ME1312 7821c1f88e SubServers.Host Alpha 2
This update to SubServers.Host adds the core functions to the program.
It can now be used to host and create servers on other machines. API
while available is quite limited right now. This is also a very early
build, so it's probably not so stable just yet fyi.
2017-04-01 01:37:48 -04:00

343 lines
13 KiB

package net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Network;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Exception.IllegalPacketException;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Util;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Library.Version.Version;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.Network.Packet.*;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Bungee.SubPlugin;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* SubDataServer Class
public final class SubDataServer {
private static HashMap<Class<? extends PacketOut>, String> pOut = new HashMap<Class<? extends PacketOut>, String>();
private static HashMap<String, List<PacketIn>> pIn = new HashMap<String, List<PacketIn>>();
private static List<InetAddress> allowedAddresses = new ArrayList<InetAddress>();
private static boolean defaults = false;
private HashMap<InetSocketAddress, Client> clients = new HashMap<InetSocketAddress, Client>();
private ServerSocket server;
protected SubPlugin plugin;
* SubData Server Instance
* @param plugin SubPlugin
* @param port Port
* @param backlog Connection Queue
* @param address Bind Address
* @throws IOException
public SubDataServer(SubPlugin plugin, int port, int backlog, InetAddress address) throws IOException {
if (Util.isNull(plugin, port, backlog, address)) throw new NullPointerException();
server = new ServerSocket(port, backlog, address);
this.plugin = plugin;
if (!defaults) loadDefaults();
private void loadDefaults() {
defaults = true;
for (String s : plugin.config.get().getSection("Settings").getSection("SubData").getStringList("Allowed-Connections")) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.getPluginManager().registerListener(null, new PacketOutRunEvent(plugin));
registerPacket(new PacketAuthorization(plugin), "Authorization");
registerPacket(new PacketCommandServer(plugin), "SubCommandServer");
registerPacket(new PacketCreateServer(plugin), "SubCreateServer");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadBuildScript(plugin), "SubDownloadBuildScript");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadHostInfo(plugin), "SubDownloadHostInfo");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadLang(plugin), "SubDownloadLang");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadPlayerList(plugin), "SubDownloadPlayerList");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadServerInfo(plugin), "SubDownloadServerInfo");
registerPacket(new PacketDownloadServerList(plugin), "SubDownloadServerList");
registerPacket(new PacketExAddServer(), "SubExAddServer");
registerPacket(new PacketExConfigureHost(plugin), "SubExConfigureHost");
registerPacket(new PacketExCreateServer(), "SubExCreateServer");
registerPacket(new PacketExDeleteServer(), "SubExDeleteServer");
registerPacket(new PacketExRemoveServer(), "SubExRemoveServer");
registerPacket(new PacketExUpdateServer(plugin), "SubExUpdateServer");
registerPacket(new PacketInExLogMessage(), "SubExLogMessage");
registerPacket(new PacketInExRequestQueue(plugin), "SubExRequestQueue");
registerPacket(new PacketLinkExHost(plugin), "SubLinkExHost");
registerPacket(new PacketLinkServer(plugin), "SubLinkServer");
registerPacket(new PacketStartServer(plugin), "SubStartServer");
registerPacket(new PacketStopServer(plugin), "SubStopServer");
registerPacket(new PacketTeleportPlayer(plugin), "SubTeleportPlayer");
registerPacket(PacketAuthorization.class, "Authorization");
registerPacket(PacketCommandServer.class, "SubCommandServer");
registerPacket(PacketCreateServer.class, "SubCreateServer");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadBuildScript.class, "SubDownloadBuildScript");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadHostInfo.class, "SubDownloadHostInfo");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadLang.class, "SubDownloadLang");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadPlayerList.class, "SubDownloadPlayerList");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadServerInfo.class, "SubDownloadServerInfo");
registerPacket(PacketDownloadServerList.class, "SubDownloadServerList");
registerPacket(PacketExAddServer.class, "SubExAddServer");
registerPacket(PacketExConfigureHost.class, "SubExConfigureHost");
registerPacket(PacketExCreateServer.class, "SubExCreateServer");
registerPacket(PacketExDeleteServer.class, "SubExDeleteServer");
registerPacket(PacketExRemoveServer.class, "SubExRemoveServer");
registerPacket(PacketExUpdateServer.class, "SubExUpdateServer");
registerPacket(PacketLinkExHost.class, "SubLinkExHost");
registerPacket(PacketLinkServer.class, "SubLinkServer");
registerPacket(PacketOutRunEvent.class, "SubRunEvent");
registerPacket(PacketOutShutdown.class, "SubShutdown");
registerPacket(PacketStartServer.class, "SubStartServer");
registerPacket(PacketStopServer.class, "SubStopServer");
registerPacket(PacketTeleportPlayer.class, "SubTeleportPlayer");
* Gets the Server Socket
* @return Server Socket
public ServerSocket getServer() {
return server;
* Add a Client to the Network
* @param socket Client to add
* @throws IOException
public Client addClient(Socket socket) throws IOException {
if (Util.isNull(socket)) throw new NullPointerException();
if (allowedAddresses.contains(socket.getInetAddress())) {
Client client = new Client(this, socket);
System.out.println("SubData > " + client.getAddress().toString() + " has connected");
clients.put(client.getAddress(), client);
return client;
} else {
System.out.println("SubData > " + socket.getInetAddress().toString() + ":" + socket.getPort() + " attempted to connect, but isn't whitelisted");
return null;
* Grabs a Client from the Network
* @param socket Socket to search
* @return Client
public Client getClient(Socket socket) {
if (Util.isNull(socket)) throw new NullPointerException();
return clients.get(new InetSocketAddress(socket.getInetAddress(), socket.getPort()));
* Grabs a Client from the Network
* @param address Address to search
* @return Client
public Client getClient(InetSocketAddress address) {
if (Util.isNull(address)) throw new NullPointerException();
return clients.get(address);
* Grabs all the Clients from the Network
* @return Client List
public Collection<Client> getClients() {
return clients.values();
* Remove a Client from the Network
* @param client Client to Kick
* @throws IOException
public void removeClient(Client client) throws IOException {
if (Util.isNull(client)) throw new NullPointerException();
SocketAddress address = client.getAddress();
if (clients.keySet().contains(address)) {
System.out.println("SubData > " + client.getAddress().toString() + " has disconnected");
* Remove a Client from the Network
* @param address Address to Kick
* @throws IOException
public void removeClient(InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException {
if (Util.isNull(address)) throw new NullPointerException();
Client client = clients.get(address);
if (clients.keySet().contains(address)) {
System.out.println("SubData > " + client.getAddress().toString() + " has disconnected");
* Register PacketIn to the Network
* @param packet PacketIn to register
* @param handle Handle to Bind
public static void registerPacket(PacketIn packet, String handle) {
if (Util.isNull(packet, handle)) throw new NullPointerException();
List<PacketIn> list = (pIn.keySet().contains(handle))?pIn.get(handle):new ArrayList<PacketIn>();
if (!list.contains(packet)) list.add(packet);
pIn.put(handle, list);
* Unregister PacketIn from the Network
* @param packet PacketIn to unregister
public static void unregisterPacket(PacketIn packet) {
if (Util.isNull(packet)) throw new NullPointerException();
for (String handle : pIn.keySet()) if (pIn.get(handle).contains(packet)) pIn.get(handle).remove(packet);
* Register PacketOut to the Network
* @param packet PacketOut to register
* @param handle Handle to bind
public static void registerPacket(Class<? extends PacketOut> packet, String handle) {
if (Util.isNull(packet, handle)) throw new NullPointerException();
pOut.put(packet, handle);
* Unregister PacketOut to the Network
* @param packet PacketOut to unregister
public static void unregisterPacket(Class<? extends PacketOut> packet) {
if (Util.isNull(packet)) throw new NullPointerException();
* Grab PacketIn Instances via handle
* @param handle Handle
* @return PacketIn
public static List<? extends PacketIn> getPacket(String handle) {
if (Util.isNull(handle)) throw new NullPointerException();
return new ArrayList<PacketIn>(pIn.get(handle));
* Broadcast a Packet to everything on the Network<br>
* <b>Warning:</b> There are usually different types of applications on the network at once, they may not recognise the same packet handles
* @param packet Packet to send
public void broadcastPacket(PacketOut packet) {
if (Util.isNull(packet)) throw new NullPointerException();
for (Client client : clients.values()) {
* Allow Connections from an Address
* @param address Address to allow
public static void allowConnection(InetAddress address) {
if (Util.isNull(address)) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!allowedAddresses.contains(address)) allowedAddresses.add(address);
* Deny Connections from an Address
* @param address Address to deny
public static void denyConnection(InetAddress address) {
if (Util.isNull(address)) throw new NullPointerException();
* JSON Encode PacketOut
* @param packet PacketOut
* @return JSON Formatted Packet
* @throws IllegalPacketException
protected static JSONObject encodePacket(PacketOut packet) throws IllegalPacketException {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
if (!pOut.keySet().contains(packet.getClass())) throw new IllegalPacketException("Unknown PacketOut Channel: " + packet.getClass().getCanonicalName());
if (packet.getVersion().toString() == null) throw new NullPointerException("PacketOut getVersion() cannot be null: " + packet.getClass().getCanonicalName());
JSONObject contents = packet.generate();
json.put("h", pOut.get(packet.getClass()));
json.put("v", packet.getVersion().toString());
if (contents != null) json.put("c", contents);
return json;
* JSON Decode PacketIn
* @param json JSON to Decode
* @return PacketIn
* @throws IllegalPacketException
protected static List<PacketIn> decodePacket(JSONObject json) throws IllegalPacketException {
if (!json.keySet().contains("h") || !json.keySet().contains("v")) throw new IllegalPacketException("Unknown Packet Format: " + json.toString());
if (!pIn.keySet().contains(json.getString("h"))) throw new IllegalPacketException("Unknown PacketIn Channel: " + json.getString("h"));
List<PacketIn> list = new ArrayList<PacketIn>();
for (PacketIn packet : pIn.get(json.getString("h"))) {
if (new Version(json.getString("v")).equals(packet.getVersion())) {
} else {
new IllegalPacketException("Packet Version Mismatch in " + json.getString("h") + ": " + json.getString("v") + " -> " + packet.getVersion().toString()).printStackTrace();
return list;
* Drops All Connections and Stops the SubData Listener
* @throws IOException
public void destroy() throws IOException {
while(clients.size() > 0) {
removeClient((Client) clients.values().toArray()[0]);
System.out.println("SubServers > The SubData Listener has been closed");
plugin.subdata = null;