package net.ME1312.SubServers.Sync; import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try; import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util; import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version; import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.DataClient; import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.DataProtocol; import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataClient; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.BungeeAPI; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.ClientAPI; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Sync.Server.CachedPlayer; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Sync.Server.ServerImpl; import net.md_5.bungee.api.config.ServerInfo; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.ProtocolConstants; import; import java.util.*; /** * SubAPI Class */ public final class SubAPI extends ClientAPI implements BungeeAPI { private final ExProxy plugin; private static SubAPI api; String name; SubAPI(ExProxy plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; GAME_VERSION = getGameVersion(); api = this; } /** * Gets the SubAPI Methods * * @return SubAPI */ public static SubAPI getInstance() { return api; } /** * Gets the SubServers Internals * * @deprecated Use SubAPI Methods when available * @return SubPlugin Internals */ @Deprecated public ExProxy getInternals() { return plugin; } /** * Get the Proxy Name * * @return Proxy Name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the number of players on this network across all known proxies * * @return Remote Player Count */ public int getRemotePlayerCount() { return plugin.rPlayers.size(); } /** * Get players on this server across all known proxies (Cached) * * @param server Server to search * @return Remote Player Map */ public Map getRemotePlayers(ServerInfo server) { if (server instanceof ServerImpl) { HashMap players = new HashMap(); for (UUID id : Util.getBackwards(plugin.rPlayerLinkS, (ServerImpl) server)) players.put(id, plugin.rPlayers.get(id)); return players; } else { return new HashMap<>(); } } /** * Gets players on this network across all known proxies (Cached) * * @return Remote Player Map */ public Map getRemotePlayers() { return new HashMap(plugin.rPlayers); } /** * Gets a player on this network by searching across all known proxies (Cached) * * @param name Player name * @return Remote Player */ public CachedPlayer getRemotePlayer(String name) { Util.nullpo(name); for (CachedPlayer player : getRemotePlayers().values()) { if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return player; } return null; } /** * Gets a player on this network by searching across all known proxies (Cached) * * @param id Player UUID * @return Remote Player */ public CachedPlayer getRemotePlayer(UUID id) { Util.nullpo(id); return getRemotePlayers().getOrDefault(id, null); } /** * Gets the SubData Network Connections * * @return SubData Network Connections */ public DataClient[] getSubDataNetwork() { LinkedList keys = new LinkedList(plugin.subdata.keySet()); LinkedList channels = new LinkedList(); Collections.sort(keys); for (Integer channel : keys) channels.add(plugin.subdata.get(channel)); return channels.toArray(new DataClient[0]); } /** * Gets the SubData Network Protocol * * @return SubData Network Protocol */ public DataProtocol getSubDataProtocol() { return plugin.subprotocol; } /** * Gets the current SubServers Lang Channels * * @return SubServers Lang Channel list */ public Collection getLangChannels() { return plugin.lang.value().keySet(); } /** * Gets values from the SubServers Lang * * @param channel Lang Channel * @return Lang Value */ public Map getLang(String channel) { Util.nullpo(channel); return new LinkedHashMap<>(plugin.lang.value().get(channel.toLowerCase())); } /** * Gets the Runtime Directory * * @return Directory */ public File getRuntimeDirectory() { return plugin.dir; } /** * Gets the SubServers Version * * @return SubServers Version */ public Version getWrapperVersion() { return plugin.version; } /** * Gets the SubServers Build Version * * @return SubServers Build Version (or null if unsigned) */ public Version getWrapperBuild() { return (ExProxy.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle() != null)?new Version(ExProxy.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle()):null; } /** * Gets the BungeeCord Version * * @return BungeeCord Version */ public Version getProxyVersion() { return new Version(plugin.getVersion()); } /** * Get an array of compatible Minecraft Versions * * @return Minecraft Versions */ public Version[] getGameVersion() { if (GAME_VERSION == null) { if (System.getProperty("subservers.minecraft.version", "").length() > 0) { return new Version[]{new Version(System.getProperty("subservers.minecraft.version"))}; } else if (Try.all.get(() -> ProtocolConstants.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS != null, false)) { List versions = new LinkedList(); for (String version : ProtocolConstants.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) versions.add(new Version(version)); Collections.sort(versions); return versions.toArray(new Version[versions.size()]); } else if (Try.all.get(() -> plugin.getGameVersion() != null, false)) { String raw = plugin.getGameVersion(); if (raw.contains("-") || raw.contains(",")) { List versions = new LinkedList(); for (String version : raw.split("(?:\\s*-|,)\\s*")) versions.add(new Version(version)); Collections.sort(versions); return versions.toArray(new Version[versions.size()]); } else { return new Version[]{new Version(plugin.getGameVersion())}; } } else { plugin.getLogger().warning("Could not determine compatible Minecraft version(s); Now using 1.x.x as a placeholder."); plugin.getLogger().warning("Use this launch argument to specify a compatible Minecraft version: -Dsubservers.minecraft.version=1.x.x"); return new Version[]{new Version("1.x.x")}; } } else return GAME_VERSION; } private final Version[] GAME_VERSION; }