name: RandomTeleport provides: [FUBSRandomTeleport] main: de.themoep.randomteleport.RandomTeleport version: '${minecraft.plugin.version}' api-version: 1.13 description: ${project.description} author: Phoenix616 website: softdepend: [WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention, RedProtect, WorldBorder] commands: randomteleport: aliases: [randomtp, rtp] description: RandomTeleport command. permission: randomteleport.use usage: | / - uses the default preset / [] - uses a specific preset / [-p, -w, -x, -z, -c, -f] minRange - minimum distance to the center point (square shaped) maxRange - maximum distance to the center point (square shaped) Options: > -p,-player - teleports other players > -w,-world - teleports the player in a specific world > -b,-biome [ ...] - only teleport to this biome (multiple allowed, Bukkit biome names!) > -x,-xPos - x axis of the center point, if not set the player's x axis is used > -z,-zPos - z axis of the center point, if not set the player's z axis is used > -minY - minimum y value that the random location should have (default: 0) > -maxY - maximum y value that the random location should have (default: world height, half in nether) > -l,-loaded - only search loaded chunks for possible locations (might fail more often) > -g,-generated - only search generated chunks for possible locations > -c, -cooldown - cooldown in seconds after which the player can use this teleporter again > -id - The ID to use for the cooldown, uses automatically generated one if not provided > -f,-force - teleport even if there is no dirt/grass/sand/gravel, only checks for lava/water/cactus, ignores WorldGuard/Faction regions > -f,-force [] - only ignore blocks or regions > -t,-tries - the amount of times the plugin should try to find a random location before giving up > -sp,spawnpoint [force] - set the respawn point of the player to the location he teleported to (force overrides existing spawnpoint) / --stat - shows a statistic of the teleports since the last restart / --reload - reloads the config permissions: randomteleport.use: description: Gives permission to the command default: op randomteleport.manual: description: Gives permission to manually specify parameters in the command default: op randomteleport.manual.option.*: description: Gives permission to use certain options in the command default: op randomteleport.tpothers: description: Gives permission to teleport other players default: op randomteleport.cooldownexempt: description: Teleportcooldown does not effect these players default: op randomteleport.stat: description: Permission for showing the teleport statistic default: op randomteleport.reload: description: Permission to use the reload command default: op randomteleport.presets.default: description: Gives permission to use the default random teleport preset default: op randomteleport.presets.*: description: Gives permission to use all random teleport presets default: op randomteleport.sign.preset.default: description: Gives permission to use the default preset with a rightclick on a preset sign default: op randomteleport.sign.preset.*: description: Gives permission to use all presets with a rightclick on a preset sign default: op randomteleport.sign.create: description: Allows creating preset signs ([rtp] or [RandomTP] on the 2nd line and the preset name on the 3rd) default: op randomteleport.sign.destroy: description: Allows destroying preset signs ([rtp] or [RandomTP] on the 2nd line and the preset name on the 3rd) default: op