version: 2.1 workflows: version: 2 # The build workflow will build a preview for the site, intended for PRs build: jobs: - build-site: filters: branches: ignore: master build_jekyll: &build_jekyll name: Jekyll Build command: | echo "Building RSE Blog for Preview" cp ~/repo/.circleci/ ~/repo/ cd ~/repo chmod u+x bash bundle exec jekyll build jobs: build-site: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.4.1 working_directory: ~/repo environment: - JEKYLL_ENV: production - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES: true - BUNDLE_PATH: ~/repo/vendor/bundle steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - rubygems-v1 - run: name: Bundle Install command: | cd ~/repo bundle check || bundle install - save_cache: key: rubygems-v1 paths: - vendor/bundle - run: *build_jekyll - store_artifacts: path: ~/repo/_site destination: docsy-jekyll