package net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Host; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Config.YAMLSection; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Exception.InvalidTemplateException; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Util; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Version.Version; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.SubAPI; import; import java.util.*; /** * SubCreator Layout Class */ public abstract class SubCreator { public static class ServerTemplate { private String name; private String nick = null; private boolean enabled; private String icon; private File directory; private ServerType type; private YAMLSection build; private YAMLSection options; /** * Create a SubCreator Template * * @param name Template Name * @param directory Template Directory * @param build Build Options * @param options Configuration Options */ public ServerTemplate(String name, boolean enabled, String icon, File directory, YAMLSection build, YAMLSection options) { if (Util.isNull(name, enabled, directory, build, options)) throw new NullPointerException(); if (name.contains(" ")) throw new InvalidTemplateException("Template names cannot have spaces: " + name); = name; this.enabled = enabled; this.icon = icon; = directory; this.type = (build.contains("Server-Type"))?ServerType.valueOf(build.getRawString("Server-Type").toUpperCase()):ServerType.CUSTOM; = build; this.options = options; } /** * Get the Name of this Template * * @return Template Name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the Display Name of this Template * * @return Display Name */ public String getDisplayName() { return (nick == null)?getName():nick; } /** * Sets the Display Name for this Template * * @param value Value (or null to reset) */ public void setDisplayName(String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || getName().equals(value)) { this.nick = null; } else { this.nick = value; } } /** * Get the Enabled Status of this Template * * @return Enabled Status */ public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } /** * Set the Enabled Status of this Template * * @param value Value */ public void setEnabled(boolean value) { enabled = value; } /** * Get the Item Icon for this Template * * @return Item Icon Name/ID */ public String getIcon() { return icon; } /** * Set the Item Icon for this Template * * @param value Value */ public void setIcon(String value) { icon = value; } /** * Get the Directory for this Template * * @return Directory */ public File getDirectory() { return directory; } /** * Get the Type of this Template * * @return Template Type */ public ServerType getType() { return type; } /** * Get the Build Options for this Template * * @return Build Options */ public YAMLSection getBuildOptions() { return build; } /** * Get the Configuration Options for this Template * * @return Configuration Options */ public YAMLSection getConfigOptions() { return options; } @Override public String toString() { YAMLSection tinfo = new YAMLSection(); tinfo.set("enabled", isEnabled()); tinfo.set("display", getDisplayName()); tinfo.set("icon", getIcon()); tinfo.set("type", getType().toString()); return tinfo.toJSON(); } } public enum ServerType { SPIGOT, VANILLA, SPONGE, CUSTOM; @Override public String toString() { return super.toString().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()+super.toString().substring(1).toLowerCase(); } } public SubCreator() { /* if (!defaults) { defaults = true; addValidator("System", (template, match, string) -> { boolean validated; switch (match.toLowerCase()) { case "touppercase": string.set(string.get().toUpperCase()); validated = true; break; case "tolowercase": string.set(string.get().toLowerCase()); validated = true; break; case "toserverversion": try { Version version = new Version(string.get()); if (template.getType() == ServerType.VANILLA) { String patch = "Patch"; if (version.compareTo(new Version("1.12")) >= 0) patch += "-v2"; version = new Version(version.toString() + " " + patch); } else if (template.getType() == ServerType.SPONGE) { Document spongexml = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(Util.readAll(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("").openStream(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))))))); Document forgexml = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(Util.readAll(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("").openStream(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))))))); NodeList spnodeList = spongexml.getElementsByTagName("version"); Version spversion = null; for (int i = 0; i < spnodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = spnodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (node.getTextContent().startsWith(version.toString() + '-') && (spversion == null || new Version(node.getTextContent()).compareTo(spversion) >= 0)) { spversion = new Version(node.getTextContent()); } } } if (spversion == null) throw new InvalidServerException("Cannot find sponge version for Minecraft " + version.toString()); NodeList mcfnodeList = forgexml.getElementsByTagName("version"); Version mcfversion = null; for (int i = 0; i < mcfnodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = mcfnodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (node.getTextContent().contains(spversion.toString().split("\\-")[1]) && (mcfversion == null || new Version(node.getTextContent()).compareTo(mcfversion) >= 0)) { mcfversion = new Version(node.getTextContent()); } } } if (mcfversion == null) throw new InvalidServerException("Cannot find forge version for Sponge " + spversion.toString()); version = new Version(mcfversion.toString() + " " + spversion.toString()); } string.set(version.toString()); validated = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); validated = false; } break; default: validated = false; } return validated; }); addValidator("Integer", (template, match, string) -> { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^([!<>=][=]?)(.*)$").matcher(match); String comparator = ""; String other = ""; while (matcher.find()) { comparator =; other =; } boolean validated; switch (comparator) { case "=": case "==": validated = string.get().equals(other); break; case "!": case "!=": validated = !string.get().equals(other); break; case "<": validated = new Version(string.get()).compareTo(new Version(other)) < 0; break; case "<=": validated = new Version(string.get()).compareTo(new Version(other)) <= 0; break; case ">": validated = new Version(string.get()).compareTo(new Version(other)) > 0; break; case ">=": validated = new Version(string.get()).compareTo(new Version(other)) >= 0; break; default: validated = false; } return validated; }); addValidator("RegEx", (template, match, string) -> { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^/(.*)/([iux]*)$").matcher(match); String pattern = ""; char[] flags = new char[0]; while (matcher.find()) { pattern =; if (matcher.groupCount() >= 2) flags =; } int byteflags = 0x00; for (char flag : flags) { switch (flag) { case 'i': byteflags |= Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'u': byteflags |= Pattern.UNICODE_CASE; break; case 'x': byteflags |= Pattern.COMMENTS; break; } } if (byteflags == 0x00) { matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(match); } else { matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern, byteflags).matcher(match); } boolean validated = false; while (matcher.find()) { string.set(; validated = true; } return validated; }); } */ } /** * Create a SubServer * * @param player Player Creating * @param name Server Name * @param template Server Template * @param version Server Version * @param port Server Port Number * @return Success Status */ public abstract boolean create(UUID player, String name, ServerTemplate template, Version version, int port); /** * Create a SubServer * * @param name Server Name * @param template Server Template * @param version Server Version * @param port Server Port Number * @return Success Status */ public boolean create(String name, ServerTemplate template, Version version, int port) { return create(null, name, template, version, port); } /** * Terminate All SubCreator Instances on this host */ public abstract void terminate(); /** * Terminate a SubCreator Instance * * @param name Name of current creating server */ public abstract void terminate(String name); /** * Wait for All SubCreator Instances to Finish * * @throws InterruptedException */ public abstract void waitFor() throws InterruptedException; /** * Wait for SubCreator to Finish * * @param name Name of current creating server * @throws InterruptedException */ public abstract void waitFor(String name) throws InterruptedException; /** * Gets the host this creator belongs to * * @return Host */ public abstract Host getHost(); /** * Gets the Git Bash install directory * * @return Git Bash Directory */ public abstract String getBashDirectory(); /** * Gets all loggers for All SubCreator Instances * * @return SubCreator Loggers */ public abstract List getLogger(); /** * Gets the Logger for a SubCreator Instance * * @param thread Thread ID * @return SubCreator Logger */ public abstract SubLogger getLogger(String thread); /** * Get a list of currently reserved Server names * * @return Reserved Names */ public abstract List getReservedNames(); /** * Check if a name has been reserved * * @param name Name to check * @return Reserved Status */ public static boolean isReserved(String name) { boolean reserved = false; for (List list : getAllReservedNames().values()) for (String reserve : list) { if (reserve.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) reserved = true; } return reserved; } /** * Get a list of all currently reserved Server names across all hosts * * @return All Reserved Names */ public static Map> getAllReservedNames() { HashMap> names = new HashMap>(); for (Host host : SubAPI.getInstance().getHosts().values()) names.put(host, host.getCreator().getReservedNames()); return names; } /** * Gets the Templates that can be used in this SubCreator instance * * @return Template Map */ public abstract Map getTemplates(); /** * Gets a SubCreator Template by name * * @param name Template Name * @return Template */ public abstract ServerTemplate getTemplate(String name); /** * Reload SubCreator */ public abstract void reload(); }