
469 lines
23 KiB

import me.pikamug.quests.BukkitQuestsPlugin;
import me.pikamug.quests.actions.Action;
import me.pikamug.quests.actions.BukkitAction;
import me.pikamug.quests.entity.BukkitQuestMob;
import me.pikamug.quests.entity.QuestMob;
import me.pikamug.quests.exceptions.ActionFormatException;
import me.pikamug.quests.util.BukkitConfigUtil;
import me.pikamug.quests.util.BukkitItemUtil;
import me.pikamug.quests.util.BukkitMiscUtil;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class BukkitActionYamlStorage implements ActionStorageImpl {
private final BukkitQuestsPlugin plugin;
public BukkitActionYamlStorage(final BukkitQuestsPlugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
public BukkitQuestsPlugin getPlugin() {
return plugin;
public String getImplementationName() {
return "YAML";
public void init() {
final YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
final File legacyFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "events.yml");
final File actionsFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "actions.yml");
// Using #isFile because #exists and #renameTo can return false positives
if (legacyFile.isFile()) {
try {
if (legacyFile.renameTo(actionsFile)) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Renamed legacy events.yml to actions.yml");
if (actionsFile.isFile()) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Successfully deleted legacy events.yml");
if (legacyFile.delete()) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Done!");
} catch (final Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to convert events.yml to actions.yml");
if (actionsFile.length() != 0) {
try {
if (actionsFile.isFile()) {
} else {
} catch (final IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {
ConfigurationSection sec = config.getConfigurationSection("actions");
if (sec == null) {
"Could not find section \"actions\" from actions.yml. Trying legacy \"events\"...");
sec = config.getConfigurationSection("events");
if (sec != null) {
for (final String s : sec.getKeys(false)) {
BukkitAction action = null;
try {
action = loadAction(s);
} catch (final ActionFormatException e) {
if (action != null) {
final Collection<Action> actions = plugin.getLoadedActions();
} else {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load Action \"" + s + "\". Skipping.");
} else {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find beginning section from actions.yml. Skipping.");
} else {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Empty file actions.yml was not loaded.");
public void close() {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked"})
public BukkitAction loadAction(final String name) throws ActionFormatException {
if (name == null) {
return null;
final File legacy = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "events.yml");
final File actions = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "actions.yml");
final FileConfiguration data = new YamlConfiguration();
try {
if (actions.isFile()) {
} else {
} catch (final IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {
final String legacyName = "events." + name;
String actionKey = "actions." + name + ".";
if (data.contains(legacyName)) {
actionKey = legacyName + ".";
final BukkitAction action = new BukkitAction(plugin);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "message")) {
action.setMessage(BukkitConfigUtil.parseString(data.getString(actionKey + "message")));
if (data.contains(actionKey + "open-book")) {
action.setBook(data.getString(actionKey + "open-book"));
if (data.contains(actionKey + "clear-inventory")) {
if (data.isBoolean(actionKey + "clear-inventory")) {
action.setClearInv(data.getBoolean(actionKey + "clear-inventory"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'clear-inventory' is not a true/false value", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "fail-quest")) {
if (data.isBoolean(actionKey + "fail-quest")) {
action.setFailQuest(data.getBoolean(actionKey + "fail-quest"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'fail-quest' is not a true/false value", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "explosions")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "explosions"), String.class)) {
final LinkedList<Location> explosions = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String s : data.getStringList(actionKey + "explosions")) {
final Location loc = BukkitConfigUtil.getLocation(s);
if (loc == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'explosions' is not in proper \"WorldName x y z\" format",
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'explosions' is not a list of locations", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "effects")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "effects"), String.class)) {
if (data.contains(actionKey + "effect-locations")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "effect-locations"), String.class)) {
final List<String> effectList = data.getStringList(actionKey + "effects");
final List<String> effectLocs = data.getStringList(actionKey + "effect-locations");
final Map<Location, Effect> effects = new HashMap<>();
for (final String s : effectList) {
final Effect effect;
try {
effect = Effect.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ActionFormatException(s + " is not a valid effect name",
final Location l = BukkitConfigUtil.getLocation(effectLocs.get(effectList.indexOf(s)));
if (l == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'effect-locations' is not in proper \"WorldName x y z\""
+ "format", actionKey);
effects.put(l, effect);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'effect-locations' is not a list of locations", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'effect-locations' is missing", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'effects' is not a list of effects", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "items")) {
final LinkedList<ItemStack> temp = new LinkedList<>();
final List<?> itemList = (List<?>) data.get(actionKey + "items");
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(itemList, ItemStack.class)) {
for (final Object item : itemList) {
final ItemStack stack = (ItemStack) item;
if (stack != null) {
} else if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(itemList, String.class)) {
// Legacy
for (final Object item : itemList) {
final String stack = (String) item;
if (stack != null) {
final String itemName = stack.substring(5, stack.indexOf(':'));
final Material itemMat = Material.matchMaterial(itemName);
if (itemMat != null) {
temp.add(new ItemStack(itemMat, 1));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'items' has invalid name" + itemName, actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'items' is not a list of items", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "storm-world")) {
final String world = data.getString(actionKey + "storm-world");
if (world != null) {
final World stormWorld = plugin.getServer().getWorld(world);
if (stormWorld == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'storm-world' is not a valid world name", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "storm-duration")) {
if (data.getInt(actionKey + "storm-duration", -999) != -999) {
action.setStormDuration(data.getInt(actionKey + "storm-duration") * 1000);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'storm-duration' is not a number", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'storm-duration' is missing", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'storm-world' is not a valid world", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "thunder-world")) {
final String world = data.getString(actionKey + "thunder-world");
if (world != null) {
final World thunderWorld = plugin.getServer().getWorld(world);
if (thunderWorld == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'thunder-world' is not a valid world name", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "thunder-duration")) {
if (data.getInt(actionKey + "thunder-duration", -999) != -999) {
action.setThunderDuration(data.getInt(actionKey + "thunder-duration"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'thunder-duration' is not a number", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'thunder-duration' is missing", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'thunder-world' is not a valid world", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "mob-spawns")) {
final ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection(actionKey + "mob-spawns");
if (section != null) {
final LinkedList<QuestMob> mobSpawns = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String s : section.getKeys(false)) {
final String mobName = section.getString(s + ".name");
final String location = section.getString(s + ".spawn-location");
if (location != null) {
final Location spawnLocation = BukkitConfigUtil.getLocation(location);
final EntityType type = BukkitMiscUtil.getProperMobType(section.getString(s + ".mob-type"));
final int mobAmount = section.getInt(s + ".spawn-amounts");
if (spawnLocation == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'mob-spawn-locations' is not in proper \"WorldName x y z\" format",
if (type == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'mob-spawn-types' is not a list of mob types", actionKey);
final ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[5];
final Float[] dropChances = new Float[5];
inventory[0] = loadMobItem(section, s + ".held-item");
dropChances[0] = (float) section.getDouble(s + ".held-item-drop-chance");
inventory[1] = loadMobItem(section, s + ".boots");
dropChances[1] = (float) section.getDouble(s + ".boots-drop-chance");
inventory[2] = loadMobItem(section, s + ".leggings");
dropChances[2] = (float) section.getDouble(s + ".leggings-drop-chance");
inventory[3] = loadMobItem(section, s + ".chest-plate");
dropChances[3] = (float) section.getDouble(s + ".chest-plate-drop-chance");
inventory[4] = loadMobItem(section, s + ".helmet");
dropChances[4] = (float) section.getDouble(s + ".helmet-drop-chance");
final BukkitQuestMob questMob = new BukkitQuestMob(type, spawnLocation, mobAmount);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'mob-spawn-locations' contains an invalid location", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "lightning-strikes")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "lightning-strikes"), String.class)) {
final LinkedList<Location> lightningStrikes = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String s : data.getStringList(actionKey + "lightning-strikes")) {
final Location loc = BukkitConfigUtil.getLocation(s);
if (loc == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'lightning-strikes' is not in proper \"WorldName x y z\" format",
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'lightning-strikes' is not a list of locations", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "commands")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "commands"), String.class)) {
final LinkedList<String> commands = new LinkedList<>();
for (String s : data.getStringList(actionKey + "commands")) {
if (s.startsWith("/")) {
s = s.replaceFirst("/", "");
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'commands' is not a list of commands", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "potion-effect-types")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "potion-effect-types"), String.class)) {
if (data.contains(actionKey + "potion-effect-durations")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "potion-effect-durations"), Integer.class)) {
if (data.contains(actionKey + "potion-effect-amplifiers")) {
if (BukkitConfigUtil.checkList(data.getList(actionKey + "potion-effect-amplifiers"),
Integer.class)) {
final List<String> types = data.getStringList(actionKey + "potion-effect-types");
final List<Integer> durations = data.getIntegerList(actionKey + "potion-effect-durations");
final List<Integer> amplifiers = data.getIntegerList(actionKey + "potion-effect-amplifiers");
final LinkedList<PotionEffect> potionEffects = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String s : types) {
final PotionEffectType type = PotionEffectType.getByName(s);
if (type == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("potion-effect-types is not a list of potion "
+ "effect types", actionKey);
final PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(type, durations
.get(types.indexOf(s)), amplifiers.get(types.indexOf(s)));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'potion-effect-amplifiers' is not a list of numbers",
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'potion-effect-amplifiers' is missing", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'potion-effect-durations' is not a list of numbers", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'potion-effect-durations' is missing", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'potion-effect-types' is not a list of potion effects", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "hunger")) {
if (data.getInt(actionKey + "hunger", -999) != -999) {
action.setHunger(data.getInt(actionKey + "hunger"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'hunger' is not a number", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "saturation")) {
if (data.getInt(actionKey + "saturation", -999) != -999) {
action.setSaturation(data.getInt(actionKey + "saturation"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'saturation' is not a number", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "health")) {
if (data.getInt(actionKey + "health", -999) != -999) {
action.setHealth(data.getInt(actionKey + "health"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'health' is not a number", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "teleport-location")) {
if (data.isString(actionKey + "teleport-location")) {
final String location = data.getString(actionKey + "teleport-location");
if (location != null) {
final Location teleport = BukkitConfigUtil.getLocation(location);
if (teleport == null) {
throw new ActionFormatException("'teleport-location' is not in proper \"WorldName x y z\" format",
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'teleport-location' has invalid location", actionKey);
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'teleport-location' is not a location", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "timer")) {
if (data.isInt(actionKey + "timer")) {
action.setTimer(data.getInt(actionKey + "timer"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'timer' is not a number", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "cancel-timer")) {
if (data.isBoolean(actionKey + "cancel-timer")) {
action.setCancelTimer(data.getBoolean(actionKey + "cancel-timer"));
} else {
throw new ActionFormatException("'cancel-timer' is not a true/false value", actionKey);
if (data.contains(actionKey + "denizen-script")) {
action.setDenizenScript(data.getString(actionKey + "denizen-script"));
return action;
* Load mob inventory item whether legacy or not
* @deprecated Will be removed at some point
* @param section section
* @param node node
* @return ItemStack
private ItemStack loadMobItem(ConfigurationSection section, String node) {
try {
return (ItemStack) section.get(node);
} catch (Exception e) {
return BukkitItemUtil.readItemStack(section.getString(node));