package net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Version; import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Util; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Version Class */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Version implements Serializable, Comparable { private final Version parent; private final VersionType type; private final String string; /** * Creates a Version * * @param string Version String */ public Version(String string) { this(VersionType.RELEASE, string); } /** * Creates a Version * * @param type Version Type * @param string Version String */ public Version(VersionType type, String string) { this(null, type, string); } /** * Creates a Version (Appending the parent) * * @param parent Parent Version * @param string Version String */ public Version(Version parent, String string) { this(parent, VersionType.RELEASE, string); } /** * Creates a Version (Appending the parent) * * @param parent Parent Version * @param type Version Type * @param string Version String */ public Version(Version parent, VersionType type, String string) { if (Util.isNull(string, type)) throw new NullPointerException(); this.parent = parent; this.type = type; this.string = string; } /** * Creates a Version * * @param ints Version Numbers (Will be separated with dots) */ public Version(int... ints) { this(VersionType.RELEASE, ints); } /** * Creates a Version * * @param type Version Type * @param ints Version Numbers (Will be separated with dots) */ public Version(VersionType type, int... ints) { this(null, type, ints); } /** * Creates a Version (Appending the parent) * * @param parent Parent Version * @param ints Version Numbers (Will be separated with dots) */ public Version(Version parent, int... ints) { this(parent, VersionType.RELEASE, ints); } /** * Creates a Version (Appending the parent) * * @param parent Parent Version * @param type Version Type * @param ints Version Numbers (Will be separated with dots) */ public Version(Version parent, VersionType type, int... ints) { if (Util.isNull(type)) throw new NullPointerException(); this.parent = parent; this.type = type; String string = Integer.toString(ints[0]); int i = 0; if (ints.length != 1) { do { i++; string = string + "." + ints[i]; } while ((i + 1) != ints.length); } this.string = string; } /** * Parse a Version from a string * * @param string String to parse * @see #toFullString() #toFullString() returns a valid string * @see #toFullString() #toString() returns a valid string */ public static Version fromString(String string) { Matcher regex = Pattern.compile("(rv|p?[abrv]|[su])?([^/]+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(string); Version current = null; while (regex.find()) { try { VersionType type = VersionType.VERSION; if ( != null) switch ( { case "pa": type = VersionType.PRE_ALPHA; break; case "a": type = VersionType.ALPHA; break; case "pv": type = VersionType.PREVIEW; break; case "pb": type = VersionType.PRE_BETA; break; case "b": type = VersionType.BETA; break; case "s": type = VersionType.SNAPSHOT; break; case "pr": type = VersionType.PRE_RELEASE; break; case "r": type = VersionType.RELEASE; break; case "rv": type = VersionType.REVISION; break; case "u": type = VersionType.UPDATE; break; } current = new Version(current, type,; } catch (Throwable e) {} } if (current == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find version in string: " + string); return current; } /** * The default toString() method
* new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
* 1.0.0/pa7 * * @return Version as a String */ @Override public String toString() { return ((parent == null)?"":parent.toString()+'/'+type.shortname) + string; } /** * The full toString() method
* new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
* r1.0.0/pa7 * * @return Version as a String */ public String toFullString() { return ((parent == null)?"":parent.toFullString()+'/') + type.shortname + string; } /** * The extended toString() method
* new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
* 1.0.0 pre-alpha 7 * * @return Version as a String */ public String toExtendedString() { return ((parent == null)?"":parent.toExtendedString()+' '+type.longname+' ') + string; } /** * The full extended toString() method
* new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
* release 1.0.0 pre-alpha 7 * * @return Version as a String */ public String toFullExtendedString() { return ((parent == null)?"":parent.toFullExtendedString()+' ') + type.longname + ' ' + string; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object instanceof Version) { return equals((Version) object); } else { return super.equals(object); } } /** * See if Versions are Equal * * @param version Version to Compare to * @return */ public boolean equals(Version version) { return compareTo(version) == 0; } /* * Returns 1 if Greater than * Returns 0 if Equal * Returns -1 if Less than *//** * * Compare Versions * * @param version Version to Compare to */ public int compareTo(Version version) { return compare(this, version); } /** * See if Versions are Equal * * @param ver1 Version to Compare * @param ver2 Version to Compare * @return */ public static boolean equals(Version ver1, Version ver2) { return compare(ver1, ver2) == 0; } /* * Returns 1 if Greater than * Returns 0 if Equal * Returns -1 if Less than *//** * Compare Versions * * @param ver1 Version to Compare * @param ver2 Version to Compare */ public static int compare(Version ver1, Version ver2) { if (ver1 == null && ver2 == null) { // Both versions are null return 0; } if (ver1 == null) { // Version one is null return -1; } if (ver2 == null) { // Version two is null return 1; } LinkedList stack1 = new LinkedList(); stack1.add(ver1); while (ver1.parent != null) { ver1 = ver1.parent; stack1.add(ver1); } Collections.reverse(stack1); LinkedList stack2 = new LinkedList(); stack2.add(ver2); while (ver2.parent != null) { ver2 = ver2.parent; stack2.add(ver2); } Collections.reverse(stack2); int id; for (id = 0; id < stack1.size(); id++) { if (id >= stack2.size()) { // Version one still has children when version two does not... if (stack1.get(id).type.stageid < 0) { // ...making version two the official version return -1; } else { // ...however the direct child of version one has a stageid higher than or equal to a release return 1; } } int result = stack1.get(id).compare(stack2.get(id)); if (result != 0) { // Versions are not the same, return the result return result; } } if (id < stack2.size()) { // Version one does not children when version two still does... if (stack2.get(id).type.stageid < 0) { // ...making version one the official version return 1; } else { // ...however the direct child of version two has a stageid higher than or equal to a release return -1; } } return 0; } /* * Compares versions ignoring parent/child relationships */ private int compare(Version version) { if (this.type.stageid > version.type.stageid) { // Version one has a type of a later stage than version two return 1; } if (this.type.stageid < version.type.stageid) { // Version one has a type of an earlier stage than version two return -1; } VersionTokenizer tokenizer1 = new VersionTokenizer(string); VersionTokenizer tokenizer2 = new VersionTokenizer(version.string); int number1, number2; String suffix1, suffix2; while (tokenizer1.MoveNext()) { if (!tokenizer2.MoveNext()) { do { number1 = tokenizer1.getNumber(); suffix1 = tokenizer1.getSuffix(); if (number1 != 0 || suffix1.length() != 0) { // Version one is longer than number two, and non-zero return 1; } } while (tokenizer1.MoveNext()); // Version one is longer than version two, but zero return 0; } number1 = tokenizer1.getNumber(); suffix1 = tokenizer1.getSuffix(); number2 = tokenizer2.getNumber(); suffix2 = tokenizer2.getSuffix(); if (number1 < number2) { // Number one is less than number two return -1; } if (number1 > number2) { // Number one is greater than number two return 1; } boolean empty1 = suffix1.length() == 0; boolean empty2 = suffix2.length() == 0; if (empty1 && empty2) continue; // No suffixes if (empty1) return 1; // First suffix is empty (1.2 > 1.2b) if (empty2) return -1; // Second suffix is empty (1.2a < 1.2) // Lexical comparison of suffixes int result = suffix1.compareTo(suffix2); if (result != 0) return result; } if (tokenizer2.MoveNext()) { do { number2 = tokenizer2.getNumber(); suffix2 = tokenizer2.getSuffix(); if (number2 != 0 || suffix2.length() != 0) { // Version one is longer than version two, and non-zero return -1; } } while (tokenizer2.MoveNext()); // Version two is longer than version one, but zero return 0; } return 0; } }