
224 lines
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# ===============================================
# ====== Configuration File of 'ShopChest' ======
# ===============================================
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored by the server.
# You can find item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
# Set the main command you have to enter to manage the shops.
# (default: "/shop ...")
main-command-name: "shop"
# Set the language file for all translatable messages or names.
# The value must equal to the name of one of a file in the 'lang' folder
# (without the '.lang' extension).
language-file: "en_US"
# Set the item with which a player can click a shop to retrieve information.
# You can set this to an empty string ("") to disable this feature.
shop-info-item: "STICK"
# Set whether buys or sells need to be confirmed by the player
# in order to prevent accidents.
confirm-shopping: false
# Set whether players should be able to select the shop item from the
# creative inventory if they don't hold an item in their hand.
creative-select-item: true
# Set whether the (current) shop creation price should be refunded
# when the shop is removed by its creator.
refund-shop-creation: false
# Set whether the plugin will check for updates on server start
# and notify permitted players on join.
# The command is not affected by this setting and will continue to
# check for updates.
enable-update-checker: true
# Set whether buys and sells should be logged in the database.
enable-economy-log: false
# Set the maximum age for economy log entries in days.
# All log entries older than this will be deleted on server start.
# Set this to 0 to disable this feature.
cleanup-economy-log-days: 30
# Set whether a debug log file should be created.
# The file may get large! Please enable this setting when reporting issues.
enable-debug-log: false
# Set whether various protection plugins should be hooked into (if installed)
# in order to allow or deny shop creation in certain locations.
enable-worldguard-integration: true
enable-towny-integration: true
enable-authme-integration: true
enable-plotsquared-integration: true
enable-uskyblock-integration: true
enable-askyblock-integration: true
enable-bentobox-integration: true
enable-islandworld-integration: true
enable-griefprevention-integration: true
enable-areashop-integration: true
# Set whether the vendor of a shop should get messages when players buy
# or sell something from/to his shop or when his shop is out of stock.
enable-vendor-messages: true
# Set whether the vendor of a shop should get messages on all servers when players
# buy or sell something from/to his shop or when his shop is out of stock.
enable-vendor-bungee-messages: false
# Set whether only the shop a player is pointing at should be shown.
# If set to false, every shop near the player (with the specified
# distance) will be shown to him.
only-show-shops-in-sight: true
# Set whether the hologram's location should be fixed at the bottom,
# so when it gets more lines, it won't interfere with the item or chest,
# but goes higher.
hologram-fixed-bottom: true
# Set the amount (may be negative) a hologram should be lifted in the y-axis.
# A value of '1' equals to one block, and a value of '0.25' is equal to the
# height of one line.
hologram-lift: 0
# Set whether players should be allowed to buy or sell less items
# than the vendor has specified, in case the player does not have enough
# money or items, or if the chest does not have enough items or space,
# or if the vendor does not have enough money.
# The price will be calculated correspondingly.
auto-calculate-item-amount: false
# Set whether prices may contain decimals (prices of existing shops will stay).
allow-decimals-in-price: true
# Set whether players should be allowed to sell/buy broken items.
allow-broken-items: false
# Set whether the level of a potion or tipped arrow (if upgraded) should be
# appended to the item name. If set to true, the level ("II") will be
# displayed after the item name, but only if the item does not have a
# custom name.
append-potion-level-to-item-name: false
# Set whether shops should automatically be removed from the database if
# an error occurred while loading.
# (e.g. no chest, no space above chest, or unknown world)
remove-shop-on-error: false
# Set whether the mouse buttons should be inverted.
# Default:
# Right-Click -> Buy
# Left-Click -> Sell
invert-mouse-buttons: false
# Set the maximal distance (in blocks) to the shop where the
# player can see the hologram.
maximal-distance: 2
# Set the maximal distance (in blocks) to the shop where the
# player can see the floating shop item.
maximal-item-distance: 40
# Set whether the buy price must be greater than or equal to the sell price.
buy-greater-or-equal-sell: true
# Set the minimum and maximum prices for each individual item.
# "DIAMOND": 0.5
# "STONE": 2
# Set the items of which a player can't create a shop.
# Set the price a player has to pay in order to create...
# You can set this to 0 to disable costs.
# ...a normal shop
normal: 5
# admin shop
admin: 0
# Shop limits are handled with permissions.
# A player with permission "shopchest.limit.X" has a limit of X shops,
# a player with permission "shopchest.limit.*" does not have a shop limit.
# Admin shops are excluded from the shop limit.
# Set the amount of shops that anyone who doesn't have a
# specific permission may have.
# If you don't want the players to have a limit by default
# set the value to -1.
default: 5
# Set the events of AreaShop when shops on that region should be removed.
# Valid values are: DELETE, UNRENT, RESELL, SELL
- "SELL"
# Set whether the custom WorldGuard flags should be allowed by default.
create-shop: false
use-shop: false
use-admin-shop: false
# Set the types of Towny plots where shop creation should be allowed.
# Valid values are:
# Configuration of the database, where everything is stored.
# Shops are found in the table 'shopchest_shops', and logged economy
# transactions are found in the table 'shopchest_economy_logs'
# Select the type of database which should be used
# Either use 'SQLite' or 'MySQL'. Otherwise you will break the plugin!
type: "SQLite"
# Set the prefix of all table names related to this plugin.
table-prefix: "shopchest_"
# If the specified type is 'MySQL', here you configure the...
# ...interval in seconds, when the database should be pinged,
# to keep the connection alive
# You can set this to '0' to disable the ping interval
ping-interval: 3600
# ...hostname where the database is accessible
hostname: ""
# ...port where the database is accessible (default: 3306)
port: 3306
# ...database you want to use
database: ""
# ...username you are going to login with
username: ""
# ...password you are going to login with
password: ""