package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.API; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Callback; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketCommandServer; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadServerList; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketStartServer; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketStopServer; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; public class SubServer extends Server { private Host host = null; /** * Create an API representation of a Server * * @param raw JSON representation of the Server */ public SubServer(YAMLSection raw) { super(raw); } /** * Create an API representation of a Server * * @param host Host * @param raw JSON representation of the Server */ SubServer(Host host, YAMLSection raw) { super(raw); = host; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof SubServer && super.equals(obj); } /** * Download a new copy of the data from SubData */ @Override public void refresh() { String name = getName(); SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketDownloadServerList(raw.getRawString("host"), null, data -> load(data.getSection("hosts").getSection(raw.getRawString("host")).getSection("servers").getSection(name)))); } /** * Starts the Server * * @param player Player who Started * @param response Response Code */ public void start(UUID player, Callback response) { if (Util.isNull(response)) throw new NullPointerException(); StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace(); SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketStartServer(player, getName(), data -> { try {"r")); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e); ew.setStackTrace(origin); ew.printStackTrace(); } })); } /** * Starts the Server * * @param response Response Code */ public void start(Callback response) { start(null, response); } /** * Starts the Server * * @param player Player who Started */ public void start(UUID player) { start(player, i -> {}); } /** * Starts the Server */ public void start() { start(i -> {}); } /** * Stops the Server * * @param player Player who Stopped * @param response Response Code */ public void stop(UUID player, Callback response) { if (Util.isNull(response)) throw new NullPointerException(); StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace(); SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketStopServer(player, getName(), false, data -> { try {"r")); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e); ew.setStackTrace(origin); ew.printStackTrace(); } })); } /** * Stops the Server * * @param response Response Code */ public void stop(Callback response) { stop(null, response); } /** * Stops the Server * * @param player Player who Stopped */ public void stop(UUID player) { stop(player, i -> {}); } /** * Stops the Server */ public void stop() { stop(i -> {}); } /** * Terminates the Server * * @param player Player who Terminated * @param response Response Code */ public void terminate(UUID player, Callback response) { if (Util.isNull(response)) throw new NullPointerException(); StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace(); SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketStopServer(player, getName(), true, data -> { try {"r")); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e); ew.setStackTrace(origin); ew.printStackTrace(); } })); } /** * Terminates the Server * * @param response Response Code */ public void terminate(Callback response) { terminate(null, response); } /** * Terminates the Server * * @param player Player who Terminated */ public void terminate(UUID player) { terminate(player, i -> {}); } /** * Terminates the Server */ public void terminate() { terminate(i -> {}); } /** * Commands the Server * * @param player Player who Commanded * @param command Commmand to Send * @param response Response Code */ public void command(UUID player, String command, Callback response) { if (Util.isNull(command, response)) throw new NullPointerException(); StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace(); SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketCommandServer(player, getName(), command, data -> { try {"r")); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e); ew.setStackTrace(origin); ew.printStackTrace(); } })); } /** * Commands the Server * * @param command Commmand to Send * @param response Response Code */ public void command(String command, Callback response) { command(null, command, response); } /** * Commands the Server * * @param player Player who Commanded * @param command Command to Send */ public void command(UUID player, String command) { command(player, command, i -> {}); } /** * Commands the Server * * @param command Command to Send */ public void command(String command) { command(command, i -> {}); } /** * If the Server is Running * * @return Running Status */ public boolean isRunning() { return raw.getBoolean("running"); } /** * Grabs the Host of the Server * * @param callback The Host */ public void getHost(Callback callback) { if (Util.isNull(callback)) throw new NullPointerException(); StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace(); Runnable run = () -> { try {; } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e); ew.setStackTrace(origin); ew.printStackTrace(); } }; if (host == null) { SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork().sendPacket(new PacketDownloadServerList(raw.getRawString("host"), null, data -> { host = new Host(data.getSection("hosts").getSection(raw.getRawString("host")));; })); } else {; } } /** * If the Server is Enabled * * @return Enabled Status */ public boolean isEnabled() { return raw.getBoolean("enabled"); } /** * If the Server is accepting requests to edit() * * @return Edit Status */ public boolean isEditable() { return raw.getBoolean("editable"); } /** * If the Server is Logging * * @return Logging Status */ public boolean isLogging() { return raw.getBoolean("log"); } /** * Get the Server Directory Path * * @return Server Directory Path */ public String getPath() { return raw.getRawString("dir"); } /** * Get the Server's Executable String * * @return Executable String */ public String getExecutable() { return raw.getRawString("exec"); } /** * Grab the Command to Stop the Server * * @return Stop Command */ public String getStopCommand() { return raw.getRawString("stop-cmd"); } /** * If the Server will Auto Restart on unexpected shutdowns * * @return Auto Restart Status */ public boolean willAutoRestart() { return raw.getBoolean("auto-restart"); } /** * Checks if a Server is compatible * * @param server Server name to check * @return Compatible Status */ public boolean isCompatible(String server) { LinkedList lowercaseIncompatibilities = new LinkedList(); for (String key : getIncompatibilities()) { lowercaseIncompatibilities.add(key.toLowerCase()); } return lowercaseIncompatibilities.contains(server.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get all listed incompatibilities for this Server * * @return Incompatibility List */ public List getIncompatibilities() { return new LinkedList(raw.getRawStringList("incompatible-list")); } /** * Get incompatibility issues this server currently has * * @return Current Incompatibility List */ public List getCurrentIncompatibilities() { return new LinkedList(raw.getRawStringList("incompatible")); } /** * If the Server is Temporary * * @return Temporary Status */ public boolean isTemporary() { return raw.getBoolean("temp"); } }