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# ===============================================
# == Default Configuration File of 'ShopChest' ==
# ===============================================
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored by the server.
# If you are using special characters be sure to save this file in ANSI encoding!
# Color Codes (Must be BEFORE Formatting Codes):
# &0 = Black
# &1 = Dark Blue
# &2 = Dark Green
# &3 = Dark Aqua
# &4 = Dark Red
# &5 = Dark Purple
# &6 = Gold
# &7 = Gray
# &8 = Dark Gray
# &9 = Blue
# &a = Green
# &b = Aqua
# &c = Red
# &d = Light Purple
# &e = Yellow
# &f = White
# Formatting Codes (Must be AFTER Color Codes):
# &k = Obfuscated
# &l = Bold
# &m = Strikethrough
# &n = Underline
# &o = Italic
# &r = Reset
# \n = Extra line
# Set the main command you have to enter to manage the shops (default: "/shop ...")
main-command-name: "shop"
# Set the maximal distance to the shop where the player can see the hologram.
# Value MUST be a number (e.g. 1, 1.5, 2.75, ...)
maximal-distance: 1.75
# Set the currency symbol after price values
currency-symbol: $
# Set whether the buy price must be greater than or equal sell price.
buy-greater-or-equal-sell: true
# Set the minimum prices for each individual Item. Not per Stack, per single Item!
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'minimum-prices:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 2 spaces between the text and the edge.
# You can find the item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
minimum-prices: []
# "STONE:1": 0.5
# Priority: default < group < player
# Set the amount of shops anyone who's not listed in the sections below can have.
# If you don't want the players to have a limit, set the value to -1.
default: 5
# Set the amount of shops a player in a specific permission group can have.
# If you don't want the group to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'group:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
group: []
# "VIP": 10
# Set the amount of shops a specific player can have.
# You can add a player by its name or by its UUID, but please do NOT provide the name and the UUID.
# If you don't want the player to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'player:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
player: []
# "EpicEric": 50
# "898afbbe-6566-4a0f-b0ac-145868b3cb12": 50
# Set the message when a shop is created at the clicked chest.
shop-created: "&6Shop created."
# Set the message when the clicked chest already is a shop.
chest-already-shop: "&cChest already is shop."
# Set the message when the clicked shop is removed.
shop-removed: "&6Shop removed."
# Set the message when the clicked chest is not a shop.
chest-no-shop: "&cChest is not a shop."
# Set the message the player gets in the first row after entering '/shop info'.
# Usable regex: %VENDOR%
vendor: "&6Vendor: %VENDOR%"
# Set the message the player gets in the second row after entering '/shop info'.
# Usable regex: %AMOUNT%, %ITEMNAME%
product: "&6Product: %AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%"
# Set the message the player gets in the third row after entering '/shop info' if the item is enchanted
# Usable regex: %ENCHANTMENT%
enchantments: "&6Enchantments: %ENCHANTMENT%"
# Set the message the player gets in the third/fourth row after entering '/shop info'.
# If the sell price or buy price is disabled, this message will be displayed instead of the price and the currency symbol in the message above.
disabled: "&7Disabled&6"
# Set the message the player gets in the fourth/fifth row after entering '/shop info'...
# ...when the shop is infinite.
is-infinite: "&6Type: Infinite"
# ...when the shop is not infinite.
is-not-infinite: "&6Type: Normal"
# Set the message when the clicked block is not a chest.
block-no-chest: "&cBlock is not a chest"
# Set the message when the player tries to create a shop with sell price and buy price set to 0
buy-and-sell-disabled: "&cYou can't create a shop with buying and selling disabled."
# Set the message when the player successfully bought something.
buy-success: "&aYou bought &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%BUY-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from &6%VENDOR%&a."
# Set the message when the player successfully sold something.
sell-success: "&aYou sold &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%SELL-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a to &6%VENDOR%&a."
# Set the message when a player bought something from the players' shop.
someone-bought: "&6%PLAYER% &abought &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%BUY-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from your shop."
# Set the message when a player sold something to the players' shop.
someone-sold: "&6%PLAYER% &asold &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%SELL-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from your shop."
# Set the message when the inventory is full when the player is buying something.
not-enough-inventory-space: "&cNot enough space in inventory."
# Set the message when the shops' inventory is full when the player is selling something.
chest-not-enough-inventory-space: "&cShop is full."
# Set the message when the player doesn't have enough money to buy something.
not-enough-money: "&cNot enough money."
# Set the message when the player doesn't have enough items to sell.
not-enough-items: "&cNot enough items."
# Set the message when the shop is out of stock.
out-of-stock: "&cShop out of stock."
# Set the message when an error occurred.
# Usable regex: %ERROR%
error-occurred: "&cAn error occurred: %ERROR%"
# Set the message when the arguments <AMOUNT> and <PRICE> of '/shop create' are not a number.
amount-and-price-not-number: "&cAmount and price must be a number."
# Set the message when the player doesn't hold an item in the hand.
no-item-in-hand: "&cNo item in hand"
# Set the message when the player must click a chest to create a shop.
click-chest-to-create-shop: "&aClick a chest to create a shop."
# Set the message when the player must click a shop to remove it.
click-chest-to-remove-shop: "&aClick a shop-chest to remove the shop."
# Set the message when the player must click a shop to retrieve information.
click-chest-for-info: "&aClick a shop to retrieve information."
# Set the message when the player opened a shop.
# Usable regex: %VENDOR%
opened-shop: "&aYou opened %VENDOR%'s shop."
# Set the message when the player tries to break a shop.
cannot-break-shop: "&cYou can't break a shop."
# Set the message when the player tries to sell a broken item.
cannot-sell-broken-item: "&cYou can't sell a broken item."
# Set the message when the entered buy price is below the minimum price.
# Usable regex: %MIN-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
buy-price-too-low: "&cThe buy price must be higher than %MIN-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%."
# Set the message when the entered sell price is below the minimum price.
# Usable regex: %MIN-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
sell-price-too-low: "&cThe sell price must be higher than %MIN-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%."
# Set the message when buying is disabled at the shop.
buying-disabled: "&cBuying is disabled at this shop."
# Set the message when selling is disabled at the shop.
selling-disabled: "&cSelling is disabled at this shop."
# Set the message when reloading is done.
# Usable regex: %AMOUNT% (Amount of shops)
reloaded-shops: "&aSuccessfully reloaded %AMOUNT% shop/s."
# Set the message when the players' shop limit is reached.
# Usable regex: %LIMIT%
shop-limit-reached: "&cYou reached your limit of &6%LIMIT% &cshop/s."
# Set the message that shows the player how many shop slots of his shop limit he has occupied.
# Usable regex: %LIMIT%, %AMOUNT% (Amount of shops)
occupied-shop-slots: "&6You have &c%AMOUNT%/%LIMIT% &6shop slot/s occupied."
# Set the message when an update is available.
# Unfortunately only the last colored part of the text (if you have multiple colors) becomes clickable (default: only '&chere' is clickable).
# Usable regex: %VERSION%
update-available: "&l&6Version &c%VERSION% &6of &cShopChest &6is available &chere."
# Set the message you get when hovering over the available message.
click-to-download: "Click to download"
# Set the message when no update is available.
no-update: "&l&6No new update available."
# Set the message when the update checker is started.
checking: "&l&6Checking for Updates..."
# Set the message in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can buy and sell an item.
# Set the message in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can only buy an item.
# Usable regex: %BUY-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
# Set the message in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can only sell an item.
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to create a shop.
create: "&cYou don't have permission to create a shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to create an infinite shop.
create-infinite: "&cYou don't have permission to create an infinite shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to open another players' shop.
open-others: "&cYou don't have permission to open this chest."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to buy something.
buy: "&cYou don't have permission to buy something."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to sell something.
sell: "&cYou don't have permission to sell something."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to remove another players' shop.
remove-others: "&cYou don't have permission to remove this shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to reload the shops.
reload: "&cYou don't have permission to reload the shops."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to check for updates.
update: "&cYou don't have permission to check for updates."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to view the shop limits.
limits: "&cYou don't have permission to view the shop limits."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> create' when you type '/<main-command>'.
create: "Create a shop."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> remove' when you type '/<main-command>'.
remove: "Remove a shop."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> info' when you type '/<main-command>'.
info: "Retrieve shop information."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> reload' when you type '/<main-command>'.
reload: "Reload shops."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> update' when you type '/<main-command>'.
update: "Check for Updates."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> limits' when you type '/<main-command>'.
limits: "View shop limits."
# End of file. |