package net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Host; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Config.YAMLSection; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Util; import java.util.*; /** * SubServer Interface */ public interface SubServer extends Server { /** * Command Storage Class */ class LoggedCommand { private Date date; private UUID sender; private String command; /** * Store a Command * * @param command Command */ public LoggedCommand(String command) { if (Util.isNull(command)) throw new NullPointerException(); = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); this.sender = null; this.command = command; } /** * Store a Command * * @param sender Command Sender (null for CONSOLE) * @param command Command */ public LoggedCommand(UUID sender, String command) { if (Util.isNull(command)) throw new NullPointerException(); = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); this.sender = sender; this.command = command; } /** * Store a Command * * @param date Date * @param sender Command Sender (null for CONSOLE) * @param command Command */ public LoggedCommand(Date date, UUID sender, String command) { if (Util.isNull(date, command)) throw new NullPointerException(); = date; this.sender = sender; this.command = command; } /** * Get the date this command was logged * * @return Date */ public Date getDate() { return date; } /** * Get the command sender * * @return Command Sender (null if CONSOLE) */ public UUID getSender() { return sender; } /** * Get the command * * @return Command */ public String getCommand() { return command; } } /** * Starts the Server * * @param player Player who Started * @return Success Status */ boolean start(UUID player); /** * Starts the Server * * @return Success Status */ boolean start(); /** * Stops the Server * * @param player Player who Stopped * @return Success Status */ boolean stop(UUID player); /** * Stops the Server * * @return Success Status */ boolean stop(); /** * Terminates the Server * * @param player Player who Terminated * @return Success Status */ boolean terminate(UUID player); /** * Terminates the Server * * @return Success Status */ boolean terminate(); /** * Commands the Server * * @param player Player who Commanded * @param command Command to Send * @return Success Status */ boolean command(UUID player, String command); /** * Commands the Server * * @param command Command to Send * @return Success Status */ boolean command(String command); /** * Edits the Server * * @param player Player Editing * @param edit Edits * @return Success Status */ int edit(UUID player, YAMLSection edit); /** * Edits the Server * * @param edit Edits * @return Success Status */ int edit(YAMLSection edit); /** * Waits for the Server to Stop * * @throws InterruptedException */ void waitFor() throws InterruptedException; /** * If the Server is Running * * @return Running Status */ boolean isRunning(); /** * Grabs the Host of the Server * * @return The Host */ Host getHost(); /** * If the Server is Enabled * * @return Enabled Status */ boolean isEnabled(); /** * Set if the Server is Enabled * * @param value Value */ void setEnabled(boolean value); /** * If the Server is Logging * * @return Logging Status */ boolean isLogging(); /** * Set if the Server is Logging * * @param value Value */ void setLogging(boolean value); /** * Get Process Logger */ SubLogger getLogger(); /** * Gets all the commands that were sent to this Server successfully * * @return Command History */ LinkedList getCommandHistory(); /** * Get the Server Directory Path * * @return Server Directory Path */ String getPath(); /** * Get the Full Server Directory Path * * @return Full Server Directory Path */ String getFullPath(); /** * Get the Server's Executable String * * @return Executable String */ Executable getExecutable(); /** * Grab the Command to Stop the Server * * @return Stop Command */ String getStopCommand(); /** * Set the Command that Stops the Server * * @param value Value */ void setStopCommand(String value); /** * If the Server will Auto Restart on unexpected shutdowns * * @return Auto Restart Status */ boolean willAutoRestart(); /** * Set if the Server will Auto Restart on unexpected shutdowns * * @param value Value */ void setAutoRestart(boolean value); /** * Toggles compatibility with other Servers * * @param server SubServers to toggle */ void toggleCompatibility(SubServer... server); /** * Checks if a Server is compatible * * @param server Server to check * @return Compatible Status */ boolean isCompatible(SubServer server); /** * Get all listed incompatibilities for this Server * * @return Incompatibility List */ List getIncompatibilities() ; /** * Get incompatibility issues this server currently has * * @return Current Incompatibility List */ List getCurrentIncompatibilities(); /** * If the Server is Temporary * * @return Temporary Status */ boolean isTemporary(); /** * Set If the Server is Temporary (will start server if not running) * * @param value Value */ void setTemporary(boolean value); }