package com.craftaro.ultimatestacker.gui; import; import com.craftaro.ultimatestacker.convert.Convert; import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial; import com.craftaro.core.gui.Gui; import com.craftaro.core.gui.GuiUtils; import com.craftaro.core.utils.TextUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class GUIConvertWhat extends Gui { private Convert convertFrom; private boolean entities = true; private boolean spawners = true; public GUIConvertWhat(Convert convertFrom, Gui returnTo) { super(returnTo); this.setRows(1); this.setTitle("What Do You Want To Convert?"); this.convertFrom = convertFrom; if (convertFrom.canEntities()) { this.setButton(0, GuiUtils.createButtonItem(XMaterial.STONE, ChatColor.GRAY + "Stacked Entities", entities ? ChatColor.GREEN + "Yes" : ChatColor.RED + "No"), (event) -> toggleEntities()); } if (convertFrom.canSpawners()) { this.setButton(1, GuiUtils.createButtonItem(XMaterial.STONE, ChatColor.GRAY + "Stacked Spawners", spawners ? ChatColor.GREEN + "Yes" : ChatColor.RED + "No"), (event) -> toggleSpawners()); } this.setButton(8, GuiUtils.createButtonItem(XMaterial.GREEN_WOOL, ChatColor.GREEN + "Run"), (event) -> run(event.player)); } private void toggleEntities() { entities = !entities; this.updateItem(0, ChatColor.GRAY + "Stacked Entities", entities ? ChatColor.GREEN + "Yes" : ChatColor.RED + "No"); } private void toggleSpawners() { spawners = !spawners; this.updateItem(1, ChatColor.GRAY + "Stacked Spawners", spawners ? ChatColor.GREEN + "Yes" : ChatColor.RED + "No"); } private void run(Player player) { if (entities) { convertFrom.convertEntities(); //UltimateStacker.getInstance().getEntityStackManager().tryAndLoadColdEntities(); } if (spawners) { convertFrom.convertSpawners(); } convertFrom.disablePlugin(); exit(); player.sendMessage(TextUtils.formatText("&7Data converted successfully. Remove &6" + convertFrom.getName() + " &7and restart your server to continue.")); } }