package com.songoda.ultimatestacker.tasks; import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial; import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion; import com.songoda.core.hooks.WorldGuardHook; import; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.UltimateStacker; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.settings.Settings; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.stackable.entity.Check; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.stackable.entity.EntityStack; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.stackable.entity.EntityStackManager; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.stackable.entity.StackedEntity; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.stackable.entity.custom.CustomEntity; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.utils.Async; import com.songoda.ultimatestacker.utils.CachedChunk; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.AbstractHorse; import org.bukkit.entity.Ageable; import org.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand; import org.bukkit.entity.Cat; import org.bukkit.entity.ChestedHorse; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Horse; import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Llama; import org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot; import org.bukkit.entity.Parrot; import org.bukkit.entity.Phantom; import org.bukkit.entity.Pig; import org.bukkit.entity.PufferFish; import org.bukkit.entity.Rabbit; import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep; import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton; import org.bukkit.entity.Slime; import org.bukkit.entity.Snowman; import org.bukkit.entity.Tameable; import org.bukkit.entity.TropicalFish; import org.bukkit.entity.Villager; import org.bukkit.entity.Wolf; import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie; import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class StackingTask extends BukkitRunnable { private final UltimateStacker plugin; private final EntityStackManager stackManager; private final ConfigurationSection configurationSection = UltimateStacker.getInstance().getMobFile(); private final List processed = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map cachedChunks = new HashMap<>(); private final Map entityStackSizes = new HashMap<>(); private final int maxEntityStackSize = Settings.MAX_STACK_ENTITIES.getInt(), minEntityStackSize = Settings.MIN_STACK_ENTITIES.getInt(), searchRadius = Settings.SEARCH_RADIUS.getInt(), maxPerTypeStacksPerChunk = Settings.MAX_PER_TYPE_STACKS_PER_CHUNK.getInt(); private final List disabledWorlds = Settings.DISABLED_WORLDS.getStringList(), stackReasons = Settings.STACK_REASONS.getStringList(); private final List checks = Check.getChecks(Settings.STACK_CHECKS.getStringList()); private final boolean stackFlyingDown = Settings.ONLY_STACK_FLYING_DOWN.getBoolean(), stackWholeChunk = Settings.STACK_WHOLE_CHUNK.getBoolean(), weaponsArentEquipment = Settings.WEAPONS_ARENT_EQUIPMENT.getBoolean(), onlyStackFromSpawners = Settings.ONLY_STACK_FROM_SPAWNERS.getBoolean(), onlyStackOnSurface = Settings.ONLY_STACK_ON_SURFACE.getBoolean(); Set loadedWorlds = new HashSet<>(); public StackingTask(UltimateStacker plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; this.stackManager = plugin.getEntityStackManager(); // Add loaded worlds. for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) loadedWorlds.add(new SWorld(world)); // Start the stacking task. runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plugin, 0, Settings.STACK_SEARCH_TICK_SPEED.getInt()); } @Override public void run() { // Should entities be stacked? if (!Settings.STACK_ENTITIES.getBoolean()) return; // Loop through each world. for (SWorld sWorld : loadedWorlds) { // If world is disabled then continue to the next world. if (isWorldDisabled(sWorld.getWorld())) continue; // Get the loaded entities from the current world and reverse them. List entities; try { entities = getLivingEntitiesSync(sWorld).get(); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); continue; } Collections.reverse(entities); // Loop through the entities. for (LivingEntity entity : entities) { // Get entity location to pass around as its faster this way. Location location = entity.getLocation(); // Check to see if entity is not stackable. if (!isEntityStackable(entity)) continue; // Make sure our entity has not already been processed. // Skip it if it has been. if (this.processed.contains(entity.getUniqueId())) continue; // Process the entity. this.processEntity(entity, sWorld, location); } } // Clear caches in preparation for the next run. this.processed.clear(); this.cachedChunks.clear(); } private Future> getLivingEntitiesSync(SWorld sWorld) { CompletableFuture> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> future.complete(sWorld.getLivingEntities())); return future; } private Future getEntitiesInChunkSync(CachedChunk cachedChunk) { CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>(); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> future.complete(cachedChunk.getEntities())); return future; } public boolean isWorldDisabled(World world) { return -> world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(worldStr)); } private boolean isEntityStackable(Entity entity) { // Make sure we have the correct entity type and that it is valid. if (!entity.isValid() || entity instanceof HumanEntity || entity instanceof ArmorStand // Make sure the entity is not in love. || entity.hasMetadata("inLove") // Or in breeding cooldown. || entity.hasMetadata("breedCooldown")) return false; // Allow spawn if stackreasons are set and match, or if from a spawner final String spawnReason = entity.hasMetadata("US_REASON") && !entity.getMetadata("US_REASON").isEmpty() ? entity.getMetadata("US_REASON").get(0).asString() : null; List stackReasons; if (onlyStackFromSpawners) { // If only stack from spawners is enabled, make sure the entity spawned from a spawner. if (!"SPAWNER".equals(spawnReason)) return false; } else if (!(stackReasons = this.stackReasons).isEmpty() && !stackReasons.contains(spawnReason)) // Only stack if on the list of events to stack return false; // Cast our entity to living entity. LivingEntity livingEntity = (LivingEntity) entity; // If only stack on surface is enabled make sure the entity is on a surface then entity is stackable. return !onlyStackOnSurface || canFly(livingEntity) || entity.getType().name().equals("SHULKER") || (livingEntity.isOnGround() || (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) && livingEntity.isSwimming())); } private void processEntity(LivingEntity livingEntity, SWorld sWorld, Location location) { // Get the stack from the entity. It should be noted that this value will // be null if our entity is not a stack. EntityStack stack = plugin.getEntityStackManager().getStack(livingEntity); // Is this entity stacked? boolean isStack = stack != null; // The amount that is stackable. int amountToStack = isStack ? stack.getAmount() : 1; // Attempt to split our stack. If the split is successful then skip this entity. if (isStack && attemptSplit(stack, livingEntity)) return; // If this entity is named, a custom entity or disabled then skip it. if (!isStack && (livingEntity.getCustomName() != null && plugin.getCustomEntityManager().getCustomEntity(livingEntity) == null) || !configurationSection.getBoolean("Mobs." + livingEntity.getType().name() + ".Enabled")) return; // Get the maximum stack size for this entity. int maxEntityStackSize = getEntityStackSize(livingEntity); // Get similar entities around our entity and make sure those entities are both compatible and stackable. List stackableFriends = new LinkedList<>(); for (LivingEntity entity : getSimilarEntitiesAroundEntity(livingEntity, sWorld, location)) { // Check to see if entity is not stackable. if (!isEntityStackable(entity)) continue; // Add this entity to our stackable friends. stackableFriends.add(entity); } // Loop through our similar stackable entities. for (LivingEntity entity : stackableFriends) { // Make sure the entity has not already been processed. if (this.processed.contains(entity.getUniqueId())) continue; // Check our WorldGuard flag. Boolean flag = WorldGuardHook.isEnabled() ? WorldGuardHook.getBooleanFlag(livingEntity.getLocation(), "mob-stacking") : null; if (flag != null && !flag) continue; // Get this entities friendStack. EntityStack friendStack = stackManager.getStack(entity); // Check to see if this entity is stacked and friendStack plus // our amount to stack is not above our max friendStack size // for this entity. if (friendStack != null && (friendStack.getAmount() + amountToStack) <= maxEntityStackSize) { // If we are a stack lets merge our stack with the just found friend stack. if (isStack) { // Get the host entity. StackedEntity host = stack.getHostAsStackedEntity(); // Get all the stacked entities in our stack and add them to a list. List entities = stack.takeAllEntities(); // Add the host to this list. entities.add(host); // Add the collected entities to the new stack. friendStack.addEntitiesToStackSilently(entities); // Update friend stack to display changes. friendStack.updateStack(); // Push changes to the database. plugin.getDataManager().createStackedEntities(friendStack, entities); } else { // If we are not stacked add ourselves to the found friendStack. plugin.getDataManager().createStackedEntity(friendStack, friendStack.addEntityToStack(livingEntity)); } // Drop lead if applicable then remove our entity and mark it as processed. if (livingEntity.isLeashed()) Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> livingEntity.getWorld() .dropItemNaturally(livingEntity.getLocation(), CompatibleMaterial.LEAD.getItem())); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, livingEntity::remove); processed.add(livingEntity.getUniqueId()); return; } else if (friendStack == null && isStack && (stack.getAmount() + 1) <= maxEntityStackSize && canFly(entity) && Settings.ONLY_STACK_FLYING_DOWN.getBoolean() && location.getY() > entity.getLocation().getY()) { // Make the friend the new stack host. EntityStack newStack = stackManager.updateStack(livingEntity, entity); if (newStack == null) { continue; } // Add our entity to that stack plugin.getDataManager().createStackedEntity(newStack, newStack.addEntityToStack(livingEntity)); // Remove our entity and mark it as processed. Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, livingEntity::remove); processed.add(livingEntity.getUniqueId()); return; } } // If our entity is stacked then skip this entity. if (isStack) return; // Check our WorldGuard flag. Boolean flag = WorldGuardHook.isEnabled() ? WorldGuardHook.getBooleanFlag(livingEntity.getLocation(), "mob-stacking") : null; if (flag != null && !flag) return; // Remove all stacked entities from our stackable friends. stackableFriends.removeIf(stackManager::isStackedAndLoaded); // If the stack cap is met then delete this entity. if (maxPerTypeStacksPerChunk != -1 && (getSimilarStacksInChunk(sWorld, livingEntity) + 1) > maxPerTypeStacksPerChunk) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, livingEntity::remove); this.processed.add(livingEntity.getUniqueId()); return; } // If there are none or not enough stackable friends left to create a new entity, // the stack sizes overlap then skip this entity. if (stackableFriends.isEmpty() || stackableFriends.size() < minEntityStackSize - 1 || minEntityStackSize > maxEntityStackSize) return; // If a stack was never found create a new one. EntityStack newStack = stackManager.addStack(livingEntity); List livingEntities = new LinkedList<>(); // Loop through the unstacked and unprocessed stackable friends while not creating // a stack larger than the maximum. -> !stackManager.isStackedAndLoaded(entity) && !this.processed.contains(entity.getUniqueId())).limit(maxEntityStackSize).forEach(entity -> { // Make sure we're not naming some poor kids pet. if (entity.getCustomName() != null && plugin.getCustomEntityManager().getCustomEntity(entity) == null) { processed.add(livingEntity.getUniqueId()); newStack.destroy(); return; } // Drop lead if applicable then remove our entity and mark it as processed. if (entity.isLeashed()) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> entity.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(entity.getLocation(), CompatibleMaterial.LEAD.getItem())); } livingEntities.add(entity); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, entity::remove); processed.add(entity.getUniqueId()); }); // Add our new approved entities to the new stack and commit them to the database. plugin.getDataManager().createStackedEntities(newStack, newStack.addRawEntitiesToStackSilently(livingEntities)); // Update our stack. newStack.updateStack(); } public boolean attemptSplit(EntityStack stack, LivingEntity livingEntity) { int stackSize = stack.getAmount(); int maxEntityStackAmount = getEntityStackSize(livingEntity); if (stackSize <= maxEntityStackAmount) return false; // Destroy the stack. stack.destroy(); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> { for (int i = stackSize; i > 0; i -= maxEntityStackAmount) { LivingEntity entity = stack.takeOneAndSpawnEntity(livingEntity.getLocation()); if (entity == null) continue; EntityStack newStack = plugin.getEntityStackManager().addStack(entity); newStack.moveEntitiesFromStack(stack, Math.min(i, maxEntityStackAmount) - 1); newStack.updateStack(); } }); // Remove our entity and mark it as processed. Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, livingEntity::remove); processed.add(livingEntity.getUniqueId()); return true; } private Set getNearbyChunks(SWorld sWorld, Location location, double radius, boolean singleChunk) { World world = location.getWorld(); Set chunks = new HashSet<>(); if (world == null) return chunks; CachedChunk firstChunk = new CachedChunk(sWorld, location); chunks.add(firstChunk); if (singleChunk) return chunks; int minX = (int) Math.floor(((location.getX() - radius) - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int maxX = (int) Math.floor(((location.getX() + radius) + 2.0D) / 16.0D); int minZ = (int) Math.floor(((location.getZ() - radius) - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int maxZ = (int) Math.floor(((location.getZ() + radius) + 2.0D) / 16.0D); for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) { for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z) { if (firstChunk.getX() == x && firstChunk.getZ() == z) continue; chunks.add(new CachedChunk(sWorld, x, z)); } } return chunks; } private List getNearbyEntities(SWorld sWorld, Location location, double radius, boolean singleChunk) { List entities = new ArrayList<>(); for (CachedChunk chunk : getNearbyChunks(sWorld, location, radius, singleChunk)) { if (chunk == null) continue; Entity[] entityArray; if (cachedChunks.containsKey(chunk)) { entityArray = cachedChunks.get(chunk); } else { try { entityArray = getEntitiesInChunkSync(chunk).get(); cachedChunks.put(chunk, entityArray); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); continue; } } if (entityArray == null) continue; for (Entity e : entityArray) { if (e == null) continue; if (e.getWorld() != location.getWorld() || !(e instanceof LivingEntity) || (!singleChunk && location.distanceSquared(e.getLocation()) >= radius * radius)) continue; entities.add((LivingEntity) e); } } return entities; } public int getSimilarStacksInChunk(SWorld sWorld, LivingEntity entity) { int count = 0; for (LivingEntity e : getNearbyEntities(sWorld, entity.getLocation(), -1, true)) { if (entity.getType() == e.getType() && plugin.getEntityStackManager().isStackedAndLoaded(e)) count++; } return count; } public List getSimilarEntitiesAroundEntity(LivingEntity initialEntity, SWorld sWorld, Location location) { // Create a list of all entities around the initial entity of the same type. List entityList = new LinkedList<>(); for (LivingEntity entity : getNearbyEntities(sWorld, location, searchRadius, stackWholeChunk)) { if (entity.getType() != initialEntity.getType() || entity == initialEntity) continue; entityList.add(entity); } CustomEntity customEntity = plugin.getCustomEntityManager().getCustomEntity(initialEntity); if (customEntity != null) entityList.removeIf(entity -> !customEntity.isSimilar(initialEntity, entity)); if (stackFlyingDown && canFly(initialEntity)) entityList.removeIf(entity -> entity.getLocation().getY() > initialEntity.getLocation().getY()); for (Check check : checks) { if (check == null) continue; switch (check) { case SPAWN_REASON: { if (initialEntity.hasMetadata("US_REASON")) entityList.removeIf(entity -> entity.hasMetadata("US_REASON") && !entity.getMetadata("US_REASON").get(0).asString().equals("US_REASON")); } case AGE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Ageable)) break; if (((Ageable) initialEntity).isAdult()) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> !((Ageable) entity).isAdult()); } else { entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Ageable) entity).isAdult()); } break; } case NERFED: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> entity.hasAI() != initialEntity.hasAI()); } case IS_TAMED: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Tameable)) break; if (((Tameable) initialEntity).isTamed()) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> !((Tameable) entity).isTamed()); } else { entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Tameable) entity).isTamed()); } } case ANIMAL_OWNER: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Tameable)) break; Tameable tameable = ((Tameable) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Tameable) entity).getOwner() != tameable.getOwner()); } case PIG_SADDLE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Pig)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Pig) entity).hasSaddle()); break; } case SKELETON_TYPE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Skeleton)) break; Skeleton skeleton = (Skeleton) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Skeleton) entity).getSkeletonType() != skeleton.getSkeletonType()); break; } case SHEEP_COLOR: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Sheep)) break; Sheep sheep = ((Sheep) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Sheep) entity).getColor() != sheep.getColor()); break; } case SHEEP_SHEARED: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Sheep)) break; Sheep sheep = ((Sheep) initialEntity); if (sheep.isSheared()) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> !((Sheep) entity).isSheared()); } else { entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Sheep) entity).isSheared()); } break; } case SNOWMAN_DERPED: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9) || !(initialEntity instanceof Snowman)) break; Snowman snowman = ((Snowman) initialEntity); if (snowman.isDerp()) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> !((Snowman) entity).isDerp()); } else { entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Snowman) entity).isDerp()); } break; } case LLAMA_COLOR: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11) || !(initialEntity instanceof Llama)) break; Llama llama = ((Llama) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Llama) entity).getColor() != llama.getColor()); break; } case LLAMA_STRENGTH: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11) || !(initialEntity instanceof Llama)) break; Llama llama = ((Llama) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Llama) entity).getStrength() != llama.getStrength()); break; } case VILLAGER_PROFESSION: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Villager)) break; Villager villager = ((Villager) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Villager) entity).getProfession() != villager.getProfession()); break; } case SLIME_SIZE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Slime)) break; Slime slime = ((Slime) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Slime) entity).getSize() != slime.getSize()); break; } case HORSE_CARRYING_CHEST: { if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11)) { if (!(initialEntity instanceof ChestedHorse)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((ChestedHorse) entity).isCarryingChest()); } else { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).isCarryingChest()); } break; } case HORSE_HAS_ARMOR: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).getInventory().getArmor() != null); break; } case HORSE_HAS_SADDLE: { if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) && initialEntity instanceof AbstractHorse) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((AbstractHorse) entity).getInventory().getSaddle() != null); break; } if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).getInventory().getSaddle() != null); break; } case HORSE_JUMP: { if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11)) { if (!(initialEntity instanceof AbstractHorse)) break; AbstractHorse horse = ((AbstractHorse) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((AbstractHorse) entity).getJumpStrength() != horse.getJumpStrength()); } else { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; Horse horse = ((Horse) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).getJumpStrength() != horse.getJumpStrength()); } break; } case HORSE_COLOR: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; Horse horse = ((Horse) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).getColor() != horse.getColor()); break; } case HORSE_STYLE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Horse)) break; Horse horse = ((Horse) initialEntity); entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Horse) entity).getStyle() != horse.getStyle()); break; } case ZOMBIE_BABY: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Zombie)) break; Zombie zombie = (Zombie) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Zombie) entity).isBaby() != zombie.isBaby()); break; } case WOLF_COLLAR_COLOR: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Wolf)) break; Wolf wolf = (Wolf) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Wolf) entity).getCollarColor() != wolf.getCollarColor()); break; } case OCELOT_TYPE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Ocelot)) break; Ocelot ocelot = (Ocelot) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Ocelot) entity).getCatType() != ocelot.getCatType()); } case CAT_TYPE: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_14) || !(initialEntity instanceof Cat)) break; Cat cat = (Cat) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Cat) entity).getCatType() != cat.getCatType()); break; } case HAS_EQUIPMENT: { if (initialEntity.getEquipment() == null) break; boolean imEquipped = isEquipped(initialEntity); if (imEquipped) entityList = new ArrayList<>(); else entityList.removeIf(this::isEquipped); break; } case RABBIT_TYPE: { if (!(initialEntity instanceof Rabbit)) break; Rabbit rabbit = (Rabbit) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Rabbit) entity).getRabbitType() != rabbit.getRabbitType()); break; } case PARROT_TYPE: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12) || !(initialEntity instanceof Parrot)) break; Parrot parrot = (Parrot) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Parrot) entity).getVariant() != parrot.getVariant()); break; } case PUFFERFISH_STATE: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) || !(initialEntity instanceof PufferFish)) break; PufferFish pufferFish = (PufferFish) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((PufferFish) entity).getPuffState() != pufferFish.getPuffState()); break; } case TROPICALFISH_PATTERN: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) || !(initialEntity instanceof TropicalFish)) break; TropicalFish tropicalFish = (TropicalFish) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((TropicalFish) entity).getPattern() != tropicalFish.getPattern()); break; } case TROPICALFISH_PATTERN_COLOR: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) || !(initialEntity instanceof TropicalFish)) break; TropicalFish tropicalFish = (TropicalFish) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((TropicalFish) entity).getPatternColor() != tropicalFish.getPatternColor()); break; } case TROPICALFISH_BODY_COLOR: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) || !(initialEntity instanceof TropicalFish)) break; TropicalFish tropicalFish = (TropicalFish) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((TropicalFish) entity).getBodyColor() != tropicalFish.getBodyColor()); break; } case PHANTOM_SIZE: { if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) || !(initialEntity instanceof Phantom)) break; Phantom phantom = (Phantom) initialEntity; entityList.removeIf(entity -> ((Phantom) entity).getSize() != phantom.getSize()); break; } } } if (initialEntity.hasMetadata("breedCooldown")) { entityList.removeIf(entity -> !entity.hasMetadata("breedCooldown")); } return entityList; } public boolean isEquipped(LivingEntity initialEntity) { if (initialEntity.getEquipment() == null) return false; EntityEquipment equipment = initialEntity.getEquipment(); return (equipment.getItemInHand().getType() != Material.AIR && !weaponsArentEquipment && !equipment.getItemInHand().getEnchantments().isEmpty() || (equipment.getHelmet() != null && equipment.getHelmet().getType() != Material.AIR) || (equipment.getChestplate() != null && equipment.getChestplate().getType() != Material.AIR) || (equipment.getLeggings() != null && equipment.getLeggings().getType() != Material.AIR) || (equipment.getBoots() != null && equipment.getBoots().getType() != Material.AIR)); } private int getEntityStackSize(LivingEntity initialEntity) { Integer max = entityStackSizes.get(initialEntity.getType()); if (max == null) { max = configurationSection.getInt("Mobs." + initialEntity.getType().name() + ".Max Stack Size"); if (max == -1) { max = maxEntityStackSize; } entityStackSizes.put(initialEntity.getType(), max); } return max; } public boolean canFly(LivingEntity entity) { switch (entity.getType()) { case GHAST: case BLAZE: case PHANTOM: case BAT: case BEE: return true; default: return false; } } }