From 265866f4e9f96c061c1e5599f008c42b06ce1c77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brianna Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 22:56:24 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] New language system. --- src/main/resources/en_US.lang | 336 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/main/resources/en_US.lang b/src/main/resources/en_US.lang index 60ba021..800e28e 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/en_US.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/en_US.lang @@ -1,165 +1,191 @@ -#General Messages +# General Messages -general.nametag.prefix = "&8[&9UltimateKits&8]" -general.type.command = "&7Command" -general.type.chance = "Chance" = "&6Money" = "&9Link" = "Free" +general: + nametag: + prefix: '&8[&9UltimateKits&8]' + type: + command: '&7Command' + chance: Chance + money: '&6Money' + link: '&9Link' + free: Free -#Interface Messages +# Interface Messages -interface.selector.kit = "&c%kit%" -interface.selector.title = "&8Server kits" -interface.selector.details = "&7Hello &e%player%&7!|&7Listed below are our server's kits.||&7Click on the &eicon &7representing the &ekit |&7inorder to &epreview, claim or buy &7it." -interface.selector.aboutkitprice = "&7This kit costs &a$%price%&7." -interface.selector.aboutkit = "&7Can't open a kit?|&7Rank up to gain access!" -interface.selector.leftpreview = "&6&lLEFT CLICK &7to preview kit." -interface.selector.rightclaim = "&6&lRIGHT CLICK &7to claim kit." -interface.selector.rightbuy = "&6&lRIGHT CLICK &7to buy kit." -interface.selector.adminlore = "&6Middle Click &7to edit positioning." -interface.selector.editlore = "&6&lEdit Mode||&6Left Click &7to move kit left|&6Right Click &7to move kit right||&6Middle Click &7to go back." -interface.hologram.previewonly = "Click to Preview!" -interface.hologram.preview = "Right-Click to Preview!" -interface.hologram.buylink = "Left-Click for Buy Link!" -interface.hologram.buyeco = "Left-Click to buy for &a$%price%&f!" -interface.hologram.crate = "Left-Click with a key to open!" -interface.hologram.daily = "Left-Click to Claim!" -interface.button.buynow = "&aBuy Now" -interface.button.back = "&9Back" -interface.button.exit = "&cExit" = "&7Next Page" -interface.button.last = "&7Last Page" -interface.button.clickeco = "&7Click to buy for &a%price%&7." -interface.preview.title = "&9Previewing kit: &8%kit%" -interface.yesno.title = "&9Buy for &a$%price%&9?" -interface.yesno.yes = "&a&lYes" = "&c&lNo" -interface.key.title = "&5%kit% &fKit Key" -interface.key.description1 = "&rRight-Click on [a ]&c&l%kit%&r kit" -interface.key.description2 = "&rand receive its contents!" -interface.key.description3 = "&rand receive some of its contents!" -interface.key.description4 = "&rGives kit &c&l%amt% &rtimes." +interface: + selector: + kit: '&c%kit%' + title: '&8Server kits' + details: '&7Hello &e%player%&7!|&7Listed below are our server''s kits.||&7Click on the &eicon &7representing the &ekit |&7inorder to &epreview, claim or buy &7it.' + aboutkitprice: '&7This kit costs &a$%price%&7.' + aboutkit: '&7Can''t open a kit?|&7Rank up to gain access!' + leftpreview: '&6&lLEFT CLICK &7to preview kit.' + rightclaim: '&6&lRIGHT CLICK &7to claim kit.' + rightbuy: '&6&lRIGHT CLICK &7to buy kit.' + adminlore: '&6Middle Click &7to edit positioning.' + editlore: '&6&lEdit Mode||&6Left Click &7to move kit left|&6Right Click &7to move kit right||&6Middle Click &7to go back.' + hologram: + previewonly: Click to Preview! + preview: Right-Click to Preview! + buylink: Left-Click for Buy Link! + buyeco: Left-Click to buy for &a$%price%&f! + crate: Left-Click with a key to open! + daily: Left-Click to Claim! + button: + buynow: '&aBuy Now' + back: '&9Back' + exit: '&cExit' + next: '&7Next Page' + last: '&7Last Page' + clickeco: '&7Click to buy for &a%price%&7.' + preview: + title: '&9Previewing kit: &8%kit%' + yesno: + title: '&9Buy for &a$%price%&9?' + 'yes': '&a&lYes' + 'no': '&c&lNo' + key: + title: '&5%kit% &fKit Key' + description1: '&rRight-Click on [a ]&c&l%kit%&r kit' + description2: '&rand receive its contents!' + description3: '&rand receive some of its contents!' + description4: '&rGives kit &c&l%amt% &rtimes.' # Administrative interfaces -interface.kitblock.title = "&8This contains &a%kit%" -interface.kitblock.switchtype = "&5&lSwitch kit type" -interface.kitblock.switchtypelore = "&7Click to swap this kit blocks function.|Preview|Crate|Claim" -interface.kitblock.decor = "&9&lDecor Options" -interface.kitblock.decorlore = "&7Click to edit the decoration|&7options for this kit." -interface.kitblock.edit = "&a&lEdit kit" -interface.kitblock.editlore = "&7Click to edit the kit|&7contained in this block." -interface.kitdecor.title = "&8Editing decor for &a%kit%&8. -interface.kitdecor.hologram = "&9&lToggle Holograms" -interface.kitdecor.particle = "&9&lToggle Particles" -interface.kitdecor.display = "&9&lToggle DisplayItems" -interface.kitdecor.displayone = "&9&lToggle DisplayItem Override" -interface.kitdecor.displayonelore = "%enabled%||&7Enabling this option will|&7override the DisplayItems|&7above your kit to the single|&7DisplayItem set in this kit|&7GUI options." -interface.kitdecor.settingon = "&7Currently: &aEnabled&7." -interface.kitdecor.settingoff = "&7Currently &cDisabled&7." -interface.kitsell.title = "&8Selling Options for &a%kit%&8." -interface.kitsell.nosell = "&c&lSet not for sale" -interface.kitsell.nosellon = "&7Currently &aFor Sale&7." -interface.kitsell.noselloff = "&7Currently &cNot For Sale&7." -interface.kitsell.noselllore = "%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7remove this kit from sale." = "&a&lSet kit link" -interface.kitsell.linkon = "&7Currently: &a%kit%&7." -interface.kitsell.linkoff = "&7Currently: &cNot set&7." -interface.kitsell.linklore = "%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7allow you to set a link|&7that players will receive|&7when attempting to purchase|&7this kit." -interface.kitsell.linkprompt = "Kit to link:" -interface.kitsell.linknoeco = "&8ECO has been removed from this kit. Note you cannot have ECO & LINK set at the same time.." -interface.kitsell.price = "&a&lSet kit price" -interface.kitsell.priceon = "&7Currently: &a$%price%&7." -interface.kitsell.priceoff = "&7Currently: &cNot set&7." -interface.kitsell.pricelore = "%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7allow you to set a price|&7that players will be able to|&7purchase this kit for|&7requires a compatible economy plugin&7." -interface.kitsell.pricenoeco = "&8You must have an economy plugin installed to utilize economy.." -interface.kitsell.priceprompt = "Set Price:" -interface.kitsell.pricenonumber = "&a%input% &8is not a positive number." -interface.kitsell.pricenolink = "&8LINK has been removed from this kit. Note you cannot have ECO & LINK set at the same time.." -interface.kitguioptions.title = "&8GUI Options for &a%kit%&8." -interface.kitguioptions.holo = "&9&lSet Title" -interface.kitguioptions.holoon = "&7Currently: &a%title%&7." -interface.kitguioptions.holooff = "&7Currently: &cNot set&7." -interface.kitguioptions.hololore = "%onoff%||&7Left-Click: &9to set|&9the kit title for holograms|&9and the kit / kit selector GUIs.||&7Right-Click: &9to reset." -interface.kitguioptions.holoprompt = "Set Title:" -interface.kitguioptions.holoset = "&8Title &5%title%&8 added to Kit &a%kit%&8." -interface.kitguioptions.item = "&9&lSet DisplayItem" -interface.kitguioptions.itemon = "&7Currently set to: &a%item%&7." -interface.kitguioptions.itemoff = "&7Currently &cDisabled&7." -interface.kitguioptions.itemlore = "%onoff%||&7Left-Click to: &9Set a|&9display item for this kit|&9to the item in your hand.||&7Right-Click to: &9Remove the item." -interface.kitguioptions.itemnoitem = "&8You must be holding an item to use this function." -interface.kitguioptions.itemset = "&8Custom Item Display set for kit &a%item%&8." -interface.kitguioptions.itemremoved = "&8Custom Item Display removed from kit &a%kit%&8." -interface.kitguioptions.hide = "&9&lHide kit" -interface.kitguioptions.hideon = "&7Currently: &cHidden&7." -interface.kitguioptions.hideoff = "&7Currently: &aVisible&7." -interface.kitguioptions.hidelore = "%onoff%||&7A hidden kit will not|&7show up in the /kit gui.|&7This is usually optimal for|&7preventing players from seeing|&7non obtainable kit or starter kit." -interface.kitoptions.title = "&8General Options for &a%kit%&8." -interface.kitoptions.delay = "&9&lChange Delay" -interface.kitoptions.delaylore = "&7Currently set to: &a%delay%&7.||&7Use this to alter this kit delay.||&7Use &6-1 &7to make this kit single|&7use only." -interface.kitoptions.delayprompt = "Delay in Seconds:" -interface.kitoptions.delaynonumber = "&a%input% &8is not a number." -interface.kitoptions.destroy = "&c&lDestroy Kit" -interface.kitoptions.destroylore = "|&7Click this to destroy this kit." -interface.kitoptions.destroyprompt = "Enter \"%kit%\"" -interface.kitoptions.destroyok = "&cKit destroyed successfully." -interface.kitoptions.destroycancel = "&cKit was not Destroyed." -interface.kiteditor.title = "&8You are editing kit: &9%name%&8." = "&5&l%kit%|&fPermissions:|&7%perm%" -interface.kiteditor.generaloptions = "&6General Options" -interface.kiteditor.generaloptionslore = "&7Click to edit adjust|&7general options." -interface.kiteditor.sellingoptions = "&9Selling Options" -interface.kiteditor.sellingoptionslore = "&7Click to edit adjust|&7selling options." -interface.kiteditor.guioptions = "&5GUI Options" -interface.kiteditor.guioptionslore = "&7Click to edit GUI options|&7for this kit." -interface.kiteditor.addcommand = "&fAdd Command" -interface.kiteditor.addcommandlore = "&7Click to add a command|&7to this kit." -interface.kiteditor.addcommandprompt = "Enter Command (No /)" -interface.kiteditor.addcommandok = "&8Command &5%command%&8 has been added to your kit." -interface.kiteditor.addeconomy = "&6Add Economy" -interface.kiteditor.addeconomylore = "&7Click to add money|&7to this kit." -interface.kiteditor.addeconomyprompt = "Enter Price (No $)" -interface.kiteditor.addeconomyok = "&8Money &5$%amount%&8 has been added to your kit." -interface.kiteditor.animation = "&6Kit Animation" -interface.kiteditor.animationlore = "&7Currently: &6%animation%" -interface.kiteditor.itemediting = "&6Switch To Item Editing" -interface.kiteditor.itemeditinglore = "&7Click to enable|&7item editing." -interface.kiteditor.itemmoving = "&6Switch To Item Moving" -interface.kiteditor.itemmovinglore = "&7Click to switch back|&7to item moving." -interface.kiteditor.switchtoinventory = "&6Switch To Your Inventory" -interface.kiteditor.switchtoinventorylore = "&7Click to switch to|&7your inventory." -interface.kiteditor.switchtokitfunctions = "&6Switch To Kit Functions" -interface.kiteditor.switchtokitfunctionslore = "&7Click to switch back|&7to the kit functions." -interface.kiteditor.itemfunctionlore = "&7Display Item: &6%item%|&7Display Name: &6%name%|&7Display Lore: &6||&7Left-Click: &6To set a display item.|&7Middle-Click: &6To set a display name.|&7Right-Click: &6To set display lore.|&7Shift-Click: &6To set chance.||&7Display options only show up on display.|&7This can be useful if you want to explain|&7What an item does without putting it in the|&7permanent lore.||&6Leave function mode to move items." -interface.kiteditor.saved = "&8Changes to &a%kit% &8saved successfully." + kitblock: + title: '&8This contains &a%kit%' + switchtype: '&5&lSwitch kit type' + switchtypelore: '&7Click to swap this kit blocks function.|Preview|Crate|Claim' + decor: '&9&lDecor Options' + decorlore: '&7Click to edit the decoration|&7options for this kit.' + edit: '&a&lEdit kit' + editlore: '&7Click to edit the kit|&7contained in this block.' + kitdecor: + title: '&8Editing decor for &a%kit%&8.' + hologram: '&9&lToggle Holograms' + particle: '&9&lToggle Particles' + display: '&9&lToggle DisplayItems' + displayone: '&9&lToggle DisplayItem Override' + displayonelore: '%enabled%||&7Enabling this option will|&7override the DisplayItems|&7above your kit to the single|&7DisplayItem set in this kit|&7GUI options.' + settingon: '&7Currently: &aEnabled&7.' + settingoff: '&7Currently &cDisabled&7.' + kitsell: + title: '&8Selling Options for &a%kit%&8.' + nosell: '&c&lSet not for sale' + nosellon: '&7Currently &aFor Sale&7.' + noselloff: '&7Currently &cNot For Sale&7.' + noselllore: '%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7remove this kit from sale.' + link: '&a&lSet kit link' + linkon: '&7Currently: &a%kit%&7.' + linkoff: '&7Currently: &cNot set&7.' + linklore: '%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7allow you to set a link|&7that players will receive|&7when attempting to purchase|&7this kit.' + linkprompt: 'Kit to link:' + linknoeco: '&8ECO has been removed from this kit. Note you cannot have ECO & LINK set at the same time..' + price: '&a&lSet kit price' + priceon: '&7Currently: &a$%price%&7.' + priceoff: '&7Currently: &cNot set&7.' + pricelore: '%onoff%||&7Clicking this option will|&7allow you to set a price|&7that players will be able to|&7purchase this kit for|&7requires a compatible economy plugin&7.' + pricenoeco: '&8You must have an economy plugin installed to utilize economy..' + priceprompt: 'Set Price:' + pricenonumber: '&a%input% &8is not a positive number.' + pricenolink: '&8LINK has been removed from this kit. Note you cannot have ECO & LINK set at the same time..' + kitguioptions: + title: '&8GUI Options for &a%kit%&8.' + holo: '&9&lSet Title' + holoon: '&7Currently: &a%title%&7.' + holooff: '&7Currently: &cNot set&7.' + hololore: '%onoff%||&7Left-Click: &9to set|&9the kit title for holograms|&9and the kit / kit selector GUIs.||&7Right-Click: &9to reset.' + holoprompt: 'Set Title:' + holoset: '&8Title &5%title%&8 added to Kit &a%kit%&8.' + item: '&9&lSet DisplayItem' + itemon: '&7Currently set to: &a%item%&7.' + itemoff: '&7Currently &cDisabled&7.' + itemlore: '%onoff%||&7Left-Click to: &9Set a|&9display item for this kit|&9to the item in your hand.||&7Right-Click to: &9Remove the item.' + itemnoitem: '&8You must be holding an item to use this function.' + itemset: '&8Custom Item Display set for kit &a%item%&8.' + itemremoved: '&8Custom Item Display removed from kit &a%kit%&8.' + hide: '&9&lHide kit' + hideon: '&7Currently: &cHidden&7.' + hideoff: '&7Currently: &aVisible&7.' + hidelore: '%onoff%||&7A hidden kit will not|&7show up in the /kit gui.|&7This is usually optimal for|&7preventing players from seeing|&7non obtainable kit or starter kit.' + kitoptions: + title: '&8General Options for &a%kit%&8.' + delay: '&9&lChange Delay' + delaylore: '&7Currently set to: &a%delay%&7.||&7Use this to alter this kit delay.||&7Use &6-1 &7to make this kit single|&7use only.' + delayprompt: 'Delay in Seconds:' + delaynonumber: '&a%input% &8is not a number.' + destroy: '&c&lDestroy Kit' + destroylore: '|&7Click this to destroy this kit.' + destroyprompt: Enter "%kit%" + destroyok: '&cKit destroyed successfully.' + destroycancel: '&cKit was not Destroyed.' + kiteditor: + title: '&8You are editing kit: &9%name%&8.' + info: '&5&l%kit%|&fPermissions:|&7%perm%' + generaloptions: '&6General Options' + generaloptionslore: '&7Click to edit adjust|&7general options.' + sellingoptions: '&9Selling Options' + sellingoptionslore: '&7Click to edit adjust|&7selling options.' + guioptions: '&5GUI Options' + guioptionslore: '&7Click to edit GUI options|&7for this kit.' + addcommand: '&fAdd Command' + addcommandlore: '&7Click to add a command|&7to this kit.' + addcommandprompt: Enter Command (No /) + addcommandok: '&8Command &5%command%&8 has been added to your kit.' + addeconomy: '&6Add Economy' + addeconomylore: '&7Click to add money|&7to this kit.' + addeconomyprompt: Enter Price (No $) + addeconomyok: '&8Money &5$%amount%&8 has been added to your kit.' + animation: '&6Kit Animation' + animationlore: '&7Currently: &6%animation%' + itemediting: '&6Switch To Item Editing' + itemeditinglore: '&7Click to enable|&7item editing.' + itemmoving: '&6Switch To Item Moving' + itemmovinglore: '&7Click to switch back|&7to item moving.' + switchtoinventory: '&6Switch To Your Inventory' + switchtoinventorylore: '&7Click to switch to|&7your inventory.' + switchtokitfunctions: '&6Switch To Kit Functions' + switchtokitfunctionslore: '&7Click to switch back|&7to the kit functions.' + itemfunctionlore: '&7Display Item: &6%item%|&7Display Name: &6%name%|&7Display Lore: &6||&7Left-Click: &6To set a display item.|&7Middle-Click: &6To set a display name.|&7Right-Click: &6To set display lore.|&7Shift-Click: &6To set chance.||&7Display options only show up on display.|&7This can be useful if you want to explain|&7What an item does without putting it in the|&7permanent lore.||&6Leave function mode to move items.' + saved: '&8Changes to &a%kit% &8saved successfully.' -#Command Messages +# Command Messages -command.general.noperms = "&cYou do not have permission to do that!" -command.kit.nokitsupplied = "&7Please include a kit to preview." -command.kit.kitdoesntexist = "&cThat kit does not exist." -command.kit.nokitatblock = "&8This block does not contain a kit." -command.kit.kitalreadyexists = "&cThat kit already exists." -command.kit.playernotfound = "&cThis player is not online or doesn't exist." +command: + general: + noperms: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!' + kit: + nokitsupplied: '&7Please include a kit to preview.' + kitdoesntexist: '&cThat kit does not exist.' + nokitatblock: '&8This block does not contain a kit.' + kitalreadyexists: '&cThat kit already exists.' + playernotfound: '&cThis player is not online or doesn''t exist.' -#Event Messages +# Event Messages -event.preview.kit = "&9You are now previewing kit &7%kit%&9." -event.crate.notyet = "&cYou need to wait &4%time% &cbefore you can use this." -event.claim.cannotafford = "&9You cannot afford to buy kit &7%kit%&9." -event.claim.nottwice = "&9You can only receive this kit once." -event.claim.purchasesuccess = "&9You have purchased kit &7%kit%&9." -event.claim.givesuccess = "&9You have received kit &7%kit%&9." -event.claim.delay = "&cYou need to wait &4%time% &cbefore you can use this." = "&7You received &a%amt%&7." -event.claim.once = "&7Cooldown: &6You already claimed this kit!" -event.claim.ready = "&7Cooldown: &6Ready for use!" -event.claim.wait = "&7Cooldown: &6%time%" -event.claim.noaccess = "&7Cooldown: &cNo Access.." -event.claim.full = "&cYour inventory is too full to claim this kit!" -event.create.won = "&7You got a &6%item%&7." -event.crate.wrongkey = "&cThis key doesn't belong to this kit.." -event.purchase.cancelled = "&cPurchase Canceled." -event.key.given = "&9You have received a &a%kit% &9kit key." -event.key.success = "&9You have successfully redeemed a key for the kit &7%kit%&9." \ No newline at end of file +event: + preview: + kit: '&9You are now previewing kit &7%kit%&9.' + crate: + notyet: '&cYou need to wait &4%time% &cbefore you can use this.' + wrongkey: '&cThis key doesn''t belong to this kit..' + claim: + cannotafford: '&9You cannot afford to buy kit &7%kit%&9.' + nottwice: '&9You can only receive this kit once.' + purchasesuccess: '&9You have purchased kit &7%kit%&9.' + givesuccess: '&9You have received kit &7%kit%&9.' + delay: '&cYou need to wait &4%time% &cbefore you can use this.' + eco: '&7You received &a%amt%&7.' + once: '&7Cooldown: &6You already claimed this kit!' + ready: '&7Cooldown: &6Ready for use!' + wait: '&7Cooldown: &6%time%' + noaccess: '&7Cooldown: &cNo Access..' + full: '&cYour inventory is too full to claim this kit!' + create: + won: '&7You got a &6%item%&7.' + purchase: + cancelled: '&cPurchase Canceled.' + key: + given: '&9You have received a &a%kit% &9kit key.' + success: '&9You have successfully redeemed a key for the kit &7%kit%&9.' \ No newline at end of file