package com.craftaro.ultimatetimber.tree; import; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; public class TreeDefinition { private final String key; private final Set logMaterial, leafMaterial, plantableSoilMaterial; private final XMaterial saplingMaterial; private final double maxLogDistanceFromTrunk; private final int maxLeafDistanceFromLog; private final boolean detectLeavesDiagonally; private final boolean dropOriginalLog, dropOriginalLeaf; private final Set logLoot, leafLoot, entireTreeLoot; private final Set requiredTools; private final boolean requiredAxe; public TreeDefinition(String key, Set logMaterial, Set leafMaterial, XMaterial saplingMaterial, Set plantableSoilMaterial, double maxLogDistanceFromTrunk, int maxLeafDistanceFromLog, boolean detectLeavesDiagonally, boolean dropOriginalLog, boolean dropOriginalLeaf, Set logLoot, Set leafLoot, Set entireTreeLoot, Set requiredTools, boolean requiredAxe) { this.key = key; this.logMaterial = logMaterial; this.leafMaterial = leafMaterial; this.saplingMaterial = saplingMaterial; this.plantableSoilMaterial = plantableSoilMaterial; this.maxLogDistanceFromTrunk = maxLogDistanceFromTrunk; this.maxLeafDistanceFromLog = maxLeafDistanceFromLog; this.detectLeavesDiagonally = detectLeavesDiagonally; this.dropOriginalLog = dropOriginalLog; this.dropOriginalLeaf = dropOriginalLeaf; this.logLoot = logLoot; this.leafLoot = leafLoot; this.entireTreeLoot = entireTreeLoot; this.requiredTools = requiredTools; this.requiredAxe = requiredAxe; } /** * Gets the key of this TreeDefinition in the config * * @return The key */ public String getKey() { return this.key; } /** * Gets a set of valid log block data for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of CompatibleMaterial */ public Set getLogMaterial() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.logMaterial); } /** * Gets a set of valid leaf block data for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of CompatibleMaterial */ public Set getLeafMaterial() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.leafMaterial); } /** * Gets the sapling block data of this TreeDefinition * * @return An CompatibleMaterial instance for the sapling */ public XMaterial getSaplingMaterial() { return this.saplingMaterial; } /** * Gets a set of plantable soil block data for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of CompatibleMaterial */ public Set getPlantableSoilMaterial() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.plantableSoilMaterial); } /** * Gets the max distance away a log can be from the tree trunk in order to be part of the tree * * @return The max distance a log can be from the tree trunk */ public double getMaxLogDistanceFromTrunk() { return this.maxLogDistanceFromTrunk; } /** * Gets the max distance away a leaf can be from a log in order to be part of the tree * * @return The max distance a leaf can be from a log */ public int getMaxLeafDistanceFromLog() { return this.maxLeafDistanceFromLog; } /** * Gets if tree detection should check for leaves diagonally * * @return True if leaves should be searched for diagonally, otherwise false */ public boolean shouldDetectLeavesDiagonally() { return this.detectLeavesDiagonally; } /** * Gets if the logs of this tree should drop their original block * * @return True if the original log block should be dropped, otherwise false */ public boolean shouldDropOriginalLog() { return this.dropOriginalLog; } /** * Gets if the leaves of this tree should drop their original block * * @return True if the original leaf block should be dropped, otherwise false */ public boolean shouldDropOriginalLeaf() { return this.dropOriginalLeaf; } /** * Gets the log loot for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of TreeLoot */ public Set getLogLoot() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.logLoot); } /** * Gets the leaf loot for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of TreeLoot */ public Set getLeafLoot() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.leafLoot); } /** * Gets the loot for this TreeDefinition * * @return A Set of TreeLoot */ public Set getEntireTreeLoot() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.entireTreeLoot); } /** * Gets the tools that can be used to activate this tree topple * * @return A Set of ItemStacks */ public Set getRequiredTools() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.requiredTools); } /** * Returns whether this TreeDefinition requires a custom axe. * * @return True if the TreeDefinition requires a custom axe */ public boolean isRequiredAxe() { return this.requiredAxe; } }