
194 lines
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package me.blackvein.quests.util;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import me.blackvein.quests.ColorUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quester;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
public class ItemUtil implements ColorUtil{
* Will compare stacks by id, amount, data, name/lore and enchantments
* @param one ItemStack to compare
* @param two ItemStack to compare to
* @return 0 if stacks are equal, or the first inequality from the following values:<br>
* @return -1&nbsp;-> stack ids are unequal<br>
* @return -2&nbsp;-> stack amounts are unequal<br>
* @return -3&nbsp;-> stack data is unequal<br>
* @return -4&nbsp;-> stack name/lore is unequal<br>
* @return -5&nbsp;-> stack enchantments are unequal<br>
public static int compareItems(ItemStack one, ItemStack two, boolean ignoreAmount){
if(one.getTypeId() != two.getTypeId())
return -1;
else if( (one.getAmount() != two.getAmount()) && ignoreAmount == false)
return -2;
else if(one.getData().equals(two.getData()) == false)
return -3;
if(one.hasItemMeta() || two.hasItemMeta()){
if(one.hasItemMeta() && two.hasItemMeta() == false)
return -4;
else if(one.hasItemMeta() == false && two.hasItemMeta())
return -4;
else if(one.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && two.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() == false)
return -4;
else if(one.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() == false && two.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName())
return -4;
else if(one.getItemMeta().hasLore() && two.getItemMeta().hasLore() == false)
return -4;
else if(one.getItemMeta().hasLore() == false && two.getItemMeta().hasLore())
return -4;
else if(ChatColor.stripColor(one.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()).equals(ChatColor.stripColor(two.getItemMeta().getDisplayName())) == false)
return -4;
else if(one.getItemMeta().hasLore() && two.getItemMeta().hasLore() && one.getItemMeta().getLore().equals(two.getItemMeta().getLore()) == false)
return -4;
if(one.getEnchantments().equals(two.getEnchantments()) == false)
return -5;
return 0;
//Formats -> id-id:amount-amount:data-data:enchantment-enchantment level:name-name:lore-lore:
public static ItemStack readItemStack(String data){
ItemStack stack = null;
String[] args = data.split(":");
ItemMeta meta = null;
LinkedList<String> lore = new LinkedList<String>();
for(String arg : args){
stack = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(3)));
meta = stack.getItemMeta();
}else if(arg.startsWith("amount-"))
else if(arg.startsWith("data-"))
else if(arg.startsWith("enchantment-")){
String[] enchs = arg.substring(12).split(" ");
Enchantment e = Quests.getEnchantment(enchs[0]);
meta.addEnchant(e, Integer.parseInt(enchs[1]), true);
}else if(arg.startsWith("name-"))
else if(arg.startsWith("lore-"))
if(lore.isEmpty() == false)
return stack;
public static String serialize(ItemStack is){
String serial;
serial = "id-" + is.getTypeId();
serial += ":amount-" + is.getAmount();
if(is.getDurability() != 0)
serial += ":data-" + is.getDurability();
if(is.getEnchantments().isEmpty() == false){
for(Entry<Enchantment, Integer> e : is.getEnchantments().entrySet())
serial += ":enchantment-" + Quester.enchantmentString(e.getKey()) + " " + e.getValue();
ItemMeta meta = is.getItemMeta();
serial += ":name-" + meta.getDisplayName();
for(String s : meta.getLore())
serial += ":lore-" + s;
return serial;
public static String getDisplayString(ItemStack is){
String text;
if(is.hasItemMeta() && is.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName())
text = "" + DARKAQUA + ITALIC + is.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() + RESET + AQUA + " x " + is.getAmount();
text = AQUA + Quester.prettyItemString(is.getTypeId());
if(is.getDurability() != 0)
text += AQUA + ":" + is.getDurability();
text += AQUA + " x " + is.getAmount();
if(is.getEnchantments().isEmpty() == false)
text += " " + PURPLE + "*Enchanted*";
return text;
public static String getString(ItemStack is){
String text;
if(is.hasItemMeta() && is.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName())
text = "" + DARKAQUA + ITALIC + is.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() + RESET + AQUA + " x " + is.getAmount();
text = AQUA + Quester.prettyItemString(is.getTypeId());
if(is.getDurability() != 0)
text += AQUA + ":" + is.getDurability();
text += AQUA + " x " + is.getAmount();
return text;
public static String getName(ItemStack is){
String text;
if(is.hasItemMeta() && is.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName())
text = "" + DARKAQUA + ITALIC + is.getItemMeta().getDisplayName();
text = AQUA + Quester.prettyItemString(is.getTypeId());
return text;