Update language file.

This commit is contained in:
Brianna 2020-02-01 06:59:26 -05:00
parent 709f8f29af
commit 6c28252c38
1 changed files with 35 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,40 @@
#General Messages
# General Messages
general.nametag.prefix = "&8[&6UltimateRepairing&8]"
general.hologram.click = "Left-Click with an item"
general.hologram.swapclick = "Right-Click with an item"
general.hologram.oneclick = "Click with an item"
general.hologram.torepair = "to &6Repair&r!"
prefix: '&8[&6UltimateRepairing&8]'
click: Left-Click with an item
swapclick: Right-Click with an item
oneclick: Click with an item
torepair: to &6Repair&r!
#Interface Messages
# Interface Messages
interface.repair.title = "&9How do you want to repair?"
interface.yesno.title = "&9Repair for &a%cost%&9?"
interface.yesno.yes = "&a&lYes"
interface.yesno.no = "&c&lNo"
interface.repair.xp = "&9XP"
interface.repair.xplore = "&7Click to repair with XP."
interface.repair.eco = "&9Economy"
interface.repair.ecolore = "&7Click to repair with Economy."
interface.repair.item = "&9%ITEM%"
interface.repair.itemlore = "&7Click to repair with %item%."
title: '&9How do you want to repair?'
xp: '&9XP'
xplore: '&7Click to repair with XP.'
eco: '&9Economy'
ecolore: '&7Click to repair with Economy.'
item: '&9%ITEM%'
itemlore: '&7Click to repair with %item%.'
title: '&9Repair for &a%cost%&9?'
'yes': '&a&lYes'
'no': '&c&lNo'
#Event Messages
# Event Messages
event.general.nopermission = "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
event.repair.timeout = "&cYour repair timed out..."
event.repair.notdamaged = "&aThis item is not damaged."
event.repair.needspace = "&cYou need to have free space above the anvil!"
event.repair.cantrepair = "&cYou can't repair this!"
event.repair.notenough = "&cYou don't have enough %type% &cto repair this item!"
event.repair.success = "&aYour item has been successfully repaired!"
event.repair.cancelled = "&cCancelled repairing."
nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that.'
timeout: '&cYour repair timed out...'
notdamaged: '&aThis item is not damaged.'
needspace: '&cYou need to have free space above the anvil!'
cantrepair: '&cYou can''t repair this!'
notenough: '&cYou don''t have enough %type% &cto repair this item!'
success: '&aYour item has been successfully repaired!'
cancelled: '&cCancelled repairing.'