
1151 lines
41 KiB

package me.blackvein.quests;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import me.blackvein.quests.prompts.RequirementsPrompt;
import me.blackvein.quests.prompts.RewardsPrompt;
import me.blackvein.quests.prompts.StagesPrompt;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.conversations.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class QuestFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public Quests quests;
Map<Player, Quest> editSessions = new HashMap<Player, Quest>();
Map<Player, Block> selectedBlockStarts = new HashMap<Player, Block>();
public Map<Player, Block> selectedKillLocations = new HashMap<Player, Block>();
public Map<Player, Block> selectedReachLocations = new HashMap<Player, Block>();
public List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
ConversationFactory convoCreator;
static final ChatColor BOLD = ChatColor.BOLD;
static final ChatColor AQUA = ChatColor.AQUA;
static final ChatColor DARKAQUA = ChatColor.DARK_AQUA;
static final ChatColor BLUE = ChatColor.BLUE;
static final ChatColor GOLD = ChatColor.GOLD;
static final ChatColor PINK = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
static final ChatColor GREEN = ChatColor.GREEN;
static final ChatColor RED = ChatColor.RED;
static final ChatColor DARKRED = ChatColor.DARK_RED;
static final ChatColor YELLOW = ChatColor.YELLOW;
static final ChatColor RESET = ChatColor.RESET;
File questsFile;
public QuestFactory(Quests plugin) {
quests = plugin;
questsFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "quests.yml");
//Ensure to initialize convoCreator last, to ensure that 'this' is fully initialized before it is passed
this.convoCreator = new ConversationFactory(plugin)
.withPrefix(new QuestCreatorPrefix())
.withFirstPrompt(new QuestNamePrompt())
.thatExcludesNonPlayersWithMessage("Console may not perform this operation!")
public void conversationAbandoned(ConversationAbandonedEvent abandonedEvent) {
if (abandonedEvent.getContext().getSessionData("questName") != null) {
names.remove((String) abandonedEvent.getContext().getSessionData("questName"));
Player player = (Player) abandonedEvent.getContext().getForWhom();
private class QuestCreatorPrefix implements ConversationPrefix {
public String getPrefix(ConversationContext context) {
return "";
private class MenuPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public MenuPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text =
GOLD + "- Quest Editor -\n"
+ BLUE + "" + BOLD + "1" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Create a Quest\n"
+ BLUE + "" + BOLD + "2" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Edit a Quest\n"
+ BLUE + "" + BOLD + "3" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Delete a Quest";
return text;
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new QuestNamePrompt();
return null;
public Prompt returnToMenu() {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class CreateMenuPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
public CreateMenuPrompt() {
super("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11");
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text =
GOLD + "- Quest: " + AQUA + context.getSessionData("questName") + GOLD + " -\n";
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "1" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set name\n";
if (context.getSessionData("askMessage") == null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "2" + RESET + RED + " - Set ask message " + DARKRED + "(Required, none set)\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "2" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set ask message (\"" + context.getSessionData("askMessage") + "\")\n";
if (context.getSessionData("finishMessage") == null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "3" + RESET + RED + " - Set finish message " + DARKRED + "(Required, none set)\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "3" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set finish message (\"" + context.getSessionData("finishMessage") + "\")\n";
if (context.getSessionData("redoDelay") == null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "4" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set redo delay (None set)\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "4" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set redo delay (" + Quests.getTime((Long) context.getSessionData("redoDelay")) + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData("npcStart") == null && quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "5" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set NPC start (None set)\n";
} else if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "5" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set NPC start (" + quests.citizens.getNPCRegistry().getById((Integer) context.getSessionData("npcStart")).getName() + ")\n";
if (context.getSessionData("blockStart") == null) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "6" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set Block start (None set)\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "5" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set Block start (None set)\n";
} else {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
Location l = (Location) context.getSessionData("blockStart");
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "6" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set Block start (" + l.getWorld().getName() + ", " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ() + ")\n";
} else {
Location l = (Location) context.getSessionData("blockStart");
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "5" + RESET + YELLOW + " - Set Block start (" + l.getWorld().getName() + ", " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ() + ")\n";
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "7" + RESET + DARKAQUA + " - Edit Requirements\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "6" + RESET + DARKAQUA + " - Edit Requirements\n";
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "8" + RESET + PINK + " - Edit Stages\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "7" + RESET + PINK + " - Edit Stages\n";
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "9" + RESET + GREEN + " - Edit Rewards\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "8" + RESET + GREEN + " - Edit Rewards\n";
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "10" + RESET + GOLD + " - Save\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "9" + RESET + GOLD + " - Save\n";
if (quests.citizens != null) {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "11" + RESET + RED + " - Exit\n";
} else {
text += BLUE + "" + BOLD + "10" + RESET + RED + " - Exit\n";
return text;
public Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
return new SetNamePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
return new AskMessagePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
return new FinishMessagePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) {
return new RedoDelayPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("5")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new SetNpcStartPrompt();
} else {
selectedBlockStarts.put((Player) context.getForWhom(), null);
return new BlockStartPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
selectedBlockStarts.put((Player) context.getForWhom(), null);
return new BlockStartPrompt();
} else {
return new RequirementsPrompt(quests, QuestFactory.this);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("7")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new RequirementsPrompt(quests, QuestFactory.this);
} else {
return new StagesPrompt(QuestFactory.this);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("8")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new StagesPrompt(QuestFactory.this);
} else {
return new RewardsPrompt(quests, QuestFactory.this);
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("9")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new RewardsPrompt(quests, QuestFactory.this);
} else {
return new SavePrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("10")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new SavePrompt();
} else {
return new ExitPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("11")) {
if (quests.citizens != null) {
return new ExitPrompt();
} else {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
return null;
private class SelectEditPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String quests = GOLD + "- Quests -\n";
for (Quest q : QuestFactory.this.quests.getQuests()) {
quests += GOLD + "- " + YELLOW + q.getName() + "\n";
return quests + GOLD + "Enter a Quest to edit, or \"cancel\" to exit.";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel") == false) {
for (Quest q : QuestFactory.this.quests.getQuests()) {
if (q.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(input)) {
return new SelectEditPrompt();
} else {
private class QuestNamePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text =
AQUA + "Create new Quest " + GOLD + "- Enter a name for the Quest (Or enter \'cancel\' to exit)";
return text;
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel") == false) {
for (Quest q : quests.quests) {
if ( {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Quest already exists!");
return new QuestNamePrompt();
if (names.contains(input)) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Someone is creating a Quest with that name!");
return new QuestNamePrompt();
if (input.contains(",")) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Name may not contain commas!");
return new QuestNamePrompt();
context.setSessionData("questName", input);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
private class SetNpcStartPrompt extends NumericPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Enter NPC ID, or 0 to clear the NPC start, or -1 to cancel";
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, Number input) {
if (input.intValue() > 0) {
if (quests.citizens.getNPCRegistry().getById(input.intValue()) == null) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No NPC exists with that id!");
return new SetNpcStartPrompt();
context.setSessionData("npcStart", input.intValue());
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.intValue() == 0) {
context.setSessionData("npcStart", null);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.intValue() == -1) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No NPC exists with that id!");
return new SetNpcStartPrompt();
private class BlockStartPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, then enter \"done\" to save,\n"
+ "or enter \"clear\" to clear the block start, or \"cancel\" to return";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
Player player = (Player) context.getForWhom();
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("done") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("done")) {
Block block = selectedBlockStarts.get(player);
if (block != null) {
Location loc = block.getLocation();
context.setSessionData("blockStart", loc);
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You must select a block first.");
return new BlockStartPrompt();
} else {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) {
context.setSessionData("blockStart", null);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
return new BlockStartPrompt();
private class SetNamePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Enter Quest name (or \'cancel\' to return)";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel") == false) {
for (Quest q : quests.quests) {
if ( {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(RED + "A Quest with that name already exists!");
return new SetNamePrompt();
if (names.contains(input)) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(RED + "Someone is creating/editing a Quest with that name!");
return new SetNamePrompt();
if (input.contains(",")) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Name may not contain commas!");
return new QuestNamePrompt();
names.remove((String) context.getSessionData("questName"));
context.setSessionData("questName", input);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class AskMessagePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Enter ask message (or \'cancel\' to return)";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel") == false) {
context.setSessionData("askMessage", input);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class FinishMessagePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Enter finish message (or \'cancel\' to return)";
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel") == false) {
context.setSessionData("finishMessage", input);
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class RedoDelayPrompt extends NumericPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Enter amount of time (in milliseconds), or 0 to clear the redo delay, or -1 to cancel";
protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, Number input) {
if (input.longValue() < -1) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Amount must be a positive number.");
} else if (input.longValue() == 0) {
context.setSessionData("redoDelay", null);
} else if (input.longValue() != -1) {
context.setSessionData("redoDelay", input.longValue());
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
private class SavePrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = GREEN
+ "1 - Yes\n"
+ "2 - No";
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Finish and save \"" + AQUA + context.getSessionData("questName") + YELLOW + "\"?\n" + text;
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
if (context.getSessionData("askMessage") == null) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(RED + "You must set an ask message!");
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (context.getSessionData("finishMessage") == null) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(RED + "You must set a finish message!");
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else if (StagesPrompt.getStages(context) == 0) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(RED + "Your Quest has no Stages!");
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
FileConfiguration data = new YamlConfiguration();
try {
data.load(new File(quests.getDataFolder(), "quests.yml"));
ConfigurationSection questSection = data.getConfigurationSection("quests");
int customNum = 1;
while (true) {
if (questSection.contains("custom" + customNum)) {
} else {
ConfigurationSection newSection = questSection.createSection("custom" + customNum);
saveQuest(context, newSection); File(quests.getDataFolder(), "quests.yml"));
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(BOLD + "Quest saved! (You will need to perform a Quest reload for it to appear)");
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("No")) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
return new SavePrompt();
private class ExitPrompt extends StringPrompt {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String text = GREEN
+ "1 - Yes\n"
+ "2 - No";
return ChatColor.YELLOW + "Are you sure you want to exit without saving?\n" + text;
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
context.getForWhom().sendRawMessage(BOLD + "" + YELLOW + "Exited.");
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("No")) {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
} else {
return new ExitPrompt();
public static void saveQuest(ConversationContext cc, ConfigurationSection cs) {
String name = (String) cc.getSessionData("questName");
String desc = (String) cc.getSessionData("askMessage");
String finish = (String) cc.getSessionData("finishMessage");
Long redo = null;
Integer npcStart = null;
String blockStart = null;
Integer moneyReq = null;
Integer questPointsReq = null;
LinkedList<Integer> itemIdReqs = null;
LinkedList<Integer> itemAmountReqs = null;
LinkedList<Boolean> removeItemReqs = null;
LinkedList<String> permReqs = null;
LinkedList<String> questReqs = null;
String failMessage = null;
Integer moneyRew = null;
Integer questPointsRew = null;
LinkedList<Integer> itemIdRews = null;
LinkedList<Integer> itemAmountRews = null;
Integer expRew = null;
LinkedList<String> commandRews = null;
LinkedList<String> permRews = null;
LinkedList<String> mcMMOSkillRews = null;
LinkedList<Integer> mcMMOSkillAmounts = null;
if (cc.getSessionData("redoDelay") != null) {
redo = (Long) cc.getSessionData("redoDelay");
if (cc.getSessionData("npcStart") != null) {
npcStart = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("npcStart");
if (cc.getSessionData("blockStart") != null) {
blockStart = (String) cc.getSessionData("blockStart");
if (cc.getSessionData("moneyReq") != null) {
moneyReq = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("moneyReq");
if (cc.getSessionData("questPointsReq") != null) {
questPointsReq = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("questPointsReq");
if (cc.getSessionData("itemIdReqs") != null) {
itemIdReqs = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData("itemIdReqs");
itemAmountReqs = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData("itemAmountReqs");
removeItemReqs = (LinkedList<Boolean>) cc.getSessionData("removeItemReqs");
if (cc.getSessionData("permissionReqs") != null) {
permReqs = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData("permissionReqs");
if (cc.getSessionData("questReqs") != null) {
questReqs = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData("questReqs");
if (cc.getSessionData("failMessage") != null) {
failMessage = (String) cc.getSessionData("failMessage");
if (cc.getSessionData("moneyRew") != null) {
moneyRew = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("moneyRew");
if (cc.getSessionData("questPointsRew") != null) {
questPointsRew = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("questPointsRew");
if (cc.getSessionData("itemIdRews") != null) {
itemIdRews = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData("itemIdRews");
itemAmountRews = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData("itemAmountRews");
if (cc.getSessionData("expRew") != null) {
expRew = (Integer) cc.getSessionData("expRew");
if (cc.getSessionData("commandRews") != null) {
commandRews = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData("commandRews");
if (cc.getSessionData("permissionRews") != null) {
permRews = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData("permissionRews");
if (cc.getSessionData("mcMMOSkillRews") != null) {
mcMMOSkillRews = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData("mcMMOSkillRews");
mcMMOSkillAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData("mcMMOSkillAmounts");
cs.set("name", name);
cs.set("npc-giver-id", npcStart);
cs.set("block-start", blockStart);
cs.set("redo-delay", redo);
cs.set("ask-message", desc);
cs.set("finish-message", finish);
if (moneyReq != null || questPointsReq != null || itemIdReqs != null || permReqs != null || questReqs != null) {
ConfigurationSection reqs = cs.createSection("requirements");
reqs.set("item-ids", itemIdReqs);
reqs.set("item-amounts", itemAmountReqs);
reqs.set("money", moneyReq);
reqs.set("quest-points", questPointsReq);
reqs.set("remove-items", removeItemReqs);
reqs.set("permissions", permReqs);
reqs.set("quests", questReqs);
reqs.set("fail-requirement-message", failMessage);
ConfigurationSection stages = cs.createSection("stages");
ConfigurationSection ordered = stages.createSection("ordered");
String pref;
LinkedList<Integer> breakIds;
LinkedList<Integer> breakAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> damageIds;
LinkedList<Integer> damageAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> placeIds;
LinkedList<Integer> placeAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> useIds;
LinkedList<Integer> useAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> cutIds;
LinkedList<Integer> cutAmounts;
Integer fish;
Integer players;
LinkedList<String> enchantments;
LinkedList<Integer> enchantmentIds;
LinkedList<Integer> enchantmentAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> deliveryItemIds;
LinkedList<Integer> deliveryItemAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> deliveryNPCIds;
LinkedList<String> deliveryMessages;
LinkedList<Integer> npcIds;
LinkedList<String> mobs;
LinkedList<Integer> mobAmounts;
LinkedList<String> mobLocs;
LinkedList<Integer> mobRadii;
LinkedList<String> mobLocNames;
LinkedList<String> reachLocs;
LinkedList<Integer> reachRadii;
LinkedList<String> reachNames;
LinkedList<String> tames;
LinkedList<Integer> tameAmounts;
LinkedList<String> shearColors;
LinkedList<Integer> shearAmounts;
LinkedList<Integer> npcKillIds;
LinkedList<Integer> npcKillAmounts;
String script;
String event;
Long delay;
String delayMessage;
for (int i = 1; i <= StagesPrompt.getStages(cc); i++) {
pref = "stage" + i;
ConfigurationSection stage = ordered.createSection("\'" + i + "\'");
breakIds = null;
breakAmounts = null;
damageIds = null;
damageAmounts = null;
placeIds = null;
placeAmounts = null;
useIds = null;
useAmounts = null;
cutIds = null;
cutAmounts = null;
fish = null;
players = null;
enchantments = null;
enchantmentIds = null;
enchantmentAmounts = null;
deliveryItemIds = null;
deliveryItemAmounts = null;
deliveryNPCIds = null;
deliveryMessages = null;
npcIds = null;
mobs = null;
mobAmounts = null;
mobLocs = null;
mobRadii = null;
mobLocNames = null;
reachLocs = null;
reachRadii = null;
reachNames = null;
tames = null;
tameAmounts = null;
shearColors = null;
shearAmounts = null;
npcKillIds = null;
npcKillAmounts = null;
script = null;
event = null;
delay = null;
delayMessage = null;
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "breakIds") != null) {
breakIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "breakIds");
breakAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "breakAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "damageIds") != null) {
damageIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "damageIds");
damageAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "damageAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "placeIds") != null) {
placeIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "placeIds");
placeAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "placeAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "useIds") != null) {
useIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "useIds");
useAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "useAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "cutIds") != null) {
cutIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "cutIds");
cutAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "cutAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "fish") != null) {
fish = (Integer) cc.getSessionData(pref + "fish");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "playerKill") != null) {
players = (Integer) cc.getSessionData(pref + "playerKill");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "enchantTypes") != null) {
enchantments = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "enchantTypes");
enchantmentIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "enchantIds");
enchantmentAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "enchantAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "deliveryIds") != null) {
deliveryItemIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "deliveryIds");
deliveryItemAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "deliveryAmounts");
deliveryNPCIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "deliveryNPCs");
deliveryMessages = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "deliveryMessages");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "npcIdsToTalkTo") != null) {
npcIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "npcIdsToTalkTo");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "mobTypes") != null) {
mobs = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "mobTypes");
mobAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "mobAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "killLocations") != null) {
mobLocs = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "killLocations");
mobRadii = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "killLocationRadii");
mobLocNames = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "killLocationNames");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "tameTypes") != null) {
tames = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "tameTypes");
tameAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "tameAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "shearColors") != null) {
shearColors = (LinkedList<String>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "shearColors");
shearAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "shearAmounts");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "npcIdsToKill") != null) {
npcKillIds = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "npcIdsToKill");
npcKillAmounts = (LinkedList<Integer>) cc.getSessionData(pref + "npcAmountsToKill");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "event") != null) {
event = (String) cc.getSessionData(pref + "event");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "delay") != null) {
delay = (Long) cc.getSessionData(pref + "delay");
delayMessage = (String) cc.getSessionData(pref + "delayMessage");
if (cc.getSessionData(pref + "denizen") != null) {
script = (String) cc.getSessionData(pref + "denizen");
stage.set("break-block-ids", breakIds);
stage.set("break-block-amounts", breakAmounts);
stage.set("damage-block-ids", damageIds);
stage.set("damage-block-amounts", damageAmounts);
stage.set("place-block-ids", placeIds);
stage.set("place-block-amounts", placeAmounts);
stage.set("use-block-ids", useIds);
stage.set("use-block-amounts", useAmounts);
stage.set("cut-block-ids", cutIds);
stage.set("cut-block-amounts", cutAmounts);
stage.set("fish-to-catch", fish);
stage.set("players-to-kill", players);
stage.set("enchantments", enchantments);
stage.set("enchantment-item-ids", enchantmentIds);
stage.set("enchantment-amounts", enchantmentAmounts);
stage.set("item-ids-to-deliver", deliveryItemIds);
stage.set("item-amounts-to-deliver", deliveryItemAmounts);
stage.set("npc-delivery-ids", deliveryNPCIds);
stage.set("delivery-messages", deliveryMessages);
stage.set("npc-ids-to-talk-to", npcIds);
stage.set("mobs-to-kill", mobs);
stage.set("mob-amounts", mobAmounts);
stage.set("locations-to-kill", mobLocs);
stage.set("kill-location-radii", mobRadii);
stage.set("kill-location-names", mobLocNames);
stage.set("locations-to-reach", reachLocs);
stage.set("reach-location-radii", reachRadii);
stage.set("reach-location-names", reachNames);
stage.set("mobs-to-tame", tames);
stage.set("mob-tame-amounts", tameAmounts);
stage.set("sheep-to-shear", shearColors);
stage.set("sheep-amounts", shearAmounts);
stage.set("npc-ids-to-kill", npcKillIds);
stage.set("npc-kill-amounts", npcKillAmounts);
stage.set("script-to-run", script);
stage.set("event", event);
stage.set("delay", delay);
stage.set("delay-message", delayMessage);
if (moneyRew != null || questPointsRew != null || itemIdRews != null || permRews != null || expRew != null || commandRews != null || mcMMOSkillRews != null) {
ConfigurationSection rews = cs.createSection("rewards");
rews.set("item-ids", itemIdRews);
rews.set("item-amounts", itemAmountRews);
rews.set("money", moneyRew);
rews.set("quest-points", questPointsRew);
rews.set("exp", expRew);
rews.set("permissions", permRews);
rews.set("commands", commandRews);
rews.set("mcmmo-skills", mcMMOSkillRews);
rews.set("mcmmo-levels", mcMMOSkillAmounts);
/*public static void loadQuest(ConversationContext cc, Quest q) {
cc.setSessionData("npc-giver-id", q.npcStart);
cc.setSessionData("block-start", q.blockStart);
cc.setSessionData("redo-delay", q.redoDelay);
cc.setSessionData("ask-message", q.description);
cc.setSessionData("finish-message", q.finished);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "item-ids", itemIdReqs);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "item-amounts", itemAmountReqs);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "money", moneyReq);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "quest-points", questPointsReq);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "remove-items", removeItemReqs);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "permissions", permReqs);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "quests", questReqs);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "fail-requirement-message", failMessage);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "item-ids", itemIdRews);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "item-amounts", itemAmountRews);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "money", moneyRew);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "quest-points", questPointsRew);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "exp", expRew);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "permissions", permRews);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "commands", commandRews);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "mcmmo-skills", mcMMOSkillRews);
cc.setSessionData(pref + "mcmmo-levels", mcMMOSkillAmounts);
String pref;
for(Stage s : q.stages){
pref = "stage" + q.stages.indexOf(s);
cc.setSessionData("breakIds", breakIds);
cc.setSessionData("break-block-amounts", breakAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("damage-block-ids", damageIds);
cc.setSessionData("damage-block-amounts", damageAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("place-block-ids", placeIds);
cc.setSessionData("place-block-amounts", placeAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("use-block-ids", useIds);
cc.setSessionData("use-block-amounts", useAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("cut-block-ids", cutIds);
cc.setSessionData("cut-block-amounts", cutAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("fish-to-catch", fish);
cc.setSessionData("players-to-kill", players);
cc.setSessionData("enchantments", enchantments);
cc.setSessionData("enchantment-item-ids", enchantmentIds);
cc.setSessionData("enchantment-amounts", enchantmentAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("item-ids-to-deliver", deliveryItemIds);
cc.setSessionData("item-amounts-to-deliver", deliveryItemAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("npc-delivery-ids", deliveryNPCIds);
cc.setSessionData("delivery-messages", deliveryMessages);
cc.setSessionData("npc-ids-to-talk-to", npcIds);
cc.setSessionData("mobs-to-kill", mobs);
cc.setSessionData("mob-amounts", mobAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("locations-to-kill", mobLocs);
cc.setSessionData("kill-location-radii", mobRadii);
cc.setSessionData("kill-location-names", mobLocNames);
cc.setSessionData("locations-to-reach", reachLocs);
cc.setSessionData("reach-location-radii", reachRadii);
cc.setSessionData("reach-location-names", reachNames);
cc.setSessionData("mobs-to-tame", tames);
cc.setSessionData("mob-tame-amounts", tameAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("sheep-to-shear", shearColors);
cc.setSessionData("sheep-amounts", shearAmounts);
cc.setSessionData("script-to-run", script);
cc.setSessionData("event", event);
cc.setSessionData("delay", delay);
cc.setSessionData("delay-message", delayMessage);