package de.epiceric.shopchest.command; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import de.epiceric.shopchest.ShopChest; import de.epiceric.shopchest.config.Config; import de.epiceric.shopchest.config.Placeholder; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopPreCreateEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopPreInfoEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopPreOpenEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopPreRemoveEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopReloadEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.event.ShopRemoveAllEvent; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.LanguageUtils; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.Message; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.Replacement; import; import; import; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.Callback; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.ClickType; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.ClickType.CreateClickType; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.ClickType.SelectClickType; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.ItemUtils; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.Permissions; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.ShopUtils; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.UpdateChecker; import de.epiceric.shopchest.utils.Utils; class ShopCommandExecutor implements CommandExecutor { private ShopChest plugin; private ShopUtils shopUtils; ShopCommandExecutor(ShopChest plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; this.shopUtils = plugin.getShopUtils(); } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String s, String[] args) { List subCommands = plugin.getShopCommand().getSubCommands(); if (args.length > 0) { String _subCommand = args[0]; ShopSubCommand subCommand = null; for (ShopSubCommand shopSubCommand : subCommands) { if (shopSubCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(_subCommand)) { subCommand = shopSubCommand; break; } } if (subCommand == null) { return false; } if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) { if (sender.hasPermission(Permissions.RELOAD)) { reload(sender); } else { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_RELOAD)); } } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("update")) { if (sender.hasPermission(Permissions.UPDATE)) { checkUpdates(sender); } else { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_UPDATE)); } } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("config")) { if (sender.hasPermission(Permissions.CONFIG)) { return args.length >= 4 && changeConfig(sender, args); } else { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_CONFIG)); } } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("removeall")) { if (sender.hasPermission(Permissions.REMOVE_OTHER)) { if (args.length >= 2) { removeAll(sender, args); } else { return false; } } else { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_REMOVE_OTHERS)); } } else { if (sender instanceof Player) { Player p = (Player) sender; if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("create")) { if (args.length == 4) { create(args, Shop.ShopType.NORMAL, p); } else if (args.length == 5) { if (args[4].equalsIgnoreCase("normal")) { create(args, Shop.ShopType.NORMAL, p); } else if (args[4].equalsIgnoreCase("admin")) { if (p.hasPermission(Permissions.CREATE_ADMIN)) { create(args, Shop.ShopType.ADMIN, p); } else { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_CREATE_ADMIN)); } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) { remove(p); } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("info")) { info(p); } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("limits")) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " is viewing his shop limits: " + shopUtils.getShopAmount(p) + "/" + shopUtils.getShopLimit(p)); int limit = shopUtils.getShopLimit(p); p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.OCCUPIED_SHOP_SLOTS, new Replacement(Placeholder.LIMIT, (limit < 0 ? "∞" : String.valueOf(limit))), new Replacement(Placeholder.AMOUNT, String.valueOf(shopUtils.getShopAmount(p))))); } else if (subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("open")) { open(p); } else { return false; } } } return true; } return false; } /** * A given player checks for updates * @param sender The command executor */ private void checkUpdates(CommandSender sender) { plugin.debug(sender.getName() + " is checking for updates"); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_CHECKING)); UpdateChecker uc = new UpdateChecker(ShopChest.getInstance()); UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerResult result = uc.check(); if (result == UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerResult.TRUE) { plugin.setLatestVersion(uc.getVersion()); plugin.setDownloadLink(uc.getLink()); plugin.setUpdateNeeded(true); if (sender instanceof Player) { Utils.sendUpdateMessage(plugin, (Player) sender); } else { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_AVAILABLE, new Replacement(Placeholder.VERSION, uc.getVersion()))); } } else if (result == UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerResult.FALSE) { plugin.setLatestVersion(""); plugin.setDownloadLink(""); plugin.setUpdateNeeded(false); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_NO_UPDATE)); } else { plugin.setLatestVersion(""); plugin.setDownloadLink(""); plugin.setUpdateNeeded(false); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_ERROR)); } } /** * A given player reloads the shops * @param sender The command executor */ private void reload(final CommandSender sender) { plugin.debug(sender.getName() + " is reloading the shops"); ShopReloadEvent event = new ShopReloadEvent(sender); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()){ plugin.debug("Reload event cancelled"); return; } // Reload configurations plugin.getShopChestConfig().reload(false, true, true); plugin.getHologramFormat().reload(); plugin.getUpdater().restart(); // Remove all shops for (Shop shop : shopUtils.getShops()) { shopUtils.removeShop(shop, false); } Chunk[] loadedChunks = Bukkit.getWorlds().stream().map(World::getLoadedChunks) .flatMap(Stream::of).toArray(Chunk[]::new); // Reconnect to the database and re-load shops in loaded chunks plugin.getShopDatabase().connect(new Callback(plugin) { @Override public void onResult(Integer result) { shopUtils.loadShops(loadedChunks, new Callback(plugin) { @Override public void onResult(Integer result) { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.RELOADED_SHOPS, new Replacement(Placeholder.AMOUNT, String.valueOf(result)))); plugin.debug(sender.getName() + " has reloaded " + result + " shops"); } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.ERROR_OCCURRED, new Replacement(Placeholder.ERROR, "Failed to load shops from database"))); plugin.getLogger().severe("Failed to load shops"); if (throwable != null) plugin.getLogger().severe(throwable.getMessage()); } }); } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { // Database connection probably failed => disable plugin to prevent more errors sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.ERROR_OCCURRED, new Replacement(Placeholder.ERROR, "No database access: Disabling ShopChest"))); plugin.getLogger().severe("No database access: Disabling ShopChest"); if (throwable != null) plugin.getLogger().severe(throwable.getMessage()); plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().disablePlugin(plugin); } }); } /** * A given player creates a shop * @param args Arguments of the entered command * @param shopType The {@link Shop.ShopType}, the shop will have * @param p The command executor */ private void create(String[] args, Shop.ShopType shopType, final Player p) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " wants to create a shop"); int amount; double buyPrice, sellPrice; // Check if amount and prices are valid try { amount = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); buyPrice = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); sellPrice = Double.parseDouble(args[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.AMOUNT_PRICE_NOT_NUMBER)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " has entered an invalid amount and/or prices"); return; } if (!Utils.hasPermissionToCreateShop(p, Utils.getPreferredItemInHand(p), buyPrice > 0, sellPrice > 0)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_PERMISSION_CREATE)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " is not permitted to create the shop"); return; } // Check for limits int limit = shopUtils.getShopLimit(p); if (limit != -1) { if (shopUtils.getShopAmount(p) >= limit) { if (shopType != Shop.ShopType.ADMIN) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.SHOP_LIMIT_REACHED, new Replacement(Placeholder.LIMIT, String.valueOf(limit)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " has reached the limit"); return; } } } if (amount <= 0) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.AMOUNT_IS_ZERO)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " has entered an invalid amount"); return; } if (!Config.allowDecimalsInPrice && (buyPrice != (int) buyPrice || sellPrice != (int) sellPrice)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.PRICES_CONTAIN_DECIMALS)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " has entered an invalid price"); return; } boolean buyEnabled = buyPrice > 0; boolean sellEnabled = sellPrice > 0; if (!buyEnabled && !sellEnabled) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.BUY_SELL_DISABLED)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " has disabled buying and selling"); return; } ItemStack inHand = Utils.getPreferredItemInHand(p); // Check if item in hand if (inHand == null) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " does not have an item in his hand"); if (!Config.creativeSelectItem) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.NO_ITEM_IN_HAND)); return; } if (!(ClickType.getPlayerClickType(p) instanceof SelectClickType)) { // Don't set previous game mode to creative if player already has select click type ClickType.setPlayerClickType(p, new SelectClickType(p.getGameMode(), amount, buyPrice, sellPrice, shopType)); p.setGameMode(GameMode.CREATIVE); } p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.SELECT_ITEM)); } else { SelectClickType ct = new SelectClickType(null, amount, buyPrice, sellPrice, shopType); ct.setItem(inHand); create2(p, ct); } } /** * SHALL ONLY BE CALLED VIA {@link ShopCommand#createShopAfterSelected()} */ protected void create2(Player p, SelectClickType selectClickType) { ItemStack itemStack = selectClickType.getItem(); int amount = selectClickType.getAmount(); double buyPrice = selectClickType.getBuyPrice(); double sellPrice = selectClickType.getSellPrice(); boolean buyEnabled = buyPrice > 0; boolean sellEnabled = sellPrice > 0; ShopType shopType = selectClickType.getShopType(); // Check if item on blacklist for (String item :Config.blacklist) { ItemStack is = ItemUtils.getItemStack(item); if (is == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Invalid item found in blacklist: " + item); plugin.debug("Invalid item in blacklist: " + item); continue; } if (is.getType().equals(itemStack.getType()) && is.getDurability() == itemStack.getDurability()) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CANNOT_SELL_ITEM)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s item is on the blacklist"); return; } } // Check if prices lower than minimum price for (String key :Config.minimumPrices) { ItemStack is = ItemUtils.getItemStack(key); double minPrice = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("minimum-prices." + key); if (is == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Invalid item found in minimum-prices: " + key); plugin.debug("Invalid item in minimum-prices: " + key); continue; } if (is.getType().equals(itemStack.getType()) && is.getDurability() == itemStack.getDurability()) { if (buyEnabled) { if ((buyPrice < amount * minPrice) && (buyPrice > 0)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.BUY_PRICE_TOO_LOW, new Replacement(Placeholder.MIN_PRICE, String.valueOf(amount * minPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s buy price is lower than the minimum"); return; } } if (sellEnabled) { if ((sellPrice < amount * minPrice) && (sellPrice > 0)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.SELL_PRICE_TOO_LOW, new Replacement(Placeholder.MIN_PRICE, String.valueOf(amount * minPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s sell price is lower than the minimum"); return; } } } } // Check if prices higher than maximum price for (String key :Config.maximumPrices) { ItemStack is = ItemUtils.getItemStack(key); double maxPrice = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("maximum-prices." + key); if (is == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Invalid item found in maximum-prices: " + key); plugin.debug("Invalid item in maximum-prices: " + key); continue; } if (is.getType().equals(itemStack.getType()) && is.getDurability() == itemStack.getDurability()) { if (buyEnabled) { if ((buyPrice > amount * maxPrice) && (buyPrice > 0)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.BUY_PRICE_TOO_HIGH, new Replacement(Placeholder.MAX_PRICE, String.valueOf(amount * maxPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s buy price is higher than the maximum"); return; } } if (sellEnabled) { if ((sellPrice > amount * maxPrice) && (sellPrice > 0)) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.SELL_PRICE_TOO_HIGH, new Replacement(Placeholder.MAX_PRICE, String.valueOf(amount * maxPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s sell price is higher than the maximum"); return; } } } } if (sellEnabled && buyEnabled) { if (Config.buyGreaterOrEqualSell) { if (buyPrice < sellPrice) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.BUY_PRICE_TOO_LOW, new Replacement(Placeholder.MIN_PRICE, String.valueOf(sellPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s buy price is lower than the sell price"); return; } } } if (Enchantment.DURABILITY.canEnchantItem(itemStack)) { if (itemStack.getDurability() > 0 && !Config.allowBrokenItems) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CANNOT_SELL_BROKEN_ITEM)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + "'s item is broken"); return; } } double creationPrice = (shopType == Shop.ShopType.NORMAL) ?Config.shopCreationPriceNormal :Config.shopCreationPriceAdmin; if (creationPrice > 0) { if (plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(p, p.getWorld().getName()) < creationPrice) { p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.SHOP_CREATE_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY, new Replacement(Placeholder.CREATION_PRICE, String.valueOf(creationPrice)))); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " can not pay the creation price"); return; } } ShopProduct product = new ShopProduct(itemStack, amount); ShopPreCreateEvent event = new ShopPreCreateEvent(p, new Shop(plugin, p, product, null, buyPrice, sellPrice, shopType)); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { ClickType.setPlayerClickType(p, new CreateClickType(product, buyPrice, sellPrice, shopType)); plugin.debug(p.getName() + " can now click a chest"); p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CLICK_CHEST_CREATE)); } else { plugin.debug("Shop pre create event cancelled"); } } /** * A given player removes a shop * @param p The command executor */ private void remove(final Player p) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " wants to remove a shop"); ShopPreRemoveEvent event = new ShopPreRemoveEvent(p); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { plugin.debug("Shop pre remove event cancelled"); return; } plugin.debug(p.getName() + " can now click a chest"); p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CLICK_CHEST_REMOVE)); ClickType.setPlayerClickType(p, new ClickType(ClickType.EnumClickType.REMOVE)); } /** * A given player retrieves information about a shop * @param p The command executor */ private void info(final Player p) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " wants to retrieve information"); ShopPreInfoEvent event = new ShopPreInfoEvent(p); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { plugin.debug("Shop pre info event cancelled"); return; } plugin.debug(p.getName() + " can now click a chest"); p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CLICK_CHEST_INFO)); ClickType.setPlayerClickType(p, new ClickType(ClickType.EnumClickType.INFO)); } /** * A given player opens a shop * @param p The command executor */ private void open(final Player p) { plugin.debug(p.getName() + " wants to open a shop"); ShopPreOpenEvent event = new ShopPreOpenEvent(p); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { plugin.debug("Shop pre open event cancelled"); return; } plugin.debug(p.getName() + " can now click a chest"); p.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CLICK_CHEST_OPEN)); ClickType.setPlayerClickType(p, new ClickType(ClickType.EnumClickType.OPEN)); } private boolean changeConfig(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { plugin.debug(sender.getName() + " is changing the configuration"); String property = args[2]; String value = args[3]; if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("set")) { plugin.getShopChestConfig().set(property, value); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CHANGED_CONFIG_SET, new Replacement(Placeholder.PROPERTY, property), new Replacement(Placeholder.VALUE, value))); } else if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("add")) { plugin.getShopChestConfig().add(property, value); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CHANGED_CONFIG_ADDED, new Replacement(Placeholder.PROPERTY, property), new Replacement(Placeholder.VALUE, value))); } else if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) { plugin.getShopChestConfig().remove(property, value); sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.CHANGED_CONFIG_REMOVED, new Replacement(Placeholder.PROPERTY, property), new Replacement(Placeholder.VALUE, value))); } else { return false; } return true; } private void removeAll(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { OfflinePlayer vendor = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]); plugin.debug(sender.getName() + " is removing all shops of " + vendor.getName()); plugin.getShopUtils().getShops(vendor, new Callback>(plugin) { @Override public void onResult(Collection result) { List shops = new ArrayList<>(result); ShopRemoveAllEvent event = new ShopRemoveAllEvent(sender, vendor, shops); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()){ plugin.debug("Remove all event cancelled"); return; } for (Shop shop : shops) { shopUtils.removeShop(shop, true); } sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.ALL_SHOPS_REMOVED, new Replacement(Placeholder.AMOUNT, String.valueOf(shops.size())), new Replacement(Placeholder.VENDOR, vendor.getName()))); } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { sender.sendMessage(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.ERROR_OCCURRED, new Replacement(Placeholder.ERROR, "Failed to get player's shops"))); } }); } }