package com.songoda.ultimatetimber.manager; import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial; import; import; import com.songoda.ultimatetimber.UltimateTimber; import com.songoda.ultimatetimber.tree.ITreeBlock; import com.songoda.ultimatetimber.tree.TreeBlockType; import com.songoda.ultimatetimber.tree.TreeDefinition; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; public class SaplingManager extends Manager { private final Random random; private final Set protectedSaplings; public SaplingManager(UltimateTimber plugin) { super(plugin); this.random = new Random(); this.protectedSaplings = new HashSet<>(); } @Override public void reload() { } @Override public void disable() { } /** * Replants a sapling given a TreeDefinition and Location * Takes into account config settings * * @param treeDefinition The TreeDefinition of the sapling * @param treeBlock The ITreeBlock to replant for */ public void replantSapling(TreeDefinition treeDefinition, ITreeBlock treeBlock) { if (!ConfigurationManager.Setting.REPLANT_SAPLINGS.getBoolean()) { return; } Block block = treeBlock.getLocation().getBlock(); if (block.getType() != Material.AIR || treeBlock.getTreeBlockType() == TreeBlockType.LEAF) { return; } Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> this.internalReplant(treeDefinition, treeBlock), 1L); } /** * Randomly replants a sapling given a TreeDefinition and Location * Takes into account config settings * * @param treeDefinition The TreeDefinition of the sapling * @param treeBlock The ITreeBlock to replant for */ public void replantSaplingWithChance(TreeDefinition treeDefinition, ITreeBlock treeBlock) { if (!ConfigurationManager.Setting.FALLING_BLOCKS_REPLANT_SAPLINGS.getBoolean() || !CompatibleMaterial.isAir(CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(treeBlock.getLocation().getBlock().getType()).get())) { return; } double chance = ConfigurationManager.Setting.FALLING_BLOCKS_REPLANT_SAPLINGS_CHANCE.getDouble(); if (this.random.nextDouble() > chance / 100) { return; } Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> this.internalReplant(treeDefinition, treeBlock), 1L); } /** * Replants a sapling given a TreeDefinition and Location * * @param treeDefinition The TreeDefinition of the sapling * @param treeBlock The ITreeBlock to replant for */ private void internalReplant(TreeDefinition treeDefinition, ITreeBlock treeBlock) { TreeDefinitionManager treeDefinitionManager = this.plugin.getTreeDefinitionManager(); Block block = treeBlock.getLocation().getBlock(); Block blockBelow = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN); boolean isValidSoil = false; for (XMaterial soilMaterial : treeDefinitionManager.getPlantableSoilMaterial(treeDefinition)) { if (soilMaterial == CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(blockBelow.getType()).orElse(null)) { isValidSoil = true; break; } } if (!isValidSoil) { return; } XMaterial material = treeDefinition.getSaplingMaterial(); XBlock.setType(block, material); int cooldown = ConfigurationManager.Setting.REPLANT_SAPLINGS_COOLDOWN.getInt(); if (cooldown != 0) { this.protectedSaplings.add(block.getLocation()); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> this.protectedSaplings.remove(block.getLocation()), cooldown * 20L); } } /** * Gets if a sapling is protected * * @param block The Block to check * @return True if the sapling is protected, otherwise false */ public boolean isSaplingProtected(Block block) { return this.protectedSaplings.contains(block.getLocation()); } }