
27 lines
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reloaded: "&eReloaded the config. Some settings might require a server restart!"
search: "&7RandomTeleport searches for a safe place in world {worldname}. . ."
teleport: "&7RandomTeleport teleported you to X: {x} Y: {y} Z: {z}!"
setspawnpoint: "&7Your Respawnpoint has been set to your current location!"
created: "&aRandomTeleport preset sign &e{preset}&a created!"
destroyed: "&aRandomTeleport preset sign &e{preset}&a destroyed!"
destroy: "&cYou don't have permission to destroy RandomTeleport preset signs! &o({perm})"
create: "&cYou don't have permission to create RandomTeleport preset signs! &o({perm})"
use: "&cYou don't have permission to use the preset &6{preset}&c! &o({perm})"
location: "&4Error: &cRandomTeleport could not find a safe location!"
teleport: "&4Error: &cRandomTeleport could not teleport you to X: {x} Y: {y} Z: {z}!"
cooldown: "&cYou have to wait {cooldown_text} before using this RandomTeleport again!"
parse-error: "&cError while parsing option &f{option}&c with value &f{value}&c: {error}"
not-found: "&cCould not find &f{what}&c!"
player-not-found: "&cCould not find a player with the name &f{what}&c!"
world-not-found: "&cCould not find a world with the name &f{what}&c!"
preset-doesnt-exist: "&cThe RandomTeleport preset &6{preset}&c does not exist!"
preset-invalid: "&cThe preset &6{preset}&c is not setup correctly! Please contact an admin."
already-searching: "&cA search is already in progress&c!"
general: "&cYou don't have permission to do that! &o({perm})"
option: "&cYou don't have permission to use the option {option}! &o({perm})"
preset: "&cYou don't have permission to use the preset &6{preset}&c! &o({perm})"
tp-others: "&cYou don't have permission to teleport other players! &o({perm})"