package net.ME1312.SubServers.Console.Library; import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiOutputStream; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Locale; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; public class HTMLogger extends AnsiOutputStream { private static final String[] ANSI_COLOR_MAP = new String[]{"000000", "cd0000", "25bc24", "d7d700", "0000c3", "be00be", "00a5dc", "cccccc"}; private static final String[] ANSI_BRIGHT_COLOR_MAP = new String[]{"808080", "ff0000", "31e722", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff00ff", "00c8ff", "ffffff"}; private static final byte[] BYTES_NBSP = "\u00A0".getBytes(UTF_8); private static final byte[] BYTES_AMP = "&".getBytes(UTF_8); private static final byte[] BYTES_LT = "<".getBytes(UTF_8); private LinkedList currentAttributes = new LinkedList(); private LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); private OutputStream raw; protected boolean ansi = true; protected boolean nbsp = false; private boolean underline = false; private boolean strikethrough = false; public static HTMLogger wrap(OutputStream raw) { return wrap(raw, new HTMConstructor() { @Override public HTMLogger construct(OutputStream raw, OutputStream wrapped) { return new HTMLogger(raw, wrapped); } }); } public static T wrap(final OutputStream raw, HTMConstructor constructor) { final Container html = new Container(null); html.value(constructor.construct(raw, new OutputStream() { private boolean nbsp = false; @Override public void write(int data) throws IOException { HTMLogger htm = html.value(); if (htm.queue.size() > 0) { LinkedList queue = htm.queue; htm.queue = new LinkedList<>(); for (String attr : queue) { htm.write('<' + attr + '>'); htm.currentAttributes.addFirst(attr); } } if (data == 32) { if (htm.nbsp) { if (nbsp) raw.write(BYTES_NBSP); else raw.write(data); nbsp = !nbsp; } else raw.write(data); } else { nbsp = false; switch(data) { case '&': raw.write(BYTES_AMP); break; case '<': raw.write(BYTES_LT); break; case '\n': htm.closeAttributes(); default: raw.write(data); } } } })); return html.value(); } public HTMLogger(final OutputStream raw, OutputStream wrapped) { super(wrapped); this.raw = raw; } public interface HTMConstructor { T construct(OutputStream raw, OutputStream wrapped); } private void write(String s) throws IOException { raw.write(s.getBytes(UTF_8)); } private void writeAttribute(String attr) throws IOException { queue.add(attr); } public void closeAttribute(String s) throws IOException { // Try to remove a tag that doesn't exist yet first String[] queue = this.queue.toArray(new String[0]); for (int i = queue.length; i > 0;) { String attr = queue[--i]; if (attr.toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())) { this.queue.removeLastOccurrence(attr); return; } } // Close a tag that we've already written LinkedList closedAttributes = new LinkedList(); LinkedList currentAttributes = new LinkedList(this.currentAttributes); LinkedList unclosedAttributes = new LinkedList(); for (String attr : currentAttributes) { if (attr.toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())) { for (String a : unclosedAttributes) { closedAttributes.add(a); this.currentAttributes.removeFirst(); write("'); } unclosedAttributes.clear(); this.currentAttributes.removeFirst(); write("'); break; } else { unclosedAttributes.add(attr); } } // Queue unrelated tags to be re-opened for (String attr : closedAttributes) { this.queue.addFirst(attr); } } public void closeAttributes() throws IOException { queue.clear(); for (String attr : currentAttributes) { write(""); } underline = false; strikethrough = false; currentAttributes.clear(); } @Override protected void processDeleteLine(int amount) throws IOException { super.processDeleteLine(amount); } private void renderTextDecoration() throws IOException { String dec = ""; if (underline) dec += " underline"; if (strikethrough) dec += " line-through"; closeAttribute("span style=\"text-decoration:"); if (dec.length() != 0) writeAttribute("span style=\"text-decoration:" + dec.substring(1) + "\""); } @Override protected void processSetAttribute(int attribute) throws IOException { if (ansi) switch(attribute) { case 1: closeAttribute("b"); writeAttribute("b"); break; case 3: closeAttribute("i"); writeAttribute("i"); break; case 4: underline = true; renderTextDecoration(); break; case 9: strikethrough = true; renderTextDecoration(); break; case 22: closeAttribute("b"); break; case 23: closeAttribute("i"); break; case 24: underline = false; renderTextDecoration(); break; case 29: strikethrough = false; renderTextDecoration(); break; case 73: closeAttribute("su"); writeAttribute("sup"); break; case 74: closeAttribute("su"); writeAttribute("sub"); break; case 75: closeAttribute("su"); break; } } @Override protected void processUnknownOperatingSystemCommand(int label, String arg) { try { if (ansi && label == 8) { closeAttribute("a"); String[] args = arg.split(";", 3); if (args.length > 1 && args[1].length() > 0 && allowHyperlink(args[1])) { writeAttribute("a href=\"" + args[1].replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace("\"", """) + "\" target=\"_blank\""); } } } catch (Exception e) {} } protected boolean allowHyperlink(String link) { if (link.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("mailto:execute@galaxi.engine")) { return false; } else { return true; } } @Override protected void processAttributeRest() throws IOException { closeAttributes(); } private String parse256(int color) throws IOException { if (color < 8) { return ANSI_COLOR_MAP[color]; } else if (color < 16) { return ANSI_BRIGHT_COLOR_MAP[color - 8]; } else if (color < 232) { float x = color - 16; int r = (int) ((x / 36f) * 51); x = (x % 36f) ; int g = (int) ((x / 6f) * 51); int b = (int) ((x % 6f) * 51); return ((r >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(r, 16) + ((g >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(g, 16) + ((b >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(b, 16); } else if (color < 256) { int gray = (int) (10.2f * (color - 231)); return ((gray >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(gray, 16) + ((gray >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(gray, 16) + ((gray >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(gray, 16); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid 8 Bit Color: " + color); } } @Override protected void processDefaultTextColor() throws IOException { closeAttribute("span style=\"color:"); } @Override protected void processSetForegroundColor(int color) throws IOException { processSetForegroundColor(color, false); } @Override protected void processSetForegroundColor(int color, boolean bright) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultTextColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"color:#" + ((!bright)?ANSI_COLOR_MAP:ANSI_BRIGHT_COLOR_MAP)[color] + "\""); renderTextDecoration(); } } @Override protected void processSetForegroundColorExt(int index) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultTextColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"color:#" + parse256(index) + "\""); renderTextDecoration(); } } @Override protected void processSetForegroundColorExt(int r, int g, int b) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultTextColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"color:#" + ((r >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(r, 16) + ((g >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(g, 16) + ((b >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(b, 16) + "\""); renderTextDecoration(); } } @Override protected void processDefaultBackgroundColor() throws IOException { closeAttribute("span style=\"background-color:"); } @Override protected void processSetBackgroundColor(int color) throws IOException { processSetBackgroundColor(color, false); } @Override protected void processSetBackgroundColor(int color, boolean bright) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultBackgroundColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"background-color:#" + ((!bright)?ANSI_COLOR_MAP:ANSI_BRIGHT_COLOR_MAP)[color] + "\""); } } @Override protected void processSetBackgroundColorExt(int index) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultBackgroundColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"background-color:#" + parse256(index) + "\""); } } @Override protected void processSetBackgroundColorExt(int r, int g, int b) throws IOException { if (ansi) { processDefaultBackgroundColor(); writeAttribute("span style=\"background-color:#" + ((r >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(r, 16) + ((g >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(g, 16) + ((b >= 16)?"":"0") + Integer.toString(b, 16) + "\""); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { super.flush(); raw.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { closeAttributes(); super.close(); raw.close(); } }