ME1312 bddbb692cd Make the version system layered
The versioning system just got more complex (on the backend of course)
2018-03-13 23:38:26 -04:00

387 lines
14 KiB

package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.*;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version;
import net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* SubAPI Class
public final class SubAPI {
final TreeMap<Short, HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>>> listeners = new TreeMap<Short, HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>>>();
final HashMap<UUID, Timer> schedule = new HashMap<UUID, Timer>();
final TreeMap<String, Command> commands = new TreeMap<String, Command>();
final HashMap<String, SubPluginInfo> plugins = new LinkedHashMap<String, SubPluginInfo>();
final List<String> knownClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
private final ExHost host;
private static SubAPI api;
protected SubAPI(ExHost host) { = host;
api = this;
* Gets the SubAPI Methods
* @return SubAPI
public static SubAPI getInstance() {
return api;
* Gets the SubServers Internals
* @return SubServers.Host Internals
* @deprecated Use SubAPI Methods when available
public ExHost getInternals() {
return host;
* Gets the SubData Network Manager
* @return SubData Network Manager
public SubDataClient getSubDataNetwork() {
return host.subdata;
* Get a map of the Plugins
* @return PluginInfo Map
public Map<String, SubPluginInfo> getPlugins() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, SubPluginInfo>(plugins);
* Gets a Plugin
* @param plugin Plugin Name
* @return PluginInfo
public SubPluginInfo getPlugin(String plugin) {
if (Util.isNull(plugin)) throw new NullPointerException();
return getPlugins().get(plugin.toLowerCase());
* Registers a Command
* @param command Command
* @param handles Aliases
public void addCommand(Command command, String... handles) {
for (String handle : handles) {
commands.put(handle, command);
* Unregisters a Command
* @param handles Aliases
public void removeCommand(String... handles) {
for (String handle : handles) {
private UUID getFreeSID() {
UUID sid = null;
do {
UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
if (!schedule.keySet().contains(id)) {
sid = id;
} while (sid == null);
return sid;
* Schedule a task
* @param builder SubTaskBuilder
* @return Task ID
public UUID schedule(SubTask builder) {
if (Util.isNull(builder)) throw new NullPointerException();
UUID sid = getFreeSID();
TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
try {;
} catch (Throwable e) {
host.log.error.println(new InvocationTargetException(e, "Unhandled exception while running SubTask " + sid.toString()));
if (builder.repeat() <= 0) schedule.remove(sid);
schedule.put(sid, new Timer("SubTask_" + sid.toString()));
if (builder.repeat() > 0) {
if (builder.delay() > 0) {
schedule.get(sid).scheduleAtFixedRate(task, builder.delay(), builder.repeat());
} else {
schedule.get(sid).scheduleAtFixedRate(task, new Date(), builder.repeat());
} else {
if (builder.delay() > 0) {
schedule.get(sid).schedule(task, builder.delay());
} else {
new Thread(task).start();
return sid;
* Schedule a task
* @param plugin Plugin Scheduling
* @param run What to run
* @return Task ID
public UUID schedule(SubPluginInfo plugin, Runnable run) {
return schedule(plugin, run, -1L);
* Schedule a task
* @param plugin Plugin Scheduling
* @param run What to Run
* @param delay Task Delay
* @return Task ID
public UUID schedule(SubPluginInfo plugin, Runnable run, long delay) {
return schedule(plugin, run, delay, -1L);
* Schedule a task
* @param plugin Plugin Scheduling
* @param run What to Run
* @param delay Task Delay
* @param repeat Task Repeat Interval
* @return Task ID
public UUID schedule(SubPluginInfo plugin, Runnable run, long delay, long repeat) {
return schedule(plugin, run, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, delay, repeat);
* Schedule a task
* @param plugin Plugin Scheduling
* @param run What to Run
* @param unit TimeUnit to use
* @param delay Task Delay
* @param repeat Task Repeat Interval
* @return Task ID
public UUID schedule(SubPluginInfo plugin, Runnable run, TimeUnit unit, long delay, long repeat) {
if (Util.isNull(plugin, run, unit, delay, repeat)) throw new NullPointerException();
return schedule(new SubTask(plugin) {
public void run() {;
* Cancel a task
* @param sid Task ID
public void cancelTask(UUID sid) {
if (Util.isNull(sid)) throw new NullPointerException();
if (schedule.keySet().contains(sid)) {
* Register SubEvent Listeners
* @param plugin PluginInfo
* @param listeners Listeners
public void addListener(SubPluginInfo plugin, Object... listeners) {
for (Object listener : listeners) {
if (Util.isNull(plugin, listener)) throw new NullPointerException();
for (Method method : Arrays.asList(listener.getClass().getMethods())) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(EventHandler.class)) {
if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
if (Event.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>> events = (this.listeners.keySet().contains(method.getAnnotation(EventHandler.class).order()))?this.listeners.get(method.getAnnotation(EventHandler.class).order()):new LinkedHashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>>();
HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>> plugins = (events.keySet().contains((Class<Event>) method.getParameterTypes()[0]))?events.get((Class<Event>) method.getParameterTypes()[0]):new LinkedHashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>();
HashMap<Object, List<Method>> objects = (plugins.keySet().contains(plugin))?plugins.get(plugin):new LinkedHashMap<Object, List<Method>>();
List<Method> methods = (objects.keySet().contains(listener))?objects.get(listener):new LinkedList<Method>();
objects.put(listener, methods);
plugins.put(plugin, objects);
events.put((Class<Event>) method.getParameterTypes()[0], plugins);
this.listeners.put(method.getAnnotation(EventHandler.class).order(), events);
} else {
"Cannot register listener \"" + listener.getClass().getCanonicalName() + '.' + method.getName() + "(" + method.getParameterTypes()[0].getCanonicalName() + ")\":",
"\"" + method.getParameterTypes()[0].getCanonicalName() + "\" is not an Event");
} else {
LinkedList<String> args = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Class<?> clazz : method.getParameterTypes()) args.add(clazz.getCanonicalName());
"Cannot register listener \"" + listener.getClass().getCanonicalName() + '.' + method.getName() + "(" + args.toString().substring(1, args.toString().length() - 1) + ")\":",
((method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) ? "Too many" : "No") + " parameters for method to be executed");
* Unregister SubEvent Listeners
* @param plugin PluginInfo
* @param listeners Listeners
public void removeListener(SubPluginInfo plugin, Object... listeners) {
for (Object listener : listeners) {
if (Util.isNull(plugin, listener)) throw new NullPointerException();
TreeMap<Short, HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>>> map = new TreeMap<Short, HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>>>(this.listeners);
for (Short order : map.keySet()) {
for (Class<? extends Event> event : map.get(order).keySet()) {
if (map.get(order).get(event).keySet().contains(plugin) && map.get(order).get(event).get(plugin).keySet().contains(listener)) {
HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>>> events = this.listeners.get(order);
HashMap<SubPluginInfo, HashMap<Object, List<Method>>> plugins = this.listeners.get(order).get(event);
HashMap<Object, List<Method>> objects = this.listeners.get(order).get(event).get(plugin);
plugins.put(plugin, objects);
events.put(event, plugins);
this.listeners.put(order, events);
* Run a SubEvent
* @param event SubEvent
public void executeEvent(Event event) {
if (Util.isNull(event)) throw new NullPointerException();
for (Short order : listeners.keySet()) {
if (listeners.get(order).keySet().contains(event.getClass())) {
for (SubPluginInfo plugin : listeners.get(order).get(event.getClass()).keySet()) {
try {
Field pf = Event.class.getDeclaredField("plugin");
pf.set(event, plugin);
} catch (Exception e) {;
for (Object listener : listeners.get(order).get(event.getClass()).get(plugin).keySet()) {
for (Method method : listeners.get(order).get(event.getClass()).get(plugin).get(listener)) {
if (!(event instanceof Cancellable) || !((Cancellable) event).isCancelled() || method.getAnnotation(EventHandler.class).override()) {
try {
method.invoke(listener, event);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
plugin.getLogger().error.println("Event listener \"" + listener.getClass().getCanonicalName() + '.' + method.getName() + "(" + event.getClass().getTypeName() + ")\" had an unhandled exception:");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
plugin.getLogger().error.println("Cannot access method \"" + listener.getClass().getCanonicalName() + '.' + method.getName() + "(" + event.getClass().getTypeName() + ")\"");
try {
Field pf = Event.class.getDeclaredField("plugin");
pf.set(event, null);
} catch (Exception e) {;
* Gets the current SubServers Lang Channels
* @return SubServers Lang Channel list
public Collection<String> getLangChannels() {
return host.lang.get().keySet();
* Gets values from the SubServers Lang
* @param channel Lang Channel
* @return Lang Value
public Map<String, String> getLang(String channel) {
if (Util.isNull(channel)) throw new NullPointerException();
return new LinkedHashMap<>(host.lang.get().get(channel.toLowerCase()));
* Gets a value from the SubServers Lang
* @param channel Lang Channel
* @param key Key
* @return Lang Values
public String getLang(String channel, String key) {
if (Util.isNull(channel, key)) throw new NullPointerException();
return getLang(channel).get(key);
* Gets the Runtime Directory
* @return Directory
public UniversalFile getRuntimeDirectory() {
return host.dir;
* Gets the SubServers Version
* @return SubServers Version
public Version getAppVersion() {
return host.version;