
762 lines
25 KiB

package com.songoda.core.configuration;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Configuration for a specific node
public class ConfigSection extends MemoryConfiguration {
final String fullPath, nodeKey;
final ConfigSection root;
final ConfigSection parent;
protected int indentation = 2; // between 2 and 9 (inclusive)
protected char pathChar = '.';
final HashMap<String, Comment> configComments;
final HashMap<String, Comment> defaultComments;
final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> defaults;
final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> values;
* Internal root state: if any configuration value has changed from file state
boolean changed = false;
final boolean isDefault;
final Object lock = new Object();
ConfigSection() {
this.root = this;
this.parent = null;
isDefault = false;
nodeKey = fullPath = "";
configComments = new HashMap<>();
defaultComments = new HashMap<>();
defaults = new LinkedHashMap<>();
values = new LinkedHashMap<>();
ConfigSection(ConfigSection root, ConfigSection parent, String nodeKey, boolean isDefault) {
this.root = root;
this.parent = parent;
this.nodeKey = nodeKey;
this.fullPath = nodeKey != null ? parent.fullPath + nodeKey + root.pathChar : parent.fullPath;
this.isDefault = isDefault;
configComments = defaultComments = null;
defaults = null;
values = null;
public int getIndent() {
return root.indentation;
public void setIndent(int indentation) {
root.indentation = indentation;
protected void onChange() {
if (parent != null) {
* Sets the character used to separate configuration nodes. <br>
* IMPORTANT: Do not change this after loading or adding ConfigurationSections!
* @param pathChar character to use
public void setPathSeparator(char pathChar) {
if (!root.values.isEmpty() || !root.defaults.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Path change after config initialization");
root.pathChar = pathChar;
public char getPathSeparator() {
return root.pathChar;
* @return The full key for this section node
public String getKey() {
return !fullPath.endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? fullPath : fullPath.substring(0, fullPath.length() - 1);
* @return The specific key that was used from the last node to get to this node
public String getNodeKey() {
return nodeKey;
* Create the path required for this node to exist. <br />
* @param path full path of the node required. Eg, for, this will create sections for foo and
* @param useDefault set to true if this is a default value
protected void createNodePath(@NotNull String path, boolean useDefault) {
if (path.indexOf(root.pathChar) != -1) {
// if any intermediate nodes don't exist, create them
String[] pathParts = path.split(Pattern.quote(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)));
StringBuilder nodePath = new StringBuilder(fullPath);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> writeTo = useDefault ? root.defaults : root.values;
ConfigSection travelNode = this;
synchronized (root.lock) {
for (int i = 0; i < pathParts.length - 1; ++i) {
final String node = (i != 0 ? nodePath.append(root.pathChar) : nodePath).append(pathParts[i]).toString();
if (!(writeTo.get(node) instanceof ConfigSection)) {
writeTo.put(node, travelNode = new ConfigSection(root, travelNode, pathParts[i], useDefault));
} else {
travelNode = (ConfigSection) writeTo.get(node);
public ConfigSection createDefaultSection(@NotNull String path) {
createNodePath(path, true);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, true);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaults.put(fullPath + path, section);
return section;
public ConfigSection createDefaultSection(@NotNull String path, String... comment) {
createNodePath(path, true);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, true);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaults.put(fullPath + path, section);
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, new Comment(comment));
return section;
public ConfigSection createDefaultSection(@NotNull String path, ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... comment) {
createNodePath(path, true);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, true);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaults.put(fullPath + path, section);
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, new Comment(commentStyle, comment));
return section;
public ConfigSection setComment(@NotNull String path, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... lines) {
return setComment(path, lines != null ? new Comment(commentStyle, lines) : null);
public ConfigSection setComment(@NotNull String path, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, @Nullable List<String> lines) {
return setComment(path, lines != null ? new Comment(commentStyle, lines) : null);
public ConfigSection setComment(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Comment comment) {
synchronized (root.lock) {
if (isDefault) {
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, comment);
} else {
root.configComments.put(fullPath + path, comment);
return this;
public ConfigSection setDefaultComment(@NotNull String path, String... lines) {
return setDefaultComment(path, lines.length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(lines));
public ConfigSection setDefaultComment(@NotNull String path, @Nullable List<String> lines) {
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, new Comment(lines));
return this;
public ConfigSection setDefaultComment(@NotNull String path, ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... lines) {
return setDefaultComment(path, commentStyle, lines.length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(lines));
public ConfigSection setDefaultComment(@NotNull String path, ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, @Nullable List<String> lines) {
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, new Comment(commentStyle, lines));
return this;
public ConfigSection setDefaultComment(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Comment comment) {
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaultComments.put(fullPath + path, comment);
return this;
public Comment getComment(@NotNull String path) {
Comment result = root.configComments.get(fullPath + path);
if (result == null) {
result = root.defaultComments.get(fullPath + path);
return result;
public String getCommentString(@NotNull String path) {
Comment result = root.configComments.get(fullPath + path);
if (result == null) {
result = root.defaultComments.get(fullPath + path);
return result != null ? result.toString() : null;
public void addDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value) {
createNodePath(path, true);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.defaults.put(fullPath + path, value);
public void addDefaults(@NotNull Map<String, Object> defaults) {
//defaults.entrySet().stream().forEach(m -> root.defaults.put(fullPath + m.getKey(), m.getValue()));
defaults.entrySet().forEach(m -> addDefault(m.getKey(), m.getValue()));
public void setDefaults(Configuration c) {
if (fullPath.isEmpty()) {
} else {
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(fullPath))
public ConfigSection getDefaults() {
return new ConfigSection(root, this, null, true);
public ConfigSection getDefaultSection() {
return new ConfigSection(root, this, null, true);
public ConfigOptionsAdapter options() {
return new ConfigOptionsAdapter(root);
public Set<String> getKeys(boolean deep) {
LinkedHashSet<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
int pathIndex = fullPath.lastIndexOf(root.pathChar);
if (deep) {
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(fullPath))
.map(k -> !k.endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? k.substring(pathIndex + 1) : k.substring(pathIndex + 1, k.length() - 1))
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(fullPath))
.map(k -> !k.endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? k.substring(pathIndex + 1) : k.substring(pathIndex + 1, k.length() - 1))
} else {
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(fullPath) && k.lastIndexOf(root.pathChar) == pathIndex)
.map(k -> !k.endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? k.substring(pathIndex + 1) : k.substring(pathIndex + 1, k.length() - 1))
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(fullPath) && k.lastIndexOf(root.pathChar) == pathIndex)
.map(k -> !k.endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? k.substring(pathIndex + 1) : k.substring(pathIndex + 1, k.length() - 1))
return result;
public Map<String, Object> getValues(boolean deep) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int pathIndex = fullPath.lastIndexOf(root.pathChar);
if (deep) {
result.putAll((Map<String, Object>) root.defaults.entrySet().stream()
.filter(k -> k.getKey().startsWith(fullPath))
e -> !e.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1) : e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1, e.getKey().length() - 1),
(v1, v2) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException();
}, // never going to be merging keys
result.putAll((Map<String, Object>) root.values.entrySet().stream()
.filter(k -> k.getKey().startsWith(fullPath))
e -> !e.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1) : e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1, e.getKey().length() - 1),
(v1, v2) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException();
}, // never going to be merging keys
} else {
result.putAll((Map<String, Object>) root.defaults.entrySet().stream()
.filter(k -> k.getKey().startsWith(fullPath) && k.getKey().lastIndexOf(root.pathChar) == pathIndex)
e -> !e.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1) : e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1, e.getKey().length() - 1),
(v1, v2) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException();
}, // never going to be merging keys
result.putAll((Map<String, Object>) root.values.entrySet().stream()
.filter(k -> k.getKey().startsWith(fullPath) && k.getKey().lastIndexOf(root.pathChar) == pathIndex)
e -> !e.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)) ? e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1) : e.getKey().substring(pathIndex + 1, e.getKey().length() - 1),
(v1, v2) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException();
}, // never going to be merging keys
return result;
public List<ConfigSection> getSections(String path) {
ConfigSection rootSection = getConfigurationSection(path);
if (rootSection == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
ArrayList<ConfigSection> result = new ArrayList<>();
.forEachOrdered(object -> result.add((ConfigSection) object));
return result;
public boolean contains(@NotNull String path) {
return root.defaults.containsKey(fullPath + path) || root.values.containsKey(fullPath + path);
public boolean contains(@NotNull String path, boolean ignoreDefault) {
return (!ignoreDefault && root.defaults.containsKey(fullPath + path)) || root.values.containsKey(fullPath + path);
public boolean isSet(@NotNull String path) {
return root.defaults.get(fullPath + path) != null || root.values.get(fullPath + path) != null;
public String getCurrentPath() {
return fullPath.isEmpty() ? "" : fullPath.substring(0, fullPath.length() - 1);
public String getName() {
if (fullPath.isEmpty()) {
return "";
String[] parts = fullPath.split(Pattern.quote(String.valueOf(root.pathChar)));
return parts[parts.length - 1];
public ConfigSection getRoot() {
return root;
public ConfigSection getParent() {
return parent;
public Object get(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = root.values.get(fullPath + path);
if (result == null) {
result = root.defaults.get(fullPath + path);
return result;
public Object get(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object def) {
Object result = root.values.get(fullPath + path);
return result != null ? result : def;
public void set(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value) {
if (isDefault) {
addDefault(path, value);
createNodePath(path, false);
Object last;
synchronized (root.lock) {
if (value != null) {
root.changed |= (last = root.values.put(fullPath + path, value)) != value;
} else {
root.changed |= (last = root.values.remove(fullPath + path)) != null;
if (last != value && last instanceof ConfigSection) {
// clean up orphaned nodes
final String trim = fullPath + path + root.pathChar;
synchronized (root.lock) {
.filter(k -> k.startsWith(trim))
public ConfigSection set(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, String... comment) {
set(path, value);
return setComment(path, null, comment);
public ConfigSection set(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, List<String> comment) {
set(path, value);
return setComment(path, null, comment);
public ConfigSection set(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... comment) {
set(path, value);
return setComment(path, commentStyle, comment);
public ConfigSection set(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, List<String> comment) {
set(path, value);
return setComment(path, commentStyle, comment);
public ConfigSection setDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value) {
addDefault(path, value);
return this;
public ConfigSection setDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, String... comment) {
addDefault(path, value);
return setDefaultComment(path, comment);
public ConfigSection setDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, List<String> comment) {
addDefault(path, value);
return setDefaultComment(path, comment);
public ConfigSection setDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... comment) {
addDefault(path, value);
return setDefaultComment(path, commentStyle, comment);
public ConfigSection setDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value, ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, List<String> comment) {
addDefault(path, value);
return setDefaultComment(path, commentStyle, comment);
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path) {
createNodePath(path, false);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, false);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.values.put(fullPath + path, section);
root.changed = true;
return section;
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path, String... comment) {
return createSection(path, null, comment.length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(comment));
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path, @Nullable List<String> comment) {
return createSection(path, null, comment);
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, String... comment) {
return createSection(path, commentStyle, comment.length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(comment));
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path, @Nullable ConfigFormattingRules.CommentStyle commentStyle, @Nullable List<String> comment) {
createNodePath(path, false);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, false);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.values.put(fullPath + path, section);
setComment(path, commentStyle, comment);
root.changed = true;
return section;
public ConfigSection createSection(@NotNull String path, Map<?, ?> map) {
createNodePath(path, false);
ConfigSection section = new ConfigSection(root, this, path, false);
synchronized (root.lock) {
root.values.put(fullPath + path, section);
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
section.createSection(entry.getKey().toString(), (Map<?, ?>) entry.getValue());
section.set(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
root.changed = true;
return section;
public String getString(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result != null ? result.toString() : null;
public String getString(@NotNull String path, @Nullable String def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result != null ? result.toString() : def;
public char getChar(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result != null && !result.toString().isEmpty() ? result.toString().charAt(0) : '\0';
public char getChar(@NotNull String path, char def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result != null && !result.toString().isEmpty() ? result.toString().charAt(0) : def;
public int getInt(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).intValue() : 0;
public int getInt(@NotNull String path, int def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).intValue() : def;
public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) result : false;
public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull String path, boolean def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) result : def;
public double getDouble(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).doubleValue() : 0;
public double getDouble(@NotNull String path, double def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).doubleValue() : def;
public long getLong(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).longValue() : 0;
public long getLong(@NotNull String path, long def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof Number ? ((Number) result).longValue() : def;
public List<?> getList(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof List ? (List<?>) result : null;
public List<?> getList(@NotNull String path, @Nullable List<?> def) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof List ? (List<?>) result : def;
public CompatibleMaterial getMaterial(@NotNull String path) {
String val = getString(path);
return val != null ? CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(val) : null;
public CompatibleMaterial getMaterial(@NotNull String path, @Nullable CompatibleMaterial def) {
String val = getString(path);
CompatibleMaterial mat = val != null ? CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(val) : null;
return mat != null ? mat : def;
public <T> T getObject(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Class<T> clazz) {
Object result = get(path);
return clazz.isInstance(result) ? clazz.cast(result) : null;
public <T> T getObject(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @Nullable T def) {
Object result = get(path);
return clazz.isInstance(result) ? clazz.cast(result) : def;
public ConfigSection getConfigurationSection(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof ConfigSection ? (ConfigSection) result : null;
public ConfigSection getOrCreateConfigurationSection(@NotNull String path) {
Object result = get(path);
return result instanceof ConfigSection ? (ConfigSection) result : createSection(path);