- Pro tip to anyone reading this in the future: do not try to remove elements from a HashSet using an iterator. I don't know if I'm cursed but too much time was spent debugging something that had no rhyme or reason not to work in the first place.
- Redid the TreeChecker as to make it able to individually target trees. It now uses a very large amount of different techniques to be able to individually target trees while avoiding as much collateral damage as possible and still removing an appropriate leaf amount.
- Enhanced documentation, will be further enhanced if this becomes the final version of the parser.
- Made the plugin compatible with mushrooms
- Added a little leeway to allow for 1-2 blocks of dirt/coarse dirt/grass (in height) to be placed adjacent to the trees (covers vanilla world generation for the most part)
- Initial commit of the TreeAssist recode
- Added the animation
- Added solid block detection
- Added prototype drop mechanic
- Added the config file (not fully hooked up to the filters yet)