Updated Installation (markdown)

ME1312 2021-07-09 01:56:55 -04:00
parent e536c75765
commit e7fc79f5dd

@ -70,16 +70,29 @@ This installation can be confusing to those who are not tech savvy, so a [video
12. All SubServers.Host commands can be accessed in console by using `/help`
## SubServers.Sync
### Velocity Instructions
1. Download your favorite commit of SubServers.Sync ([Click Here](https://dev.me1312.net/jenkins/job/SubServers%20Platform/) for the latest commit)
2. Put it in Velocity's plugins folder
3. Start, then stop your proxy
4. Open sync.yml
5. Tell it how to connect to SubData<br>
5.1. Don't forget the [extra encryption instructions](https://github.com/ME1312/SubServers-2/wiki/SubData#connecting-to-subdata) provided to you by SubServers.Bungee at startup<br>
5.2. Change `Settings > SubData > Name` to whatever you want this proxy to be called (optional)
6. You can now start up your proxy
7. All commands can be accessed in console using `/sub help`
### BungeeCord Instructions
1. Download BungeeCord ([Link](https://www.spigotmc.org/link-forums/bungeecord.28/))
2. Name it `BungeeCord.jar` (case-sensitive)
3. Download your favorite commit of SubServers.Sync ([Click Here](https://dev.me1312.net/jenkins/job/SubServers%20Platform/) for the latest commit)
4. Put them both in a folder together
5. Start SubServers.Sync (it should give you an error)
6. Tell it how to connect to SubData<br>
6.1. Don't forget the [extra encryption instructions](https://github.com/ME1312/SubServers-2/wiki/SubData#connecting-to-subdata) provided to you by SubServers.Bungee at startup<br>
6.2. Change `Settings > SubData > Name` to whatever you want this proxy to be called (optional)
7. You can now launch SubServers.Sync via your terminal: `java -jar SubServers.Sync.jar`
8. All commands can be accessed in console using `/sub help`
6. Open sync.yml
7. Tell it how to connect to SubData<br>
7.1. Don't forget the [extra encryption instructions](https://github.com/ME1312/SubServers-2/wiki/SubData#connecting-to-subdata) provided to you by SubServers.Bungee at startup<br>
7.2. Change `Settings > SubData > Name` to whatever you want this proxy to be called (optional)
8. You can now launch SubServers.Sync via your terminal: `java -jar SubServers.Sync.jar`
9. All commands can be accessed in console using `/sub help`
### Patching in BungeeCord
This is an extra set of steps you may need to do if SubServers.Sync cannot find BungeeCord.jar, despite it clearly being there. (This problem most commonly occurs in multicraft panels)