package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host; import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.*; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPlugin; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Executable.SubCreator; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Executable.SubServer; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.*; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalPluginException; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.FileLogger; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.VersionType; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Cipher; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * SubServers.Host Main Class */ public final class ExHost { protected NamedContainer>> lang = null; public HashMap templates = new HashMap(); public HashMap servers = new HashMap(); public SubCreator creator; public final UniversalFile dir = new UniversalFile(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); public Logger log; public YAMLConfig config; public YAMLSection host = null; public SubDataClient subdata = null; public final SubAPI api = new SubAPI(this); //public static final Version version = Version.fromString("2.13a/pr5"); public static final Version version = new Version(Version.fromString("2.13a/pr5"), VersionType.SNAPSHOT, (ExHost.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle() == null)?"undefined":ExHost.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle()); // TODO Snapshot Version private ConsoleReader jline; private boolean running = false; private boolean ready = false; /** * SubServers.Host Launch * * @param args Args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("RM.subservers", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { joptsimple.OptionParser parser = new joptsimple.OptionParser(); parser.allowsUnrecognizedOptions(); parser.accepts("v"); parser.accepts("version"); parser.accepts("noconsole"); joptsimple.OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if(options.has("version") || options.has("v")) { boolean build = false; try { Field f = Version.class.getDeclaredField("type"); f.setAccessible(true); build = f.get(version) != VersionType.SNAPSHOT && ExHost.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle() != null; f.setAccessible(false); } catch (Exception e) {} System.out.println(""); System.out.println(System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version") + ','); System.out.println("Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ","); System.out.println("SubServers.Host v" + version.toExtendedString() + ((build)?" (" + ExHost.class.getPackage().getSpecificationTitle() + ')':"")); System.out.println(""); } else { new ExHost(options); } } else { System.out.println(">> SubServers code has been disallowed to work on this machine"); System.out.println(">> Check with your provider for more information"); System.exit(1); } } private ExHost(joptsimple.OptionSet options) { try { JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(new File(ExHost.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI())); Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries(); boolean isplugin = false; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (!entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { api.knownClasses.add(entry.getName().substring(0, entry.getName().length() - 6).replace('/', '.')); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log = new Logger("SubServers"); try { jline = new ConsoleReader(, AnsiConsole.out()); Logger.setup(AnsiConsole.out(), AnsiConsole.err(), jline, dir);"Loading SubServers.Host v" + version.toString() + " Libraries"); dir.mkdirs(); new File(dir, "Plugins").mkdir(); if (!(new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml").exists())) { Util.copyFromJar(ExHost.class.getClassLoader(), "net/ME1312/SubServers/Host/Library/Files/config.yml", new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml").getPath());"Created ~/config.yml"); } else if ((new Version((new YAMLConfig(new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml"))).get().getSection("Settings").getString("Version", "0")).compareTo(new Version("2.11.2a+"))) != 0) { Files.move(new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml").toPath(), new UniversalFile(dir, "config.old" + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000) + ".yml").toPath()); Util.copyFromJar(ExHost.class.getClassLoader(), "net/ME1312/SubServers/Host/Library/Files/config.yml", new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml").getPath());"Updated ~/config.yml"); } config = new YAMLConfig(new UniversalFile(dir, "config.yml")); if (!(new UniversalFile(dir, "Templates").exists())) { new UniversalFile(dir, "Templates").mkdir();"Created ~/Templates/"); } if (new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted").exists()) { int f = new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted").listFiles().length; for (File file : new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted").listFiles()) { try { if (file.isDirectory()) { if (new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted:" + file.getName() + ":info.json").exists()) { FileReader reader = new FileReader(new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted:" + file.getName() + ":info.json")); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(Util.readAll(reader)); reader.close(); if (json.keySet().contains("Timestamp")) { if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() - json.getLong("Timestamp")) >= 7) { Util.deleteDirectory(file); f--;"Removed ~/Recently Deleted/" + file.getName()); } } else { Util.deleteDirectory(file); f--;"Removed ~/Recently Deleted/" + file.getName()); } } else { Util.deleteDirectory(file); f--;"Removed ~/Recently Deleted/" + file.getName()); } } else { Files.delete(file.toPath()); f--;"Removed ~/Recently Deleted/" + file.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(e); } } if (f <= 0) { Files.delete(new UniversalFile(dir, "Recently Deleted").toPath()); } } /* * Find Jars */ UniversalFile pldir = new UniversalFile(dir, "Plugins"); LinkedList pljars = new LinkedList(); if (pldir.exists() && pldir.isDirectory()) for (File file : pldir.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) pljars.add(file); } if (pljars.size() > 0) { long begin = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime();"Loading SubAPI Plugins..."); /* * Load Jars & Find Main Classes * (Unordered) */ LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMap>> classes = new LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMap>>(); for (File file : pljars) { try { JarFile jar = new JarFile(file); Enumeration entries = jar.entries(); PluginClassLoader loader = new PluginClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), file.toURI().toURL()); List contents = new ArrayList(); loader.setDefaultClass(ClassNotFoundException.class); boolean isplugin = false; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (!entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { String cname = entry.getName().substring(0, entry.getName().length() - 6).replace('/', '.'); contents.add(cname); try { Class clazz = loader.loadClass(cname); if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(SubPlugin.class)) { NamedContainer, LinkedHashMap> jarmap = (classes.keySet().contains(loader))?classes.get(loader):new NamedContainer, LinkedHashMap>(new LinkedList(), new LinkedHashMap<>()); for (String dependancy : clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).dependencies()); for (String dependancy : clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).softDependencies()); jarmap.get().put(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).name(), cname); classes.put(loader, jarmap); isplugin = true; } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error.println(new IllegalPluginException(e, "Couldn't load class: " + cname)); } } } loader.setDefaultClass(null); if (!isplugin) { new PluginClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), file.toURI().toURL());"Loaded Library: " + file.getName()); } api.knownClasses.addAll(contents); jar.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error.println(new InvocationTargetException(e, "Problem searching plugin jar: " + file.getName())); } } /* * Load Main Classes & Plugin Descriptions * (Ordered by Known Dependencies) */ int progress = 1; HashMap plugins = new LinkedHashMap(); while (classes.size() > 0) { LinkedHashMap> loaded = new LinkedHashMap>(); for (PluginClassLoader loader : classes.keySet()) { LinkedList loadedlist = new LinkedList(); for (String name : classes.get(loader).get().keySet()) { boolean load = true; for (String depend : classes.get(loader).name()) { if (!plugins.keySet().contains(depend.toLowerCase())) { load = progress <= 0; } } if (load) { String main = classes.get(loader).get().get(name); try { Class clazz = loader.loadClass(main); if (!clazz.isAnnotationPresent(SubPlugin.class)) throw new ClassCastException("Cannot find plugin descriptor"); Object obj = clazz.getConstructor().newInstance(); try { SubPluginInfo plugin = new SubPluginInfo(this, obj, clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).name(), Version.fromString(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).version()), Arrays.asList(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).authors()), (clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).description().length() > 0)?clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).description():null, (clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).website().length() > 0)?new URL(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).website()):null, Arrays.asList(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).loadBefore()), Arrays.asList(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).dependencies()), Arrays.asList(clazz.getAnnotation(SubPlugin.class).softDependencies())); if (plugins.keySet().contains(plugin.getName().toLowerCase())) log.warn.println("Duplicate plugin: " + plugin.getName().toLowerCase()); plugin.addExtra("subservers.plugin.loadafter", new ArrayList()); plugins.put(plugin.getName().toLowerCase(), plugin); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error.println(new IllegalPluginException(e, "Couldn't load plugin descriptor for main class: " + main)); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { log.error.println(new IllegalPluginException(e, "Main class isn't annotated as a SubPlugin: " + main)); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error.println(new IllegalPluginException(e.getTargetException(), "Uncaught exception occurred while loading main class: " + main)); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error.println(new IllegalPluginException(e, "Couldn't load main class: " + main)); } loadedlist.add(name); } } if (loadedlist.size() > 0) loaded.put(loader, loadedlist); } progress = 0; for (PluginClassLoader loader : loaded.keySet()) { NamedContainer, LinkedHashMap> jarmap = classes.get(loader); progress++; for (String main : loaded.get(loader)) jarmap.get().remove(main); if (jarmap.get().size() > 0) { classes.put(loader, jarmap); } else { classes.remove(loader); } } } /* * Load Extra Plugin Settings */ for (SubPluginInfo plugin : plugins.values()) { for (String loadbefore : plugin.getLoadBefore()) { if (plugins.keySet().contains(loadbefore.toLowerCase())) { List loadafter = plugins.get(loadbefore.toLowerCase()).getExtra("subservers.plugin.loadafter").asRawStringList(); loadafter.add(plugin.getName().toLowerCase()); plugins.get(loadbefore.toLowerCase()).addExtra("subservers.plugin.loadafter", loadafter); } } } /* * Register Plugins * (Ordered by LoadBefore & Dependencies) */ int i = 0; while (plugins.size() > 0) { List loaded = new ArrayList(); for (SubPluginInfo plugin : plugins.values()) { try { boolean load = true; for (String depend : plugin.getDependancies()) { if (plugins.keySet().contains(depend.toLowerCase())) { load = false; } else if (!api.plugins.keySet().contains(depend.toLowerCase())) { throw new IllegalPluginException(new IllegalStateException("Unknown dependency: " + depend), "Cannot meet requirements for plugin: " + plugin.getName() + " v" + plugin.getVersion().toString()); } } for (String softdepend : plugin.getSoftDependancies()) { if (plugins.keySet().contains(softdepend.toLowerCase())) { load = false; } } for (String loadafter : plugin.getExtra("subservers.plugin.loadafter").asRawStringList()) { if (plugins.keySet().contains(loadafter.toLowerCase())) { load = false; } } if (load) try { plugin.removeExtra("subservers.plugin.loadafter"); plugin.setEnabled(true); api.addListener(plugin, plugin.get()); api.plugins.put(plugin.getName().toLowerCase(), plugin); api.plugins.put(plugin.getName().toLowerCase(), plugin); loaded.add(plugin.getName().toLowerCase()); String a = ""; int ai = 0; for (String author : plugin.getAuthors()) { ai++; if (ai > 1) { if (plugin.getAuthors().size() > 2) a += ", "; else if (plugin.getAuthors().size() == 2) a += ' '; if (ai == plugin.getAuthors().size()) a += "and "; } a += author; }"Loaded " + plugin.getName() + " v" + plugin.getVersion().toString() + " by " + a); i++; } catch (Throwable e) { plugin.setEnabled(false); throw new InvocationTargetException(e, "Problem loading plugin: " + plugin.getName()); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error.println(e); loaded.add(plugin.getName().toLowerCase()); } } progress = 0; for (String name : loaded) { progress++; plugins.remove(name); } if (progress == 0 && plugins.size() != 0) { log.error.println(new IllegalStateException("Couldn't load more plugins yet " + plugins.size() + " remain unloaded")); break; } } /* * Enable Plugins */ api.executeEvent(new SubEnableEvent(this)); + " Plugin"+((i == 1)?"":"s") + " loaded in " + new DecimalFormat("0.000").format((Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() - begin) / 1000D) + "s"); } running = true; Cipher cipher = null; if (!config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption", "NONE").equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) { if (config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Password", "").length() == 0) {"Cannot encrypt connection without a password"); } else if (!SubDataClient.getCiphers().keySet().contains(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption").toUpperCase().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_'))) {"Unknown encryption type: " + config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption")); } else { cipher = SubDataClient.getCipher(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption")); } } subdata = new SubDataClient(this, config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Name", "undefined"), InetAddress.getByName(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Address", "").split(":")[0]), Integer.parseInt(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Address", "").split(":")[1]), cipher); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> { if (running) { log.warn.println("Received request from system to shutdown"); forcequit(0); } })); creator = new SubCreator(this); loadDefaults(); new Metrics(this); new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { try { Document updxml = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(Util.readAll(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("").openStream(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))))))); NodeList updnodeList = updxml.getElementsByTagName("version"); Version updversion = version; int updcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < updnodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = updnodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!node.getTextContent().startsWith("-") && !node.getTextContent().equals(version.toString()) && Version.fromString(node.getTextContent()).compareTo(updversion) > 0) { updversion = Version.fromString(node.getTextContent()); updcount++; } } } if (updcount > 0)"SubServers.Host v" + updversion + " is available. You are " + updcount + " version" + ((updcount == 1)?"":"s") + " behind."); } catch (Exception e) {} } }, 0, TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(2)); if (!options.has("noconsole")) { loop(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(e); forcequit(1); } } public void reload() throws IOException { if (subdata != null) subdata.destroy(0); config.reload(); Cipher cipher = null; if (!config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption", "NONE").equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) { if (config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Password", "").length() == 0) {"Cannot encrypt connection without a password"); } else if (!SubDataClient.getCiphers().keySet().contains(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption").toUpperCase().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_'))) {"Unknown encryption type: " + config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption")); } else { cipher = SubDataClient.getCipher(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getRawString("Encryption")); } } subdata = new SubDataClient(this, config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Name", "undefined"), InetAddress.getByName(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Address", "").split(":")[0]), Integer.parseInt(config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getString("Address", "").split(":")[1]), cipher); SubAPI.getInstance().executeEvent(new SubReloadEvent(this)); } private void loop() throws Exception { String line; ready = true; while (ready && (line = jline.readLine(">")) != null) { if (!ready || line.replaceAll("\\s", "").length() == 0) continue; final CommandPreProcessEvent event; api.executeEvent(event = new CommandPreProcessEvent(this, line)); if (!event.isCancelled()) { LinkedList args = new LinkedList(); Matcher parser = Pattern.compile("(?:^|\\s+)(\"(?:\\\\\"|[^\"])+\"?|(?:\\\\\\s|[^\\s])+)").matcher(line); while (parser.find()) { String arg =; if (arg.startsWith("\"")) arg = arg.substring(1, arg.length() - ((arg.endsWith("\""))?1:0)); arg = unescapeCommand(arg); args.add(arg); } String cmd = args.get(0); args.remove(0); if (cmd.startsWith("/")) cmd = cmd.substring(1); if (args.size() >= 1 && ((cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("sub") && !api.commands.keySet().contains("sub")) || (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("subserver") && !api.commands.keySet().contains("subserver")) || (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("subservers") && !api.commands.keySet().contains("subservers")))) { cmd = args.get(0); args.remove(0); } if (api.commands.keySet().contains(cmd.toLowerCase())) { try { api.commands.get(cmd.toLowerCase()).command(cmd, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(new InvocationTargetException(e, "Uncaught exception while running command")); } } else { String s = cmd.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace(" ", "\\ "); for (String arg : args) { s += ' ' + arg.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace(" ", "\\ "); } log.message.println("Unknown Command - " + s); } jline.getOutput().write("\b \b"); } } } /** * Parse escapes in a command * * @param str String * @return Unescaped String */ private String unescapeCommand(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == str.length() - 1) ? '\\' : str .charAt(i + 1); // Octal escape? if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < str.length() - 1) && str.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && str.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += str.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < str.length() - 1) && str.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && str.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += str.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8)); continue; } switch (nextChar) { case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case ' ': ch = ' '; break; // Hex Unicode: u???? case 'u': if (i >= str.length() - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt( "" + str.charAt(i + 2) + str.charAt(i + 3) + str.charAt(i + 4) + str.charAt(i + 5), 16); sb.append(Character.toChars(code)); i += 5; continue; } i++; } sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } private void loadDefaults() { SubCommand.load(this); } /** * Stop SubServers.Host * * @param exit Exit Code */ public void stop(int exit) { if (ready) {"Shutting down..."); SubDisableEvent event = new SubDisableEvent(this, exit); api.executeEvent(event); forcequit(event.getExitCode()); } } private void forcequit(int exit) { if (ready) { ready = false; List subservers = new ArrayList(); subservers.addAll(servers.keySet()); for (String server : subservers) { servers.get(server).stop(); try { servers.get(server).waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(e); } } servers.clear(); if (creator != null) { creator.terminate(); try { creator.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(e); } } running = false; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) { log.error.println(e); } if (subdata != null) Util.isException(() -> subdata.destroy(0)); if (new File(dir, "Templates").exists()) Util.deleteDirectory(new File(dir, "Templates")); Util.isException(FileLogger::end); System.exit(exit); } } }