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package net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.Network.API;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Callback.Callback;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap;
import net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.DataClient;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.DataSender;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.Library.ForwardedDataSender;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataClient;
import net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataSender;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadPlayerInfo;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadServerInfo;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Common.ClientAPI;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;
* Simplified Server Data Class
public class Server {
ObjectMap<String> raw;
private List<RemotePlayer> players = null;
DataClient client;
long timestamp;
* Create an API representation of a Server
* @param raw Raw representation of the Server
public Server(ObjectMap<String> raw) {
this(null, raw);
* Create an API representation of a Server
* @param client SubData connection
* @param raw Raw representation of the Server
Server(DataClient client, ObjectMap<String> raw) {
this.client = (SubDataClient) client;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof Server && getSignature().equals(((Server) obj).getSignature());
void load(ObjectMap<String> raw) {
this.raw = raw;
this.players = null;
this.timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime();
SubDataClient client() {
return SimplifiedData.client(client);
* Download a new copy of the data from SubData
public void refresh() {
String name = getName();
client().sendPacket(new PacketDownloadServerInfo(Collections.singletonList(name), data -> load(data.getMap(name))));
* Gets the SubData Client Channel IDs
* @return SubData Client Channel ID Array
public DataSender[] getSubData() {
ObjectMap<Integer> subdata = new ObjectMap<Integer>((Map<Integer, ?>) raw.getObject("subdata"));
LinkedList<Integer> keys = new LinkedList<Integer>(subdata.getKeys());
LinkedList<SubDataSender> channels = new LinkedList<SubDataSender>();
for (Integer channel : keys) channels.add((subdata.isNull(channel))?null:new ForwardedDataSender((SubDataClient) ClientAPI.getInstance().getSubDataNetwork()[0], subdata.getUUID(channel)));
return channels.toArray(new SubDataSender[0]);
* Get the Name of this Server
* @return Server Name
public String getName() {
return raw.getRawString("name");
* Get the Display Name of this Server
* @return Display Name
public String getDisplayName() {
return raw.getRawString("display");
* Get the Address of this Server
* @return Server Address
public InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
return new InetSocketAddress(raw.getRawString("address").split(":")[0], Integer.parseInt(raw.getRawString("address").split(":")[1]));
* Get this Server's Groups
* @return Group names
public List<String> getGroups() {
return new LinkedList<String>(raw.getRawStringList("group"));
* Get players on this server across all known proxies
* @return Remote Player Collection
public Collection<Pair<String, UUID>> getRemotePlayers() {
List<Pair<String, UUID>> players = new ArrayList<Pair<String, UUID>>();
for (String id : raw.getMap("players").getKeys()) {
players.add(new ContainedPair<String, UUID>(raw.getMap("players").getRawString(id), UUID.fromString(id)));
return players;
* Get players on this server across all known proxies
* @param callback Remote Player Collection
public void getRemotePlayers(Callback<Collection<RemotePlayer>> callback) {
if (Util.isNull(callback)) throw new NullPointerException();
StackTraceElement[] origin = new Exception().getStackTrace();
Runnable run = () -> {
try {;
} catch (Throwable e) {
Throwable ew = new InvocationTargetException(e);
if (players == null) {
LinkedList<UUID> ids = new LinkedList<UUID>();
for (String id : raw.getMap("players").getKeys()) ids.add(UUID.fromString(id));
client().sendPacket(new PacketDownloadPlayerInfo(ids, data -> {
LinkedList<RemotePlayer> players = new LinkedList<RemotePlayer>();
for (String player : data.getKeys()) {
players.add(new RemotePlayer(data.getMap(player)));
this.players = players;;
} else {;
* If the server is hidden from players
* @return Hidden Status
public boolean isHidden() {
return raw.getBoolean("hidden");
* Gets the MOTD of the Server
* @return Server MOTD
public String getMotd() {
return raw.getRawString("motd");
* Gets if the Server is Restricted
* @return Restricted Status
public boolean isRestricted() {
return raw.getBoolean("restricted");
* Get a copy of the current whitelist
* @return Player Whitelist
public Collection<UUID> getWhitelist() {
return raw.getUUIDList("whitelist");
* See if a player is whitelisted
* @param player Player to check
* @return Whitelisted Status
public boolean isWhitelisted(UUID player) {
return getWhitelist().contains(player);
* Get the Signature of this Object
* @return Object Signature
public String getSignature() {
return raw.getRawString("signature");
* Get the Timestamp for when the data was last refreshed
* @return Data Timestamp
public long getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
* Get the raw representation of the Server
* @return Raw Server
public ObjectMap<String> getRaw() {
return raw.clone();