
634 lines
28 KiB

package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Executable;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Engine.GalaxiEngine;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataClient;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.Network.API.SubCreator;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.Network.API.SubCreator.ServerType;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.ExHost;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.InvalidServerException;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.InvalidTemplateException;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.SubCreatorException;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ReplacementScanner;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketExCreateServer;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.*;
* Internal SubCreator Class
public class SubCreatorImpl {
private ExHost host;
private TreeMap<String, CreatorTask> thread;
public static class ServerTemplate extends SubCreator.ServerTemplate {
private final boolean dynamic;
private String name;
private String nick = null;
private boolean enabled;
private boolean internal;
private String icon;
private File directory;
private ServerType type;
private ObjectMap<String> build;
private ObjectMap<String> options;
* Create a SubCreator Template
* @param name Template Name
* @param enabled Template Enabled Status
* @param icon Template Item Icon Name
* @param directory Template Directory
* @param build Build Options
* @param options Configuration Options
public ServerTemplate(String name, boolean enabled, String icon, File directory, ObjectMap<String> build, ObjectMap<String> options) {
this(name, enabled, false, icon, directory, build, options, true);
private ServerTemplate(String name, boolean enabled, boolean internal, String icon, File directory, ObjectMap<String> build, ObjectMap<String> options, boolean dynamic) {
super(toRaw(name, enabled, icon, directory, build, options));
if (name.contains(" ")) throw new InvalidTemplateException("Template names cannot have spaces: " + name); = name;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.internal = internal;
this.icon = icon; = directory;
this.type = (build.contains("Server-Type"))?ServerType.valueOf(build.getString("Server-Type").toUpperCase()):ServerType.CUSTOM; = build;
this.options = options;
this.dynamic = dynamic;
* Get the Name of this Template
* @return Template Name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Get the Display Name of this Template
* @return Display Name
public String getDisplayName() {
return (nick == null)?getName():nick;
* Sets the Display Name for this Template
* @param value Value (or null to reset)
public void setDisplayName(String value) {
if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || getName().equals(value)) {
this.nick = null;
} else {
this.nick = value;
* Get the Enabled Status of this Template
* @return Enabled Status
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
* Set the Enabled Status of this Template
* @param value Value
public void setEnabled(boolean value) {
enabled = value;
* Get if this Template is for Internal use only
* @return Internal Status
public boolean isInternal() {
return internal;
* Get the Item Icon for this Template
* @return Item Icon Name/ID
public String getIcon() {
return icon;
* Set the Item Icon for this Template
* @param value Value
public void setIcon(String value) {
icon = value;
* Get the Directory for this Template
* @return Directory
public File getDirectory() {
return directory;
* Get the Type of this Template
* @return Template Type
public ServerType getType() {
return type;
* Get whether this Template requires the Version argument
* @return Version Requirement
public boolean requiresVersion() {
return getBuildOptions().getBoolean("Require-Version", false);
* Get whether this Template can be used to update it's servers
* @return Updatable Status
public boolean canUpdate() {
return getBuildOptions().getBoolean("Can-Update", false);
* Get whether this Template was generated by a SubCreator instance
* @return Custom Status
public boolean isDynamic() {
return dynamic;
* Get the Build Options for this Template
* @return Build Options
public ObjectMap<String> getBuildOptions() {
return build;
* Get the Configuration Options for this Template
* @return Configuration Options
public ObjectMap<String> getConfigOptions() {
return options;
private static ObjectMap<String> toRaw(String name, boolean enabled, String icon, File directory, ObjectMap<String> build, ObjectMap<String> options) {
Util.nullpo(name, enabled, directory, build, options);
ObjectMap<String> tinfo = new ObjectMap<String>();
tinfo.set("enabled", enabled);
tinfo.set("name", name);
tinfo.set("display", name);
tinfo.set("icon", icon);
tinfo.set("type", (build.contains("Server-Type"))?ServerType.valueOf(build.getString("Server-Type").toUpperCase()):ServerType.CUSTOM);
tinfo.set("version-req", build.getBoolean("Require-Version", false));
tinfo.set("can-update", build.getBoolean("Can-Update", false));
return tinfo;
* Loads Template Metadata
* @param remote Loads from the Remote Templates directory when true
public void load(boolean remote) {
HashMap<String, ServerTemplate> templates = (remote)?host.templatesR:host.templates;
File dir = new File(GalaxiEngine.getInstance().getRuntimeDirectory(), ((remote)?"Cache/Remote/":"") + "Templates");
if (dir.exists()) for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
try {
if (file.isDirectory() && !file.getName().endsWith(".x")) {
ObjectMap<String> config = (new File(file, "template.yml").exists())?new YAMLConfig(new File(file, "template.yml")).get().getMap("Template", new ObjectMap<String>()):new ObjectMap<String>();
ServerTemplate template = new ServerTemplate(file.getName(), config.getBoolean("Enabled", true), config.getBoolean("Internal", false), config.getString("Icon", "::NULL::"), file, config.getMap("Build", new ObjectMap<String>()), config.getMap("Settings", new ObjectMap<String>()), false);
templates.put(file.getName().toLowerCase(), template);
if (config.getKeys().contains("Display")) template.setDisplayName(Util.unescapeJavaString(config.getString("Display")));
} catch (Exception e) {
host.log.error.println("Couldn't load template: " + file.getName());
private class CreatorTask extends Thread {
private final HashMap<String, ServerTemplate> templates;
private final SubServerImpl update;
private final UUID player;
private final String name;
private final ServerTemplate template;
private final Version version;
private final int port;
private final Boolean mode;
private final UUID address;
private final UUID tracker;
private final SubLoggerImpl log;
private final LinkedList<String> replace;
private final HashMap<String, String> replacements;
private boolean install;
private Process process;
private CreatorTask(UUID player, String name, ServerTemplate template, Version version, int port, Boolean mode, UUID address, UUID tracker) {
super(SubAPI.getInstance().getAppInfo().getName() + "::SubCreator_Process_Handler(" + name + ')');
this.templates = new HashMap<String, ServerTemplate>();
this.update = host.servers.getOrDefault(name.toLowerCase(), null);
this.player = player; = name;
this.template = template;
this.version = version;
this.port = port;
this.mode = mode;
this.log = new SubLoggerImpl(null, this, name + File.separator + ((update == null)?"Creator":"Updater"), address, new Container<Boolean>(true), null);
this.replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();
(this.replace = new LinkedList<String>()).add("/");
this.install = true;
this.address = address;
this.tracker = tracker;
private ObjectMap<String> build(File dir, ServerTemplate template, List<ServerTemplate> history, List<ServerTemplate> stack) throws SubCreatorException {
ObjectMap<String> server = new ObjectMap<String>();
Version version = this.version;
HashMap<String, String> var = new HashMap<String, String>();
boolean error = false;
if (stack.contains(template)) throw new IllegalStateException("Infinite template import loop detected");
for (String other : template.getBuildOptions().getStringList("Import", new ArrayList<String>())) {
if (templates.containsKey(other.toLowerCase())) {
final ServerTemplate ot = templates.get(other.toLowerCase());
if (ot.isEnabled()) {
if (version != null || !ot.requiresVersion()) {
if (update == null || ot.canUpdate()) {
if (!history.contains(ot)) {
server.setAll(, ot, history, stack));
} else {
log.logger.warn.println("Skipping template that's already loaded: " + other);
} else {
log.logger.warn.println("Skipping template that cannot be run in update mode: " + other);
} else {
log.logger.warn.println("Skipping template that requires extra versioning information: " + other);
} else {
log.logger.warn.println("Skipping disabled template: " + other);
} else {
log.logger.warn.println("Skipping missing template: " + other);
try {"Loading" + ((template.isDynamic())?" Dynamic":"") + " Template: " + template.getDisplayName());
updateDirectory(template.getDirectory(), dir, template.getBuildOptions().getBoolean("Update-Files", false));
install = template.getBuildOptions().getBoolean("Install-Client", install);
replace.addAll(template.getBuildOptions().getStringList("Replace", Collections.emptyList()));
for (ObjectMapValue<String> replacement : template.getBuildOptions().getMap("Replacements", new ObjectMap<>()).getValues()) if (!replacement.isNull()) {
replacements.put(replacement.getHandle().toLowerCase().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_'), replacement.asString());
var.put("java", System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java");
var.put("mode", (update == null)? "CREATE" : ((mode)?"UPDATE":"SWITCH"));
if (player != null) var.put("player", player.toString().toUpperCase());
else var.remove("player");
var.put("name", name);
var.put("host", SubAPI.getInstance().getName());
var.put("template", template.getName());
var.put("type", template.getType().toString().toUpperCase());
if (version != null) var.put("version", version.toString());
else var.remove("version");
var.put("address", getAddress());
var.put("port", Integer.toString(port));
switch (template.getType()) {
case SPONGE:
case FORGE:
if (version != null) {"Searching Versions...");
YAMLSection spversionmanifest = new YAMLSection(new JSONObject("{\"versions\":" + Util.readAll(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("" + ((template.getType() == ServerType.FORGE)?"forge":"vanilla") + "/downloads?type=stable&minecraft=" + version).openStream(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")))) + '}'));
ObjectMap<String> spprofile = null;
Version spversion = null;
for (ObjectMap<String> profile : spversionmanifest.getMapList("versions")) {
if (profile.getMap("dependencies").getString("minecraft").equalsIgnoreCase(version.toString()) && (spversion == null || new Version(profile.getString("version")).compareTo(spversion) >= 0)) {
spprofile = profile;
spversion = new Version(profile.getString("version"));
if (spversion == null) throw new InvalidServerException("Cannot find Sponge version for Minecraft " + version.toString());"Found \"sponge" + ((template.getType() == ServerType.FORGE)?"forge":"vanilla") + "-" + spversion.toString() + '"');
if (template.getType() == ServerType.FORGE) {
Version mcfversion = new Version(((spprofile.getMap("dependencies").getString("forge").contains("-"))?"":spprofile.getMap("dependencies").getString("minecraft") + '-') + spprofile.getMap("dependencies").getString("forge"));"Found \"forge-" + mcfversion.toString() + '"');
var.put("mcf_version", mcfversion.toString());
var.put("sp_version", spversion.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (template.getBuildOptions().contains("Executable")) {
File cache = null;
if (template.getBuildOptions().getBoolean("Use-Cache", true)) {
cache = new File(GalaxiEngine.getInstance().getRuntimeDirectory(), "Cache/Templates/" + template.getName());
var.put("cache", cache.getAbsolutePath());
var.put("source", dir.getAbsolutePath());
try {"Launching Build Script...");
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().command(Executable.parse("Git-Bash"), template.getBuildOptions().getString("Executable"))).directory(dir);
log.file = new File(dir, "SubCreator-" + template.getName() + "-" + ((version != null)?"-"+version.toString():"") + ".log");
process = pb.start();
log.process = process;
if (process.exitValue() != 0) error = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
error = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
error = true;
if (cache != null) {
if (cache.isDirectory() && cache.listFiles().length == 0) cache.delete();
cache = new File(GalaxiEngine.getInstance().getRuntimeDirectory(), "Cache/Templates");
if (cache.isDirectory() && cache.listFiles().length == 0) cache.delete();
cache = new File(GalaxiEngine.getInstance().getRuntimeDirectory(), "Cache");
if (cache.isDirectory() && cache.listFiles().length == 0) cache.delete();
new File(dir, "template.yml").delete();
if (error) throw new SubCreatorException();
return server;
public void run() {
Runnable declaration = () -> {
replacements.put("player", (player == null)?"":player.toString());
replacements.put("name", name);
replacements.put("host", SubAPI.getInstance().getName());
replacements.put("template", template.getName());
replacements.put("type", template.getType().toString());
replacements.put("version", (version != null)?version.toString():"");
replacements.put("address", getAddress());
replacements.put("port", Integer.toString(port));
File dir = (update != null)?new File(update.getFullPath()):new File("Directory"),
(template.getConfigOptions().contains("Directory"))?new ReplacementScanner(replacements).replace(template.getConfigOptions().getString("Directory")).toString():name);
ObjectMap<String> config;
try {
config = build(dir, template, new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>());
} catch (SubCreatorException e) {
config = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
config = null;
} finally {
ReplacementScanner replacements = new ReplacementScanner(this.replacements);
if (config != null) {
try {
if (install) generateClient(dir, template.getType(), name);
replacements.replace(dir, replace.toArray(new String[0]));
} catch (Exception e) {
config = null;
if (config != null) {
((SubDataClient) SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork()[0]).sendPacket(new PacketExCreateServer(0, null, (Map<String, ?>) replacements.replace(config.get()), tracker));
} else {"Couldn't build the server jar. Check the SubCreator logs for more detail.");
((SubDataClient) SubAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork()[0]).sendPacket(new PacketExCreateServer(-1, "Couldn't build the server jar. Check the SubCreator logs for more detail.", tracker));
* Creates a SubCreator Instance
* @param host SubServers.Host
public SubCreatorImpl(ExHost host) {
Util.nullpo(host); = host;
this.thread = new TreeMap<>();
public boolean create(UUID player, String name, ServerTemplate template, Version version, int port, Boolean mode, UUID address, UUID tracker) {
Util.nullpo(name, template, port, address);
CreatorTask task = new CreatorTask(player, name, template, version, port, mode, address, tracker);
this.thread.put(name.toLowerCase(), task);
return true;
public void terminate() {
HashMap<String, CreatorTask> temp = new HashMap<String, CreatorTask>();
for (String i : temp.keySet()) {
public void terminate(String name) {
if (this.thread.containsKey(name.toLowerCase())) {
if (this.thread.get(name.toLowerCase()).process != null && this.thread.get(name.toLowerCase()).process.isAlive()) {
} else if (this.thread.get(name.toLowerCase()).isAlive()) {
public void waitFor() throws InterruptedException {
HashMap<String, CreatorTask> temp = new HashMap<String, CreatorTask>();
for (String i : temp.keySet()) {
public void waitFor(String name) throws InterruptedException {
while (this.thread.containsKey(name.toLowerCase()) && this.thread.get(name.toLowerCase()).isAlive()) {
public List<SubLoggerImpl> getLoggers() {
List<SubLoggerImpl> loggers = new ArrayList<SubLoggerImpl>();
HashMap<String, CreatorTask> temp = new HashMap<String, CreatorTask>();
for (String i : temp.keySet()) {
return loggers;
public SubLoggerImpl getLogger(String name) {
return this.thread.get(name).log;
private static Pair<YAMLSection, String> address = null;
private String getAddress() {
if (address == null || host.config.get() != address.key()) {
address = new ContainedPair<>(host.config.get(), host.config.get().getMap("Settings").getString("Server-Bind"));
return address.value();
private static Pair<YAMLSection, Map<String, Object>> subdata = null;
private Map<String, Object> getSubData() {
if (subdata == null || host.config.get() != subdata.key()) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("Address", host.config.get().getMap("Settings").getMap("SubData").getString("Address"));
if (host.config.get().getMap("Settings").getMap("SubData").getString("Password", "").length() > 0) map.put("Password", host.config.get().getMap("Settings").getMap("SubData").getString("Password"));
subdata = new ContainedPair<>(host.config.get(), map);
return subdata.value();
private void generateClient(File dir, ServerType type, String name) throws IOException {
boolean installed = false;
if (type == ServerType.SPIGOT) {
installed = true;
if (!new File(dir, "plugins").exists()) new File(dir, "plugins").mkdirs();
if (!new File(dir, "plugins/SubServers.Client.jar").exists())
Util.copyFromJar(ExHost.class.getClassLoader(), "net/ME1312/SubServers/Host/Library/Files/client.jar", new File(dir, "plugins/SubServers.Client.jar").getPath());
} else if (type == ServerType.FORGE || type == ServerType.SPONGE) {
installed = true;
if (!new File(dir, "mods").exists()) new File(dir, "mods").mkdirs();
if (!new File(dir, "mods/SubServers.Client.jar").exists())
Util.copyFromJar(ExHost.class.getClassLoader(), "net/ME1312/SubServers/Host/Library/Files/client.jar", new File(dir, "mods/SubServers.Client.jar").getPath());
if (installed) {
YAMLSection config = new YAMLSection();
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(dir, "subdata.json"), false);
if (!new File(dir, "subdata.rsa.key").exists() && new File("subdata.rsa.key").exists()) {
Files.copy(new File("subdata.rsa.key").toPath(), new File(dir, "subdata.rsa.key").toPath());
private void updateDirectory(File from, File to, boolean overwrite) {
if (!to.exists()) {
Directories.copy(from, to);
} else if (from.isDirectory() && !Files.isSymbolicLink(from.toPath())) {
String files[] = from.list();
for (String file : files) {
File srcFile = new File(from, file);
File destFile = new File(to, file);
updateDirectory(srcFile, destFile, overwrite);
} else {
try {
if (overwrite && (from.length() != to.length() || !Arrays.equals(generateSHA256(to), generateSHA256(from)))) {
if (to.exists()) {
if (to.isDirectory()) Directories.delete(to);
else to.delete();
Files.copy(from.toPath(), to.toPath(), LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (Exception e) {
} private byte[] generateSHA256(File file) throws Exception {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] dataBytes = new byte[4096];
int nread;
while ((nread = != -1) {
md.update(dataBytes, 0, nread);
return md.digest();