get(material); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("cutBlock")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Cut " + prettyItemString(material.getId()); message = message + " " + currentStage.blocksToCut.get(material) + "/" + currentStage.blocksToCut.get(material); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("catchFish")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Catch Fish "; message = message + " " + currentStage.fishToCatch + "/" + currentStage.fishToCatch; p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("enchantItem")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Enchant " + prettyItemString(material.getId()) + " with " + Quester.prettyEnchantmentString(enchantment); for (Map map : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.keySet()) { if (map.containsKey(enchantment)) { message = message + " " + currentStage.itemsToEnchant.get(map) + "/" + currentStage.itemsToEnchant.get(map); break; } } p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("deliverItem")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Deliver " + ItemUtil.getString(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.get(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.indexOf(itemstack))) + " " + ItemUtil.getName(itemstack) + " to " + currentStage.itemDeliveryTargets.get(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.indexOf(itemstack)).getName(); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("killMob")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Kill " + mob.getName(); message = message + " " + currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(mob)) + "/" + currentStage.mobNumToKill.get(currentStage.mobsToKill.indexOf(mob)); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("killPlayer")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Kill a Player"; message = message + " " + currentStage.playersToKill + "/" + currentStage.playersToKill; p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("talkToNPC")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Talk to " + npc.getName(); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("killNPC")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Kill " + npc.getName(); message = message + " " + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(npc)) + "/" + currentStage.citizenNumToKill.get(currentStage.citizensToKill.indexOf(npc)); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("killBoss")) { LoadBoss b = Quests.getBoss(boss); String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Kill " + ChatColor.ITALIC + b.getName() + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN; message = message + " " + currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss)) + "/" + currentStage.bossAmountsToKill.get(currentStage.bossesToKill.indexOf(boss)); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("tameMob")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Tame " + getCapitalized(mob.getName()); message = message + " " + currentStage.mobsToTame.get(mob) + "/" + currentStage.mobsToTame.get(mob); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else if (objective.equalsIgnoreCase("shearSheep")) { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Shear " + + " sheep"; message = message + " " + currentStage.sheepToShear.get(color) + "/" + currentStage.sheepToShear.get(color); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } else { String message = ChatColor.GREEN + "(Completed) Go to " + currentStage.locationNames.get(currentStage.locationsToReach.indexOf(location)); p.sendMessage(message); if (testComplete()) { currentQuest.nextStage(this); } } } public boolean testComplete() { for (String s : getObjectives()) { if (s.contains(ChatColor.GREEN.toString())) { return false; } } return true; } public void addEmpties() { if (currentStage.blocksToDamage.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToDamage.keySet()) { blocksDamaged.put(m, 0); } } if (currentStage.blocksToBreak.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToBreak.keySet()) { blocksBroken.put(m, 0); } } if (currentStage.blocksToPlace.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToPlace.keySet()) { blocksPlaced.put(m, 0); } } if (currentStage.blocksToUse.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToUse.keySet()) { blocksUsed.put(m, 0); } } if (currentStage.blocksToCut.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToCut.keySet()) { blocksCut.put(m, 0); } } fishCaught = 0; if (currentStage.itemsToEnchant.isEmpty() == false) { for (Entry e : currentStage.itemsToEnchant.entrySet()) { Map map = (Map) e.getKey(); itemsEnchanted.put(map, 0); } } if (currentStage.mobsToKill.isEmpty() == false) { for (EntityType e : currentStage.mobsToKill) { mobsKilled.add(e); mobNumKilled.add(0); if (currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty() == false) { locationsToKillWithin.add(currentStage.locationsToKillWithin.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e))); } if (currentStage.radiiToKillWithin.isEmpty() == false) { radiiToKillWithin.add(currentStage.radiiToKillWithin.get(mobsKilled.indexOf(e))); } } } playersKilled = 0; if (currentStage.itemsToDeliver.isEmpty() == false) { for (ItemStack is : currentStage.itemsToDeliver) { itemsDelivered.put(is, 0); } } if (currentStage.citizensToInteract.isEmpty() == false) { for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToInteract) { citizensInteracted.put(n, false); } } if (currentStage.citizensToKill.isEmpty() == false) { for (NPC n : currentStage.citizensToKill) { citizensKilled.add(n); citizenNumKilled.add(0); } } if (currentStage.bossesToKill.isEmpty() == false) { for (String s : currentStage.bossesToKill) { bossesKilled.add(s); bossAmountsKilled.add(0); } } if (currentStage.blocksToCut.isEmpty() == false) { for (Material m : currentStage.blocksToCut.keySet()) { blocksCut.put(m, 0); } } if (currentStage.locationsToReach.isEmpty() == false) { for (Location l : currentStage.locationsToReach) { locationsReached.add(l); hasReached.add(false); radiiToReachWithin.add(currentStage.radiiToReachWithin.get(locationsReached.indexOf(l))); } } if (currentStage.mobsToTame.isEmpty() == false) { for (EntityType e : currentStage.mobsToTame.keySet()) { mobsTamed.put(e, 0); } } if (currentStage.sheepToShear.isEmpty() == false) { for (DyeColor d : currentStage.sheepToShear.keySet()) { sheepSheared.put(d, 0); } } } public void reset() { blocksDamaged.clear(); blocksBroken.clear(); blocksPlaced.clear(); blocksUsed.clear(); blocksCut.clear(); fishCaught = 0; itemsEnchanted.clear(); mobsKilled.clear(); mobNumKilled.clear(); locationsToKillWithin.clear(); radiiToKillWithin.clear(); playersKilled = 0; itemsDelivered.clear(); citizensInteracted.clear(); citizensKilled.clear(); citizenNumKilled.clear(); locationsReached.clear(); hasReached.clear(); radiiToReachWithin.clear(); mobsTamed.clear(); sheepSheared.clear(); bossesKilled.clear(); bossAmountsKilled.clear(); } public static String getCapitalized(String target) { String firstLetter = target.substring(0, 1); String remainder = target.substring(1); String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainder.toLowerCase(); return capitalized; } public static String prettyItemString(int itemID) { String baseString = Material.getMaterial(itemID).toString(); String[] substrings = baseString.split("_"); String prettyString = ""; int size = 1; for (String s : substrings) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(Quester.getCapitalized(s)); if (size < substrings.length) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(" "); } size++; } return prettyString; } public static String fullPotionString(short dv) { Potion potion = Potion.fromDamage(dv); String potionName = ""; boolean isPrimary = false; try { potionName = "Potion of " + potion.getType().getEffectType().getName(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Potion is primary isPrimary = true; if (dv == 0) { potionName = "Water Bottle"; } else if (dv == 16) { potionName = "Awkward Potion"; } else if (dv == 32) { potionName = "Thick Potion"; } else if (dv == 64) { potionName = "Mundane Potion (Extended)"; } else if (dv == 8192) { potionName = "Mundane Potion"; } } if (isPrimary == false) { if (potion.hasExtendedDuration()) { potionName = potionName + " (Extended)"; } else if (potion.getLevel() == 2) { potionName = potionName + " II"; } if (potion.isSplash()) { potionName = "Splash " + potionName; } } return potionName; } public static String prettyMobString(EntityType type) { String baseString = type.toString(); String[] substrings = baseString.split("_"); String prettyString = ""; int size = 1; for (String s : substrings) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(Quester.getCapitalized(s)); if (size < substrings.length) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(" "); } size++; } if (type.equals((EntityType.OCELOT))) { prettyString = "Ocelot"; } return prettyString; } public static String prettyString(String s) { String[] substrings = s.split("_"); String prettyString = ""; int size = 1; for (String sb : substrings) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(Quester.getCapitalized(sb)); if (size < substrings.length) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(" "); } size++; } return prettyString; } public static String prettyEnchantmentString(Enchantment e) { String prettyString = ""; if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE)) { prettyString = "Power"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_FIRE)) { prettyString = "Flame"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_INFINITE)) { prettyString = "Infinity"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_KNOCKBACK)) { prettyString = "Punch"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL)) { prettyString = "Sharpness"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)) { prettyString = "Bane of Arthropods"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_UNDEAD)) { prettyString = "Smite"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED)) { prettyString = "Efficiency"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) { prettyString = "Unbreaking"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT)) { prettyString = "Fire Aspect"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.KNOCKBACK)) { prettyString = "Knockback"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS)) { prettyString = "Fortune"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_MOBS)) { prettyString = "Looting"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.OXYGEN)) { prettyString = "Respiration"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL)) { prettyString = "Protection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS)) { prettyString = "Blast Protection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL)) { prettyString = "Feather Falling"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE)) { prettyString = "Fire Protection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE)) { prettyString = "Projectile Protection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.SILK_TOUCH)) { prettyString = "Silk Touch"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.THORNS)) { prettyString = "Thorns"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.WATER_WORKER)) { prettyString = "Aqua Affinity"; } return prettyString; } public static String enchantmentString(Enchantment e) { String string = ""; if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE)) { string = "Power"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_FIRE)) { string = "Flame"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_INFINITE)) { string = "Infinity"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.ARROW_KNOCKBACK)) { string = "Punch"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL)) { string = "Sharpness"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)) { string = "BaneOfArthropods"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DAMAGE_UNDEAD)) { string = "Smite"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED)) { string = "Efficiency"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) { string = "Unbreaking"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT)) { string = "FireAspect"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.KNOCKBACK)) { string = "Knockback"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS)) { string = "Fortune"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_MOBS)) { string = "Looting"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.OXYGEN)) { string = "Respiration"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL)) { string = "Protection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS)) { string = "BlastProtection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL)) { string = "FeatherFalling"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE)) { string = "FireProtection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE)) { string = "ProjectileProtection"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.SILK_TOUCH)) { string = "SilkTouch"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.THORNS)) { string = "Thorns"; } else if (e.equals(Enchantment.WATER_WORKER)) { string = "AquaAffinity"; } return string; } public static String prettyColorString(DyeColor color) { if (color.equals(DyeColor.BLACK)) { return "Black"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.BLUE)) { return "Blue"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.BROWN)) { return "Brown"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.CYAN)) { return "Cyan"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.GRAY)) { return "Gray"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.GREEN)) { return "Green"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.LIGHT_BLUE)) { return "LightBlue"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.LIME)) { return "Lime"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.MAGENTA)) { return "Magenta"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.ORANGE)) { return "Orange"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.PINK)) { return "Pink"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.PURPLE)) { return "Purple"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.RED)) { return "Red"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.SILVER)) { return "Silver"; } else if (color.equals(DyeColor.WHITE)) { return "White"; } else { return "Yellow"; } } public void saveData() { FileConfiguration data = getBaseData(); try { File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "data/" + name + ".yml")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public long getDifference(Quest q) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastTime; if (completedTimes.containsKey( == false) { lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); completedTimes.put(, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { lastTime = completedTimes.get(; } long comparator = q.redoDelay; long difference = (comparator - (currentTime - lastTime)); return difference; } public FileConfiguration getBaseData() { FileConfiguration data = new YamlConfiguration(); if (completedTimes.isEmpty() == false) { List questTimeNames = new LinkedList(); List questTimes = new LinkedList(); for (String s : completedTimes.keySet()) { questTimeNames.add(s); questTimes.add(completedTimes.get(s)); } data.set("completedRedoableQuests", questTimeNames); data.set("completedQuestTimes", questTimes); } if (currentQuest != null) { data.set("currentQuest",; data.set("currentStage", currentStageIndex); data.set("quest-points", questPoints); if (blocksDamaged.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList blockIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList blockAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Material m : blocksDamaged.keySet()) { blockIds.add(m.getId()); blockAmounts.add(blocksDamaged.get(m)); } data.set("blocks-damaged-ids", blockIds); data.set("blocks-damaged-amounts", blockAmounts); } if (blocksBroken.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList blockIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList blockAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Material m : blocksBroken.keySet()) { blockIds.add(m.getId()); blockAmounts.add(blocksBroken.get(m)); } data.set("blocks-broken-ids", blockIds); data.set("blocks-broken-amounts", blockAmounts); } if (blocksPlaced.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList blockIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList blockAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Material m : blocksPlaced.keySet()) { blockIds.add(m.getId()); blockAmounts.add(blocksPlaced.get(m)); } data.set("blocks-placed-ids", blockIds); data.set("blocks-placed-amounts", blockAmounts); } if (blocksUsed.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList blockIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList blockAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Material m : blocksUsed.keySet()) { blockIds.add(m.getId()); blockAmounts.add(blocksUsed.get(m)); } data.set("blocks-used-ids", blockIds); data.set("blocks-used-amounts", blockAmounts); } if (blocksCut.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList blockIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList blockAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Material m : blocksCut.keySet()) { blockIds.add(m.getId()); blockAmounts.add(blocksCut.get(m)); } data.set("blocks-cut-ids", blockIds); data.set("blocks-cut-amounts", blockAmounts); } if (currentStage.fishToCatch != null) { data.set("fish-caught", fishCaught); } if (currentStage.playersToKill != null) { data.set("players-killed", playersKilled); } if (itemsEnchanted.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList enchantments = new LinkedList(); LinkedList itemIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList enchAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Entry e : itemsEnchanted.entrySet()) { Map enchMap = (Map) e.getKey(); enchAmounts.add(itemsEnchanted.get(enchMap)); for (Entry e2 : enchMap.entrySet()) { enchantments.add(Quester.prettyEnchantmentString((Enchantment) e2.getKey())); itemIds.add(((Material) e2.getValue()).getId()); } } data.set("enchantments", enchantments); data.set("enchantment-item-ids", itemIds); data.set("times-enchanted", enchAmounts); } if (mobsKilled.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList mobNames = new LinkedList(); LinkedList mobAmounts = new LinkedList(); LinkedList locations = new LinkedList(); LinkedList radii = new LinkedList(); for (EntityType e : mobsKilled) { mobNames.add(Quester.prettyMobString(e)); } for (int i : mobNumKilled) { mobAmounts.add(i); } data.set("mobs-killed", mobNames); data.set("mobs-killed-amounts", mobAmounts); if (locationsToKillWithin.isEmpty() == false) { for (Location l : locationsToKillWithin) { locations.add(l.getWorld().getName() + " " + l.getX() + " " + l.getY() + " " + l.getZ()); } for (int i : radiiToKillWithin) { radii.add(i); } data.set("mob-kill-locations", locations); data.set("mob-kill-location-radii", radii); } } if (itemsDelivered.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList deliveryAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Entry e : itemsDelivered.entrySet()) { deliveryAmounts.add(e.getValue()); } data.set("item-delivery-amounts", deliveryAmounts); } if (citizensInteracted.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList npcIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList hasTalked = new LinkedList(); for (NPC n : citizensInteracted.keySet()) { npcIds.add(n.getId()); hasTalked.add(citizensInteracted.get(n)); } data.set("citizen-ids-to-talk-to", npcIds); data.set("has-talked-to", hasTalked); } if (citizensKilled.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList npcIds = new LinkedList(); for (NPC n : citizensKilled) { npcIds.add(n.getId()); } data.set("citizen-ids-killed", npcIds); data.set("citizen-amounts-killed", citizenNumKilled); } if (bossesKilled.isEmpty() == false) { data.set("bosses-killed", bossesKilled); data.set("boss-amounts-killed", bossAmountsKilled); } if (locationsReached.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList locations = new LinkedList(); LinkedList has = new LinkedList(); LinkedList radii = new LinkedList(); for (Location l : locationsReached) { locations.add(l.getWorld().getName() + " " + l.getX() + " " + l.getY() + " " + l.getZ()); } for (boolean b : hasReached) { has.add(b); } for (int i : radiiToReachWithin) { radii.add(i); } data.set("locations-to-reach", locations); data.set("has-reached-location", has); data.set("radii-to-reach-within", radii); } if (potionsBrewed.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList potionIds = new LinkedList(); LinkedList potionAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (Entry entry : potionsBrewed.entrySet()) { potionIds.add((Integer) entry.getKey()); potionAmounts.add((Integer) entry.getValue()); } data.set("potions-brewed-ids", potionIds); data.set("potions-brewed-amounts", potionAmounts); } if (mobsTamed.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList mobNames = new LinkedList(); LinkedList mobAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (EntityType e : mobsTamed.keySet()) { mobNames.add(Quester.prettyMobString(e)); mobAmounts.add(mobsTamed.get(e)); } data.set("mobs-to-tame", mobNames); data.set("mob-tame-amounts", mobAmounts); } if (sheepSheared.isEmpty() == false) { LinkedList colors = new LinkedList(); LinkedList shearAmounts = new LinkedList(); for (DyeColor d : sheepSheared.keySet()) { colors.add(Quester.prettyColorString(d)); shearAmounts.add(sheepSheared.get(d)); } data.set("sheep-to-shear", colors); data.set("sheep-sheared", shearAmounts); } if (delayTimeLeft > 0) { data.set("stage-delay", delayTimeLeft); } } else { data.set("currentQuest", "none"); data.set("currentStage", "none"); data.set("quest-points", questPoints); } if (completedQuests.isEmpty()) { data.set("completed-Quests", "none"); } else { String[] completed = new String[completedQuests.size()]; for (String s : completedQuests) { completed[completedQuests.indexOf(s)] = s; } data.set("completed-Quests", completed); } return data; } public boolean loadData() { FileConfiguration data = new YamlConfiguration(); try { data.load(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "data/" + name + ".yml")); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } if (data.contains("completedRedoableQuests")) { for (String s : data.getStringList("completedRedoableQuests")) { for (Object o : data.getList("completedQuestTimes")) { for (Quest q : plugin.quests) { if ( { completedTimes.put(, (Long) o); break; } } } } } questPoints = data.getInt("quest-points"); if (data.isList("completed-Quests")) { for (String s : data.getStringList("completed-Quests")) { for (Quest q : plugin.quests) { if ( { completedQuests.add(; break; } } } } else { completedQuests.clear(); } if (data.getString("currentQuest").equalsIgnoreCase("none") == false) { Quest quest = null; Stage stage = null; for (Quest q : plugin.quests) { if ("currentQuest"))) { quest = q; break; } } if (quest == null) { return true; } currentStageIndex = data.getInt("currentStage"); for (Stage s : quest.stages) { if (quest.stages.indexOf(s) == (currentStageIndex)) { stage = s; break; } } if (stage == null) { currentQuest = quest; currentQuest.completeQuest(this); Quests.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "[Quests] Invalid stage for player: \"" + name + "\". Quest ended."); return true; } currentQuest = quest; currentStage = stage; addEmpties(); if (data.contains("blocks-damaged-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("blocks-damaged-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("blocks-damaged-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { blocksDamaged.put(Material.getMaterial(i), amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("blocks-broken-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("blocks-broken-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("blocks-broken-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { blocksBroken.put(Material.getMaterial(i), amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("blocks-placed-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("blocks-placed-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("blocks-placed-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { blocksPlaced.put(Material.getMaterial(i), amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("blocks-used-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("blocks-used-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("blocks-used-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { blocksUsed.put(Material.getMaterial(i), amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("blocks-cut-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("blocks-cut-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("blocks-cut-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { blocksCut.put(Material.getMaterial(i), amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("fish-caught")) { fishCaught = data.getInt("fish-caught"); } if (data.contains("players-killed")) { playersKilled = data.getInt("players-killed"); List playerNames = data.getStringList("player-killed-names"); List killTimes = data.getLongList("kill-times"); for (String s : playerNames) { playerKillTimes.put(s, killTimes.get(playerNames.indexOf(s))); } } if (data.contains("enchantments")) { LinkedList enchantments = new LinkedList(); LinkedList materials = new LinkedList(); LinkedList amounts = new LinkedList(); List enchantNames = data.getStringList("enchantments"); List ids = data.getIntegerList("enchantment-item-ids"); for (String s : enchantNames) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Power")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Flame")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.ARROW_FIRE); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Infinity")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.ARROW_INFINITE); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Punch")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.ARROW_KNOCKBACK); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Sharpness")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("BaneOfArthropods")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Smite")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.DAMAGE_UNDEAD); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Efficiency")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Unbreaking")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.DURABILITY); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("FireAspect")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Knockback")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.KNOCKBACK); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Fortune")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Looting")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_MOBS); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Respiration")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.OXYGEN); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Protection")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("BlastProtection")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("FeatherFalling")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("FireProtection")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("ProjectileProtection")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("SilkTouch")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.SILK_TOUCH); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("AquaAffinity")) { enchantments.add(Enchantment.WATER_WORKER); } materials.add(Material.getMaterial(ids.get(enchantNames.indexOf(s)))); amounts.add(enchantNames.indexOf(s)); } for (Enchantment e : enchantments) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put(e, materials.get(enchantments.indexOf(e))); itemsEnchanted.put(map, amounts.get(enchantments.indexOf(e))); } } if (data.contains("mobs-killed")) { LinkedList mobs = new LinkedList(); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("mobs-killed-amounts"); for (String s : data.getStringList("mobs-killed")) { EntityType mob = Quests.getMobType(s); if(mob != null) mobs.add(mob); mobsKilled.clear(); mobNumKilled.clear(); for (EntityType e : mobs) { mobsKilled.add(e); mobNumKilled.add(amounts.get(mobs.indexOf(e))); } if (data.contains("mob-kill-locations")) { LinkedList locations = new LinkedList(); List radii = data.getIntegerList("mob-kill-location-radii"); for (String loc : data.getStringList("mob-kill-locations")) { String[] info = loc.split(" "); double x = Double.parseDouble(info[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(info[2]); double z = Double.parseDouble(info[3]); Location finalLocation = new Location(plugin.getServer().getWorld(info[0]), x, y, z); locations.add(finalLocation); } locationsToKillWithin = locations; radiiToKillWithin.clear(); for (int i : radii) { radiiToKillWithin.add(i); } } } } if (data.contains("item-delivery-amounts")) { List deliveryAmounts = data.getIntegerList("item-delivery-amounts"); for (int i = 0; i < deliveryAmounts.size(); i++) { itemsDelivered.put(currentStage.itemsToDeliver.get(i), deliveryAmounts.get(i)); } } if (data.contains("citizen-ids-to-talk-to")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("citizen-ids-to-talk-to"); List has = data.getBooleanList("has-talked-to"); for (int i : ids) { citizensInteracted.put(CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(i), has.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("citizen-ids-killed")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("citizen-ids-killed"); List num = data.getIntegerList("citizen-amounts-killed"); for (int i : ids) { citizensKilled.add(CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(i)); citizenNumKilled.add(num.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("bosses-killed")) { List ids = data.getStringList("bosses-killed"); List num = data.getIntegerList("boss-amounts-killed"); for (String s : ids) { bossesKilled.add(s); bossAmountsKilled.add(num.get(ids.indexOf(s))); } } if (data.contains("locations-to-reach")) { LinkedList locations = new LinkedList(); List has = data.getBooleanList("has-reached-location"); List radii = data.getIntegerList("radii-to-reach-within"); for (String loc : data.getStringList("locations-to-reach")) { String[] info = loc.split(" "); double x = Double.parseDouble(info[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(info[2]); double z = Double.parseDouble(info[3]); Location finalLocation = new Location(plugin.getServer().getWorld(info[0]), x, y, z); locations.add(finalLocation); } locationsReached = locations; hasReached.clear(); radiiToReachWithin.clear(); for (boolean b : has) { hasReached.add(b); } for (int i : radii) { radiiToReachWithin.add(i); } } if (data.contains("potions-brewed-ids")) { List ids = data.getIntegerList("potions-brewed-ids"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("potions-brewed-amounts"); for (int i : ids) { potionsBrewed.put(i, amounts.get(ids.indexOf(i))); } } if (data.contains("mobs-to-tame")) { List mobs = data.getStringList("mobs-to-tame"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("mob-tame-amounts"); for (String mob : mobs) { if (mob.equalsIgnoreCase("Wolf")) { mobsTamed.put(EntityType.WOLF, amounts.get(mobs.indexOf(mob))); } else { mobsTamed.put(EntityType.OCELOT, amounts.get(mobs.indexOf(mob))); } } } if (data.contains("sheep-to-shear")) { List colors = data.getStringList("sheep-to-shear"); List amounts = data.getIntegerList("sheep-sheared"); for (String color : colors) { if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Black")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.BLACK, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } else if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Blue")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.BLUE, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Brown")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.BROWN, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Cyan")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.CYAN, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Gray")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.GRAY, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Green")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.GREEN, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("LightBlue")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.LIGHT_BLUE, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Lime")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.LIME, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Magenta")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.MAGENTA, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Orange")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.ORANGE, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Pink")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.PINK, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Purple")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.PURPLE, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Red")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.RED, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Silver")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.SILVER, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("White")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.WHITE, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } if (color.equalsIgnoreCase("Yellow")) { sheepSheared.put(DyeColor.YELLOW, amounts.get(colors.indexOf(color))); } } } if (data.contains("stage-delay")) { delayTimeLeft = data.getLong("stage-delay"); } } return true; } public void startStageTimer() { if (delayTimeLeft > -1) { plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), (long) (delayTimeLeft * 0.02)); } else { plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new StageTimer(plugin, this), (long) (currentStage.delay * 0.02)); if (currentStage.delayMessage != null) plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name).sendMessage(Quests.parseString((currentStage.delayMessage), currentQuest)); } delayStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void stopStageTimer() { if (delayTimeLeft > -1) { delayTimeLeft = delayTimeLeft - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime); } else { delayTimeLeft = currentStage.delay - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime); } delayOver = false; } public long getStageTime() { if (delayTimeLeft > -1) { return delayTimeLeft - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime); } else { return currentStage.delay - (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayStartTime); } } public void checkQuest() { if (currentQuest != null) { boolean exists = false; for (Quest q : plugin.quests) { if ( { exists = true; if (q.equals(currentQuest) == false) { currentStage = null; reset(); if (plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name) != null) { plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name).sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Quests] " + ChatColor.RED + "Your active Quest " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + + ChatColor.RED + " has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest."); } currentQuest = null; } break; } } if (exists == false) { currentStage = null; reset(); if (plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name) != null) { plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name).sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Quests] " + ChatColor.RED + "Your active Quest " + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + + ChatColor.RED + " no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest."); } currentQuest = null; } } } public static String checkPlacement(Inventory inv, int rawSlot) { if (rawSlot < 0) { return "You may not drop Quest items."; } InventoryType type = inv.getType(); if (type.equals(InventoryType.BREWING)) { if (rawSlot < 4) { return "You may not brew using Quest items."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.CHEST)) { if (inv.getContents().length == 27) { if (rawSlot < 27) { return "You may not store Quest items."; } } else { if (rawSlot < 54) { return "You may not store Quest items."; } } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.CRAFTING)) { if (rawSlot < 5) { return "You may not craft using Quest items."; } else if (rawSlot < 9) { return "You may not equip Quest items."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.DISPENSER)) { if (rawSlot < 9) { return "You may not put Quest items in dispensers."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.ENCHANTING)) { if (rawSlot == 0) { return "You may not enchant Quest items."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.ENDER_CHEST)) { if (rawSlot < 27) { return "You may not store Quest items."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.FURNACE)) { if (rawSlot < 3) { return "You may not smelt using Quest items."; } } else if (type.equals(InventoryType.WORKBENCH)) { if (rawSlot < 10) { return "You may not craft using Quest items."; } } return null; } public static List getChangedSlots(Inventory inInv, ItemStack inNew) { List changed = new ArrayList(); if (inInv.contains(inNew.getType())) { int amount = inNew.getAmount(); HashMap items = inInv.all(inNew.getType()); for (int i = 0; i < inInv.getSize(); i++) { if (!items.containsKey((Integer) i)) { continue; } ItemStack item = items.get((Integer) i); int slotamount = item.getMaxStackSize() - item.getAmount(); if (slotamount > 1) { if (amount > slotamount) { int toAdd = slotamount - amount; amount = amount - toAdd; changed.add(i); } else { changed.add(i); amount = 0; break; } } } if (amount > 0) { if (inInv.firstEmpty() != -1) { changed.add(inInv.firstEmpty()); } } } else { if (inInv.firstEmpty() != -1) { changed.add(inInv.firstEmpty()); } } return changed; } }