package net.ME1312.SubServers.Velocity.Library; import; import com.velocitypowered.api.plugin.PluginContainer; import com.velocitypowered.api.plugin.PluginDescription; import com.velocitypowered.api.plugin.annotation.DataDirectory; import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.ProxyServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class Metrics { /** A factory to create new Metrics classes. */ public static class Factory { private final ProxyServer server; private final Logger logger; private final Path dataDirectory; // The constructor is not meant to be called by the user. // The instance is created using Dependency Injection @Inject private Factory(ProxyServer server, Logger logger, @DataDirectory Path dataDirectory) { this.server = server; this.logger = logger; this.dataDirectory = dataDirectory; } /** * Creates a new Metrics class. * * @param plugin The plugin instance. * @param serviceId The id of the service. It can be found at What is my plugin id? *

Not to be confused with Velocity's {@link PluginDescription#getId()} method! * @return A Metrics instance that can be used to register custom charts. *

The return value can be ignored, when you do not want to register custom charts. */ public Metrics make(Object plugin, int serviceId) { return new Metrics(plugin, server, logger, dataDirectory, serviceId); } } private final PluginContainer pluginContainer; private final ProxyServer server; private MetricsBase metricsBase; private Metrics( Object plugin, ProxyServer server, Logger logger, Path dataDirectory, int serviceId) { pluginContainer = server .getPluginManager() .fromInstance(plugin) .orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalArgumentException("The provided instance is not a plugin")); this.server = server; File configFile = dataDirectory.getParent().resolve("bStats").resolve("config.txt").toFile(); MetricsConfig config; try { config = new MetricsConfig(configFile, true); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to create bStats config", e); return; } metricsBase = new MetricsBase( "velocity", config.getServerUUID(), serviceId, config.isEnabled(), this::appendPlatformData, this::appendServiceData, task -> server.getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, task).schedule(), () -> true, logger::warn, logger::info, config.isLogErrorsEnabled(), config.isLogSentDataEnabled(), config.isLogResponseStatusTextEnabled()); if (!config.didExistBefore()) { // Send an info message when the bStats config file gets created for the first time "Velocity and some of its plugins collect metrics and send them to bStats ("); "bStats collects some basic information for plugin authors, like how many people use"); "their plugin and their total player count. It's recommend to keep bStats enabled, but"); "if you're not comfortable with this, you can opt-out by editing the config.txt file in");"the '/plugins/bStats/' folder and setting enabled to false."); } } /** * Adds a custom chart. * * @param chart The chart to add. */ public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) { if (metricsBase != null) { metricsBase.addCustomChart(chart); } } private void appendPlatformData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) { builder.appendField("playerAmount", server.getPlayerCount()); builder.appendField("managedServers", server.getAllServers().size()); builder.appendField("onlineMode", server.getConfiguration().isOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0); builder.appendField("velocityVersionVersion", server.getVersion().getVersion()); builder.appendField("velocityVersionName", server.getVersion().getName()); builder.appendField("velocityVersionVendor", server.getVersion().getVendor()); builder.appendField("javaVersion", System.getProperty("java.version")); builder.appendField("osName", System.getProperty("")); builder.appendField("osArch", System.getProperty("os.arch")); builder.appendField("osVersion", System.getProperty("os.version")); builder.appendField("coreCount", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); } private void appendServiceData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) { builder.appendField( "pluginVersion", pluginContainer.getDescription().getVersion().orElse("unknown")); } public static class MetricsBase { /** The version of the Metrics class. */ public static final String METRICS_VERSION = "2.2.1"; private static final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> new Thread(task, "bStats-Metrics")); private static final String REPORT_URL = ""; private final String platform; private final String serverUuid; private final int serviceId; private final Consumer appendPlatformDataConsumer; private final Consumer appendServiceDataConsumer; private final Consumer submitTaskConsumer; private final Supplier checkServiceEnabledSupplier; private final BiConsumer errorLogger; private final Consumer infoLogger; private final boolean logErrors; private final boolean logSentData; private final boolean logResponseStatusText; private final Set customCharts = new HashSet<>(); private final boolean enabled; /** * Creates a new MetricsBase class instance. * * @param platform The platform of the service. * @param serviceId The id of the service. * @param serverUuid The server uuid. * @param enabled Whether or not data sending is enabled. * @param appendPlatformDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and * appends all platform-specific data. * @param appendServiceDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and * appends all service-specific data. * @param submitTaskConsumer A consumer that takes a runnable with the submit task. This can be * used to delegate the data collection to a another thread to prevent errors caused by * concurrency. Can be {@code null}. * @param checkServiceEnabledSupplier A supplier to check if the service is still enabled. * @param errorLogger A consumer that accepts log message and an error. * @param infoLogger A consumer that accepts info log messages. * @param logErrors Whether or not errors should be logged. * @param logSentData Whether or not the sent data should be logged. * @param logResponseStatusText Whether or not the response status text should be logged. */ public MetricsBase( String platform, String serverUuid, int serviceId, boolean enabled, Consumer appendPlatformDataConsumer, Consumer appendServiceDataConsumer, Consumer submitTaskConsumer, Supplier checkServiceEnabledSupplier, BiConsumer errorLogger, Consumer infoLogger, boolean logErrors, boolean logSentData, boolean logResponseStatusText) { this.platform = platform; this.serverUuid = serverUuid; this.serviceId = serviceId; this.enabled = enabled; this.appendPlatformDataConsumer = appendPlatformDataConsumer; this.appendServiceDataConsumer = appendServiceDataConsumer; this.submitTaskConsumer = submitTaskConsumer; this.checkServiceEnabledSupplier = checkServiceEnabledSupplier; this.errorLogger = errorLogger; this.infoLogger = infoLogger; this.logErrors = logErrors; this.logSentData = logSentData; this.logResponseStatusText = logResponseStatusText; checkRelocation(); if (enabled) { startSubmitting(); } } public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) { this.customCharts.add(chart); } private void startSubmitting() { final Runnable submitTask = () -> { if (!enabled || !checkServiceEnabledSupplier.get()) { // Submitting data or service is disabled scheduler.shutdown(); return; } if (submitTaskConsumer != null) { submitTaskConsumer.accept(this::submitData); } else { this.submitData(); } }; // Many servers tend to restart at a fixed time at xx:00 which causes an uneven distribution // of requests on the // bStats backend. To circumvent this problem, we introduce some randomness into the initial // and second delay. // WARNING: You must not modify and part of this Metrics class, including the submit delay or // frequency! // WARNING: Modifying this code will get your plugin banned on bStats. Just don't do it! long initialDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (3 + Math.random() * 3)); long secondDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (Math.random() * 30)); scheduler.schedule(submitTask, initialDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate( submitTask, initialDelay + secondDelay, 1000 * 60 * 30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private void submitData() { final JsonObjectBuilder baseJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); appendPlatformDataConsumer.accept(baseJsonBuilder); final JsonObjectBuilder serviceJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); appendServiceDataConsumer.accept(serviceJsonBuilder); JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[] chartData = .map(customChart -> customChart.getRequestJsonObject(errorLogger, logErrors)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .toArray(JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[]::new); serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("id", serviceId); serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("customCharts", chartData); baseJsonBuilder.appendField("service",; baseJsonBuilder.appendField("serverUUID", serverUuid); baseJsonBuilder.appendField("metricsVersion", METRICS_VERSION); JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data =; scheduler.execute( () -> { try { // Send the data sendData(data); } catch (Exception e) { // Something went wrong! :( if (logErrors) { errorLogger.accept("Could not submit bStats metrics data", e); } } }); } private void sendData(JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data) throws Exception { if (logSentData) { infoLogger.accept("Sent bStats metrics data: " + data.toString()); } String url = String.format(REPORT_URL, platform); HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); // Compress the data to save bandwidth byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString()); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length)); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Metrics-Service/1"); connection.setDoOutput(true); try (DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) { outputStream.write(compressedData); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) { String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } } if (logResponseStatusText) { infoLogger.accept("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder); } } /** Checks that the class was properly relocated. */ private void checkRelocation() { // You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null || !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) { // Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little // "trick" ... :D final String defaultPackage = new String(new byte[] {'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's'}); final String examplePackage = new String(new byte[] {'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'}); // We want to make sure no one just copy & pastes the example and uses the wrong package // names if (MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(defaultPackage) || MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(examplePackage)) { throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!"); } } } /** * Gzips the given string. * * @param str The string to gzip. * @return The gzipped string. */ private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException { if (str == null) { return null; } ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream)) { gzip.write(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } return outputStream.toByteArray(); } } public static class AdvancedBarChart extends CustomChart { private final Callable> callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public AdvancedBarChart(String chartId, Callable> callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); Map map =; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } boolean allSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().length == 0) { // Skip this invalid continue; } allSkipped = false; valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } if (allSkipped) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",; } } public static class SimpleBarChart extends CustomChart { private final Callable> callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public SimpleBarChart(String chartId, Callable> callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); Map map =; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), new int[] {entry.getValue()}); } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",; } } public static class MultiLineChart extends CustomChart { private final Callable> callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public MultiLineChart(String chartId, Callable> callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); Map map =; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } boolean allSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == 0) { // Skip this invalid continue; } allSkipped = false; valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } if (allSkipped) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",; } } public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart { private final Callable> callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public AdvancedPie(String chartId, Callable> callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); Map map =; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } boolean allSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == 0) { // Skip this invalid continue; } allSkipped = false; valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } if (allSkipped) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",; } } public abstract static class CustomChart { private final String chartId; protected CustomChart(String chartId) { if (chartId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("chartId must not be null"); } this.chartId = chartId; } public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getRequestJsonObject( BiConsumer errorLogger, boolean logErrors) { JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); builder.appendField("chartId", chartId); try { JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data = getChartData(); if (data == null) { // If the data is null we don't send the chart. return null; } builder.appendField("data", data); } catch (Throwable t) { if (logErrors) { errorLogger.accept("Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t); } return null; } return; } protected abstract JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception; } public static class SingleLineChart extends CustomChart { private final Callable callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public SingleLineChart(String chartId, Callable callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { int value =; if (value == 0) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build(); } } public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart { private final Callable callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { String value =; if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build(); } } public static class DrilldownPie extends CustomChart { private final Callable>> callable; /** * Class constructor. * * @param chartId The id of the chart. * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data. */ public DrilldownPie(String chartId, Callable>> callable) { super(chartId); this.callable = callable; } @Override public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); Map> map =; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } boolean reallyAllSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry> entryValues : map.entrySet()) { JsonObjectBuilder valueBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder(); boolean allSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) { valueBuilder.appendField(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue()); allSkipped = false; } if (!allSkipped) { reallyAllSkipped = false; valuesBuilder.appendField(entryValues.getKey(),; } } if (reallyAllSkipped) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",; } } /** * An extremely simple JSON builder. * *

While this class is neither feature-rich nor the most performant one, it's sufficient enough * for its use-case. */ public static class JsonObjectBuilder { private StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); private boolean hasAtLeastOneField = false; public JsonObjectBuilder() { builder.append("{"); } /** * Appends a null field to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendNull(String key) { appendFieldUnescaped(key, "null"); return this; } /** * Appends a string field to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param value The value of the field. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String value) { if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON value must not be null"); } appendFieldUnescaped(key, "\"" + escape(value) + "\""); return this; } /** * Appends an integer field to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param value The value of the field. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int value) { appendFieldUnescaped(key, String.valueOf(value)); return this; } /** * Appends an object to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param object The object. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject object) { if (object == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON object must not be null"); } appendFieldUnescaped(key, object.toString()); return this; } /** * Appends a string array to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param values The string array. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String[] values) { if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null"); } String escapedValues = .map(value -> "\"" + escape(value) + "\"") .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]"); return this; } /** * Appends an integer array to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param values The integer array. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int[] values) { if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null"); } String escapedValues =",")); appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]"); return this; } /** * Appends an object array to the JSON. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param values The integer array. * @return A reference to this object. */ public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject[] values) { if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null"); } String escapedValues =",")); appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]"); return this; } /** * Appends a field to the object. * * @param key The key of the field. * @param escapedValue The escaped value of the field. */ private void appendFieldUnescaped(String key, String escapedValue) { if (builder == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built"); } if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON key must not be null"); } if (hasAtLeastOneField) { builder.append(","); } builder.append("\"").append(escape(key)).append("\":").append(escapedValue); hasAtLeastOneField = true; } /** * Builds the JSON string and invalidates this builder. * * @return The built JSON string. */ public JsonObject build() { if (builder == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built"); } JsonObject object = new JsonObject(builder.append("}").toString()); builder = null; return object; } /** * Escapes the given string like stated in * *

This method escapes only the necessary characters '"', '\'. and '\u0000' - '\u001F'. * Compact escapes are not used (e.g., '\n' is escaped as "\u000a" and not as "\n"). * * @param value The value to escape. * @return The escaped value. */ private static String escape(String value) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { builder.append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { builder.append("\\\\"); } else if (c <= '\u000F') { builder.append("\\u000").append(Integer.toHexString(c)); } else if (c <= '\u001F') { builder.append("\\u00").append(Integer.toHexString(c)); } else { builder.append(c); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * A super simple representation of a JSON object. * *

This class only exists to make methods of the {@link JsonObjectBuilder} type-safe and not * allow a raw string inputs for methods like {@link JsonObjectBuilder#appendField(String, * JsonObject)}. */ public static class JsonObject { private final String value; private JsonObject(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return value; } } } /** * A simple config for bStats. * *

This class is not used by every platform. */ public static class MetricsConfig { private final File file; private final boolean defaultEnabled; private String serverUUID; private boolean enabled; private boolean logErrors; private boolean logSentData; private boolean logResponseStatusText; private boolean didExistBefore = true; public MetricsConfig(File file, boolean defaultEnabled) throws IOException { this.file = file; this.defaultEnabled = defaultEnabled; setupConfig(); } public String getServerUUID() { return serverUUID; } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public boolean isLogErrorsEnabled() { return logErrors; } public boolean isLogSentDataEnabled() { return logSentData; } public boolean isLogResponseStatusTextEnabled() { return logResponseStatusText; } /** * Checks whether the config file did exist before or not. * * @return If the config did exist before. */ public boolean didExistBefore() { return didExistBefore; } /** Creates the config file if it does not exist and read its content. */ private void setupConfig() throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { // Looks like it's the first time we create it (or someone deleted it). didExistBefore = false; writeConfig(); } readConfig(); if (serverUUID == null) { // Found a malformed config file with no UUID. Let's recreate it. writeConfig(); readConfig(); } } /** Creates a config file with teh default content. */ private void writeConfig() throws IOException { List configContent = new ArrayList<>(); configContent.add( "# bStats ( collects some basic information for plugin authors, like"); configContent.add( "# how many people use their plugin and their total player count. It's recommended to keep"); configContent.add( "# bStats enabled, but if you're not comfortable with this, you can turn this setting off."); configContent.add( "# There is no performance penalty associated with having metrics enabled, and data sent to"); configContent.add("# bStats is fully anonymous."); configContent.add("enabled=" + defaultEnabled); configContent.add("server-uuid=" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); configContent.add("log-errors=false"); configContent.add("log-sent-data=false"); configContent.add("log-response-status-text=false"); writeFile(file, configContent); } /** Reads the content of the config file. */ private void readConfig() throws IOException { List lines = readFile(file); if (lines == null) { throw new AssertionError("Content of newly created file is null"); } enabled = getConfigValue("enabled", lines).map("true"::equals).orElse(true); serverUUID = getConfigValue("server-uuid", lines).orElse(null); logErrors = getConfigValue("log-errors", lines).map("true"::equals).orElse(false); logSentData = getConfigValue("log-sent-data", lines).map("true"::equals).orElse(false); logResponseStatusText = getConfigValue("log-response-status-text", lines).map("true"::equals).orElse(false); } /** * Gets a config setting from the given list of lines of the file. * * @param key The key for the setting. * @param lines The lines of the file. * @return The value of the setting. */ private Optional getConfigValue(String key, List lines) { return .filter(line -> line.startsWith(key + "=")) .map(line -> line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(key + "="), "")) .findFirst(); } /** * Reads the text content of the given file. * * @param file The file to read. * @return The lines of the given file. */ private List readFile(File file) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { return null; } try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader)) { return bufferedReader.lines().collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * Writes the given lines to the given file. * * @param file The file to write to. * @param lines The lines to write. */ private void writeFile(File file, List lines) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); file.createNewFile(); } try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)) { for (String line : lines) { bufferedWriter.write(line); bufferedWriter.newLine(); } } } } }