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title: Getting Started
- jekyll
- github
description: Getting started with Docsy Jekyll
# Getting Started
## Features
### User Interaction
On the right side of any page, you'll notice links to edit the page, or
open an issue. This ensures that any time you have a question or want to
suggest or request a change, you can do so immediately and link directly
to the section of interest. The sections on the page also have permalinks so
you can link directly to them.
### Search
The entire site, including posts and documentation, is indexed and then available
for search at the top or side of the page. Give it a try! The content is rendered
into window data that is used by lunr.js to generate the search results.
If you want to exclude any file from search, add this to its front end matter:
layout: null
excluded_in_search: true
The example above is for a javascript file in the assets folder that is used as a template,
but should not be included in search.
### External Search
If you have an external site with a search GET endpoint (meaning one that ends
in `?q=<term>`, then you can automatically link page tags to search this endpoint.
For example, on an HPC site I'd want a tag like "mpi" to do a search on
[http://ask.cyberinfrastructure.org](http://ask.cyberinfrastructure.org) for mpi.
See the [tags](#tags) section below for how to configure this.
### Documentation
Documentation pages should be written in the `docs` folder of the repository,
and you are allowed to use whatever level of nesting (subfolders) that
works for you! It's a Jekyll [collection](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/), which means that you
can add other content (images, scripts) and it will be included for linking to.
To create subfolders with files, you can simply create new markdon files. For example:
- `_docs/subfolder/example-page.md` renders to `http://localhost:4000/docsy-jekyll/docs/subfolder/example-page/`
- `_docs/subfolder.md` renders to `http://localhost:4000/docsy-jekyll/docs/subfolder/`
And the page you are reading now renders from `_docs/getting-started.md`
#### Organization
The url that will render is based on the path. For example, if we had the following structure:
The first page (akin to the one you are reading) would render at it's path,
#### Linking
From that page, we could provide the
direct path in markdown to any subfolder to link to it, such as the second
getting started page for sherlock:
{% raw %}[example](clusters/sherlock/getting-started.md){% endraw %}
[Here](example-page) is an example link to a relative path of a file (`example-page.md`)
in the same directory, and from that page you can test linking to a subfolder.
In the case of not having a subfolder, we could write the link out directly:
{% raw %}[example]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/clusters/sherlock/getting-started.md){% endraw %}
or just put the relative path:
{% raw %}[Here](example-page){% endraw %}
or better, there is a shortand trick! We can use the provided "includes"
template to do the same based on the path to create a link:
{% raw %}{% include doc.html name="Sherlock Cluster" path="clusters/sherlock/getting-started" %}{% endraw %}
The path should be relative to the docs folder.
### Pages
The `pages` folder uses the same page layout, but is not part of the docs collection.
The two are provided to create a distinction between website pages (e.g., about,
feed.xml) and documentation pages.
### Navigation
Whether you place your page under "pages" or "docs," for those pages that you want added to the navigation,
you should add them to `_data/toc.yml`. If you've defined a `permalink` in the
front end matter, you can use that (e.g., "About" below). If you haven't and
want to link to docs, the url is the path starting with the docs folder.
Here is an example (currently the active example):
- title: Documentation
url: docs
- title: "Getting Started"
url: "docs/getting-started"
- title: Features
url: "docs/getting-started#getting-started"
- title: Development
url: "docs/getting-started#development"
- title: Customization
url: "docs/getting-started#customization"
- title: "Extras"
url: "docs/extras"
- title: Quizzes
url: "docs/extras/example-quiz"
- title: "About"
url: "about"
- title: "News"
url: "news
If you want to add an external url for a parent or child, do this:
- title: GitHub Repository
external_url: https://www.github.com/vsoch/mkdocs-jekyll
### News Posts
It might be the case that your site or group has news items that would
warrent sharing with the community, and should be available as a feed.
For this reason, you can write traditional [posts](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/) in the `_posts`
folder that will parse into the site [feed]({{ site.baseurl }}/feed.xml)
The bottom of the page links the user to a post archive, where posts are organized
according to the year.
### Buttons
Buttons come in a nice array of colors. Here is the code for a basic example,
and you'd want to vary the `.btn-<tag>` to get different classes.
<button class="btn btn-success">.btn-success</button>
<button class="btn btn-success">.btn-success</button>
<button class="btn btn-info">.btn-info</button>
<button class="btn btn-secondary">.btn-secondary</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">.btn-primary</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger">.btn-danger</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning">.btn-warning</button>
### Badges
For news post items, it's nice to be able to tag it with something that indicates
a status, such as "warning" or "alert." For this reason, you can add badges to
the front end matter of any post page, and they will render colored by a type,
with the tag of your choice. For example, here is an example header for
a post:
title: "Two Thousand Nineteen"
date: 2019-06-28 18:52:21
categories: jekyll update
- type: warning
tag: warning-badge
- type: danger
tag: danger-badge
And here is the post preview with the rendered badges that it produces:
<span class="badge badge-warning">warning-badge</span>
<span class="badge badge-danger">danger-badge</span>
And the other badges that you can define include success, info, secondary,
and primary.
<span class="badge badge-success">success-badge</span>
<span class="badge badge-info">info-badge</span>
<span class="badge badge-secondary">secondary-badge</span>
<span class="badge badge-primary">primary-badge</span>
### Alerts
{% include alert.html type="info" title="What is an alert?" content="An alert is a box that can stand out to indicate important information. You can choose from levels success, warning, danger, info, and primary. This example is an info box, and the code for another might look like this:" %}
{%raw%}{% include alert.html type="info" title="Here is another!" %}{%endraw%}
Just for fun, here are all the types:
{% include alert.html type="warning" content="This is a warning" %}
{% include alert.html type="danger" content="This alerts danger!" %}
{% include alert.html type="success" content="This alerts success" %}
{% include alert.html type="info" content="This is useful information." %}
{% include alert.html type="primary" content="This is a primary alert" %}
{% include alert.html type="secondary" content="This is a secondary alert" %}
### Quotes
You can include block quotes to emphasize text.
> Here is an example. Isn't this much more prominent to the user?
## Development
Initially (on OS X), you will need to setup [Brew](http://brew.sh/) which is a package manager for OS X and [Git](https://git-scm.com/). To install Brew and Git, run the following commands:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install git
If you are on Debian/Ubuntu, then you can easily install git with `apt-get`
apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
### Install Jekyll
You can also install Jekyll with brew.
$ brew install ruby
$ gem install jekyll
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
On Ubuntu I do a different method:
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
rbenv install 2.3.1
rbenv global 2.3.1
gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
ruby -v
# Rails
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
gem install rails -v 4.2.6
rbenv rehash
# Jekyll
gem install jekyll
gem install github-pages
gem install jekyll-sass-converter
rbenv rehash
### Get the code
You should first fork the repository to your GitHub organization or username,
and then clone it.
$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/mkdocs-jekyll.git docs
$ cd docs
You can clone the repository right to where you want to host the docs:
$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/mkdocs-jekyll.git docs
$ cd docs
### Serve
Depending on how you installed jekyll:
jekyll serve
# or
bundle exec jekyll serve
### Preview
We provide a [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/) configuration recipe that you
can use to preview your site on CircleCI before merging into master. You
should follow the instructions to [set up a project](https://circleci.com/docs/enterprise/quick-start/),
and then in the project settings be sure to enable building forked build requests,
and to cancel redundant builds. The preview will be built on CircleCI, and saved
to static files for you to browse. The only change you will need is to edit
the static files location to be the name of your respository, which is at te
bottom of the `.circleci/config.yml` file:
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/repo/_site
destination: mkdocs-jekyll
In the above, the destination should coincide with your repository name.
Remember that for most links, CircleCI won't honor an `index.html` file in a subfolder
(e.g., `subfolder/index.html` will not be served as `subfolder/`, so for example,
you might need to turn this:
into this:
## Customization
#### config.yml
To edit configuration values, customize the [_config.yml](_config.yml).
Most are documented there, and please [open an issue](https://www.github.com/{{ site.github_user }}/{{ site.github_user }}/issues) if you have questions.
#### Adding pages
To add pages, write them into the [pages](pages) folder.
You define urls based on the `permalink` attribute in your pages,
and then add them to the navigation by adding to the content of [_data/toc.yml](_data/toc.yml).
#### Tags
If you include tags on a page, by default they will link to the [tags page]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/tags) on the site. However, if you define a `tag_search_endpoint` url in your configuration file, by clicking
the tag, the user will be taken to this page to search for it. As an example,
we define the current search endpoint to be Ask Cyberinfrastructure, and
page tags link to a search on it:
tag_search_endpoint: https://ask.cyberinfrastructure.org/search?q=
tag_color: danger # danger, success, warning, primary, secondary, info
Note that you can also choose a color! The tags appear at the top of the page,
as they do on this page. The tags should be defined like this in the front end
- jekyll
- github
They are appended to the first h1 block, so generally your pages should have a header.
If you comment out this variable, then each of your tags will link to it's appropriate
spot on the tags page linked above.
#tag_search_endpoint: https://ask.cyberinfrastructure.org/search?q=
tag_color: primary # danger, success, warning, primary, info, secondary