package de.epiceric.shopchest.utils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Chest; import org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest; import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import de.epiceric.shopchest.ShopChest; import de.epiceric.shopchest.config.Placeholder; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.LanguageUtils; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.Message; import de.epiceric.shopchest.language.Replacement; import de.epiceric.shopchest.nms.CustomBookMeta; import de.epiceric.shopchest.nms.JsonBuilder; import; public class Utils { /** * Check if two items are similar to each other * @param itemStack1 The first item * @param itemStack2 The second item * @return {@code true} if the given items are similar or {@code false} if not */ public static boolean isItemSimilar(ItemStack itemStack1, ItemStack itemStack2) { if (itemStack1 == null || itemStack2 == null) { return false; } ItemMeta itemMeta1 = itemStack1.getItemMeta(); ItemMeta itemMeta2 = itemStack2.getItemMeta(); if (itemMeta1 instanceof BookMeta && itemMeta2 instanceof BookMeta) { BookMeta bookMeta1 = (BookMeta) itemStack1.getItemMeta(); BookMeta bookMeta2 = (BookMeta) itemStack2.getItemMeta(); if ((getMajorVersion() == 9 && getRevision() == 1) || getMajorVersion() == 8) { CustomBookMeta.Generation generation1 = CustomBookMeta.getGeneration(itemStack1); CustomBookMeta.Generation generation2 = CustomBookMeta.getGeneration(itemStack2); if (generation1 == null) CustomBookMeta.setGeneration(itemStack1, CustomBookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL); if (generation2 == null) CustomBookMeta.setGeneration(itemStack2, CustomBookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL); } else { if (bookMeta1.getGeneration() == null) bookMeta1.setGeneration(BookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL); if (bookMeta2.getGeneration() == null) bookMeta2.setGeneration(BookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL); } itemStack1.setItemMeta(bookMeta1); itemStack2.setItemMeta(bookMeta2); itemStack1 = decode(encode(itemStack1)); itemStack2 = decode(encode(itemStack2)); } return itemStack1.isSimilar(itemStack2); } /** * Gets the amount of items in an inventory * * @param inventory The inventory, in which the items are counted * @param itemStack The items to count * @return Amount of given items in the given inventory */ public static int getAmount(Inventory inventory, ItemStack itemStack) { int amount = 0; ArrayList inventoryItems = new ArrayList<>(); if (inventory instanceof PlayerInventory) { for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) { if (i == 36) { if (getMajorVersion() < 9) { break; } i = 40; } inventoryItems.add(inventory.getItem(i)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) { inventoryItems.add(inventory.getItem(i)); } } for (ItemStack item : inventoryItems) { if (isItemSimilar(item, itemStack)) { amount += item.getAmount(); } } return amount; } /** * Get the amount of the given item, that fits in the given inventory * * @param inventory Inventory, where to search for free space * @param itemStack Item, of which the amount that fits in the inventory should be returned * @return Amount of the given item, that fits in the given inventory */ public static int getFreeSpaceForItem(Inventory inventory, ItemStack itemStack) { HashMap slotFree = new HashMap<>(); if (inventory instanceof PlayerInventory) { for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) { if (i == 36) { if (getMajorVersion() < 9) { break; } i = 40; } ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i); if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) { slotFree.put(i, itemStack.getMaxStackSize()); } else { if (isItemSimilar(item, itemStack)) { int amountInSlot = item.getAmount(); int amountToFullStack = itemStack.getMaxStackSize() - amountInSlot; slotFree.put(i, amountToFullStack); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) { ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i); if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) { slotFree.put(i, itemStack.getMaxStackSize()); } else { if (isItemSimilar(item, itemStack)) { int amountInSlot = item.getAmount(); int amountToFullStack = itemStack.getMaxStackSize() - amountInSlot; slotFree.put(i, amountToFullStack); } } } } int freeAmount = 0; for (int value : slotFree.values()) { freeAmount += value; } return freeAmount; } /** * @param p Player whose item in his main hand should be returned * @return {@link ItemStack} in his main hand, or {@code null} if he doesn't hold one */ public static ItemStack getItemInMainHand(Player p) { if (getMajorVersion() < 9) { if (p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.AIR) return null; else return p.getItemInHand(); } if (p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getType() == Material.AIR) return null; else return p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand(); } /** * @param p Player whose item in his off hand should be returned * @return {@link ItemStack} in his off hand, or {@code null} if he doesn't hold one or the server version is below 1.9 */ public static ItemStack getItemInOffHand(Player p) { if (getMajorVersion() < 9) return null; else if (p.getInventory().getItemInOffHand().getType() == Material.AIR) return null; else return p.getInventory().getItemInOffHand(); } /** * @param p Player whose item in his hand should be returned * @return Item in his main hand, or the item in his off if he doesn't have one in this main hand, or {@code null} * if he doesn't have one in both hands */ public static ItemStack getPreferredItemInHand(Player p) { if (getMajorVersion() < 9) return getItemInMainHand(p); else if (getItemInMainHand(p) != null) return getItemInMainHand(p); else return getItemInOffHand(p); } /** * @param p Player to check if he has an axe in one of his hands * @return Whether a player has an axe in one of his hands */ public static boolean hasAxeInHand(Player p) { List axes; if (Utils.getMajorVersion() < 13) axes = Arrays.asList("WOOD_AXE", "STONE_AXE", "IRON_AXE", "GOLD_AXE", "DIAMOND_AXE"); else axes = Arrays.asList("WOODEN_AXE", "STONE_AXE", "IRON_AXE", "GOLDEN_AXE", "DIAMOND_AXE"); ItemStack item = getItemInMainHand(p); if (item == null || !axes.contains(item.getType().toString())) { item = getItemInOffHand(p); } return item != null && axes.contains(item.getType().toString()); } /** *

Check if a player is allowed to create a shop that sells or buys the given item.

* @param player Player to check * @param item Item to be sold or bought * @param buy Whether buying should be enabled * @param sell Whether selling should be enabled * @return Whether the player is allowed */ public static boolean hasPermissionToCreateShop(Player player, ItemStack item, boolean buy, boolean sell) { if (hasPermissionToCreateShop(player, item, Permissions.CREATE)) { return true; } else if (!sell && buy && hasPermissionToCreateShop(player, item,Permissions.CREATE_BUY)) { return true; } else if (!buy && sell && hasPermissionToCreateShop(player, item, Permissions.CREATE_SELL)) { return true; } else if (buy && sell && hasPermissionToCreateShop(player, item, Permissions.CREATE_BUY, Permissions.CREATE_SELL)) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean hasPermissionToCreateShop(Player player, ItemStack item, String... permissions) { for (String permission : permissions) { boolean b1 = false; boolean b2 = false; boolean b3 = false; if (player.hasPermission(permission)) { b1 = true; } if (item != null) { if (item.getDurability() == 0) { String perm1 = permission + "." + item.getType().toString(); String perm2 = permission + "." + item.getType().toString() + ".0"; if (player.hasPermission(perm1) || player.hasPermission(perm2)) { b2 = true; } } if (player.hasPermission(permission + "." + item.getType().toString() + "." + item.getDurability())) { b3 = true; } } if (!(b1 || b2 || b3)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get a set for the location(s) of the shop's chest(s) * @param shop The shop * @return A set of 1 or 2 locations */ public static Set getChestLocations(Shop shop) { Set chestLocations = new HashSet<>(); InventoryHolder ih = shop.getInventoryHolder(); if (ih instanceof DoubleChest) { DoubleChest dc = (DoubleChest) ih; chestLocations.add(((Chest) dc.getLeftSide()).getLocation()); chestLocations.add(((Chest) dc.getRightSide()).getLocation()); } else { chestLocations.add(shop.getLocation()); } return chestLocations; } /** * Send a clickable update notification to the given player. * @param plugin An instance of the {@link ShopChest} plugin * @param p The player to receive the notification */ public static void sendUpdateMessage(ShopChest plugin, Player p) { JsonBuilder jb = new JsonBuilder(plugin); Map hoverEvent = new HashMap<>(); hoverEvent.put("action", new JsonBuilder.Part("show_text")); hoverEvent.put("value", new JsonBuilder.Part(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_CLICK_TO_DOWNLOAD))); Map clickEvent = new HashMap<>(); clickEvent.put("action", new JsonBuilder.Part("open_url")); clickEvent.put("value", new JsonBuilder.Part(plugin.getDownloadLink())); JsonBuilder.PartMap rootPart = JsonBuilder.parse(LanguageUtils.getMessage(Message.UPDATE_AVAILABLE, new Replacement(Placeholder.VERSION, plugin.getLatestVersion()))).toMap(); rootPart.setValue("hoverEvent", new JsonBuilder.PartMap(hoverEvent)); rootPart.setValue("clickEvent", new JsonBuilder.PartMap(clickEvent)); jb.setRootPart(rootPart); jb.sendJson(p); } /** * @param className Name of the class * @return Class in {@code net.minecraft.server.[VERSION]} package with the specified name or {@code null} if the class was not found */ public static Class getNMSClass(String className) { try { return Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + getServerVersion() + "." + className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } /** * @param className Name of the class * @return Class in {@code org.bukkit.craftbukkit.[VERSION]} package with the specified name or {@code null} if the class was not found */ public static Class getCraftClass(String className) { try { return Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + getServerVersion() + "." + className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } /** * Create a NMS data watcher object to send via a {@code PacketPlayOutEntityMetadata} packet. * Gravity will be disabled and the custom name will be displayed if available. * @param customName Custom Name of the entity or {@code null} * @param nmsItemStack NMS ItemStack or {@code null} if armor stand */ public static Object createDataWatcher(String customName, Object nmsItemStack) { String version = getServerVersion(); int majorVersion = getMajorVersion(); try { Class entityClass = getNMSClass("Entity"); Class entityArmorStandClass = getNMSClass("EntityArmorStand"); Class entityItemClass = getNMSClass("EntityItem"); Class dataWatcherClass = getNMSClass("DataWatcher"); Class dataWatcherObjectClass = getNMSClass("DataWatcherObject"); byte entityFlags = nmsItemStack == null ? (byte) 0b100000 : 0; // invisible if armor stand byte armorStandFlags = nmsItemStack == null ? (byte) 0b10000 : 0; // marker (since 1.8_R2) Object dataWatcher = dataWatcherClass.getConstructor(entityClass).newInstance((Object) null); if (majorVersion < 9) { if (getRevision() == 1) armorStandFlags = 0; // Marker not supported on 1.8_R1 Method a = dataWatcherClass.getMethod("a", int.class, Object.class); a.invoke(dataWatcher, 0, entityFlags); // flags a.invoke(dataWatcher, 1, (short) 300); // air ticks (?) a.invoke(dataWatcher, 3, (byte) (customName != null ? 1 : 0)); // custom name visible a.invoke(dataWatcher, 2, customName != null ? customName : ""); // custom name a.invoke(dataWatcher, 4, (byte) 1); // silent a.invoke(dataWatcher, 10, nmsItemStack == null ? armorStandFlags : nmsItemStack); // item / armor stand flags } else { Method register = dataWatcherClass.getMethod("register", dataWatcherObjectClass, Object.class); String[] dataWatcherObjectFieldNames; if ("v1_9_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"ax", "ay", "aA", "az", "aB", null, "c", "a"}; } else if ("v1_9_R2".equals(version)){ dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"ay", "az", "aB", "aA", "aC", null, "c", "a"}; } else if ("v1_10_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"aa", "az", "aB", "aA", "aC", "aD", "c", "a"}; } else if ("v1_11_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"Z", "az", "aB", "aA", "aC", "aD", "c", "a"}; } else if ("v1_12_R1".equals(version) || "v1_12_R2".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"Z", "aA", "aC", "aB", "aD", "aE", "c", "a"}; } else if ("v1_13_R1".equals(version) || "v1_13_R2".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"ac", "aD", "aF", "aE", "aG", "aH", "b", "a"}; } else if ("v1_14_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"W", "AIR_TICKS", "aA", "az", "aB", "aC", "ITEM", "b"}; } else if ("v1_15_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"T", "AIR_TICKS", "aA", "az", "aB", "aC", "ITEM", "b"}; } else if ("v1_16_R1".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"T", "AIR_TICKS", "ay", "ax", "az", "aA", "ITEM", "b"}; } else if ("v1_16_R2".equals(version) || "v1_16_R3".equals(version)) { dataWatcherObjectFieldNames = new String[] {"S", "AIR_TICKS", "ar", "aq", "as", "at", "ITEM", "b"}; } else { return null; } Field fEntityFlags = entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[0]); Field fAirTicks = entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[1]); Field fNameVisible = entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[2]); Field fCustomName = entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[3]); Field fSilent = entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[4]); Field fNoGravity = majorVersion >= 10 ? entityClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[5]) : null; Field fItem = entityItemClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[6]); Field fArmorStandFlags = entityArmorStandClass.getDeclaredField(dataWatcherObjectFieldNames[7]); fEntityFlags.setAccessible(true); fAirTicks.setAccessible(true); fNameVisible.setAccessible(true); fCustomName.setAccessible(true); fSilent.setAccessible(true); if (majorVersion >= 10) fNoGravity.setAccessible(true); fItem.setAccessible(true); fArmorStandFlags.setAccessible(true); register.invoke(dataWatcher, fEntityFlags.get(null), entityFlags); register.invoke(dataWatcher, fAirTicks.get(null), 300); register.invoke(dataWatcher, fNameVisible.get(null), customName != null); register.invoke(dataWatcher, fSilent.get(null), true); if (majorVersion < 13) register.invoke(dataWatcher, fCustomName.get(null), customName != null ? customName : ""); if (nmsItemStack != null) { register.invoke(dataWatcher, fItem.get(null), majorVersion < 11 ? : nmsItemStack); } else { register.invoke(dataWatcher, fArmorStandFlags.get(null), armorStandFlags); } if (majorVersion >= 10) { register.invoke(dataWatcher, fNoGravity.get(null), true); if (majorVersion >= 13) { if (customName != null) { Class chatSerializerClass = Utils.getNMSClass("IChatBaseComponent$ChatSerializer"); Object iChatBaseComponent = chatSerializerClass.getMethod("a", String.class).invoke(null, JsonBuilder.parse(customName).toString()); register.invoke(dataWatcher, fCustomName.get(null), Optional.of(iChatBaseComponent)); } else { register.invoke(dataWatcher, fCustomName.get(null), Optional.empty()); } } } } return dataWatcher; } catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException e) { ShopChest.getInstance().getLogger().severe("Failed to create data watcher!"); ShopChest.getInstance().debug("Failed to create data watcher"); ShopChest.getInstance().debug(e); } return null; } /** * Get a free entity ID for use in {@link #createPacketSpawnEntity(ShopChest, int, UUID, Location, Vector, EntityType)} * * @return The id or {@code -1} if a free entity ID could not be retrieved. */ public static int getFreeEntityId() { try { Class entityClass = getNMSClass("Entity"); Field entityCountField = entityClass.getDeclaredField("entityCount"); entityCountField.setAccessible(true); if (entityCountField.getType() == int.class) { int id = entityCountField.getInt(null); entityCountField.setInt(null, id+1); return id; } else if (entityCountField.getType() == AtomicInteger.class) { return ((AtomicInteger) entityCountField.get(null)).incrementAndGet(); } return -1; } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * Create a {@code PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity} object. * Only {@link EntityType#ARMOR_STAND} and {@link EntityType#DROPPED_ITEM} are supported! */ public static Object createPacketSpawnEntity(ShopChest plugin, int id, UUID uuid, Location loc, EntityType type) { try { Class packetClass = getNMSClass("PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity"); Object packet = packetClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); boolean isPre9 = getMajorVersion() < 9; boolean isPre14 = getMajorVersion() < 14; Field[] fields = new Field[12]; fields[0] = packetClass.getDeclaredField("a"); // ID fields[1] = packetClass.getDeclaredField("b"); // UUID (Only 1.9+) fields[2] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "b" : "c"); // Loc X fields[3] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "c" : "d"); // Loc Y fields[4] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "d" : "e"); // Loc Z fields[5] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "e" : "f"); // Mot X fields[6] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "f" : "g"); // Mot Y fields[7] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "g" : "h"); // Mot Z fields[8] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "h" : "i"); // Pitch fields[9] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "i" : "j"); // Yaw fields[10] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "j" : "k"); // Type fields[11] = packetClass.getDeclaredField(isPre9 ? "k" : "l"); // Data for (Field field : fields) { field.setAccessible(true); } Object entityType = null; if (!isPre14) { Class entityTypesClass = getNMSClass("EntityTypes"); entityType = entityTypesClass.getField(type == EntityType.ARMOR_STAND ? "ARMOR_STAND" : "ITEM").get(null); } double y = loc.getY(); if (type == EntityType.ARMOR_STAND && !getServerVersion().equals("v1_8_R1")) { // Marker armor stand => lift by normal armor stand height y += 1.975; } fields[0].set(packet, id); if (!isPre9) fields[1].set(packet, uuid); if (isPre9) { fields[2].set(packet, (int)(loc.getX() * 32)); fields[3].set(packet, (int)(y * 32)); fields[4].set(packet, (int)(loc.getZ() * 32)); } else { fields[2].set(packet, loc.getX()); fields[3].set(packet, y); fields[4].set(packet, loc.getZ()); } fields[5].set(packet, 0); fields[6].set(packet, 0); fields[7].set(packet, 0); fields[8].set(packet, 0); fields[9].set(packet, 0); if (isPre14) fields[10].set(packet, type == EntityType.ARMOR_STAND ? 78 : 2); else fields[10].set(packet, entityType); fields[11].set(packet, 0); return packet; } catch (NoSuchMethodException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e) { plugin.getLogger().severe("Failed to create packet to spawn entity!"); plugin.debug("Failed to create packet to spawn entity!"); plugin.debug(e); return null; } } /** * Send a packet to a player * @param plugin An instance of the {@link ShopChest} plugin * @param packet Packet to send * @param player Player to which the packet should be sent * @return {@code true} if the packet was sent, or {@code false} if an exception was thrown */ public static boolean sendPacket(ShopChest plugin, Object packet, Player player) { try { if (packet == null) { plugin.debug("Failed to send packet: Packet is null"); return false; } Class packetClass = getNMSClass("Packet"); if (packetClass == null) { plugin.debug("Failed to send packet: Could not find Packet class"); return false; } Object nmsPlayer = player.getClass().getMethod("getHandle").invoke(player); Object playerConnection = nmsPlayer.getClass().getField("playerConnection").get(nmsPlayer); playerConnection.getClass().getMethod("sendPacket", packetClass).invoke(playerConnection, packet); return true; } catch (NoSuchMethodException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { plugin.getLogger().severe("Failed to send packet " + packet.getClass().getName()); plugin.debug("Failed to send packet " + packet.getClass().getName()); plugin.debug(e); return false; } } /** * @return The current server version with revision number (e.g. v1_9_R2, v1_10_R1) */ public static String getServerVersion() { String packageName = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName(); return packageName.substring(packageName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } /** * @return The revision of the current server version (e.g. 2 for v1_9_R2, 1 for v1_10_R1) */ public static int getRevision() { return Integer.parseInt(getServerVersion().substring(getServerVersion().length() - 1)); } /** * @return The major version of the server (e.g. 9 for 1.9.2, 10 for 1.10) */ public static int getMajorVersion() { return Integer.parseInt(getServerVersion().split("_")[1]); } /** * Encodes an {@link ItemStack} in a Base64 String * @param itemStack {@link ItemStack} to encode * @return Base64 encoded String */ public static String encode(ItemStack itemStack) { YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); config.set("i", itemStack); return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(config.saveToString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } /** * Decodes an {@link ItemStack} from a Base64 String * @param string Base64 encoded String to decode * @return Decoded {@link ItemStack} */ public static ItemStack decode(String string) { YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); try { config.loadFromString(new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(string), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return config.getItemStack("i", null); } }