package net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Compatibility; import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util; import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Command; /** * Galaxi Command Compatibility Class */ public class GalaxiCommand { /** * Set the Description of a Command * * @param command Command * @param value Value * @return The Command */ public static Command description(Command command, String value) { Util.isException(() -> Util.reflect(Class.forName("net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Command.Command").getMethod("description", String.class), command, value)); return command; } /** * Set the Help Page for a Command * * @param command Command * @param lines Help Page Lines * @return The Command */ public static Command help(Command command, String... lines) { Util.isException(() -> Util.reflect(Class.forName("net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Command.Command").getMethod("help", String[].class), command, (Object) lines)); return command; } /** * Set the Usage of a Command * * @param command Command * @param args Argument Placeholders * @return The Command */ public static Command usage(Command command, String... args) { Util.isException(() -> Util.reflect(Class.forName("net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Command.Command").getMethod("usage", String[].class), command, (Object) args)); return command; } }